And a big big applause for the "..blue haired pronoun wankers now sulking in the box office.." 🤣🤣🤣 I literally spat out me tea! Brilliant!

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Many thanks! *Takes a bow*

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A much needed boost after the endless horror stories and the feeling that this will never end, thank you JL.

The cats!!!! incredible. I’ve had some weird cats but these take the prize. The one dropping the towel in the loo. 🤣

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So glad you enjoyed it, TT!

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Thanks for the template to send to our MPs. I've sent mine and my husband will do the same.

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Great! I've emailed my (Labour) MP. Got a reply saying "We must protect the rights of trans people who are among the most oppressed and vulnerable in society..." My response was lengthy and robust, to say the least!

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🤦🏻 Good grief,there really is a rampant lefty mind virus. Trans are the most worshipped and venerated group ever with every business, corporation, police force, the NHS, councils etc all falling over themselves to bow down at the altar of gender ideology.

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I know, and the Lib Dems are even worse! They truly HATE women. This is beyond parody.

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A good news week indeed! I was also pleased to be contacted by Twitter just now to confirm a bloke I’d reported for threatening Graham has been banned. Nice. Thanks Elon.

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Excellent work!

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Oh, thank you. What brilliant news on so many fronts. The news from Norway is very encouraging. Fancy that Vogel's statements were mostly factual! Who'd have thunk it, eh. And we'll done to Joanna Cherry. That'll show the blue-fringe brigade and the adults in fear of them. Every single venue cancellation barring free speech has been illegal, let that sink in. And think what kind of world these nutters and those afraid of them are ushering in. Fools.

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My pleasure, Jemima!

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Who shall we pick a fight with? A King's Counsel and leading lesbian campaigner who is Chair of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee :)


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Brilliant! I wrote to the organisers of a marathon i’m doing in october (a desperate ditch attempt to project myself towards the action man side of the mermaids gender scale), to ask them if the categories were based on biology or bullshit, no answer yet.

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Running a marathon?! Oh blooming well done, CB! I can manage about 10k at most (and even then,there's a chance you'll need to call me an ambulance!) so am in awe! Let me know when (IF) you get a reply!

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I will JL. Lots and lots of plodding for miles and miles. plod plod plod. plod. Very strange hobby.

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plus don’t knock 10k JL, i found nowt to 10k was really tough. The extra miles are easy in comparison i think, so long as one is happy with a pedestrian pace.

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Oh mine is very much a pedestrian pace. A rotund and wheezing pedestrian whose knees are on their last legs, so to speak!

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oh JL. we’ll all keep wheezing until this gender BS is over.

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"a desperate ditch attempt to project myself towards the action man side of the mermaids gender scale"

This made me laugh out loud like an idiot, with several residual chuckles. Quizzical looks from the kids 😂😂

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My marathon days are over cb , I’m lucky if I can do a sprint to the loo

Best of luck though , are you doing it for charity ? I’m sure lots would sponsor

I must admit to being very slow in a kilt walk as I was behind a lovely group of men with a lovely sway to their kilts 😊

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Glad to hear the good news 😊 thank you! Congratulations to Posie Parker and all the local groups & stewards! Can't wait to stamp the 200k peaked coin 🪙🔨🔥

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I shall look forward to it! :-)

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I have written for the second time to my MP (male, Labour, Blairite) to try to get him to open his mind to BIOLOGICAL reality. It is an uphill struggle, but I will persist! I will also send it to the MP in the adjacent constituency (male, Conservative, moderate - not really a Brexit believer at all but forced to adopt the mantra).

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This is about the Sex-Matters letter to urge MPs to attend the debate in Westminster Hall on 12th June. I will be watching on live stream.

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I've written to mine as well. He's on our side but I don't know how passionate about it he is. He had BETTER be there or he'll be on the business end of a hissy fit.

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I’ve got Crispin Blunt!

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“Blue-haired pronoun wankers”. Consider that term pilfered. Now who can I use it on...

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My pleasure! Pilfer away and use with impunity...

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I feel all warm and fluffy inside for a moment. Thanks for the usual great update. Is anyone else curious whether Joanne Cherry is still keen on independence? I'm on the fence on Scottish independence...I mean, go for it if that's what the majority wants, but lately I'd be ecstatic at the though so that I'd no longer have to fear any more crazy gender woo ideas they may come up with (like the new guidelines for trans kids in care) which could potentially impact the rest of the UK. Or maybe best to keep them in the Union so we can keep an eye on them.

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Scotland does seem to be intent on followong the madness in the USA and the blue states. Not to forget Canada, Australia and NZ. Wales also not far behind. What is it with the Anglosphere??? I'm not originally from Britain, so I have no fuzzy feelings about the union. My view is to wish them farewell if they so choose. Alliances change over time, as history shows, and I believe it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when. Could be our lifetime or not, but eventually the union will break up, as the monarchy will also surely end or change to become insignificant like the rest of Europe's royal families. Ce la vie.

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Well said. I am British and have no sentiments over unions or Royal Families. Do what is practical and what the majority want. And indeed Wales is going very silly on all this. Perhaps they are feeling left out with Scotland getting all the attention. Has Scotland been independent they would have had selfID laws by now so I'd love to know what Cherrybthinks if this. Anyway, things will change and sense will (eventually) prevail with all this gender nonsense.

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We wouldn't necessarily have self ID laws. On independence there will be a period of time when politicians are drawn from all parties to form a working government until a formal vote takes place . SNP will not be in government.

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True. Although it would t matter who was in government because all MSPs vote on the legislation which is what got it through in the first place. Either way, it's a moot point for now as there is no independence and I doubt there'll be a referendum any time soon.

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I'm still trying to recover from voting for independence and getting Hate Crime laws and Gender Recognition instead.🫤

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Are you deterred from independent at all following the gender hoo haa? Just curious.

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It's the Burn Everything English But Their Coal outlook. We have it in Ireland too around independence. Nothing unites like differentiation.

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Anyone got any news of the progress of the SNP's judicial review against the Westminster Government re the Scotland Act?


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Thank you JL

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Thanks for the wondrous relief of the GNS, JL.

Great that the Sex Matters petition will be debated and will e-mail my MP.

Also great that Hannah Barnes' eye opening book is shortlisted for the Orwell Prize - and how appropriate!

The cats killed me, especially the ones knocking on the door with their back paws!! I think all cats are slightly eccentric! Our cat thinks that the cat flap is beneath him ( presumably the trade cat's entrance?) and would prefer to sit at the door waiting for us to notice him!? I will show him the video and see if he can learn how to knock the door :)

Will cross post as ever


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Thanks Dusty! I used to have a neighbour whose cat would hang out at my house. He wouldn't use the cat-flap (perhaps because it wasn't his house and he considered it rude??). Instead he would sit on the sill of the living room window to signal his wish to be be admitted!

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May 18, 2023Liked by JL

Thanks as ever JL for WOW news summaries, good and bad. I am bracing for the unwanted onslaught of Pride TQIAA+ month, but this round up has given me a much needed smile and uplift that I can put in the bank for June 😘.

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Thanks so much for your kind words, Issy! Glad to give you a smile!

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‘Blue haired pronoun wankers’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 fabulous as always JL. Thank you 😊

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Thank you! ;-)

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As always 🌹🌹 have two this week , I’m feeling warm and fluffy , won’t last don’t worry

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Thank you so much!

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023Liked by JL

"Blue-haired pronoun wankers"! You gave me the giggles!! Top drawer! And I loved the little pussycat willums 🤗🤗🤗

Also, thanks so much for these GNS. They're vital for morale! ❣️

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Ah thank you so much for your kind words, Holly! Much appreciated. So glad you enjoy the GNS x

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You The Man!! You're truly selfless and courageous 🤗🤗

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