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The stuff this weekend about Caroline Criado-Perez has made me really despair for humanity, at least until I read many of the wonderful comments which were overwhelmingly horrified at the censorship (or at least censure-ship) of a hugely important book. As a society we've only just begun to scratch the surface of the sex based inequalities arising from the "default male", and CCP has done a remarkable amount for any individual - let alone one so young - to draw attention to these issues.

I went to see CCP talk at a Women of the World event last year and her story is truly inspiring: she wasn't even a feminist when she started her research, which only lends credibility to her work as it really was through interrogation of the data, and not through any personal biases that she drew the conclusions she did.

That anyone could have the nerve to try and frame this as "problematic" is just so messed up I don't even have words for it. Anyway, rant over. I think she's amazing and what a relief that so many stuck up for her and for sanity this weekend.

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