I’ve been trying to publicise the issues in bed with the belief that TWAW through Facebook. People just don’t want to know or engage. I can count on one hand the number of likes or comments I get for anything to do with this. Not that I’ve got a huge number of Facebook friends, but I’d probably get 50 likes for a picture of a glass of Prosecco.

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I was on a FB page (Clash against the right) and someone shared a bloody Pink News article equating gender critical people with anti BLM right wing movements. By simply writing that those two issues were separate, I got called a TERF by some prick. I get ever so annoyed that good left-wingers and anti-racists are still either serious misogynists or uninformed enough to think that any woman wanting a debate deserves to be called transphobic. One of the contributors even claimed that the LGB Alliance was a racist, homophobic, transphobic movement. I should have simply written' Alison Bailey' in response but I know those twats wouldn't bother looking her up. They don't try and read anything longer than a twitter feed. I thought we'd moved on from the days when Rock against Sexism happened in response to the misogyny of Rock against Racism but more than 40 years on, I still find the same women-hating crap among people who should know better.

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Regarding trans inclusion in sport: "The inclusion of trans women athletes, specifically those who have transitioned after puberty, raises issues of fairness and safety in all sport."

I worry about the caveat of 'after puberty' because this could be used to justify or support the use of puberty blockers in children. That if we stop boys from becoming changed by testosterone, they will be like girls in every way meaningful in sport, and therefore no advantage detectable, and voilà, fairness. Only it isn't very fair, is it. Getting young boys to stunt their growth and cause irreversible side-effects in the name of trans ideology. And we are the baddies here? Not. A. Chance.

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I identify as a 17th century Chinese concubine and have asked Edinburgh University's student union for support. They've kindly offered to break and bind my feet.

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Are these judges letting off dangerous paedophiles willfully ignorant or willfully stupid? Perhaps we need to start compiling a register of officials colluding with the trans madness where it has a detriment to others, or is this too Stasi?

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How utterly depressing

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"A campaign ‘encouraging’ Scottish NHS staff to sign a pledge and wear a rainbow badge in support of LGBT people has met with criticism after it was revealed that participation in the scheme will be monitored." You vill comply.

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It's simple, really: males' bodies produce (or have the potential to produce, or have ever produced) the male gamete, spermatozoa. Females' bodies contain ova. End. of. story.

tl;dr—have you ever ejaculated? Then you are MALE. Stay out of women's and girls' sport, changing rooms, and bathrooms.

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Am I imagining it or is the nauseating Edinburgh uni microaggressions document gone? Link worked this afternoon but not anymore...

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