This never gets old. One of my first tweets before I was permanently suspended:

“Indeed, it is becoming ever more obvious” he writes “that it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes.”

Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life

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“Crimes the individual alone could never stand are freely committed by the group [smitten by madness].”

Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life

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“Once upon a time men were possessed by devils, now they are not less obsessed by ideas. . .”

Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion

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Or as Erich Fromm pointed out, you could say you didn't believe in god in the U.S. but you had better goddamn well worship the flag.

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Wow. Amazingly prescient.

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I just read that Substack is thinking of creating something similar to Twitter (where one is not permitted to link to Substack articles), but where free speech would be allowed.

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No, don't think I was suspended for this. I suspect Colin M. got me suspended for continually 'misgendering' HIM. Think he has a lot of power with the Twitter control boys.

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Thank you JL. So that’s those women’s sports totally screwed then. With state and sporting body approval, to pander to the insane desires of the very few and the mentally unhinged. Mulling this horrorfest over, it's really as if we don't exist - women and females are just an aberration and mystical phantasm dreamt up by some men to wank off over. To imagine. We are figments they dream up and can control and dictate to. That we really truly are a bit of their rib imagined into existence. To equate a woman having the ability to have control over her own body with the ‘exclusion’ zones to ‘safeguard’ drag propaganda makes me want to vomit it is so delusional. And the clear rule now that a man kills and is referred to as a 'woman', but a woman kills and is still funnily enough a woman.

We are apparently this very strange concept and idea of what their fetish is and when we don’t fulfil their criteria and orders they get violent and even more coercive. Which stage of societal collapse is this now – older men’s fetishes being enshrined as vital education for children in schools dressed up as a progressive rights movement for mothers and children to obey.

Look how they are using 'smart tech' to crack down ever further on women. Any advancement humanity has made seems immediately twisted back to serve the interests of the very same few.

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I know it all seems very grim at the moment. But, honestly, I really think the pendulum is swinging back. Try to stay positive! x

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Oh thank you, I am positive but it's cut with a very weird type of steel at melting point! x

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Molten steel sounds pretty hardcore to me! x

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Things are changing as JL says. From a previous post by yours truly: 'Reuters have reported that UK Athletics will apply World Athletics' rules on exclusion of transgender women from elite female competitions, the governing body said on Friday, adding that it had received the "required assurances" on the legality of the measures.'


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I know. Seb was around a lot in athletics and elite sport when I was a child and I grew up in that. I was waiting for him to show some damned backbone as several of my family members would be rolling if not spinning in their graves over the recent shenanigans.

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A bloody awful week for women then. 😡

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I've been writing the War on Women for four years now. There's never been one single day when I didn't have something to report on.

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I’ve only been reading for a year or so , I’m so sad it’s come to this and ‘Normal’ folk just don’t get it

However the bin fire up here in Scottish land is quite amusing but scary

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Hang in there, Petal. I really think things are getting so crazy because the gender movement is in its death throes and this whole house of cards is about to coming down. Take good care of yourself x

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God I hope you're right

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And thank you for that. You’re doing valiant and selfless work. I may not thank you every day but I’m grateful for you every day.

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Thank you so much, OpEd. Your support and kind words are very much appreciated.

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OMG I am looking forward to the Good News already. As an Irish citizen I am especially horrified by the continued awful situation with Women's Gaelic Football. Our cat is horrified by Matthew the cat kicker. So horrified that he has had to go to sleep on my lap to recover. I like Edinburgh Live and the Evening News showing a photo of an obvious bloke and then using female pronouns. Are they taking the p***? Riley Gaines is so brave . Go, Riley! Why on earth did it take 3 hours to get her out!!??

Thanks as ever , JL. Hurry up with that Good News!!


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It's all ready to go! Hang in there, Dusty. There may be a little morsel of good news from Ireland for you... (oh I'm such a tease!). Best wishes to you and your cat! x

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Dusty, yes the LGFA thing has upset me so viscerally.

My daughters play. One very keen, it's her life and its so healthy for a young teenage girl.

One not so keen but allows herself to be encouraged. Can I be arsed encouraging anymore? No tbh. I'll get her into martial arts. Learn how use a man's strength against him, rather than pitch a man and woman's strength directly. It's not a level playing field.

I've done the sidelines, I've done the ferrying to training, I've gone all over the county after a long day at work. Washed the fucking colours, made the fucking sandwiches. My husband trained our local girls. Family involved for generations - male side of course, but still.

And they've totally lost my loyalty. Because they didn't esteem us enough to even do a cursory check on how it would affect the actual people they exist for.

It's a betrayal.

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That's so terrible to hear, Forest, after all the effort you and your family have put in. It really brings home the reality of what is happening. I hope your daughter who is keen on it perseveres. As you say it is a betrayal.

You will have seen the news re Riley Gaines which bears comparison!

We need to keep an eye on what they propose to do to the Constitution BTW. Sorry to add to the burden!!

Well done for all your amazing support for your daughters


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No, I get you, that's something we have to organise around. I simply don't trust that this is for our good, as you know in 2023 it's the priests wanting to keep us at home minding our 8 kids that is the big danger for Irish women.

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Mine have gone to tae kwon do and absolutely love it, the gaa mafia never asked the ordinary people who play or who are parents about this just rode roughshod over all with no care about the girls playing with a fetishistic man, it's disgusting, that man kicking the cat needs jailing as fbi studies showed those that harm animals eventually harm people.

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Look at "Breanna" Gill's biceps. Any assumed physical advantage of transwomen compared to biological women is obviously a transphobic myth.

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Yes, what I know about golf (which isn't much, to be honest!) those hulking great male arms and shoulders give him a huge advantage. (Telling that this is his first big win. Another mediocre bloke.)

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023Liked by JL

It's where you can produce your power from (and your core and hips) for the devastating swing. I have a fairly powerful swing as I am tall and athletic. Having been excluded from trips to many courses as I was gasp, a younger female, I got bored of trying and over a few years. Some men were a bit sheepish as I was politely informed I wasn't allowed to join them. It turns out that I was quite good with the sticks and little ball, which I found out by accident when older, and also rather embarassing for the males I was with who assumed I'd played before. Oh no, not allowed. I have been asked since and have zero interest. I was excitedly asked to join one club and if I had any ideas on how to encourage other women to play as their members were all retired and dying. I think I smiled and somehow didn't manage to set the course alight or wear stilettos on it.

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Yes, another mediocre bloke, just like Lia Thomas, the supposedly record breaking swimmer who had no chance of such success when he competed in the sex category he belongs to. But that all changed when incredibly he realised he was actually a woman, which lead to his spectacular success. Winning clearly means everything to this guy, so much that if the only way he can do it is by pretending to be a woman, he'll do it. In reality, all it does is demonstrate what an unexeceptional athlete he is.

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"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

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That quote come so often to mind these days.


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities

Not a new observation but so incredibly apt

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This is TERRORISM ,pure and simple and it's STILL being enabled by ALL our institutions and mainstream media !! What will it take to wake these people up. Worldwide FEMICIDE ,is that the aim ? We are not safe and all these supporters will have blood on their hands. Trans rights and trans genocide are pure fiction. It's Trans Privilege they want and the abolition of everyone else's rights. Many of these guys hate women so much that they would happily erase women completely from the world.!! We need more men like Graham to help us defeat this demonic movement or we are doomed. Thanks ,JL. This must've made you as angry as it makes me.🤮🤮🤮🤬🤐

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Body dysmorphia my arse. Autogynophile and cheat with zero shame!! WTF?! Where's the smoke? Only our beloved Graham, JKR, KJ Keene, Maya, etc are reporting this! Why in the name of Greek buggery aren't the papers?! I'm so impotent with rage, I am in absolute awe of you, Mr Linehan. THANK YOU for fighting this far better than I ever could! I just get so bloody CROSS!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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I know exactly how you feel

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Sorry I might be able to read it properly before my breakfast tomorrow

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Only if you feel up to it, Petal. I totally understand that it can get a bit too much sometimes! x

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Meanwhile, I wait for anyone, besides myself and Jon Uhler (and Ben Boyce with an interview of Tracy Shannon) to host a few trans widows, ex-wives of men who damage women's categories. We have so much to tell, like Viola, whose guy found a "trans-woman therapist" to help with "transition," and he refuses to try out someone who does not have obvious conflicts of interest. Thank heaven, she's not married to him, she has family resources and is strong. We now have Facebook Group, Transwidows Unite, which is private and can be joined by trans widows after a vetting process. Viola:


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Good luck tomyou, trans widows and their children need help

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Meanwhile, I wait for Barbara Wegner to apologize for her insults to trans widows, on her substack claiming we "married them willingly."

I refuse to give this woman money for the "privilege" of commenting on her substack blog.

NO WE DID NOT MARRY THEM WILLINGLY. WE DID NOT KNOW. And, how dare you, Barbara? Who is this lady, and can some subscriber to her reply?

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

"In 2014 Liberty’s then director, Shami Chakrabarti, apologised for the group’s former association with PIE and said this affiliation was a source of ‘continuing disgust and horror’. "

'However,' (she might as well have added) 'learning from past mistakes is out of the question on account of our moral infallibility.'

It takes a cult-like level of arrogance to go from supporting paedophiles to supporting paedophiles and violent porn addicts, and still be able to reassure yourself that - once again - you're on the right side of history.

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'learning from past mistakes is out of the question ...'

The mantra of ALL institutions! It should be branded on their foreheads!

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I think you're correct, as indicated by the ever more desperate excesses of 'activists'. The light is increasingly being shone onto the whole freak horror show, and there is so much to see. Certainly enough to make people realise that this does relate to them and does affect them. Once seen it can't be unseen and then it's virtually impossible to remain ambivalent.

The gender cult is far too ambitious, audacious and frankly stupid to retain its potency and power. They are going to need to come up with something more substantial than assertions of bigotry, hate, racism and antisemitism, etc, to challenge opposition, but they won't. On the ground they're mostly comprised of women hating arseholes and compliant, naive young women. The latter will eventually wake up and see what's being done to them. And when everything driving this is fully exposed and compromised it will stop being profitable and collapse all the way down.

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Hope you're Right. I'm apopleptic with rage at all these horrors and the people I'm most angry with are the institutions ,governments ,public bodies cel British ,medics ,scientists ,sports bodies and ALL who comply with the outrageous demands of this Cult !!

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He'd probably say he would, just like Little Owen Jones said he'd fuck a transman. Of course he wouldn't, any more than Radcliffe would.

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At which point I would have told him his delusions bear no resemblance to any kind of reality that 2nd rate plastic men are not and never can be women E V E R and that he was a twat

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

The howls of the zealots are ramping up. They are getting increasingly furious as more people peak and see them for what they are. The violence will continue to grow and people will be killed. I have to agree with Matt Walsh when he said this ideology must be burned to the ground. As for NEU, there is a rather disturbing article in Unherd today about their new president. Apparently he is a Marxist, has swallowed all the koolaid and the agenda for meetings includes topics such as the war in Ukraine and debating NATO membership. Silly me for thinking teachers are there to teach the curriculum, such as it is. Ireland seems like a lost cause and Canada continues to resemble a country behind the iron curtain in training. Your ideology must be rotten to the core of you have to legislate for people to worship and embrace it. Dark times we are living in. Good news, though, about the Let Women Speak recent events without the baying mob present and the police actually doing their job. 👏

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Irish women are iighting back and if that twat Biden wasn't coming Dublin would Ave had a LWS with kjk and it would have been pic

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FFS. Evil is in charge.

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difficult to respond emotionally to these posts. Sort of anger followed by desperation followed by anger, scared of the present/future. more anger, intense sadness. Massive resentment at these scum bags taking rights that aren’t theirs and then having to read that unions who is usually support are hanging women and girls out to dry in the name of inclusion.

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Depressing 😞

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