Monday 5th July - The Clocks Are Striking Thirteen in San Francisco
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Use of preferred pronouns is to be enforced in San Francisco’s criminal justice system.
San Francisco District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, has mandated the use of ‘preferred pronouns’ over biological reality. Those who work in the city’s legal system will be required to ask witnesses and defendants to give not only their names but their choice of pronouns. So much for telling the truth and nothing but the truth.
At a press conference, Boudin stated, "We are leaders in modelling respect and modelling dignity and compassion, in all aspects of our society”.
Except for the women who will end up having to call their rapists ‘she’ in court.
Also Today - PM’s New Envoy Nails His Colours To The Mast
LESBIAN & GAY NEWS: Nick Herbert’s appointment does not bode well in the fight against gender identity ideology.

Lord Herbert of the South Downs was a conservative MP until taking his seat in the House of Lords last year. He has just been appointed Boris Johnson’s special envoy on LGBT rights and will be working with Women and Equalities Minister, Liz Truss, to coordinate action on ‘LGBT issues’.
In an interview for Times Radio, Lord Herbert praised the work of Stonewall, said he wants to see more trans people in positions of power as it would ‘really help to change the debate in this country’ and, talking about the current discussions around gender ideology and women’s sex-based rights, he stated, “I wouldn’t like to see the government in any way take a side on what some are seeing as a culture war on these issues.”
Also Today - This Soap Won’t Wash
On 2nd July the High Court decided that ‘high risk’ male prisoners, even rapists and paedophiles, can be accommodated in the female estate if they ‘identify’ as women, despite it being known this policy is a danger to women.
Less than a week later, TV soap, Hollyoaks, began a storyline about a trans-identified male in a women’s prison being assaulted in a ‘transphobic' attack’ by female inmates.
Annie Wallace, the trans-identified male actor who plays the character of Sally, has said that those responsible are ‘GC transphobes’.
If you would like to make a complaint about this piece of anti-feminist agitprop, Ofcom can be contacted here, and you can contact Channel 4 here.
Tuesday 6th July - The Gender Propaganda In Schools #1
THE TELEGRAPH: Schools are using ‘overtly political materials’ in teaching children about gender ideology and transition.
Ofsted have warned that some schools are breaching their obligation of political neutrality, albeit unwittingly, when teaching children about sex, sexual orientation and gender reassignment. Director of corporate strategy, Chris Jones, said, “The increasing political sensitivities in these areas have made it harder for schools to handle equalities well”.
Wednesday 7th July - The Gender Propaganda In Schools #2
THE TELEGRAPH: In light of Ofsted’s report, the director of Transgender Trend, Stephanie Davies-Arai, explains why schools are in an impossible position.

When teaching children about sex, sexual orientation and gender reassignment, schools are ‘between a rock and a hard place’.
Government guidance is confusing and contradictory and many of the teaching materials come from lobby groups pushing an ideological agenda so are inaccurate and partisan and in breach of the 1996 Education Act. Gender identity - a wholly unscientific ideology - is being presented as fact and schools are being encouraged to implement mixed sex bathrooms and sports etc, erasing basic safeguarding protocols.
“The Department for Education’s latest Relationships and Sex Education guidance says that schools must not use external resources that promote the idea that any child’s body is ‘wrong’ and yet signposts schools to Stonewall, one of the biggest culprits when it comes to ‘born in the wrong body’ teaching… Transgender and LGBT lobby groups have been given free rein to issue guidance and instigate policy change…
Unless schools are well-versed in the research, they cannot know that they are being compelled to adopt an experimental, activist-driven approach towards children, with no evidence to support its use in schools.”

Even the Department of Education is promoting materials which breach its own guidelines. What chance do schools have of navigating the gender quagmire?
Thursday 8th July - Glamorising Self-Harm To 650K Followers
THE TIMES: Actress Emma Corrin has shared her ‘intimate journey’ to breast-binding with her Instagram followers.

25-year-old Emma Corrin is one of the stars of Netflix TV series, The Crown. She has just changed her pronouns to she/they. She’s also shared with her social media followers a number of black and white photographs of herself in a makeshift breast-binder and spoke of it as ‘very cool’.
She wrote, “Some time before I bought my first binder, messing around with @sirdavidsimon, we used boxing wrap, thanks for capturing this with me, very intimate, very new, very cool. It's all a journey right. Lots of twists and turns and change and that's ok! Embrace it.”
The story then appeared in other media outlets including, OK Magazine and the Daily Mail. Across the board, the risks of breastbinding are downplayed and the practice is described as a sort of empowering fashion statement.
Breast-binding is a dangerous practice that can have serious consequences and cause permanent physical harm. It can cause compressed, fractured, and broken ribs, respiratory problems, damage to lungs, blood vessels, muscle, back problems and posture issues. It can even bring on a heart attack due to decreased blood flow.
Imagine glamorising an eating disorder or foot-binding to thousands of impressionable young girls on social media.
“Embrace it.”

Friday 9th July - Gilead At The Guardian
THE SPECTATOR: Gender-critical feminists are being forced out of The Guardian and Observer by the ‘vocal trans-rights faction’.

The article describes the tension at The Guardian and its Sunday sibling paper, The Observer, around women’s rights and trans activism. Last November, journalist Suzanne Moore felt compelled to resign from The Guardian after a 25 year career due, in part, to a letter complaining of ‘transphobic content’ which was signed by 338 staff members and sent to editor, Kath Viner.
Of course, one of the signatories to that letter was The Guardian’s own Witchfinder General, Owen Jones. And it looks like he’s now spearheading yet another campaign to rid the paper of an uppity woman who won’t be told.
According to The Spectator, rumours are circulating that Sonia Sodha could become the next feminist hounded out of the group, having written a recent article in The Observer making the outrageous suggestion that women have a right to free speech. This enraged the trans rights advocates at the paper, especially Owen Jones.
“Kath Viner failed to stand up for Moore during that row, and is said to live in fear of the paper’s woke readers and staffers. Some of her colleagues are wondering if she will again stand by while another feminist colleague faces attempts to bully her out of a job.”
Saturday 10th July - Witch-Burning in Canada
THE POST MILLENNIAL: A nurse in British Columbia is facing disciplinary action over her defence of women’s sex-based rights.

Amy Eileen Hamm is a nurse and single mum who lives in Vancouver. You may recognise her name as she made the news in last September when she co-sponsored a billboard expressing support for JK Rowling. She was quoted in the media at the time, stating, "Women's rights are important and we need to stand up for them and it's not transphobic to do so”.
The billboard was vandalised, vilified as ‘transphobic’ and, just 30 hours after it appeared, the company which owns the site, removed the sign. A fact that was celebrated by a Vancouver City councillor.

As one of the billboard’s sponsors, Amy Hamm was abused and hounded on social media and trans activists threatened to destroy her life.
Hamm is currently being investigated by the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) over her ‘gender critical’ views. There are no patient complaints to answer and no issues of confidentiality and the College could (and should) have screened out the two anonymous complaints it received as vexatious, frivolous or made in bad faith. Instead, the matter has been referred to the Inquiry Committee for further investigation and Hamm could face a disciplinary hearing and even dismissal.
“Two anonymous allegations and a tweet from a local city councillor could mean the end of Hamm’s nursing career. That’s all it takes to harm a woman for speaking her mind and refusing to stay silent.”
Sunday 11th July - Maternity Care, Not Just For Women
THE TIMES: An antenatal expert was attacked and dropped from a birth charity after she spoke up against women-erasing language.

Milli Hill is a childbirth campaigner, bestselling author, psychotherapist and founder of The Positive Birth Movement, a network of support groups for pregnant women.
Last year she experienced what she described as ‘extreme bullying’ after making comments on social media in which she objected to the term ‘birthing people’ to describe pregnant women. She was immediately subjected to a barrage of hate mail and demands for her books to be ‘cancelled’.
She was also contacted by Amy Gibbs, the CEO of a charity called Birthrights with which Milli Hill has worked closely with for years. She censured Hill for making the comment that ‘obstetric violence is violence against women’ and said that Birthrights was no longer able to work with her.

Hill has written in detail about her experiences on her personal blog:
“Too many women have been silenced, and I don’t want to join them. There are conversations about women’s rights, women’s bodies, and the words we use to talk about women’s issues, which need to be had, but which have been made taboo in our current culture. And this is not healthy. Worse still, women like me have been used as an example to others of what happens to you if you raise questions. And others have seen these public draggings, and decided to keep quiet themselves. This kind of behaviour, in which dissidents are made a public example of in order to ensure compliance to dogma, does not have very good historical precedents. And yet it currently describes itself as ‘the right side of history’”.
See you next week.
I kind of feel bad for the feminists who tweeted images of their cut-up Labour party cards and new Tory membership cards, only to realise they're just as steeped in it, with trans activist MPs like Penny Mordaunt, Alicia Kearns and Crispin Blunt [who, when closeted in the 90s, argued against equal rights for gays, citing child safeguarding reasons] all pro-self-ID. Now that lump Johnson has got this Lord Herbert in, to trans-up Parliament. That's all well and good as long as they're not on all-women shortlists, but at the same time, it's such a yawnfest to have yet another person at the top, trying to create positions of power for gender-cultists. There really is nothing to vote for.
Even the TRG (moderate "left" Tories) say they believe in self-ID and claim the idea women won't have single-sex spaces is a myth because "for over a decade, trans women have already been using bathrooms and female changing rooms, enshrined in the Equality Act" Um no, GRC is not the same as self-ID.
Emma Corrin is very immature for a 25-year-old. A grown adult who thinks androgynous fashion is a magical groundbreaking thing that totally hasn't been done by more talented people than her, years before her birth...I predicted it before she became a they-person because she has one of the few stereotype pronoun twat haircuts. They is a pretentious cliche clone now. I hope she has fun with her classic non-binary dented ribcage and special they/them unicorn shallow breathing. Being a they-individual will protect you from rape, sexual assault, needing hormonal contraceptives, period pain and being pregnant right? You can identify out of all of these things if you have a certain haircut and call yourself they right??? RIGHT?
Oh, the Owen Jones tweet. 😆 It's difficult to know what month/week/season ISN'T all about trans people these day. FFS. Can I speak about women's rights and the threat to single sex spaces on, hmm, let's saaaaayyyyy Oct 3rd? Is that day free from special pride/history/remembrance celebration of zero people murdered for being trans? No? How about 2022? Anything open there?