So ‘Anastasia’ and ‘Fae’ have both spoken at commemorations of the Montreal massacre -- a day held sacred by Canadians. And both feel that ‘for decades, trans women have been kept out of the conversation about gender based violence’. Perhaps because these men refuse to acknowledge that women suffer sex-based violence? Perhaps because they refuse to admit they're not actually women? Where’s the sick bucket? Seriously. How much longer can this nonsense be tolerated? Brava to the courageous woman who called out the travesty.

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Remember that groundbreaking book -- Men who Hate Women and the Women who Love Them. Now what do we have decades later? Men who Hate Women and the “Women” They Become.

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Fae has never lived a single second of his life as a woman.

His arrogant self entitlement to appropriate and perform his imagined version of being a woman is yet another act of violence toward women.

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Oh lord again... why are women letting men who say they are 'women' run rough shod over them? Anyone who asks them on Twitter will not get an answer.

They are the weakest women I have ever come across in my long life.

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They are weak, and so diminished by internalised misogyny and apologising for their existence. They need to get off their knees and get it into their heads that nothing will be enough for the men who despise them. Men like Bergdof, Monty, Shon Fae, India Willoughby and the arsehole who ripped off his clothes and waved his dick around. I've forgotten his name, I wish I could forget the image and how much he detests women. I don't know how much clearer these men need to be, they are hiding nothing, they have made their contempt a virtue and the surrendered women are nodding in agreement, whooping and clapping.

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Fuck I’m depressed. You hit us with all this, Graham, and in 10 days’ time the Scottish nationalists are bound to pass their disgusting self-id bill, enabled by the Ghastly Greens, Labour, and LibDems. Only the Tories were not whipped at the Stage 1 vote yet despite this nine SNP MSPs rebelled. I hope your good news edition this week takes the sting out.

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'The report claims universities are entitled to cancel events involving gender critical speakers because such talks could "contaminate student life for hundreds if not thousands of people" – even for students who do not attend the talk.'

Hmm, that word 'contaminate' to smear a whole group. Doesn't tend to go anywhere good, if I recall.

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Gender ideology has contaminated a generation of children to think that they can legitimately hate their bodies. Its child abuse. And the people that causally support this child abuse need to face accountability for their actions.

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Yes. I have a visceral fury at those who've promoted, spread, enforced this abuse, the grooming of the young to delusional self-rejection and harms.

But I'm pessimistic that they will ever face proper accountability. I wish I weren't. We know people we feel sure will NEVER admit to themselves what they've done to damage the life trajectory of those they've steered into this hell. It seems very hard for those who've led others to self-destructive life choices to truly see what they've done, especially if they were righteously certain of 'on the right side of history' BS in the first place.

Some form of public accountability for the worst offenders, the leading pushers? The surgeons amputating healthy young women's breasts, cutting young mens' balls off? The therapists 'affirming' the autistic or abused or lesbian/gay to harms? The aging autogynephiles wielding power and money (thinking Pritzker, Rothblatt, Levine, WPATH individuals, etc) to wreck young lives in service to their fetish? There's a long list. Let's hope for a reckoning.

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So many insults against women in these horror stories that it's difficult to comprehend..The bodies of injured and dead women are piling up ,while the activists are supported by cowardly woke companies and appropriating the actual and very real harms to WOMEN ! UNBELIEVABLE and dancing on the graves of those dead women in Canada who were murdered solely because they were WOMEN is UNFORGIVABLE !!. Durham College should be thoroughly ashamed of itself. 👎🤮 What were they thinking ?? Thanks ,JL ,for continuing to expose these evils 👍❤️

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Thank you, Susan. Your kind words are much appreciated x

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The Baroness Williamson clip is from March. She mentioned three reviews within the NHS, presumably at that time. I wonder where that has got to? Perhaps nowhere if it was happening in March and no news by now.

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If you're aware of the WEF's policy to "thin" the population, apparently their notion is to "thin" the female population by allowing psychopaths to kill as many women as they want. With the full support of the court system, social workers, the police, et al.

I am down on my creaky knees thanking the goddess that I am old.

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The Vimeo link in "If you want to see the film for yourself, all the necessary details are here." isn't working for me

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Try this link: https://vimeo.com/775343150 You have to sign up to Vimeo but it's free and unproblematic. You get emails from them but they can be stopped.

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One for the 'Good News' version?

[Apologies for 'Fox' *voms*, but it's now also running on many, many majors.]

'Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: 'Destroyed my life'


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This is a pretty tough line-up of criminals! How many more women's suitcases do you think Sam Brinton has stolen. All women who have "lost luggage" reports must find out if their paths crossed with this yutz's airport itinerary.

For a breather, here's a pileated woodpecker stealing a tree of mine.


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i know sport might seem small fry next to the destruction of women’s rights and the medicalisation of children but i have a friend who has run a 2hr 45 min marathon.

Amateur athletes of this standard are just so talented and dedicated. How dare new zealand belittle the achievements of such woman. Makes me so angry. Your talking about hundreds and hundreds of hours of hard intense training over months and months, pushing so hard, risking injury that could right off months of hard work. Fitting in 10/15 mile runs before work and around all other commitments. How dare they make women compete with men. so offensive and insensitive.

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Scally Wag

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Try this link: https://vimeo.com/775343150 You have to sign up to Vimeo but it's free and unproblematic. You get emails from them but they can be stopped.

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