Oct 9, 2023Liked by JL

"She maintained that under no circumstances is it biologically or legally right for a rapist to be described with female pronouns. “Not only is that wrong because a woman cannot legally be a rapist, but also it’s grossly insensitive and insulting to the victims of rape who are biological women”, she said."

I am waiting for a TIM to make the argument in court that even accusing him of rape is misgendering him.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

it's a really important point, men are men. - men who harass, assault & rape should have no room under the law to claim any fictitious identity, at all. Angela Raynor saying Labour will bring in misogyny as a hate crime.. well if you don't make it VERY clear men can never be women then this proposed new law will be used against women, - guaranteed.

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They can't and won't define what a woman is, yet they want to protect these mythical creatures in law against 'misogyny'. How can that which cannot be defined be protected? Who defines 'mysogyny'? It's a fancy bone to chuck at voters but has no substance, and is unnecessary.

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In Scotland, the proposed Misogyny Bill will include 'trans' identified males. The word, misogyny, has a meaning that can apply only to females. We need to get that 2004 GRA repealed and stop these 'bar stewards' in their tracks. How can someone like Dame Helena Kenny, who has seen so many abuses in her time, who is supposed to be a feminist, countenance this? What is wrong with these women?

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It's the naive mindset of acceptance and inclusion at all costs. #bekind.

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Yes, Miss, it is, indeed. Lazy and looking for easy virtue-signalling, too, without thinking it through. Idiots. They will just have to find out the hard way.

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I find Dame Helena a very difficult proposition now - she is proudly letting down all those and for what she claimed to fight for for all those years. She was someone I looked up to before she let her brains fall out the back of her head. She appears to be a men's rights campaigner now - but not all men - only that small but incredibly powerful and loud minority who believe themselves to be women who are determined to destroy our rights and access our spaces and places. She seems happy to ignore the fear and actual harm this is creating.

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Ditto the new stuff about protecting women who blow the whistle on harassment. That protection already exists as victimisation in the Eq Act - it's just posturing with a glass of water whilst the house burns down behind them.

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It's appalling what happened to the 10 year old autistic girl in Australia, and whilst I understand the points the child's mother made and what she was emphasising, I don't think the girl's autism should be so prominent in this. Children of 10 shouldn't be expected to familiarise themselves with transgenderism and accept what serves as some kind of ideology as factually correct, and they should not have to encounter people who are not the same sex they are in their lavatories or changing rooms under any circumstances.

The headteacher should be removed from his position, he is responsible for traumatising a young child and disrupting her education. His attitude and the authority attached to it absolutely must be challenged by the parents. His behaviour is indefensible and he shouldn't be given the opportunity to make another child the victim of his misogynistic tyranny.

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It's baffling, from a educator. - it's SO obvious he's traumatised and discriminated against the girl. It's worse because she deserves accommodation for her autism, - but any 10 year old has a right to object. I'm so shocked at the teachers who go along with this bullshit.

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Teachers and educators in general seem to be divided into those who are opposed to the gender crap but have are afraid to express it, so reluctantly do what they're told.. Those who are ambivalent but comply, and those who willingly enforce every ludicrous demand they are asked to meet by this despicable cult, and go after 'transphobes' like rabid attack dogs. When all this ends, I hope no one forgets these people, the ones who absolutely revel in the bit of power arse kissing gives them, then use it to intimidate and punish.

The only group who are missing are the teachers who tell the school and head teachers, etc to effectively go and fuck themselves. They do exist but they lose their jobs then have to spend a few years pursuing legal action. Like the teacher the Mail reports on today, a woman called Glawdys Leger, who was sacked after refusing to teach whatvis described as 'extrwme' LGBT lessons. The report states that she will be attending a 'fitness to practice' hearing. The ones carrying out these witch trials are those who are not fit to practice. This seems to be a matter of her Christian beliefs, but this is a Church of England school after all, so it'll always back down in situations like this and abandon those who practice their faith.

I think more of us, whatever profession we might be in, have to be a bit braver and take risks.

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Exactly what I was saying to someone today…we all need to be braver and blow the consequences. They can’t sack or cancel everyone. I recommend joining the Free Speech Union, they’ll defend anyone unfairly treated.

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I agree completely. The child's autism is not a big factor here at all. Every child should be able to feel safe in the single sex spaces of his or her sex class. These queer theorist apologists are trying to teach us not to trust our instincts, not to trust our senses, not to make split second judgements about others based on our knowledge of the world and people and to take steps to protect ourselves based on these judgements. We are being told this is bigotry/racism/prejudice etc. This is an enormous catastrophe waiting to happen in societies that embrace this radical ideology.

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Listen to Jon Uhler on this. He knows exactly what these people are up to and how they manipulate those around them. He says that many of them are in education, the universities and schools, in hospital management, etc. - everywhere that means that people are vulnerable. They choose their targets.

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Hear hear, Radhwa

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Yet again, I scream in frustration, anger and disgust.

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Yes, it's been a grim week. But hang in there. Bumper GNS on the way.

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THIS!!!! "trans-identified males pose the same risk of violence to women as any other man. . . women need and deserve a haven free from males, all males. To gaslight them, to destroy their safety, privacy, dignity and piece of mind just to validate male feelings in this way is unforgiveable."

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they actually pose a greater risk, - as proved by the last census

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It's not that I do not believe this in principle. However, one should be very careful with statements based on very unreliable and selective numbers. There are just too many factors that likely screw up any serious assessment. I.e.: We don't really know how big the percentage of men is with serious Gender Dysphoria, we have no clear definition of the term "trans" anymore, and we can assume that it is very attractive for some male sex offenders to "identify as women" who are incarcerated for a whole set of reasons - access to victims certainly is a major issue here, but not the only one. Last, but not least, we probably have a bit of an age gap between average men and average "trans women". This is likely to affect offender rates rather considerably. I.e. younger men are a lot more likely to commit crimes - including sexual violence - than older men.

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i was going to say the same...

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Actually more, Aly.

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Two steps forward, three back. Looking forward to the Good News edition!

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On its way!

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You always do us proud, JL.

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Graham, how on earth do you stay sane?? Reading the sheer lunacy contained in your posts makes my brain explode! Thank you for devoting your time and energy fighting to protect women & girls. We are forever in your debt. ❤️

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yes, JL is behind the WoW updates but thank you for the kind words! xx

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My book has arrived 🎉.

Thank you Graham, for everything you have suffered on behalf of women, children and the sane functioning of society. You have the gratitude of the silent majority.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Graham Linehan, JL

Just so you know, these posts are from JL. She does sterling stuff bringing us both the week's horror stories and also the glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel.

The author is always shown at the top of the post.

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Thank you, WOTE! Much appreciated 😘

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No more than you deserve!

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Hi JL, another round of degenerate second rate, willy wobblers larping as women, one going so far as to murder his parents like the scum he is, his entitlement is disgraceful and no female guard should have been forced to search him, an act I regard as akin to rape for the guards, of course the trashbag should have been in a men's prison in the first case. The EU must stop,pandering to men's delusional fetishistic nonsense asap, the unelected trash at the top of the eu should be sacked if they push this bs.

So sad what Canada has degenerated to that it mutilates its own children, trudeau is a pos, I hope he is sued and bankrupted by the parents of those girls.

That poor autistic child, principal,needs to be sacked ASAP.

More cheating second rate wan.kstains destroying women's sport. I have to say that if the girls turned up, sat down and refused to take part letting the pervert stand by himself like the trash he us, we could have movement on this bs. Mr Clark is a male cheat encouraged by organisers because they see nothing wrong with cheating.

Oh look another willy wobbler perving in the woods like the flasher he is and yuk yuk yik he us ugly in his perversion. More power to Lydia Daniel, im hoping the police write off the flasher as a SLAPP - a vexatious person who continually sues others for petty reasons.

Fair play to Cullen white and his rejection of non binary bs at the womens jobs fair, hope he keeps it up, as once in an organisation they destroy it from the inside like the parasites they are.

Colette Colfer and her uncomfortable for the Irish state questions, hmm she does not go all the way but at least she questioned the attack on free speech.

Roderic o Gorman and his friend Peter thatchell are birds of a feather, literally.

Suella needs to bring legislation in to stop the captured police wongly recording sex of mtf perverts and skewing the crime stats to hell, talk is cheap Suella!

Glass door need some educating in the word woman and the stats for trans crimes against women.

Sorry bad language but no effs left to give anymore!

Thanks again JL 🌟

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My pleasure, Trudie. (Well, you know what I mean...) Also... WILLY WOBBLERS!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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‘No effs left to give”. Totally!! Boils my blood that all this is happening in plain site!

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Once upon a time... This is no fairy story! I worked for many many years with homeless people including in a residential home for older long term homeless women. run by a charity who "staffed their homes" with volunteers. Mainly young people taking a year out before uni or after uni before getting paid employment. The women we worked with were some of the most vulnerable homeless women there were. Social work contacted us and asked if we would take a TIM for a, week because he had been attacked in men's hostels. I said no but was overruled.

I went into work one night and found two women crying in the corner of the bathroom both with underwear soaked in blood. Nobody could tell me what had happened. In hospital, I was the "accompanying adult" while they spoke to the police. The TIM had raped both of them. One woman was 76, the other 82. He had called it lesbian sex.., both were so traumatised, they didn't recover and were accommodated in psychiatric care until they died. The TIM was charged and convicted of rape and got 7 years in a men's prison.

As I said, no fairy story... Very traumatic for the women involved and the other residents and traumatic for our volunteers and for me. How dare Glass Doors think their policy is okay? How dare they put some of the most vulnerable women in our society at this risk? How dare their Board support them to do this?

Please dont like this... Please write to Glass Doors and tell them they are wrong. The human rights abuses this policy supports are phenomenal for homeless women.

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Oh that's just heart-breaking. Those poor, poor women. And, yes, I totally agree re contacting Glass Door. I've already put a letter together. The snivelling cowards, throwing the most vulnerable women in society to the wolves like this. Shame on them.

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What an horrific account. I’ve liked it but I will also write to Glass Doors. I assume that you will send them this story.

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I have sent them info re this and how their policy is a human rights abuse. Will they listen, probably not.

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Thank you for sharing. I will write to Glass Doors, as you suggest.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by JL

"He spoke at the conference, later posting a video on X (formerly Twitter), to berate the male registrants who had lied about their ‘identity’ to gain access."

Where do you even begin? A guy who's pretending that "non-binary" is real, while complaining that people are only pretending to align with it. He's even addressing them as "cis." If you're going to go along with dumb, made-up words, not much point in complaining that people are making stuff up.

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He is very confused. Not the only one.

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Yep... as the saying goes: "play stupid games... win stupid prizes."

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Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL!!

Poor 10 year old Kenzie, that's outrageous. Hope her mother pursues it further.

Roderic O'Gorman is a joke. Great perseverance as ever from Ben Scallan of Gript. What would we do without Gript!!

I have turned my aim on the Labour Party ( the party of women with penises) tonight and let them have it full broadside: https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/carry-on-camping

Thanks again


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No worries, Dusty!

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I enjoyed your substack, Dusty. Just to say that I was at the Reform Party conference at the weekend and every single speaker talked about the toxicity of gender identity ideology and vowed to stand up against it. The Reform Party know what a woman is and are not afraid to say so. I am hoping for a tidal wave of Reform votes so that our political system will change and gender woo woo will get stamped out.

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Thanks, Helen

and noted


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Those mastectomy stats from Canada are truly shocking, especially as they are incomplete.

Also on statistics, I wonder how the number of reported 'non male' rapists (also incomplete I believe as not all forces supplied data) stack up as a proportion of total rape reports? Are trans identifying men disproportionally represented? We know that MoJ statistics from 2018 (?) show that the prison population of sex offenders contains a disproportionate number of TIMs.

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Good question.

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Only certain "disabilities" need be heard.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Graham Linehan

From the mouth of Alyn Smith, SNP MP: SNP HQ keeps a list of women in Scotland who hold GC views. Straight from the horse's mouth. Video footage doing the social media rounds.

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What is their motivation? Apart from being an intrusion into someone’s life, this information could be used for incitement to violence. Worth investigating surely?

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The Danish study on the cardiovascular disease rates highly escalated in young adults on wrong sex hormones is valid. It was a retrospective study (Dr. Dorte Glintborg, European Journal of Endocrinology, Vol. 187, issue 3, Aug. 2022, Odense Univ) of health records of more than 2600 "trans" identifying young men and women. Avg age men, 23, avg age women, 19. They would not normally have heart disease, stroke, blood clots. My comments on the typical pushback, gleanded from Reddit:


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What is going on is a flagrant abuse of female human rights. This needs to be sorted at the UN.

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I am not sure if the UN is the body I'd currently want to debate this at. Some UN orgs have been heavily infiltrated by liberalidentitarian ideas, including queer "feminism".

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Yes, I know, Chris. In fact, a lot of this stuff has come from the UN, but the UN is the body that regulates human rights. Women's and girls' human rights are being sidelined to make way for this insanity. The Yogyakarta Principles found their way into UN human rights policy. One of the participants at Yogyakarta - I'm sorry, it name escapes me at present - has done a complete U-turn. He states that no heteronormative female was ever consulted, albeit one or two lesbians were, and, if they had been, this nonsense would never have passed muster. There is simply no way on this Earth that 'trans' rights do not seek to destroy female rights, and that governments and other organizations have simply ignored the detrimental effects on female rights that were eminently foreseeable.

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