It just seems to get worse and worse, no matter what we all do to try and wake people up. It’s as if we’re all living through a 50s sci fi movie where everyone has been brainwashed or taken over by evil alien beings. How can so many people be in thrall to so much crap. I could understand that at first people just wanted to be kind but now there’s just too much information out there so are people being deliberately dense and if so, why?

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Have you noticed that these trans-identified men are being referred to more and more as "the individual" by Krankie and her apologists? Is it a new "gender" to add to the list - I identify as an individual...? It would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

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They can’t admit to him being male or the whole foundation of gender ideology collapses …. People are who they say they are, no debate. And if they say he’s female then all the sane people will see that her flagship self ID bill is open to predators… and of course, that never happens 😬

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Gender ideology is so full of shit, so its not our bodies that mean anything, its a personalised bespoke individual take on anything and everything, rendering any terminology completely meaningless! Like a massive smoke screen! but behind the smoke is usually ……. A MAN! usually with an……… ERECTION! and he wants his nob and what inspires it to be a ……… PROTECTED CHARACTERISTIC! And anyone who engages in logic and critical thinking is a …. FASCIST! Bring on the goodnews section. We need it!

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I’m tempted to only read the good news section from now on , my blood pressure can’t take this pish

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i always promise myself a break but then i end up reading everything and feeling terrible.

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Snap , I feel as if I must read it to keep myself informed , even if it infuriates me , same with wos website , even if I am tempted to break a window with the iPad lol

I’m still quite lucky here ( 😬) in a way as it’s not quite infiltrated down , but on the other head of the coin folk think I’m talking shite and no way would feminist to her fingertips queen nikla allow this

Hopefully the msm will continue and not just get bored with her waffle

Whose partner would be able to give £107k to anywhere and not ask questions !?!?!

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Feb 7, 2023
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I’ll have to find that

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Feb 7, 2023
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Feb 7, 2023Edited
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Yeah but rapists need pronouns too so what will they be? The mind boggles.

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The linguists and philosophical linguists have this lot bang to rights.

Every and any word mean anything anyone wants it to - is 'rapist' now someone's sex, their sexuality, their gender, their gender identity? Or it acts as a qualifier? An invisible label? Mutually exclusive? No exclusion allowed here. Now, to distance herself from any logic and reason Nicola is choosing to use the fake attempt at neutral with a pretence of objectivity and scientific rationality of 'individual'. Like using the third person or plural. To signal the unidentifiable 'individual' doesn't share any behaviours or characteristics of anyone else, any other man, any other man who identifies as 'trans' or their wider group. So the shit doesn't stick to her. No logic, cohesion, legibility or consistency is necessary in the 'her penis' world. To see others ask her direct and simple questions and her stumble to pick the signifier she wants, then tell us all we are getting distracted on diversions, dog-whistles, right-wing bigotry, anti-woman culture wars is a lengthening list of weak excuses.

Which leads this back again to some people can do what they like, force others and us to do what they like, then justify that how they like.

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I’m afraid its not funny but your comment made me giggle.

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We have to laugh at this concerned bloke, we have to laugh at them and I feel like that bit at the start of Hamlet, where the new King is so sad, but so delighted at his wedding to the old King's wife, so he's jolly happy. But sad, so sad. Sad face! The whole court is trying to figure out how to act and react. To keep ourselves strong as we stick to facts and clinically pick apart their false arguments and that smoke screen :-)

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Correct TSBBL. like you say their false arguments. Infuriating that whenever this comes up with new people, its like having to start again from the beginning, explaining the basic principles that i needn’t bore you with as you are far more articulate than me. Its real donkey work and sad that it takes the actions of a rapist to bring it into focus for the general public. What a profound failing of the media etc that it has to take such an extreme to make it onto the news. Shame on them, like the medicalisation of children wasn’t quite enough. I can feel more crossness coming on. I’m too tired now to get angry. I do however take great comfort in this community of thinking people, no doubt we are a broad church in beliefs/ politics etc. United in our love of human rights and the on going quest for equality. best wishes to you

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Oh you too, very well said indeed :-)

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So exactly what has the long and dangerous reign of ‘gender’ ideology taught us? It has taught us a lot about humanity in the twenty-first century. The true depth of woman-hatred. The true depth of child-hatred. The particular vulnerability of teenage girls. The weakness of so-called ‘experts’. The danger of the internet ‘hive’ mind. The dangerous influence of overwhelmingly accessible pornography. The weakness of ALL of our institutions (which are really only people after all). The staggeringly cynical profit motivation of people in the corporate world. The overwhelming need by individuals not to be negatively labelled (transphobe, unkind, bigot, dinosaur, non-progressive etc.), the ubiquitous cowardice of human beings, and FINALLY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY -- the importance of individual conscience. Only the brave will save this world. It’s always been like that. Answer only to your intuition and true knowledge. Don’t travel with the herd. Instead, be a fierce lion — your herd no longer accepts you anyway. We each must sign our own declaration of independence.

Gender’ ideology — a wonderfully powerful, and somewhat depressing, teacher.

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Beautifully said.

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very kind, thank you Helen

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This is all true but it has given me a renewed appreciation of good, thinking people and of the strength of women when they need to protect their own. I come from a long line of such women and my daughters have picked up the baton. Before this crap began we had all become way too comfortable. Be on your guard against those sneaking up - Trojan horses got into our midst somehow.

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Thank God for people like you and your daughters

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All of this … so so true

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Revolting unstable weak men...trying to lord it over women! I have no respect for them and will not comply!

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We've always had bullies but we have never seen them so encouraged and supported by the powers that be.

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Thanks JL , yet again more deluded males masquerading as females , actually most of them are not even pretending to masquerade , seems it enough for them to just say so ( actually most of them are masquerading as human ) , and females are getting chucked under the bus

Tiffany Scott is considered so dangerous that the courtroom was closed off at his last appearance but young ( and they are mainly young ) female guards are being forced to search him . Where are their fucking human rights

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Was at the Let Women Speak rally in Glasgow on Sunday. A great turn out a real cross section of people from far and wide. The women spoke with passion and dignity, by turns heartbreaking , earthy and funny. Talked to lots of people and The Glinners name always came up as a great source. It reinforced my determination to stand against the madness. The livestream and other video on youtube.

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It gets even better, Graham. Christine McKelvie is the partner of the Scottish justice minister who originally said ‘Isla’ Bryson is a woman, only to be over-ruled by Sturgeon who identified him as ‘a rapist’ and ‘the individual’ only to slip up yesterday at a press conference and refer to him as ‘she’! Sturgeon’s tangled web is becoming tanglier and, as we’d say in Scotland, her coat is on an increasingly shoogly peg!

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…. struggling to love your child for who they are? call Mermaids now on 0891696969.

Mermaids, gendering activity since 1995.

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Maybe it is because I have just re-watched the SFW rally in Glasgow (with the improved audio) but I am not as depressed as usual after reading JLs report. Yes there is a lot of shit here but I feel more optimistic that the rest of the world will see this and start to join in the fight. I hope I am still alive when the GRA is finally repealed as it surely must. The crowd in Glasgow was magnificent and I hope that Starmer has seen some of the coverage. He must surely see how ridiculous Sturgeon looks and that could be him too if he does not rethink Labour's policies for gender reform.

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When will this violence be reported with accuracy in the mainstream press? The wives have experienced violence from "the nice ones" at times (typically the choking the men have watched in sissy porn), incidents I touch on in the link below, choking, and police were called.

Now women, mothers are contacting me to tell their tales also; their daughters are in various states of cross-sex identification. The one I introduce at the end of Trans Widow's Testimony: Portia, Part 2, says her daughter is now identifying as "non-binary" after half dozen years of saying she's male. She regrets her "top surgery." She was recruited by a man, who ideates a female persona, when she was a teen, then ran away from home, disconnected from her parents at age 19. We ex-wives and grieving mothers are women warriors, finding our voices. New series on Ute Heggen channel upcoming.


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it makes me cry.

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Does anyone know if there is a counter organisation to GLADD? For gender-reality medical professionals fighting against gender ideology? Depressing what GLADD has do be by the way.

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Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine is doing some good stuff on that.

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All these damn perverts...

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I received an petition email from Citizen Go about a Tate gallery grooming of children drag queen event by a very suspect individual which I signed and I've included the link below

I sent this email to the Tate directly- depending on who reads it, it will probably go into trash immediately as those who are most blind are the ones who refuse to see.

Apparently Baroness Nicholson, a member of the House of Lords who is a staunch defender of children, has written to the Chair of the Tate Board, asking him why it is necessary for a man pretending to be a woman to read stories to children, especially one who has shown  disturbing proclivities.

The Drag Queen Seb Samuel has posted the  message , ‘love has no age’, on his social media. He’s also shared an image of a pubescent boy and an old man and added a caption joyfully noting that in a gay nightclub both of these individuals can be 23! 

In addition, Mr Samuels has posted a lot of sexual content to his social media - I’ll spare you the gory details, it’s deeply unsavoury, but if that was your child’s teacher, they’d be sacked and yet this is who Tate Gallery wish to showcase to children on Saturday.

I think a lot of people confuse genuine concern for those transgender people who suffer body dysphoria and the rag bag army of fetishists who have latched on to Gender ideology as a route to legitimise unsavoury behaviour. The Tate is supporting the latter, not the former. Gender identity ideology is actually transphobic because it directly implies that individuals do not have to do anything about changing their physical appearance in order to identify as they wish. It is also homophobic because it denies same sex attraction and replaces it with same gender attraction -which throws up all sorts of confusion. Thus a man who identifies as a woman who wants to sleep with real women can call himself a lesbian. 

Generally women's safe spaces are being threatened, lesbians are being intimidated and  children are being groomed with gender ideology. Remember Gender Ideology is not based on reality, or biological fact and that is why there is so much hysteria on the part of Trans Activists when challenged. Just like any religious extremist you must believe without question of face aggressive intolerance.

I don't know why so many public bodies have been captured by this ideology. I can only assume that the hard left who decided twenty plus years ago to insinuate themselves into positions of influence have done just that and are now exerting their baleful influence.

It may be that the people who have chosen to put on this activity have skin in the game. It may be the person who first reads this email also has skin in the game.

it may also be that the person who first reads this agrees with my position but is terrified to say so.

Anyway I have expressed my opinion  and I know that a petition is being organised (which I have signed and from which I copied my first three paragraphs) and whoever is reading this might also want to sign.

Here's the link address: https://citizengo.org/en-gb/fm/210086-stop-gender-propaganda-tate-gallery?dr=21921482%3A%3A7f232fe14db1467217b1e1c67c3519b6

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Feb 7, 2023Edited
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Looks like the petition got targetted.

My clicking on the link brought up this:

"This Petition has been disabled because of inappropriate content, "with a notice to its originators to sign in to "learn more and fix this issue."

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Feb 7, 2023
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I used to try to keep up with any organisation in my field. Usually so I could answer queries, direct others, or for funding, or to gauge the current state of industry or sector knowledge, or for a heads up if something bad was happening. That would happen when a new policy was mooted, maybe in another area and some obvious clashes hadn't been understood. Officials relied on us and those doing these jobs to advise them. Especially where it clashed with domestic laws and standards.

But this? The Rainbow Cities Network? There are so many quasi-official sounding ones, they suck funding, and what are they? These are all set up to push queer theory everywhere.

'The Rainbow Cities Network is a group of more than 30 cities engaged in active policymaking that addresses the concerns of LGBTI people. The network was founded in The Hague on 17 May 2013 in connection with the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia ( IDAHOT ). Berlin was one of the network's founding members.'

Look at the 'Contact us' details: c/o Queer Zentrum Mannheim. A direct link to those in German politics and green movements very successfully still trying to reframe paedophilia.

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Feb 7, 2023Edited
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Mycelium ha! Thank you for your links. You did exactly what I did, but some bell was clanging in my head. Anything with 'cities' and 'place' attracts this. I worked on many taxpayer-funded projects or public work and took that seriously (maybe too seriously). Much of our standards, guidance and legislation is developed this way, providing some or many levels of scrutiny. Then these types set themselves up based on the thinnest of everything to corner the market - with really dodgy articles of association or status (charity or otherwise). Flashy website, app, then activists pushing it and you are away. Layers of management or 'outreach'. Doing some good work in limited areas. They become trusted providers so all doors open 'in communities' and their national or wider budgets are huge compared to local authority ones, then they tap into international funding. It's particulary bad in health, mental health, care, learning and sustainable future green anything (and really that means anything). Or 'community' projects.

Then they claim the outsourced funding that should really be going elsewhere and to underfunded local authorities and services. Locally to me, one particular charity was getting all local funding for particular work streams. It backed dangerous interventions that were then scrapped as they had a very particular agenda but were totally unskilled. They were really screwing things up and with millions in funding. I decided to volunteer with them in my local area (having met a senior policy officer at a national conference) and was really shocked at how many people were employed doing not much. I quietly pointed out after one session that the training we were in was based on national guidance I was involved in, they'd know that if they looked at the names at the beginning and saw mine. They cycled me round, asking me to fill in forms to be a volunteer (again), then were worried I was 'too experienced' and 'too senior'. That went on for months then years. Then a change of staff, then they wanted me to apply again and fill out the volunteer forms they lost. Huh? I couldn't believe how it was run.

Then they mysteriously, and very sadly lost all funding. Locally authority funding had been put out to tender for years with fewer and fewer people who could accurately assess the bids or their delivery. I see more 'community interest companies' setting up doing this.

I know a few people based in the UK who are advising and working with Irish authorities, and I am very wary about all of it, and if local people are even aware of how these things are being developed (like planning and development of new infrastructure).

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Feb 8, 2023Edited
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It was a range of planning professionals working with students in and from Cork City. There are fairly close ties between different professions and across Europe and the world, like with academic institutions and through professional development. I've seen this genderology leak into my sector through the education sector and undergrads. It's also dressed up as women's rights and it infuriates me. Some consultancies starting putting pronouns in all email signatures. The same bunch of mainly men, but now getting all the sex equality kudos of gender. And the very daft young women pushing this. EDI is supposed to be integrated into built environment sectors, but it's this funny version of it.

Yes, it's staggering. When I think how long it takes, and how consultations are conducted, yet none of that process seems to apply to them and groups like them. They consult with themselves then tell us what will happen. They've cornered the market in all education and as so few know (or knew) it was happening, as it was labelled something else, it's very hard to counter. I hope this 'it never happens' and 'evidence from other countries with self-ID shows there's no problem at all' is finally being countered by the oh look, this thing that never happens has happened again and again.

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Feb 7, 2023
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Yes - and it's the unsaid inferences they are relying on. So everyone and everywhere else is the unsaid 'LGBTQ+ unfriendly' unless they state otherwise. Who is deciding that? So it coerces you to state you are proactively 'friendly' as the only other option, the binary, so you should agree with them, and loudly and repeatedly. All knowledge production, libraries, archivists, teachers and learning are all removed, reframed and 'tech' can do all that now so easily and we handed them and anyone the keys. Remove all gatekeepers? Knowledge means nothing! I once had to categorise things to build a resource and had to explain to people how categorising is an act in itself and to be conscious of this. What we included, how we linked and ordered it. Which was deemed as essential or core learning and required then for what purpose. How to connect and order information is crucial. Many of my professional colleagues thought it could all be found on Google, not seemingly to realise how you need to search with some knowledge, to know how to find what you are looking for and what you might be missing. Then much is behind paywalls or is in gaps. Is the research there, or is there no research? So much is just plain old wrong. You can hide things in plain sight - like how you structure the questions on a survey or questionnaire. Get the answer you want, like good old Mrs Merton. These are expert propagandists in schools. All the very odd ones asking very young children about their sexual identity and preferences, using adult sex toys as an expression of their rights. Breaking their boundaries in the name of helping them protect their own boundaries.

Can we rely on what we want or need being in the first few search results or first page of results? Not everything exists online.

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Feb 7, 2023
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Online search results yes. I'm not sure we can get the or a single source. I've wondered this for a while, right from my time at school, then on through work and my studies. Then all professional training. Learning is tough but rewarding and you need patience. And to be able to start somewhere.

A senior professional asked me where I got my knowledge from a while back, as if he could just go to one website or piece of guidance, then click a button and download it from inside my head. I tried for a while to help him, but he wanted one simple answer, then I kept having to talk him through how he could go about getting to a valid answer that suited his needs and context. How could I summarise decades of how I know what I know or where to look or who to ask? How had he got to such a senior position skipping those stages? There are no lazy or instant routes to knowledge. On open days at one prestigious institution I used to be asked if students would be guaranteed to get a First, they would 'agree' to come to the course. More often, it was their parents asking. It was hard not to laugh (whoops). WTF do they think education is? That was over a decade ago now. It's viewed as a product. It takes work and application and is iterative. Hopefully lifelong.

There are a few and growing number of very good sites, organisations, places and people taking this on - from groups within/outside Unis but in academia and education, then journalists, feminists, parents, communities and other rights groups and charities. And substacks like this. All of us!

I hope it's in and through education that we can fight this, so the spark of curiosity to question, so enough of us can search out the truth and support others to. To ensure the process of learning isn't screwed completely as it is being. It's very heartening meeting younger students who are having none of this. And very worrying what is being 'taught'.

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