Monday 23rd August - Leave Them Kids Alone #1
THE TIMES: A South Wales school rushed to ‘trans’ one of its pupils thanks to the ‘guidelines’ supplied by the county council.
Earlier this year, the boy, who is only 13 years old, told his family that he is ‘trans’. As he had previously never expressed such feelings, his parents decided that careful exploration and therapy were required to ensure that no major decisions would be taken in haste.
Shortly after their son’s declaration, however, the parents discovered that his teachers were already affirming his new ‘gender’ and calling him by a female name. The school staff were abiding by the county council’s ‘trans toolkit’. (Since the family sought legal representation, the council have withdrawn this toolkit in order to review it.)
On the advice of the school and council, the boy then met with an advocate from a charity who, his parents were assured, would remain completely neutral. However, from the boy’s description of their conversations, this does not appear to have been the case. This ‘advocate’ told the boy that it was his ‘human right’ to be called whatever he wants and that if the school register wasn’t altered to reflect his chosen name, ‘arse would be kicked big time’.
Of course, this is happening in American schools, too.

On a similar theme, The Daily Mail reported that children as young as ten are having their sex altered on medical records, putting their health at risk.
A paediatrician told the paper that she had seen half a dozen children listed as the opposite sex on official medical documents. In some cases they had been allocated a new NHS number so their birth sex would not be known by any physician treating them. This means that tests results can be wrongly interpreted, signs of illness can be missed and serious conditions can be misdiagnosed.
Some parents who contacted The Daily Mail found that their child’s sex had been altered on medical records without their knowledge or consent. In one case, the mother of a 14-year-old autistic girl tried to make an appointment for her daughter at her GP’s surgery. She was told there was no record of her daughter at the surgery, the girl’s name and sex having been altered on their records without her knowledge.
NHS and General Medical Council guidance stipulates that all patients can freely change their sex on their medical records, even without a GRC and without undergoing ‘gender-reassignment treatment’. And that includes children.
Tuesday 24th August - These Are Not Our Crimes
THE INDEPENDENT: The militia leader responsible for the bombing of a mosque now ‘identifies’ as a woman and claims that gender dysphoria drove him to terrorism.
Michael Hari is the right-wing extremist who orchestrated the bombing of the Dar Al Farooq Islamic Centre in Bloomington, Minnesota, in 2017. In December he was found guilty of five civil rights and hate crime charges for which he faces up to life imprisonment when sentenced next month.
Hari is now calling himself Emily Claire, professing to ‘identify’ as a woman. He’s even claiming it was suffering from gender dysphoria that caused the ‘inner conflict’ which lead him to put a pipe bomb through the window of a mosque.
Hari is now requesting that the court recognise his transgender status and is seeking a reduced sentence. His defence lawyer, Shannon Elkins, argued that Hari should serve only 30 years, the mandatory minimum sentence for his conviction, rather than the life term sought by prosecutors, citing his ‘double life’ and ‘transgender identity’ as extenuating circumstances for his crimes. Elkins also requested an amended prison placement for Hari. The details of this request are sealed but it isn’t difficult to figure out what they might be.
Wednesday 25th August - Leave Them Kids Alone #2
THE CRITIC: In the discussions around transgender medicine, ideology is being allowed to overshadow scientific evidence.

Documentary film-maker, Nathan Williams, describes the about-turn at Science Based Medicine (SBM), a long-running blog founded specifically to combat mis-information and pseudoscience in the field of medical reporting.
SBM recently published a review of Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage by one of the site’s editors, Dr Harriet Hall. The article concluded that Shrier’s book raised legitimate grounds for concern. Within days, SBM retracted the review, making it the only article ever to have been removed from the site.
A few days later, SBM published a new article about Shrier’s book, this time written by the site’s founders, Dr Steve Novella and Dr David Gorski. Despite later admitting that they had not properly read the book, they made some sweeping statements about its validity. They also published several other pieces in the same vein. “These almost unreadable pieces are riddled with errors, misrepresentations and half-truths”, says Williams. Perhaps most egregiously and despite all the evidence to the contrary, they claim that puberty blockers are reversible.
“The brutal truth is we have virtually no good-quality scientific data on how best to treat children and adolescents with gender dysphoria — and know even less about the sorts of cases described in Shrier’s book. This is scarcely surprising given the deeply toxic nature of this topic, where any scientist who presents the “wrong” results faces bullying, censorship or worse.”
Thursday 26th August - Stonewall’s ‘Chilling Effect’
Huge thanks to Professor Jo Phoenix for drawing attention to an article published in The Lancet Psychiatry.

Earlier this year, The Lancet Psychiatry published an important article on the links between significant head injury and violent crime. Its focus is specifically on women prisoners in Scotland.
The Methods section clearly states that the subjects are FEMALE.
However, of the 109 participants who took part in the study, five were not female at all, but trans-identified males.
Professor Phoenix and several other academics and feminist campaigners wrote to Niall Boyce, the editor of The Lancet Psychiatry, pointing out the methodological and drafting errors and underlining the importance of desegregating data by biological sex.
Initially, their letter was accepted for publication. However, it was later rejected with the excuse that its points 'do not add substantively to the scientific issues'.
Professor Phoenix: “PERHAPS editorial board decided to ignore the sociological and criminological expertise of 200 years about the importance of sex viz violent offending… OR Lancet walked away because as an academic editorial board they took the decision that the political messaging was more important than the ACADEMIC issue… Evidence of 'the chilling effect' of Stonewall in academia?”
Friday 27th August - Without Fear Of Favour?
ITV: A trans police officer offers support and ‘empathy’ to young LGBT people.
Connor Freel is a trans-identified female who, for six years, has been a Police Community Support Officer in North Wales. According to ITV, Freel is offers support to young people ‘struggling with their gender identity or sexuality’, and is able to ‘empathise with those in the community’.
Freel told ITV, "I've often gone out to incidents where young people have been getting in trouble for certain things… It turns out some of them are just struggling with their sexuality or gender identity which is reflected in their behaviour”.
Last year Connor Freel was responsible for a 19-year-old man with Asperger’s being convicted of a hate crime and hit with a substantial fine.
In October 2019 Freel was on foot patrol in Mold town centre and heard Declan Armstrong ask, "Is it a boy or a girl?". Freel took action and Armstrong was subsequently convicted of using abusive or insulting words to cause harassment. He was placed under a night-time curfew and ordered to pay £590, including a payment of £200 in compensation to Freel.
Linda Buchan, clinical psychologist and director of AXIA-ASD, said, “Autistic people are involuntarily very honest… If someone asks a question they probably just want to know what the answer is… The police should have enough understanding to see people’s communication style in the context of their autism.”
It appears PCSO Freel’s empathy with young people only extends so far.
Also Today - Women-Erasing Down Under
Australia’s Federal Department of Health has altered the wording on its advice regarding the Covid 19 vaccine and pregnancy.

Whereas it used to say “Women who are pregnant” just a few months ago, it now reads “People who are pregnant”.
Saturday 28th August - Witch Burning In New Zealand

A few months ago we reported on Milli Hill, renown childbirth expert, bestselling author, psychotherapist and founder of The Positive Birth Movement.
Last year she made comments on social media objecting to the term ‘birthing people’ to describe pregnant women. She was immediately subjected to a barrage of abuse by gender zealots and there were demands for her to be ‘cancelled’.
She is now facing a fresh attempt to have her de-platformed.
The New Zealand College of Midwives is holding their biennial conference in November and Milli Hill is the keynote speaker. A group calling itself the Rainbow Midwives Alliance has started a petition and is demanding she be dropped from the conference, accusing her of ‘transphobia’ and ‘hate speech’.
If you’d like to support Milli Hill, there is a counter petition which you can sign here.
Sunday 28th August - The Clocks Are Striking Thirteen In Hastings
THE HASTINGS OBSERVER: Hastings’ mayor has been ‘disinvited’ from attending the town’s Pride event over a handful of Facebook posts.
Hastings Pride took place on Sunday. However, no representatives from the town’s Borough Council were officially invited to the event due to Deputy Mayor, Ruby Cox, falling foul of the woke Stasi with some of her Facebook posts.
Councillor Cox shared two Telegraph articles, one headlined ‘Trans charities are using children as political pawns’ and another titled ‘The women’s vote counts – so why don’t women?’, and a link to the Woman’s Place UK website.
Hastings Pride and the Hastings and Rother Rainbow Alliance (HRRA) took exception to Councillor Cox having opinions about women’s rights and child safeguarding and contacted Hastings Borough Council to organise a meeting to discuss this matter. Councillor Cox subsequently made a statement that she ‘did not understand the complexities of the issues surrounding trans rights’ at the time of sharing the links and the items were deleted from her Facebook page.
But this wasn’t good enough. Hastings Pride and HRRA demanded that councillor Cox acknowledge “That trans men are men and trans women are women and should be treated as such”. It appears that she, quite rightly, refused to kowtow and parrot the rhetoric. In retaliation, the two groups did not officially invite any councillors to the Pride event and withdrew their invitation from the mayor’s office.
Recite the dogma or suffer the consequences. Definitely not a cult, though.
See you next week.
When did the police force stop dealing with crime and start advocating for gender transition to kids on the streets?
When did kids on the street start confiding their anxiety about their sexuality and/or gender with the police?
I think at least one of these groups is being trolled and I'd like to think its the one in uniform.
How times change. Confiding in teachers was not the done thing when I was 13; the thought of 'sharing secrets' with Mr Higgins was not only uncool but unconscionable!
When did teachers start acting like best mates? It's grooming. End of chat.