This whole week’s news has moved me to tears of relief; that the tide is clearly turning so that children can no longer be mutilated in the name of ‘progress’; that the incredibly brave & often lone male voice of Graham Linehan is finally being given air space; that he is being given coverage that is no longer spiked, vituperative & hate filled bullshit; that this whole sorry, women-hating epidemic seems finally to be running its course. My 27yr old daughter, off to Manchester Pride this weekend, reliably informs me that hating JKR et al is ‘not cool’ these days; relegated to the chip paper status which is even then too good for it. But Starmer making worrying woke noises still; no room for complacency with these spoilt neo liberal lunatics...this is a hill on which I’m still prepared to die. So much gratitude for the good news 🙏- so much fight left in us yet 💪💪💪💪💪

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So glad to hear you enjoyed this week's GNS! And, yes, we fight on! 👊

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And, we must report the shady charlatans who break all the codes of conduct while "diagnosing" kids and adults with a condition they claim is cured by dangerous and unproven surgical methods. Here's the survey to answer if you are the ex-wife of a suddenly crossdressing man. 49 responses now up at uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com (contact form to send in your answers and enter the vetting process.) We are all narcissistically abused by this movement.

Blank Trans Widow Survey

Was his crossdressing a revelation or your discovery?

2. Did he then tell you it is under control, not frequent, and then it escalated out of control?

3. Did he select a therapist? Did that therapist or he claim the marriage is now a "lesbian relationship?"

4. Did he put money in a secret account or other venue and spend it on wardrobe, make-up, electrolysis, etc? Did he incur credit card debt for this spending?

5. Did he wear your clothing or make-up?

6. Did he suggest/coerce/cajole you into "sex role play" whereby you are to use a "strap on" or other sex toy and play a "male" part in bed?

7. Did a therapist suggest any of the above as in #6? I am combining the answers of these two in the data but it's important for data to know whether mental health professionals were participating in this sexual harassment.

8. Did he defame/vilify you in affidavits submitted to court in the divorce/custody process or defame/vilify you on social media? Please, if both happened, do indicate.

9. Did he claim to any therapist or a group of friends that you abused him verbally or physically?

10. Did he attack you physically? Please indicate whether it was choking, shoving, punching, etc and if there were any bruises, scars and evidence. Also if the police were called.

11. Did he force unwanted sex with you? Did that happen more than once? Were the police called, were any charges filed?

12. Did you live below the poverty line or require governmental or family financial assistance at any time after the end of the relationship? Were you unable to leave because of money?

13. Did any members of the clergy (priests, rabbis, ministers) suggest that you have to give in to his requests to keep your family/marriage together?

14. Did anyone, therapist, friend, husband, or family suggest you now are obligated to "share Mother's Day?” Did teachers prompt the child(ren) to start making 2 Mother’s Day gifts?

15. In your own individual therapy, or in the process of interviewing a therapist for yourself, did any mental health professionals tell you that he's to be referred to as female, with female pronouns in therapy supposedly centered around your recovery?

16. Did you lose a set of friends after he came out or after the relationship ended?

17. Did he start self-identifying as "mother" of the children he fathered or was step-father of?

18. Did he suggest/insist that the children call him "Mama-Something" or some other similar version of Mum?

19. Did a therapist or husband or any friends/relatives tell you that your rejection of and ending the relationship "caused him to decide to live as a female full-time?”

20. Did he co-opt your experience of childbirth, using the details of your labor to convince new friends of his "female status" and role as “mother?"

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The tables are turning again. Good for Graham ♥

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I’m really looking forward to the day when all the snivelling, self righteous virtue signallers have to finally admit that Glinner (and others) were right all along.

Thanks JL, great stuff.

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Thanks, TT! My pleasure, as always!

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I've been awaiting this for a couple of days, but it was well worth the wait, thank you!

I see even Australia are finally waking up.

Graham was featured just about everywhere, which is the silver lining. I just wish he could get back to comedy as he has a right to.

Love the song. You Choob is a great Scottish insult to unholy Mhairi. Actually, if comedians weren't so in thrall those nutters in skirts, they could do a great transgender Barbie piss stake and call it Boabie.

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Nice to see some good news on a basically shit week personally. Daughter bleating on again about being desperate for surgery and hormones and planning her 16 birthday doctors appointment. We are dying inside, my husband usually so strong and upbeat getting more depressed by the day. Wish Scotland would go same way as Denmark before it is too late for us.

Thanks Graham you were amazing as usual at bringing this to public attention. As a family wee thank you from bottom of our hearts ❤️

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I'm so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine how upsetting and stressful this situation must be for you and your family. I do hope your girl makes it out the other side okay. (Sorry if I'm preaching to the choir, I'm sure you know Genspect and Transgender Trend can offer wonderful advice and resources.

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So sorry to hear this. It must be the most awful thing to go through.

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Glinner getting the recognition he deserves at long last. JL thanks for some good news.

Denmark and North Carolina have recognised the harm done to children by this poisonous cult industry grift is brilliant. Europe seems to be coming around to the sanity needed to protect women and girls, lesbians and gay men. Scotland and Ireland are the latest bought and paid for set of out of touch politicians who deserve sacking and possibly jail for ignoring their electorate and faking the bribes. The GRA must be repealed, its a legal fiction used to destroy womanhood in favour of agp men. Starmer the harmer needs to find a backbone and stand up to the perverted labour trans brigade in his party before the children are ruined for life, he is such a coward Imo. The music at the end was hilarious and pointed, great craic. Thanks JL

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Pleasure! 😊

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Starmer won’t stand up to them. He’s only recently U turned on his support for the blocking of the Self ID bill in Scotland, saying that he wouldn’t have blocked it. Also, Labour intend to make misgendering a hate crime. It will become illegal to tell the truth.

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Hopefully kellie jay will get to question him in a debate publicly and show him what the consequences will be for Labour, I hope 🙏 there has to be a way to show the public what is going on, the tories don't seem to be able to halt the trans bs that has mostly taken place on their watch, nor does rishi seem to be able to show starmer up for the flip flap he is. I'm so fed up with this

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Me too, it’s all so frustrating. The Tories have an open goal on this and they don’t seem to have the energy to even kick the ball.😠

I hope KJK shreds Starmer.

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What ball? There!! There!! That one, the goal you're standing in, just kick the ball!!!

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Odd isn't it - how can we respect sex-segregated conditions if we're not allowed and are coerced into lying about sex. I crossed out gender and wrote sex on yet another form this week. It's just as silly as asking is your gender 'recognised' and if so, by yourself or others. That pointless info now has to be input into some database somewhere.

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Agreed TT. Labour are a lost cause at the moment though glad to see that Graham Stringer Labour backbencher has come out on our side 👍

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Yes, I liked his comment about “the Humpty Dumpty school of thought”. 😆

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Yes 😎Words mean what I want them to mean 😃

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Could be the TRA motto ? 😎

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Starmer has U turned so often he will resemble a corkscrew by the time he is elected. He won’t get my vote that’s for sure.

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Nor mine, not much choice though is there.

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Well done Graham. And everybody else too, of course!

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As always 🌹

Just when I think the SNP couldn’t get any worse …. They do

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Kate Forbes has mentioned Graham's unfair treatment which was very welcome. She may be a practising catholic but fair play to her for her sympathy for the co-creator or Father Ted.

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Kate Forbes is a member of the Free Church of Scotland not a Catholic.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Yes, you're right. I've always found her views so similar to Catholicism that I did not look further. Still, she wisely would not silence people making fun of religion so it's great that she speaks out against the trans movement's intransigence

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😘 x

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Brilliant brilliant news, I’m so pleased for Graham. I wish I had been there. Edinburgh fringe is not what it used to be

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Knocked it out of the park outside Holyrood, Graham. Just a pity those trans-facilitating bastard MSPs, paid with our taxes, weren’t there to hear you!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by JL

Mhairi Black ending up as a punchline seems to symbolise the way this is going. All these great achievements are ultimately down to people who had little or no power but took it on themselves to do something and, despite losing careers/getting death threats etc they stuck it out because they knew it was the right thing to do for safeguarding women and children.

Mhairi Black (and many others like her) were happy to inflame the situation and make life even more difficult and dangerous for these people by demonising them as bigots. She is vile and she can now fuck off into much-deserved obscurity.

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So delighted Sarah Jane is behind bars in a male prison. Karma karma getcha. The news from Denmark and Australia is also encouraging. I seem to be under the impression that the Tavistock' s closure in March did not occur. Can anyone enlighten me as to the state of play there? I love writing to my MP and feel another letter bubbling up. Graham, slowly, slowly, too slowly, you are being vindicated.

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Many thanks JL.

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Comedy misses you too, Glin. The Fringe has been woefully unfunny for a good 5-10 years now. That said, it's been a huge gift to online comedians like Overload, NOHUN, Slxthkween and my own dear trans boy friend Chad Howitzer-Millwall who's got so much material out of this debacle that "he's" put out a new episode every day taking the piss out of it all.

Chad on the Fringe festival: https://youtu.be/9V-dZJPKPt0

Chad on the Comedy Unleashed no-platforming: https://youtu.be/k8OcIlIxZwM

Couple of jokes about the situation at the start of this one: https://youtu.be/UMDoj5ZA-y4

Chad on Peter Tatchell and the Sambia tribe: https://youtu.be/bWfFVh3sIwc

If you ever wanted to get back into sitcoms, Chad hates your guts but I would love to have you on the show with "him"!

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And if nowt else, at least know you're still inspiring new sitcoms, even if it is just on YouTube. "Luv yaaaaaa" says Chad. :DDD

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Thanks as ever, JL. Always a relief.

Great stuff re Glinner. Our hero!

More good news- a San Francisco ( you heard that correctly) art gallery are holding an exhibition of dissident feminist artists who have been cancelled including Pearl Moon and Birdy Rose. I reported on this last night. Check it out 😎


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Meant to also say loved the song but I’m featuring Alice Cooper tonight who has joined Terf Club. Altogether now “School’s out for summer…” 😎

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Not just Alice Cooper but Carlos Santana, too. Though these are stories for next week's edition of the GNS, mustn't get ahead of myself!

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Looking forward to it already, JL :)


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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Author

This job is like painting the Forth Bridge; when you finish at one end, it's time to start again at the other!

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Yes indeed plus the 'campaign' is global rather than some more local issue!!

At my previous workplace we had a picture of the Forth Bridge in the corridor which I thought as always very appropriate :)


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