May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023Liked by JL

Experimenting on babies should be the ultimate wake up call, there have been a number of these cases now. Why isn’t anything happening? It’s as if millions of people are deliberately turning a blind eye to the horrors that are all around us. There’s no excuse people, it’s time you all woke up.

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If we can legitimately medicate children based on a belief system and thats where we are, then we are fucked as a species.

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It does seem as though we've fallen into some kind of black hole of insanity and that virtually everyone is whistling and looking the other way. Ffs what is it going to take?

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A flood

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flipping heck, which we’re actually going to get

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Women who have been substance misusers - drugs and/ or alcohol often have social services all over them when they give birth. The risk posed to the child is taken seriously. Shocking how men with a fetish put their needs before a tiny child and public servants look the other way

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It’s because they’re stunning, brave and special, there to be revered and worshipped by lesser mortals.

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I think they are acting like disgusting **ats. Seriously evil stuff

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I have to say, utterly grim and depressing though it is, men's sexual proclivities and perversions, however vile and dangerous, are too often facilitated by those around them. Look how long Savile got away with abusing thousands of children in VERY plain sight for so long. So many people around him (at the BBC, at the hospitals and charities, in his circle etc...) must have known full well what he was doing but not only turned a blind eye, actively facilitated him.

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It should be the ultimate wake up call, but that it hapoens to isn't enough in its own. There will have to be damaged babies and dead babies, whose deaths will have to be unequivocally proved to have been caused by, not linked, to the drugs they were forced to ingest by a deeply abusive parent.

It is unfathomable that some people are prepared to comply with the gender cult and compromise the safety and well-being of a baby, to avoid being cursed as a transphobic bigot, etc. And it is treated like a fucking curse or a spell that they are powerless to resist and will be destroyed by. Obviously, that's bullshit, we all have to power to tell these vile bullies to go to hell, but we need to use it collectively. Gradually, it's happening more and more, but it's going to be slow because this misogynistic, homophobic monster took a long time to develop and perfect before increasingly revealing its hideous self.

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f-ing hell i feel sick, i reckon the Suffragette‘s must have been trans too, for their time, they were gender non conforming having the nerve and arrogance to assume they had the level of intellect required to demand political representation. Surely these women were trans men without the vocabulary. How dare they hijack a female artist who had the internal strength to live her own life as she wanted. Bastards. Bastards. Bastards.

And as for the children, our children growing up in the most rapidly changing world that the species has ever seen, filling their little heads with this poison that groomers them to hate their bodies and turn to drugs.

Shame on them.

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Shame on them, indeed.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023Liked by JL

The Tate is guilty of misgendering the artist by assuming a gende, whereas there is evidence of the partner using female pronouns to describe the artist. Surely they are doing what they accuse doctors and midwives of doing: presuming a sex

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May 22, 2023Liked by JL

Thanks Graham for writing about the trouble we’re having Down Under with the government trying to stop women criticising men trying to be breastfeeding mums. I spoke to The Doll House podcast about it yesterday and revealed AusPATH is calling for universal breastfeeding care for “transfemme” parents. https://welcometothedollhouse.substack.com/p/episode-12-dads-dont-breastfeed?utm_medium=email&utm_content=post

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What about the children, Jazz? They never seem to talk about the poor children, always the brave and stunning morons who larp as parents. In the near future, we are going to have a generation of children who will want to make those idiot parents pay. I knew narcissism was a horrible imposition on others, but it is as if it is okay now.

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Everything in this newsletter is shocking. However, what stands out most to me is the retrospective transing of this female artist. I can't get over the arrogance of the Tate using these ridiculous plural pronouns, when I'm pretty sure Marlow did not use them herself. That's just plain rude. And why spend so much time speculating about her sex? Surely her art is what is important? How she deessed, or what pseudonym she used are all incidental. They are trying to create a false history of trans, to 'show' children it's perfectly fine and has always been a part of history, so many millions of trans people hiding in the shadows of history. These ideologues are playing fast and loose with young people's and children's mental health and physical health. We are creating a society of mentally deluded and physically mutilated people. A society that simply cannot survive. We are killing ourselves. We'll be wiped out by this evil long before the planet burns itself up. I honestly can't believe this is being allowed to happen.

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Women are being erased everywhere, it’s all unbelievable as you say. Dusty Masterson has coined a new phrase for us on his substack. We’re now the ‘permanently baffled’ PBs rather than GCs.

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Thanks TT but I’m giving you credit for that 😎


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If, as many TRAs say, womanhood is nothing but an attitude of submission, then any woman who has refused to submit is not a woman.

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That would be quite a few of us, then!

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The only good news here is that Amy George/Andrew Miller was clearly in receipt of a good face-punching by the police!

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Yes, I wouldn't normally condone violence - especially not police violence against a suspect - but I'm finding it hard to condemn in this case. I imagine a lot of the coppers who arrived on the scene have children...

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Grass roots polis have their hands tied , especially up here with the blatantly corrupt COPFS, and with sturgeon still clearly ruling the roost behind closed doors

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Yes, I noticed that, too. Not into violence, but he deserved it. I think he used his real name and pronouns because he knew if he continued to scream, 'trans', there was no way he was going to be placed in a female prison, not after the rapist's shenanigans, so he will be looking to be placed in the special unit of a male prison, where he will be protected. The one decent thing he did do was confess. The poor wee girl will not have to appear in court and call him 'she' as the rapists' victims had to do. Can you imagine that the courts go along with this bilge. Retribution will have to be spread far and wide when this crashes and burns.

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Not one politician has expressed any sorrow for the poor wee girl , bastards

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It is quite incredible. Snivelling, spineless moral vacuums, the lot of them. If a 'trans' person is called by the wrong pronouns, they are all over it like bees to the honey pot, but a child is brutally raped and held prisoner by a man in silicone breasts and knickers and they cannot delve deep enough to find a modicum of empathy. No one can be in doubt now, that these fetishists are dangerous.

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Or that our politicians in Scotland are enabling them. That's you Shona Robison, Nicola Sturgeon, Lorna Slater, Patrick Harvie, Alex Cole-Hamilton, Anas Sarwar, et al.

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It’s quite clear they hate us

Not one word of sympathy for that poor child

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I think they hate us saying, no, Petal. These men and their handmaidens, the politicians and big noises all think women should just shut up and put up with anything, even child abuse. Well, we won't. They can hate us all they like. Personally, I feel anything but empathy for any of them. Loathing comes to mind. They can just F right off, the lot of them.

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And we are saying no more and more ,thank feck

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This is a direct quote from one of our fecking eejits

“ there is no evidence that predatory and abusive men have ever had to pretend to be anything else to carry out abusive and predatory behaviour “

We pay this fucking arseholes wages

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Or other prisoners. Cue the calls for the poor vulnerable trans to be moved to a safe space, a women’s prison?

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It was reported in the Scottish press that he received the bruises for “resisting arrest”!

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I just remembered that the news report said he was still asleep when the police arrived! Not easy to 'resist arrest' when you're asleep! I guess he accidentally ran onto a few fists in his confusion...

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Thanks, JL

I like incarceration-onset gender dysphoria :)

Here is rapper Samson saying what he thinks of men who claim they can 'chest feed' ( not sure if it is about the same man?) - last piece on my post here:


Already done my post tonight but will cross post your horror stories tomorrow as usual

Thanks as ever and looking forward already to GNS!!!


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and congratulations on the 4th anniversary!! :)

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Thanks, Dusty! When I wrote the first one (at Graham's suggestion - I can't take any credit for the idea!) I really didn't think I'd still be doing it 4 years later!

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You’re a star, JL.

I think Sky News Australia have stolen the name for a regular report they do.


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Really?! Haha! Ah well, they're welcome to it!

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Meant to say re Samson's rap that you might want to skip the first 37 seconds which is a video of the couple with their baby!!! Samson delivers his song after that :)


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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023Liked by JL

I've read so much of this stuff--- always gives me a sinking feeling like I remember from just before the Iraq invasion when the whole western world was "all-together-now" disappearing into a (facts free) lightning struck cloud--- marching off to fight a "holy" war, while wrestling with its own bankruptcy and willful dementia--- in reality.--- Christ on a crutch... people love their make believes and mobbing. Scientology wasn't enough, I guess...

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They should change it to the andrew tate gallery, he hates women too. Especially lesbians.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

Thank goodness the only usurpers who have identity misconceptions I deal with in retirement are weeds who believe they're garden flowers. I asked the 4 children who ideated a cross-sex persona (during my 20+ years of teaching) what they ate for breakfast and how they resolve sibling disagreements. Usually the envy emerges, we dealt with it, I convinced the child that everyone in the school loves them as they are, they got some special privilege or time in the lime light, and it was over. Period. End of story. For children, that's how it should be.


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4th Anniversary edition and you are not running out of material JL. How many more anniversaries are to come? Can we hope to end this shit before the 10th or will it take longer?

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Author

Well, I'm not sure "It'll all be over by Christmas" but I really do think things are getting better! Hopefully I won't have spend much too longer slumped over a laptop every spare moment I get!

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What an awful thought.

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Different week same old shit , apologies to SK

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Thanks, as ever, JL. One small thing - could you edit the section on Marlow Moss so that her year of birth says 1889, not 1989, please?

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Japan takes rape and violence against women much less seriously than the UK. No surprise they place men’s needs above those of women who, despite the law saying otherwise, are definitely second class citizens. The treatment of sexual assault victims by the police is sickening.

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JL can you write a book called

‘On the origin of feces: A guide to identity politics’

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Hahaha! Excellent work, CB!

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Every time I think that you can't be shocked anymore, something comes up that is so horrifying that you can scarcely believe that human beings in positions of authority allow it. Men breastfeeding via drug-induced bodily fluids that bear no relation to mother's milk? I thought I was going to be sick. Why is this not deemed to be child abuse? That man was actually getting his rocks off through his own child's feeding. He was, literally (good 'trans' word) orgasmic. What is it about this fetish fest that, in the face of it, sensible people lose all sense? They can't cancel everyone in power. They can't cancel about 95% of the population. They would try, they are that insane, but this does not strike me as insanity being ignored, but something else.

Far from looking the other way, deliberately pushing of the boundaries between reality and unreality - and, when you take the insane out of the equation, that must mean fear of the consequences of standing up to these TRA thugs on the one hand, and power, money and sex on the other, and not necessarily in that order. I am seriously beginning to wonder just how many people in positions of authority actually condone, in the public sphere, Queer Theory, kink and all the other fetishes as liberating? Either that, or the American billionaire corporatists behind this movement have promised them riches. Either scenario leaves our society wide open to destructive totalitarianism.

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