All those men are the dregs of society!

That lump who punched the woman!!!

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There is a psychologist - sorry, can't recall his name right now - who believes that most men have not evolved at the same rate as women and are far less adaptable. Maybe nonsense, but it was interesting to hear his ideas. He also believes that many, many men globally suffer from a psychosis which means that they harm females whom they fear hugely. The source of their fear, he suggests, is the female connection to life and the Earth and nature via their biology.

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I agree with the psychologist, but I think much of it has to do with the way males are raised in a patriarchal culture. Boys are fawned over while girls are often neglected -- I saw this in my own home when I was about 11; I was nothing to my mother while she allowed her two grandsons to get away with anything -- and males are taught in every way possible that they are supreme and females are to be used and abused. It certainly is not a child-rearing method that leads to emotionally mature adults.

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I think, speaking generally, you are right in that boys do get away with a lot, and that they are brought up to view females as a lesser form of humanity, even if that is not deliberate. It's not 100% true, but, generally speaking, it is true that boys are allowed a much broader leeway than girls are. I, too, have observed it many, many times, and it is carried into adulthood where men still get away with a lot more than women ever do.

You know, I have given a lot of thought to how females tend to ape males. We seem incapable of actually doing much from a purely female perspective, while humanity requires the input of both sexes. If you think of the feminist movement, it has been predicated on being the same as men, but we are not the same. Yet, we continue to demand that we be given access to male things instead of demanding that we have our own things created for us in an equal society, as is our due as half the human species, or we create them ourselves.

It is a glaringly obvious fact that the world can no longer afford to have wars all over the place, with the consequent loss of life and economic stasis created by the destruction that wars bring. The attributes that men bring - aggression, superior strength and so on - are far less essential than they used to be even a hundred years ago. The (mainly) male pursuit of sex, power and money are, as evidence proves, far less seductive for females, where co-operation and teamwork are, on average, more natural, but we are forced to exist in a world where those masculine traits dominate and restrict our lives.

All global corporate giants are men, almost all politicians are men, and the list goes on, whereas women tend to congregate in the broadly caring sectors which are, economically speaking, despised. If the female attributes were properly remunerated and properly respected as being part of the whole of humanity, we would have a very different world. I think this is because people such as Darwin, the great philosophers and political figures, etc. saw only the male characteristics as being useful to humanity/nature/society and completely failed to appreciate why females are as they are, viewing them as very poor male specimens with no penis or strength. Many men, even today, see females as empty vessels, created solely for their doings, needs and desires. Looked at dispassionately, men, as a sex class, should be ashamed even though there are many good men out there who do not think like that.

It took many years, for example, for scientists to realize that it was the female lions who did almost all of the hunting, not the males; to understand that, in hyena society, the females are top of the hierarchy, same in bonobo society. Even then, these skills and traits were talked down as aberrations to the norm of masculine hegemony, exemplified by chimp society. The fact that almost the entirety of the insect world is female-dominated is, again, treated, as if it is an aberration.

Human females have not helped themselves either by always kow towing to male hegemony in all things. We play the same sports, we join the same golf clubs, we enter the same professions, and many men resent us as interlopers. I think it goes further than resentment, though, because I believe that many men see us as a threat to their hegemony as males: they know that we are Earth Mothers and that we can do more our less everything they can do, too. If they would just understand that we don't want to subdue them, but to be their equals as the other half of the human race, things might be so much better for all of us. Women, too, need to start thinking about going their own way, setting up their own institutions. Kelly-Jay Keen-Minshull is the epitome of an Earth Mother and a doer, with a brain and with a real determination to do things as a woman, not as a pale imitation of a man. I am praying that her party gets off the ground, although I sense it is being sabotaged by those in power. We all need to ask what is going on here with all the delays and obfuscation by the Electoral Commission. JK Rowling, is, likewise, a woman with a mind of her own, although she is one of very few women with the wealth to be able to challenge the 'norm'. The rest of us need to co-operate and share resources, but we can do it. I believe that the survival of our species requires it and that the hulking brutes in frocks are actually doing us a huge favour by forcing us to see just how little we count except as 'vessels' for men.

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My only quibble with your excellent comment is that you are using the word feminism as it is used in mainstream media, institutions, etc. Only equal-rights feminism -- the women who wanted the same access to domination and exploitation that men had (one woman called them sorority feminists) -- which is now called liberal feminism believe that men and women are the same. No radical feminist believes this, but radical feminism has always been shut out of the media, institutions, etc. [written as a second wave radical feminist]

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Yes, agree. I probably fit into the radical fem category. Sometimes I look at some women and realize that they have no affinity with my world view. It seems to me that we are very different from men and our priorities are very different precisely because we are female. It is our femaleness that unites us above all things and it is time that we stop aping men and start doing things our way.

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Right on, sister!

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i reckon these men think they have a right to behave like they do because they believe that their behaviour is the inevitable result of genetics and society, conditioning etc. They don’t believe in free will and personal responsibility. Which is probably why they think we are all right wingers. And probably why they think drugging everyone all the time is the right think to do. Its pretty scary i think.

Sadly all men are massive perverts and these deterministic beliefs are just what team massive pervert has been waiting for since the beginning.

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We have to believe you, concerned bloke. You are a man. We are mainly female, and we have little idea about men's sexuality and how it drives them. We just know that, instinctively, we should be wary, if not downright afraid of it because, when unleashed with impunity, it harms us. In a way, this whole 'trans' phenomenon is teaching females that we have to support each other and act in numbers. Individual females will have no impact. Also, we need to make allies of the decent men out there and ask for their help for these cowards will not punch other men without a thought.

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Yes i feel a bit guilty saying that on reflection. I know not all men are massive perverts really, I think i meant that we all have it in us to slip and become something that we would rather not if we allow it. And there’s so much out there that plays to our darkest potential. But men can chose to protect themselves from

the kinds of poison that will make us bad and turn us. Goodness this is a bit heavy. Sorry LornCal. We must all stand together against all forms of misogyny.

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Yes, I know not all men are perverts, so don't feel bad. I've spoken to men who just don't get it either. Plenty of good chaps out there. You are obviously one of them.

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these post are long and really upsetting. Its too much and still our leaders don’t want to listen. thanks LornCal

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Don't feel guilty. It's not that all men are perverts but I don't think it's unfair to say that most men could be, if they let themselves and given the opportunity. And there's a lot of opportunity around these days with online porn. I'm constantly and genuinely shocked whenever I see how many men are caught with child sex abuse images, especially when we know that the ones caught are only the tip of the iceberg.

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When you expose young men, even young boys to the grossest sexual imagery imaginable, via the internet, it's no wonder that a lot of them think differently about women and sex than their fathers and grandfathers. They have and are being corrupted on a massive scale. If they then find little success with women, it's the women's fault, of course, and they begin to seethe and join cults: incels, transactivists etc. It was all so bloody predictable.

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It's so obvious isn't it!

Why do we need to keep explaining this to people?

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Aghhhh thanks for your hard work as ever JL!

The Scottish Bill got challenged by Westminster so presumably the same should happen to the devious Welsh Bill if it gets passed?

One mistake- the sacking of the awful PC Watson should be in the Good News Supplement 😀

Now they need to go after the senior officer.

The 50 year old man in the swimming contest for girls is so ridiculous that it brings to mind the Monty Python sketch where John Cleese is boxing a schoolgirl!

Looking forward to the relief of the GNS


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On its way, Dusty! 😊

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JL nails it every time, Dusty and you have nailed it here. The Monty Python lads were so prescient in their comedy. Almost everything that has happened, they foresaw. Brilliant lads.

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Thank you, LornCal! 😊

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I got myself thinking Dusty what sane person thinks it ok to let a 50 year old of any sex swim with 13 year old girls

Then I realised I’d answered my own question

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Petal, whoever organised it should be dismissed


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For Women Scotland have lost their appeal 😫

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I'm hoping to get myself an immortality recognition certificate so then when I am biologically dead I will still, legally, be alive.

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Just to be clear, my demands are a pension in perpetuity and an eternal bus pass.

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Hahaha -brilliant!

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I’ve printed off the judgment and will attempt an analytic it as soon as I can though I’m out tonight😎


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Thank you JL.

I'm in Wales and we need as much publicity as possible for what has been going on here.

Welsh Labour (who Starmer says are a "blueprint" for a Labour government - god help us all!) have been totally and utterly captured by trans madness.

This, like the trans conversion therapy ban, is just another attempt to legitimise self declared 'gender identities' by the back door. I'm hoping that enough publicity will have the same effect as it did in Scotland and show the lack of public support for so called 'trans rights' (or male privilege as it is more accurately known). Unfortunately a lot of Wales is politically so apathetic or mindlessly tribal that, lacking the click bait scandal of an Isla Bryson, we've got a real fight on our hands.

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And we will fight, WotE.

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Thank you JL.

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I should just add that there is one encouraging aspect to this. BBC Wales did actually report on it on the news last night. They actually managed a reasonably objective report, quoting the Women's Rights Network! Of course we got Stonewalled again but there was a definite change of tone. The correspondent who appeared in the studio seemed slightly uncomfortable but it was given a proper time slot rather than a quick mention.

The write up is at the link below and even the headline - 'Trans women could be counted as women in Senedd elections' - seems like an improvement and actually tacitly acknowledges that they aren't women.

It also contains a very worrying reference that I don't think has appeared explicitly in other reports:

'The law adds that Welsh ministers may amend the section through regulations in future, for "the purpose of changing the definition of woman".'

BBC News - Trans women could be counted as women in Senedd elections


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They are literally making it up as they go along... (Good news about the BBC coverage, though!)

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Melody Wiseheart gives me the absolute creeps. As does Crispin Blunt.

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1. the violence is only going to get worse as more and more people resist the totalitarian men's sexual rights activists, seriously deluded and, frankly, insane. If I hear one more person say that we have to think about the true 'trans', I'll puke. These people need to understand that this movement is led by AGPs and fetishists who are interested in themselves only, and paedophiles have latched on to the movement as a means to an end - children and young people.

Three distinct groups make up the 'trans' community - so-called - and they are: AGPs and fetishists/paedophiles (the leaders, all male and few with any discernible 'trans features' such as surgery); adolescent and teen girls (and boys, but mainly girls now) with neural diverse problems, who often express gender dysphoria (actually body dysmorphia) or who are socially captured; and very young children who express 'gender dysphoria' from a fairly early age, but not in their twos and threes, as is often claimed, and the majority of who will eventually show to be same-sex attracted or will grow out of their 'dysphoria' if left alone. Very few long-term studies have been done on the second two cases, although a number of studies have been done on AGPs and fetishists, and, of course, paedophiles.

2. the politicians are playing us all. Something is going on that we are not really seeing, but suspect, and I think it is that so many of these men are AGPs/fetishists themselves or, wrongly, believe that 'trans' 'persecution', which, if it exists at all, is minimal, is synonymous with the very real persecution that gay people suffered in the past.

There is no other reasonable explanation for these politicians' espousal of 'trans' rights - so-called - which they know will impact upon female rights so starkly. Well, there is another: the big corporates who are selling the gigaws that go along with queer theory (sex toys, dolls, AI, porn, etc.) are giving them backhanders, at least, to the parties. Last, but not least, they simply hate females and want them out of parliament, and out of all public institutions. Again, no long-term, in-depth scientific studies have been done to suss out exactly why so many men hate females as a sex class and why so many females appear to be invested, when young, in supporting their own enslavement. If we do not find an answer soon, the human race is in danger of rupturing along sex lines which would destroy the continuity city of births and replacement. Maybe that's the idea?

Or, of course, a mix of all of them. It is way past time, though, for these politicians and their parties to be scrutinized thoroughly because, somewhere, they are hiding WHY they are all so invested in this insanity. Imagine! A leading politicians in Wales, Mark Drakeford, denying basic reality, science and biology! Imagine how dangerous such a person could be for society. I hope that the Welsh have the courage and nous to get this man out before he destroys Welsh society. Plaid, like the SNP, are also heavily invested in this sick, porn-fuelled movement.

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I think, myself. it’s simply because they are very stupid, gullible people who do not have any questioning iota in their brain. Or cowards who can see but not say the truth.

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I do not care whether a person has surgery or not. Drugs, surgery, dress, makeup, hairstyles, or none of those, nor state sanctioned lies on historical documentation (Birth Certs) or ID docs (passports), nor any "magical" words, makes anyone "trans" and are not "trans features".

The only "trans features" is a narcissistic attitude combined with a demand to force everyone else to lie.

We HAVE to call it all out as LIES.

Not using "misinformation" or more palatable terms - we have to say that anyone who claims they are "trans" are lying. Whether its because they are lying to force others to lie (AGPS) or whether they are lying because they have been taught the lie (children/teens/vulnerable) or not - it is still LIES.

No man can be a woman as "Woman" is the Adult Sex Class to the HUMAN sex Female. As we all know.

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Agree absolutely, Felicity. The other thing we need to emphasize now - really emphasize non-stop, wherever we can - is that it is all, 100%, driven by sexual motives. That makes it, essentially, a men's 'sexual rights' movement. No one, legally, nowadays, has 'sexual rights' over another in any law in the UK and its constituent parts. This seems to be a no-go area for many, but, unless we get it into people's heads that this is precisely what it is, they will continue to feel sorry for at least some of them and let their guard down, fatally for any resistance. I know that those who have had surgery are probably not a threat to women or children, and no one wants anyone to feel persecuted, but we have to get them all to admit what they are. It has been hiding what they are that has allowed this new wave to breach every boundary of females and children. It is time for the truth.

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I agree. We cannot compromise with them. We need to say, this is all impossible.

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Just been reading an article elsewhere where the NHS pours scorn on the concept of the "male menopause".

Now, irrespective of whether that is indeed a thing, I find it fascinating that they can nail their colours so clearly to the mast regarding some elements of male/female difference, while at the same time producing literature, PR, policies and strategy that do just the opposite.

It transcends (!) the farcical to become deserving of the term "dangerously inconsistent". Because if (according to their literature) men can be pregnant, can they not also be likely to experience a "male menopause"...?

But hey. I'm sure there is a perfectly rational explanation for all of the above.

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I mean, don't they realise how much money there is to be made? Now yet, apparently.

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Always remarkable to note and keep records on the violence of men who affect a female persona. It all fits with my data on 54 trans widows, the 19 sexual assaults, including 5 rapes, none of which were prosecuted. As well the 15 physical assaults, including violent acts such as pushing his wife down the stairs and several cases of attempted strangulation. It's always interesting to note as well, how often they're interested in sex with minors, all the while claiming their victimhood, the "bullying" they pretend they experience. The data tells us to stay as far away as possible from these disturbed men.


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The data should be telling the authorities to lock these men up. Get them off the streets t o protect society - Women, Children and other Men.

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Interesting! Everyone, look this up!

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Blunt must have been born with the smirk in place. I don't think I've ever seen such a smug, self-satisfied visage.

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Does anyone know how the hell an adult of EITHER sex was allowed to participate in a children's event??? Even if "Melody" (ugh) really WAS a woman, this still wouldn't have been OK! Does this mean that-- horror of horrors-- "trans age" is now officially a thing? Was this Cepeda creep admitted because he "identifies" as a 13 or 14 year old girl? Or is it just that being "trans" somehow gives you an all-access pass? Sickening no matter what the answer is :(

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Family Guy had it right. "Do whatever you want all the time!" 🙄

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Nov 1, 2023
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I replied above to dusty ewen , no sane person

However I’m beginning to think that outside this (and other stacks ) sane people cease to exist , certainly within politics and the so called elite

I read another stack a few days ago ( PITT) and they were talking about the eugenics of the early ( and later ) 20th century , this is exactly what’s happening now

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