The subjectivity of this;

"A crime or any non-crime incident, which *is perceived by the victim or any other person*, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s gender or perceived gender"

is a very bad thing. We have it in NZ as well.

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a cross dresser/AGP goes to local shop and gets 'noticed' by the public and shoppers and he doesnt like it - so makes a complaint that his feelinz have been hurtz..so Police look at cctv and round up everyone who 'looked at him' on the day..RESULT!

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Interested to find out out how The Vatican would approach a Lurch lookalikey wanting to become a nun,(also interested if this "wanting to be a nun" extends to being as dedicated to the faith and community as nuns usually are or if its just a desire to wear the habit). It could go either way; "go away you deviant sinner" or "welcome to the Misogyny Club, go find a nunnery of your choice"

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So can women use this as a way to record hate crimes committed against them if they feel it was committed because the assailant believed they were a woman? Don't see why not.

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I'm probably going to regret asking but "cd"?

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Down with all this.

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The irony of the Pope being the one to hold the line against the men in dresses...

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The nuns would put manners on that fella

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