Jan 29Liked by JL

Once a week, every week - Thank you JL 😘.

At London Bridge, funnily enough I WAS armed with stickers and chalk yesterday (before heading to Let Women Speak in Hyde Park). I chalked a big red NO! on the floor and know it isn’t much but I did feel good to tangibly protest. It was great that there were already a couple of other women there, explaining politely to the member of staff why we find it offensive and inappropriate. Heartened to see huge agreement on the socials.

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Jan 29Author

I saw a photo of your big red "NO!" on Twitter (or should I say X)! Brava, Issy !👊💪 Great work. Glad to hear that women are voicing their dissent, too. (Also, it looks like Shane Andrews has deleted his X account! Ooops. Fuck around, find out...)

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Yay! Well done Issy!

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Well done, Issy 😎


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Jan 29Liked by JL

I wonder if, decades from now, the phrase "her penis" and all the lunacy that surrounds it will be seen as a bizarre historical curiosity, like bloodletting or lobotomies.

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Let's hope so, but the idea of a female penis is derived from male hatred, anger and resentment towards women, and it'll find its expression in other ways if that one stops being useful. God knows what hellish concepts and imageries will be used to debase and abuse women by then.

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I thoroughly recommend this article from Brendan O'Neill on Spiked - ‘Her penis’ – the most Orwellian phrase of our age


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Thanks for this. I laughed out loud and plan to read it on my channel.

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Glad you enjoyed it Ute - I particularly liked "the cult of 'her penis'" and plan to use it!

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Jan 29Liked by JL

I have gone through all the permutations - misguided, stupid, captured, cultish... Now, what is so very evident is that this is not an aberration, but a deliberate and choreographed avalanche of hatred and cruelty towards females persons of all ages. It is fringed with jealousy and fear, rage and loathing of the female of the species, and it is utterly toxic It is rampant and rewarded sadism that so many 'be kind' are indulging.

The only conclusion I can come to now is that many, many men and their lobotomized female slaves are actually deliberately trying to harm females, and not just here, but in virtually every country in the Anglosphere and Europe, even desperately trying to push it even harder in South, Central and Latin America, and introducing it to China, India, Africa.

It is not a run-of-the-mill cult, dangerous as they are; it is a sadistic death cult aimed at females, underscored by hatred of us that has not been articulated for many a long day here in the West. The distress to females that is caused by this movement is now so grave that we are in danger of seeing real and deep trauma symptoms as in those little girls who were lied to about the presence of a boy in their friendship group whom, they believed, was female like them.

The fact that the boy was aggressive even towards the girls and that the girls felt alarmed enough to tell their parents suggests that they subconsciously suspected that something was not right. When he showed them his penis, they knew that they had been lied to, and duped, all along. The sense of betrayal by the adults must be traumatic in itself. How any sane human being in charge of children cannot see that it is so very wrong, is beyond my understanding. Sadism is the only answer, that, or a total disregard for female children. Both, I suspect because that male child was obviously feted to the point of insanity.

I pray that Kelly-Jay Keen-Minshull gets her Women's Party up and running. I think she will, and it will be up to all of us who abhor this sadistic death cult to vote for Women's Party candidates. I hope that a Scottish party will be set up: the recent tribunal in which the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre has unearthed evidence which is thoroughly sickening has shone a welcome light on the cruelty inherent in this movement. The evidence suggests now, apparently, that the larping male does not even have the requisite qualifications for the job, and, on the panel that chose him, was a very prominent Green MSP, it is alleged.

We keep on thinking that it is unravelling, then it gets worse. This brave lady, Kelly-Jay, is our David against their Goliath, and we owe her a vote, and, beside her stands JL, JKR, our own Graham, and all the other brave souls, female and male, too numerous to mention individually, but you all know who you are, who have fought for us and our rights and who have paid a high price, in many cases.

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You're right, LornCal. The assumption that women's rights are being respected is so blithe in the West that now men can make justify making war on them as if they are oppressors. Some third-world countries will soon find themselves in the overlap: women will still suffer ancient forms of woman-hatred - they'll be subject to purdah, forced marriages, wife-burning, etc. - and at the same time the modern forms of woman-hatred - imposed gender cult, no women-only spaces - will creep in, so that there will be nowhere safe for them.

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Absolutely agree, Friki. Barry Wall (The Jester) has an interesting podcast on the emerging differences between young men and young women, with the women being more 'progressive' and the men more 'conservative' (small 'c'). These young women are walking straight into a future nightmare.

They are confusing 'progress' with decency and rights for all, little realizing that the 'conservative' young men actually want them back in the kitchen under their thumb. Female persons, I think, are more progressive in outlook because they see progress as an ally and are far more into sharing.

Many of the young misogynists, incels and men's rights people are diametrically opposed to female emancipation, but the young women just do not see past their own delusions about these men's motives. It is sad. Life experience, though, should harden them, but I hope it will be in time to save their, and our, entire sex from being put back centuries.

So many young women seem to be unaware of what life was like for females until the latter part of the 20th century. Woman achieved universal female suffrage only in 1928, for Heaven's sake, and, in progressive Switzerland, it was not until almost the end of the 20th century that female suffrage triumphed.

These lasses take their rights and privileges far too lightly because some men will always be looking over their shoulders ready to snatch them away again at the drop of a hat. Sexism will be the very last 'ism' to go, if, indeed, it ever does, and, because most of us, females, that is, do not understand why some men - too many for comfort - hate us, we are always vulnerable to their machinations, as now, with the gender ideology wars.

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Jan 29·edited Feb 5

I completely agree - some of these young progressive women really have no comprehension of how difficult it was for women even into the latter half of the 20th centuary. When I was first being interviewed for jobs I was asked if I meant to have children - if I said no, the interviewer (usually a man) outright said that I may change my mind and if I said yes I was likely not considered because of potential maternity leave. I was told to never wear trousers as it put men off and made me too threatening. At school I was not allowed to wear trousers but campaigned for it anyway. I was prevented from pursuing academic fields, hobbies and jobs because they were not "ladylike". I was sexually harassed at work (groped) but told I was the issue for complaining... There is so much that they either do not have to deal with these days, or they have the right to be taken seriously because of the actions of women before them. The worse thing is that seem to think they have these rights because they thought to ask for them rather than the fact that they are standing on the shoulders of giants. I was speaking to a younger woman who honestly believed that women could be pilots and do other jobs because their generation had thought to ask for it while Gen X and Boomers had apparently not thought of that. I told her it took generations of women to get to the point where she could pursue that career and not be told "no", because she was a woman. How quickly younger women have normalised these hard-won rights and believe they have to make room for some men. They are literally siding with women-haters.

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Couldn't agree more. Your experience chimes with my own. Anyone watching films or TV programmes from the 1970s/80s/even 90s will see the sexism in all its naked glory. A dismissive streak is also apparent in young women towards older ones, and, to be honest, it is not until you are a bit older yourself that you appreciate the strength, resilience and sheer courage of the women who went before you. They'll get it eventually, these young ones, but I hope it will not be too late for them.

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Yes, I've felt the dismissive streak too. It's the bit that bothers me most to be honest - as if older women are exagerating, or just too simple to see it's ourselves that are the problem (but then older women have always been seen as a problem because we learn to not put up with BS). Like you I hope the younger women get it sooner rather than later. Before they undo all the work of the women before them.

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People are always shocked when I tell them marital rape was legal in the UK up until 1992.

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I have a particular affinity for incarcerated women. Here in Canada, the representation of Indigenous women and women of colour vastly out number their actual demographics. Over 95% have suffered from physical, sexual and emotional abuse at the hands of men and many have endured poverty and have limited education. Unlike their male counterparts, most female inmates are imprisoned for nonviolent crimes. We have over 100 TIM in women's prisons, half of whom are incarcerated for violent sexual crimes. Their continued harassment and deprecation doesnt seem to concern most Canadians, but it matters to me and should matter to everyone else who's a decent human being.

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What a fetid pool of human excrement the gender ideology cult is. It's depth of depravity knows no bounds and yet women and girls as young as 4 are being forced to share spaces with them. If only the MSM would truthfully expose this all for what it is rather than leaving it to the right-wing so that it is oh-so-easily dismissed.

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I love your description “ fetid pool of excrement “! It’s perfect!

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They really do disgust and horrify me.

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I am supporting any conservatives who speak out on this depravity!

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Any politician that has the decency and integrity to call a man with lipstick and a head tilt (and a sexual deviancy by the looks of things), a man rather than furthering their career on performative EDI will get my support too.

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Same - I’m voting single issue this year

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Teaching children to lie to their parents is not part of the "Christian ethos"

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What the fucking fuck. Dirty perverted sick bastards. And the fat fucking controller at Network rail can fuck off too!! 🤬

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Go, Lyndsey 😊

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Noooo she posts under different names and adds nothing to the conversation !!

Neither do I but at least I try to be amusing !!

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I don’t post under different names. WTF you on about?

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I know Lyndsey, Petal, you've got the wrong person - I think I know who you are referring to


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It's understandable to be enraged by this!! That Network Rail bloke deserves it!



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Okey doke I shall apologise (ish )

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Thanks Dusty. ☺️

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I apologise (ish )

Stop being an arse like another who posts

I hold no grudges but I take no prisoners

I’m sorry 😊

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Stop being an arse?! I’m not apologising for being angry at this shit!

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I really get sick reading about these criminals ..trans” women “ who are men and a lot of them should be in jail. Anyway, these posts are depressing and make me generally furious! Especially after having lived under an authoritarian regime in Nazi Germany I am particularly upset by all of this. Can’t wait until the good news update.

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Me too!

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by JL

Many thanks JL.

The get out of male free cards are being played more & more by abusive men - quelle surprise!

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I do know it's not the point, but I was horrified how expensive Taunton is. I taught at summer schools there a few years ago: don't be persuaded by that lovely photo of it. I said at the time, I'd turn round and go home rather than leave my own kids in such awful accommodation. It was grim. So my impression of the place was already negative and I'm strangely not surprised to read their acquiescence to the Woke Masters. It's one more way to punish the kids.

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Thank you JL. Dennis, Clive and Barry amongst many delightful others would be far more articulate on why, but this current iteration of gender ideology has given some really very nasty misogynists total free rein to harass and attack women, in particular lesbians, and very openly under the guise of ‘equality and diversity’ and its rotten sibling ‘inclusion’. It’s the total opposite and a way for the totally talentless to push their own agendas. It seems more and more that the heart of the movement is hatred of women and blatant homophobia yet dressed up as something nice and sweet. From men dominating, all the way round to men dominating again. What is that man’s actual job?

I get many invites to such ‘awards’ - there are plenty of these ceremonies in engineering and infrastructure for some reason. I’ve been on steering committees and organised and attended plenty. I have politely listed so many men’s names on the memberships of steering committees and working groups when they’ve done f*ck all, then seen them use membership of them to advance their career, listing them on LinkedIn. It’s all smoke and mirrors. I have also just been sent an email from a He/Him/His in rail asking for help as part of research the government are doing. There is a lot that runs on goodwill, mentoring and in effect volunteering for the good of the professions. I see Mr Hates Women MBE is also on the ‘steering committee’ of the British LGBT awards. That’s a He/Him, a He/Him/His and another He/Him/His. Total absence of any actual women. Again. Anything ‘LGBT’ is now a front for vicious gender ideology. He's now reached that stage in his 'career' where he's now at the opening of every paper bag. I hope Network Rail view this man’s actions as dimly as I do and see the damage it does to not only Women in Rail but the entire industry.


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Civil Disobedience need to change their name Attacking JKR is hardly an act of rebellion rather its showing solidarity with the establishment.

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Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL.

Those are lovely stickers. They look like very sticky stickers. Very, very sticky stickers. They look like they could stick to anything. Walls, pillars, trains, pillars, adverts, pillars, posters, pillars, Members of the British Empire, pillars....did I mention pillars 😉


NB I will come back on the question of IPSO which I am pondering

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OK I admit to having loads of those stickers - just for artistic appreciation of course 😂


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So glad Shane made it on to this week's blog, Jl. He's a special kind of Stunning and Brave, isn't he!

Well done, as ever, for ploughing through these hugely unpleasant and nasty men.

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We need a flash mob to sticker that pillar.

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Oh bloody hell Terf C..T Really!?!?

JL are you sure i can’t convince you to write ‘On her majesty’s secret cervix’? last chance before i ask Petal and Ms Terfin…..

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Jan 29Author

I wish I had the time, CB... but I'm making do with three hours sleep every other weekend as it is!

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Going to be rude now

His majesty’s secret cervix surely

( don’t call me Shirley 😂)

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He certainly had a secret cervix for a long time. Seems particularly fitting - no pun on the tampon he aspired to be to get closer to that secret cervix intended AT ALL!

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Interesting Petal, very interesting. When i originally created the screen play i did in fact cast it for a trans identifying female lead. So yes it was indeed originally ‘on his majesty’s secret cervix’. A story of some trans rights activists re telling the classic bond movie with an inclusive twist.

However and the plot thickens. Our esteemed leader JL said it should be…. On her majesty’s secret cervix. Because i tend to think ill of myself i thought better of not questioning JL’s wisdom and so quit whilst i was ahead- or at least equal.

But as it happens, you think it should be ‘on his’.

This is all good shit for the programme notes. Maybe Ms Terfin has something to contribute?

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Im with Petal, it should be on his secret cervix. Our dear future leader Starmer says men have them so it must true.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

good point Ms Terfin. We’ll have to write in Mr S. My little boy is listening to the beach boys. Absolutely fantastic. Love it. Darlin’ - the song

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O dear god

I still can’t believe that a ‘sir’ is leader of Labour Party

Mind Christ on a bike see what we’ve got up here , hamas useless

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call me old fashioned but shouldn’t the labour party support the unions?

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Well I’m old fashioned too then

None of these asswipes care about us

I was going to rant but stopped myself 😊

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Can we have a wee poll on who finds me a miserable bint ?

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And when can we see this …..

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well for me Petal, its every night in my darkest dreams! Free entry but it will COST YOU MORE THAN MONEY…. aaahhhh (scary sounds and Vincent Price, ooohhh)

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That’s fine cos I’m skint

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Are me and TT the class troublemakers ? 😂

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Ms Terfin’s obviously gone for her tea but she’ll be back on this i’m certain

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

its close to impossible to control you two. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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I’m honoured to be so singled out 😁 and you’re right, I was cooking.

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O she is 🤣

I see no need to reiterate all that’s said , knowing I agree with it so I just try to have some fun

I am occasionally serious ( maybes aye maybes naw )

It’s all shite but needs poked fun at for the complete nonsense ( or noncesense) that it is

My mum wrote this 🤣🤣

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