Jesus , I wish I’d stayed in bed , it’s just a bloody free for all

You must have a very strong stomach JL

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Like a cement mixer.

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I've been feeling that way for 5 years now.

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I’d just been doing my usual morning browsing the GC internet. I was reading some of Genevieve Gluck’s articles 🫣 and then up popped this latest from you. Thank you JL isn’t quite the right sentiment but you know what I mean. I think I’m need of some ‘animal video cleansing’.

What on earth can we do to make people aware of the fetishistic and paedophilic roots of gender ideology? The TW who wants the NHS to pay for his cosmetic surgery must get some publicity surely?……..even on the BBC? Can’t see it somehow.

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I know what you mean! And it's lovely to get a mention! x

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I’ll be sending it to GB News though.

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I’d actually chip in to castrate all the bloody freaks

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But this never happens. In what world does anyone think any of this perversion and harassment of women and children is a good thing? How have so many people lost their moral compass? I dreamt last night that I became an outspoken activist even though it meant going to prison, because in my dream biological realists were being imprisoned. That disgusting statue in Denmark is so obviously the artist with his bun and beard. Nobody with a penis can breastfeed and nourish a baby. Nobody. I'm so enraged by the daily bs. And I do not consent to having my taxes used to pay for sex reassignment surgery on violent murderers. What the hell is happening in Scotland??

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Although we’ve made some progress in Scotland by bringing down La Sturgeon there are still a lot of dangerous crackpots in place. We need to continually watch them and protest. Forget MPs and MSPs . They are worse than useless and a drain on our taxes themselves. Strong and determined women’s groups aided by men who care has to be the only way to counteract this. I do feel that those who put forward these abominable ideas are more wary - and so they should be. In the words of Alexandra Darroch “ I see you and thousands of women in Scotland see you too”.

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I hope some nighttime ninja does a bulldozer job on that statue.

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Dear Miss JemimaGC, i’d like to know who much the nhs spends on all these hormones. One of the mums at school used to give the punters their hormone injections- she’s a nurse, she said that there was nearly always concern for the patients mental health. Like they clearly had mental health problems. The only winners- big pharma. Yes if our taxes are without question being handed over to big pharma in huge quantities. Can’t some journalist do a freedom of information request so something?

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One of my good friends just mis gendered my cat. I’ve never felt so marginalised and betrayed. I’ve told him he’s a fascist

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Get him cancelled. And, obvs, some medical help for your cat. Misgendering is LITERAL VIOLENCE.

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Are you sure your cat doesn’t identify as a horse? (See latest Budweiser ad on Dusty’s substack number 87).

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Please hasn’t he suffered enough, shit sorry i meant she suffered enough cruelty for one day.

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I’m so sorry to have caused such unendurable offence. Please don’t cancel me.

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You’re in a lot of trouble Ms Terfin, A LOT of trouble.

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I know, I know ….. never apologise.

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Mr Bigot was getting a lot of grief from little miss gender, who at 6 foot 2 and 250 lbs was neither little or according to mr bigot a miss. For this act of neo fascism little miss gender smashed mr bigot’s teeth in. The main stream media and personality types applauded little miss gender’s bravery and the new world order was imposed and everyone lived happily ever on personality repressants. THE END

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Thanks for pointing towards the ad. It’s hilarious.

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You need the 'slightly altered' new Bud ad :)

Second post here:


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Thanks Dusty, I have no idea how to post a link onto a substack. 😬 old age or just thick? Don’t answer.

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Here we go, TT.

Highlight the url code ( the thing in the box at the top unless you are sending on a link from another piece in which case highlight that existing link). Right click on your mouse and a drop down box will appear. Click copy. Go to where you want to

post the link in your message or comment.

Right click again and will get the drop down box again. Click paste. Sorted!

You learn something new…

Thanks for the mention on Glinner.😎

BTW Three Billboards is now my most successful ever post! So a further film clip is coming tonight!

Keep terfing!


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Thanks, I’ll try and have a go. My daughter can help 😆

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Alway handy to have one of these computer literate youngsters around 😎

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Abomination is exactly the right word for that sculpture. What a sickening disgrace.

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By encouraging males to produce faux milk, they are experimenting on babies. How much obscenity is acceptable before people wake up?

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Don’t worry. In reality, men will never breastfeed. It’s too painful and messy. That will separate the men from the girls.

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Frankly, endless obscenity is acceptable in our decaying, bankrupt societies. It's part and parcel of a dying culture.

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It's a massive testament to how much the men in control of this 'ideology', along with those who make it profitable, despise women. It's a human rights violation to place a man who is a sadistic murderer and sex criminal in prison with very vulnerable women. And now some fuckwits are prepared to pay for him to have body altering surgery.

But he won'tt kill again because he is no longer crippled by gender dysphoria. No danger from a man who tortured and murdered his victim along with two other men. Were they all so afflicted with this confected condition that they had to kill someone to feel better?

This vile man deserves to have radical surgery that would cost very little or even nothing.

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There's actually a superb old fashioned technique to deal with this sack of shit and all-round fuck up: It's called Rightfully Blame him for Everything and Push him off the Roof. Firm but fair

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Used to be and pretty sure there still is a law in Texas that allows one to get away with shooting someone because "they wanted shooting."

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If I lived in Texas, I'd have to stop saying "shoot me now" when I read these updates.

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How wonderfully refreshing! I'm not a gun fan but I do feel that certain people and guns come together in this fitting way.

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Happening in Canadian prisons already. Male inmate raped a baby so badly, the child needed reconstructive surgery. Male inmate got his surgery and is now housed in the women's and baby unit of prison.

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I really don't know how any of this is continuing after that was made public. They seem to take all of our worst nightmares then multiply them in such freshly grotesque ways, all whilst claiming some false victimhood.

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Paris Green will not be leaving his past completely behind him if he has this surgery. Nothing will change apart from he'll no longer have a penis. We know he took part in a sexual assault using a rolling pin: what idiot thinks that propensity will change once he's minus his dick? He's playing the system like a Stradivarius. All this bullshit they trot out 'it was the dysphoria that made me do it'. A mountain of Grade A shiny horse shit.

Did you know Paris green is the name of a poison? More to the point, does he know?

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Oh that's interesting. No, I'm sure that's not an accident. (He will still have a dick... it'll just be inside out!)

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Oops! Fat fingers, not sure what happened. Just wanted to say 😂

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A reversible johnson. Maybe something for Matel’s 23rd century barbie.

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they should cut off his dick and graft it to his head

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That made me laugh out loud.

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I agree. The MPs in the main are useless. Politics is moving too slowly on this issue. The Tories have a once in a lifetime opportunity to erase this abomination being perpetrated on society. They seem aware that there is a problem, but they are not acting quickly enough. Once Labour gets in, it'll be all over bar the shouting. It's down to grassroots movements, which are growing stronger.

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Weirdly I had a Labour canvasser at my door yesterday and said almost the same. I said there was no point in shaking hands with the MP and I have a few times and nothing changes. He asked if there was anything I wanted to ask. Woops. The first was are you serious? Then he seemed keen so it was 'what is a woman?' and then I quoted confused Sir Keir and his wimmining with a penis stat. This poor bloke looked a bit scared, agreed with me and said most people would. Mind you, he seemed unaware of what was about to hit the news cycle re racism and didn't seem to have been briefed so I suggested he look online. He asked if there were any 'local' issues as clearly the 'national' response is one many of their own members can't and don't want to justify on doorsteps.

I said I was happy for him to go back and tell another ward councillor exactly what I said and why, so no more of this 'it's just not ever come up on the doorstep' please. This is a vote losing issue.

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Fuck me! I just read the letter from the Welsh 'government'. Complete bullshit from beginning to end. Oh no! Poor beleaguered "trans communities", afraid to go out because all they encounter is hatred and anger. Is this apart from the ones who frequently issue threats to women, scream abuse and try to intimidate women by invading their spaces, or worse? No, not all trans identified people behave like this, obviously, but there are a significant number who do, and the author of this letter is defending them.

It reads like a pisstake, if it's genuine, it was composed by an idiot. Wasn't this person capable of questioning how sensible it is to disassociate any wrongdoing from trans identified men? And let's be clear, we're talking about men here, not 'people'. A man who claims to identify as a woman can't also prey on women? That can't happen, their protected species status won't allow it, that's all the fault of predators. Men who don't take synthetic oestrogen as opposed to men who do.

It's 'cis'🤮 women and girls who don't accept that hugely prioritising trans rights, or more accurately, trans indulgence, doesn't compromise their rights, they are the problem.

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Where’s Dominic Raab when you need him! Beyond appalling letter from a public servant to someone paying their wage via taxes. These low quality “workers” need to be let go, as do all the mad politicians

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The author should be named. Too many if these idiots are faceless, with no accountability. Everyone should know who they are.

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As a Canadian, it's increasing difficult not to hang my head in shame in a country of cesspool trans ideology, where the word and safety of women and girls is worth a fraction compared to the inclusiveness of trans identifying men.

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Hey its not your fault. We can’t all be held responsible for the stupidity of our country folk. Look after yourself and remember how proud we are over here of our turfrific friends all over the world. I say ‘we’ i don’t really have to authority to say ‘we’ as its just ‘me’ in the bath. But i’m still sending you lots of love from the north of england.

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Thanks, means a lot. But sometimes I feel like the mighty salmon swimming upstream with a grizzly perched on a rock trying to grab me. That's my Canadian analogy. I refuse to lose my sense of humour.

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Yes, well I know how you feel . I’m Scottish and ashamed of my compatriots.

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If it helps Ella theres a great track by the chemical brothers called The salmon dance. I’d recommend it especially if you want a bit of extra energy to smash that grizzly in the face on your assent. Hang in there.

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Couldn't resist.🤣

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A roll call of perverts and weirdos all trying to tell us they’re women! But these things never happen.

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The deeply dark sexually-fetishized woman-hatred and child-hatred of AGP men is the rocket fuel behind the ‘success’ of the ‘trans’ movement. And still the public doesn’t get it. It’s just too bloody disturbing to look at, and to process. It’s supremely difficult for people to truly see the horrible depths to which human beings can sink. That knowledge must be suppressed, glossed over, excused away — until it’s no longer possible to do so. I pray that day is fast approaching.

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Barry Humphries was able to see the truth. He didn't look away. That's why he called 'gender' ideology a 'dark and malign foe'.

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Couldn’t agree more.

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I need a lie down. It’s getting worse.

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But people are becoming increasingly aware of the gender identity industry and what it gets up to, and more aware of who facilitates and cooperates with it. The supposed activists have a lot of confidence, so they show themselves as they really are because they've got away with it for so long. They haven't just got away with it, they've been treated like heroes and freedom fighters.

I'm still shocked by how gutless some people are in their reaction, or non-reaction. Not those who would risk losing their job or harassment, but successful, well cushioned people, or politicians, for example, who are there to protect (haha) the interests and safety of those they represent. They aren't fit to represent shit, or maybe that's all they are fit to do. Or some millionaire piss nothing celebrity who loves letting the world know that "transwomen are women", and more bollocks like that. Do they believe it? No, of course they don't, hardly anyone parroting this shite actually believes it.

I think in the future it's going to be less focus on gender/sex identity and what it means, and more on the abuses and crimes some members of this authoritarian, violent cult commit. Pandora's box is open and the lies and badness within is there to see.

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Too bloody right! This trans bollocks is frankly giving me the Arsehole. At what point do trans identified males actually stop coming first before children, women, survivors, etc.?

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its the latest bid to completely return to the patriarchal isnt it. Sickness me to the bone. over my dead f-ing body.

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I really want the fact that men who 'identify as trans' are held in disproportionate numbers for sex offences to be more widely discussed. As compared with men who are not 'trans identifying'. Why is that now. Any clue anyone? There is an obvious link with their fetish mindset. This is The One Fetish to Rule Them All.

They are overrepresented, not underrepresented. It's gaslighting of the highest order for the Welsh Government to have written in that manner. Otherwise known as spewing total lies.

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That heinous statue speaks volumes about 'trans' ideology. Woman-hatred and child-hatred -- carved into stone for all to see. A statue to be toppled for sure.

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Jeez, Carlson was actually CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF VOYEURISM. I don’t know how those mothers kept it together. I keep thinking of that Family Guy scene:


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With a link underneath to South Park's amazing effort https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=URz-RYEOaig

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just saw this, thanks, brutal.

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Thanks as ever , JL, for the usual comprehensive list of horrors.

I think the Women's Institute Declaration had better just break away because the CEO is just doubling down! I had heard that MR Gripper had managed to join under another name (?)

I did stumble upon that gobsmacking statue last night but couldn't bring myself to report on it!!

Instead I posted about voting in advance of the May local elections referring of course to the Respect My Sex campaign and the great work being done by Women's Rights Network and also because it gave me an excuse to refer to the great film Suffragette :)


Cheers again JL


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