All great news, Graham, the tide is slowly but surely turning. Keep up the good work, everyone. Post stickers, write to your elected representatives, join groups, get active. If they think women are going to wheesht they’re aff their heids (as we say in Scotland).

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Thank you JL. When I think back to around 2017 (when I became aware of all this) we on Mumsnet would get excited about a cartoon in Private Eye. Now is the real beginning - being able to talk about it. It's so very tiring though ("do I have to say this AGAIN??!), but remembering the progress keeps us going.

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Hi Ellen. Thank you for your kind words! Yes, it sometimes seems exhausting and never-ending, doesn't it?! But, though it's a very slow process, we ARE making real progress!

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It’s SUCH GREAT NEWS all round Graham. I can’t quite believe it.

I bowed out of the Twitter war a year ago after being banned yet again and my ‘activism’ took a quieter turn.

I’ve watched, I’ve waited, and now I can’t believe the worm is finally turning here for us in the UK at least.

Thank God we have had pause to think, thank God we’ve been able to watch what’s happened in America/Scotland/Ireland and not take the same route.

We need to hope that by holding the line here, eventually both Scotland and Ireland will come to their senses and remember how it should be.

You put me in touch with a lot of women a couple of years ago on Twitter by featuring one of my tweets here. It was a happy thing and I appreciate all the women who’ve not stopped for a minute working to slow and halt this nonsense.

It’s paying off!

And most of all thank you to you. You are so important.

Thank you.

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So wonderful! It really does feel like the tide is turning! The British Cycling case especially has me pumped!

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British Cycling tried hard not to accept the alternative funding, though. At first they said that they couldn’t accept the funding from women’s organisations because it would be making a ‘political’ statement. I’m sure I’m not the only person who wrote to them pointing out that it was inconsistent to publicise the trans supporting cancellation of sponsorship, but not to allow the trans opposition to publicly support women’s cycling.

I’m still going along to the last day of the Women’s tour with my t shirt and my placard, though it will be a lot tidier than the scrawled buts of cardboard the TRA’s produce!

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Would it help if Rocco identified as a cat?

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Hey JL, thanks for this great thread. Poor Rocco, he's having his Ivy moment 😊

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Hi Catherine. I have to confess the juxtaposition of Rocco and Ivy was not an accident! (Though only one of them would be welcome on my sofa!) ;-)

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Haha, yes!

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That Meriwether case continues to fascinate me. Both in terms of what a thoroughly decent and polite man he seems to be, and in terms of what a horrible job the media continues to do reporting on the basis of the dispute.

For point one, I call Dr. Meriwether:


For point two, I call CNN, "University to pay professor $400,000 after disciplining him for refusing to use correct pronouns when addressing transgender student."


Merriwether's legal point seems to have been established now: you cannot force professors to say things they do not believe. The settlement given by Shawnee State indicates the degree to which they worry they would lose if they pursued that idea farther.

As the 6th Circuit wrote in its opinion on this case, if “professors lacked free-speech protections when teaching, a university would wield alarming power to compel ideological conformity. A university president could require a pacifist to declare that war is just, a civil rights icon to condemn the Freedom Riders, a believer to deny the existence of God, or a Soviet émigré to address his students as ‘comrades.’ That cannot be.”

Shawnee State, of course, is being mealy-mouthed about it all.


"After four years of litigation, Shawnee State University made an economic decision to settle the Meriwether case. Though we have decided to settle, we adamantly deny that anyone at Shawnee State deprived Dr. Meriwether of his free speech rights or his rights to freely exercise his religion."

I wonder if Meriwether should have held out for an admission of fault and an apology.

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So when it comes to prisons, transwomen are women and transmen are also women? Almost like it's a free-for-all default category....

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There were four notable cartoons In same ed of PE that confirmed the bleedin' obvious: Owen Jones is a misogynistic bully and liar. (images hosted on imgbb)





Notable because PE receives hundreds of cartoons for each edition, of which 25-30 are selected on relevance to current affairs, along with being funny, well drawn, etc.

I've been working on code names for the provisional gender extremists (suggestions welcome)

Patrick Harvie - Maggoty Larvae

Lorna Slater - Science Hater

Jolyon Maugham - Mansplaining Yawn

Billy Bragg - Silly Billy

Crispin Blunt - Paedo Hunt

Keir Starmer - Penis Disarmer

Owen Jones - Bullying Zones

Robin Ince - Thick as Mince

Professor Brian Cox - Confused by Men in Frocks

Angela Rayner - Reality Strainer

Ed Davey - Anti-Science Gravy

Nicola Sturgeon - Paedophiles Burgeon

Nish Kumar - Misogynist Czar

Josie Long - Comedically Wrong

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Apr 23, 2022Edited
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She’s a poor advertisement for atheism, that’s for sure.

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"farewell old priests, hello hip new priests!"

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I remember Alice's mask dropping at that time. Is there anything more abysmal than self-identified scientists hawking anti-science drivel? Showbiz meets genderbiz.

Joining the dots about Prof Brian Cox ... a 'good mate' of Robin Ince ... who's a 'good mate' of Josie Long.

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Thank you so much once again ,JL. Your good news supplements don't half cheer us up ,when sometimes we feel such despair. Things are turning ,I'm sure ,as they must ,given that this damaging cult is unsustainable long term and thankfully more people seem to be waking up and realising the long term implications of this. I expect some of the loudest voices promoting this will slink off into the dusk when they finally realise they weren't on the "right side of history" after all. Keep it up ,JL. You're doing a great job 👍👏❤️

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Brilliant Graham. Thanks again so much!!

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Apr 22, 2022Edited
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Thank you, Ewan! And, yes, I agree with Abigail Shrier. I think the tsunami of legal action we're about to see (and the lunacy of males in women's sport) will be the beginning of the end. So sad it had to come to this.

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That woman is...evil is the only word I can think of

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Dr. Josefina Mengele . . .

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Believe me, she's small-time. I hope like hell she gets what's coming to her, but we have an endless parade of butchers and poisoners because our state medical boards are infested with what are euphemistically called "principal investigators," people in the pay of pharmaceutical companies.

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