
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate these posts from JL, and I know it can't be easy. It's sometimes overwhelming. So thank you.

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Ah thank you so much, Genevieve. That's so kind of you and very much appreciated. And backatcha! Huge thanks to you and everyone at Reduxx. Such a vital resource.

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"However, a number of radio broadcasters have demanded the nominations be revoked and accused the podcast of being ‘openly transphobic’ and ‘harmful’. Over 150 radio producers wrote an open letter to the Radio Academy to protest the podcast’s award nominations and production company, Long Cat Media, threatened to boycott the Radio Academy unless the nominations are rescinded."

Do not say there is no cancel culture!

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"Female reproductive capacity remains such a taboo in India that women have been forced into life-altering surgery and even died as a result of the stigma. Yet trans-identified males could be allowed womb transplants and to carry children just to validate their fantasies of motherhood.

Sex really does matter when it comes to knowing which class of people to oppress and which to indulge."

Doesn't it just? It gets more and more obvious too. Such as the NHS prioritising breast augmentation surgery for men over women. Allowing boys into girls dorms if they feel more comfortable there. What about the girls? Has anyone asked them if they feel comfortable with teen boys in their dorms and showers? Do they care?

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Not many Indian men will avail themselves of uterine implant surgery though. Most such patients will be 'health tourists' from the Anglosphere. And no, of course women and girls haven't been asked about anything. We never are. Never have been. Why would they start now?

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Apparently, according to to article, the wombs will come from willing donors. Because there's so many women who would willingly give away away their womb to a man. The article says it will be women who have decided to have their wombs removed while transitioning to become men. So that's what all the confusing of young girls is for! And of course there'll be a constant stream of impoverished women who can be paid pennies for their wombs. Or maybe there'll just be a black market in stolen wombs.

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It strikes me that the women who are feeling pressured into having their wombs removed so they can work, will be a ready supply of fresh wombs.

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Yes, almost as though these things were connected in some way....

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Supply and demand and a surgeon ready to exploit the situation.

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It takes much more than having a womb to carry a pregnancy to fruition. How is this inspiring surgeon going to compensate for that in a transplanted womb? And what of the rights of any child born of such a parent? Will it be born to its father or its mother or simply a deluded stranger who will not want said child should it be born damaged? Surrogacy is bad enough when it comes to the rights of the subsequent child, but this? I really object to this as a woman who, because I wasn't married, did not get any investigation from the NHS as to why I could not carry a foetus to term. This was in the late 1980s/early 1990s, not that long ago!

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I may be cynical here, but I strongly suspect those who want one will not think that far ahead and may not even be aware of other needs (medical, legal or that of the child), than a body part and a fertilised ovum. I strongly suspect the surgeon involved feels his part stops with the implant. If this is true, then it is incredibly thoughtless adn selfish on all counts. It is also insulting as pregnancy gets reduced to "an experience" rather than the wonderful and serious process of bringing a new life into the world which you are responsible for.

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Oh ,God !! So much horrific news this week. Makes me so angry I could scream 😩😩😩 our First Minister Nicola Sturgeon should immediately trans to a man ( it she hasn't already) because she wears her misogyny like a badge of honour and shows her utter contempt for women with every word she utters on this subject .As for Disclosure Scotland ,words fail me !! An organisation that's supposed to be about safeguarding has just effectively abolished it and in doing so massively increased the risks to children How deranged can you be ??It I had children at primary school I would HAVE to remove them and homeschool them ,even although I'm not a teacher. I could never stomach the thought of them being exposed to these subversions of the truth and what kind of "teacher" would go along with this nonsense ?? Thanks ,JL. So brave of you to dig all this up. You must feel as if you've trawled through a sewer finding all this !! 😭🤮👏👍💘

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Thank you so much, Susan. Yes, I often feel the need for a hot shower and a stiff drink after writing The Week. It seems especially grim this week. But there is a Good News Supplement on the way. Take heart!

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May 9, 2022Liked by JL

I agree with your first few lines so much. For me it's the awful stories of child abuse and then these teaching materials. I'll be policing whatever gets put in front my kids. I was talking to a relative this weekend who just doesn't believe any of this is happening or says it just can't be happening at any scale because he doesn't see it in the mainstream media. I'm just going to have to just send him a link to this.

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Sturgeon says she would argue ‘until my dying breath’ there is no clash between women’s rights and trans rights as self ID legislation is being pushed through the Scottish parliament. Until her dying breath? We can only hope.

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The human race has completely lost its moral compass , that's for sure. Many more people need to wake up and fight this monstrous evil that's been allowed to invade every sphere of our lives (aka gender ideology ). The biggest and worst cult in history 🤮😭👎 Well done ,JL x

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They have. If you communicate with younger millenials they believe that all morals differ from individual to individual and are not a shared set of beliefs as to what constitute right or wrong. I have tried saying that there are some things that can be an opinion as to what is right or wrong, but some things should have no place for opinion - i.e. murder is wrong. The last time I had this exchange they simply blocked me. I honestly think that many of them think real life should be, or is the same as online which is why we see such nastiness spilling into real life. They also want to assess everything in absolute terms - good v evil usually and seem to have real trouble believing two things to be right at the same time i.e. good people can do bad things and vice versa. So if you don't agree with them about gender ideology then you must be a transphobe adn therefore it is ok for them to treat you badly. It's scary.

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Not half. Thank God I've lived most of my life ( 75.) but I fear for my descendants and wonder how many people will be damaged before this movement ( ie cult ) is either overthrown or eats itself !!🙏🙏🙏

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To get the medical records Sajid Javid will need to push hard at some strong professional and legal barriers, but I strongly encourage him to break them down. We must reveal the truth and break the TRA "wall of secrecy". We need to disclose complete medical records of trans patients to Dr Hilary Cass, suspending medical confidentiality for this and other related research purposes, and for that we need to know from the Uk's General Register Office the identities and changes of sex, suspending the secrecy clauses in the GRA.

Time to open up!

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

Nowhere in this news story does it mention that the killer is a man and that his "boyfriend" is a woman:


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Is that the case ,though ?

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May 10, 2022·edited May 10, 2022

Yes, indeed. I was suspicious because of the nature of the crime and checked the local news. Ruby Taverner formerly went by Martin Taverner. Ray Muscat formerly went by Amber Muscat.


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