Flipping heck Graham’s been allowed to be heard on radio 4! things must be moving in the right direction. and those sturgeon clips are so funny, it would be easier for her to defend a policy enforcing the use of shit in school meals. A moment of relief ! thanks JL

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My pleasure! x

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

I'm still not over Nicola Sturgeon saying that people who aren't for trans rights (i.e. insane, dangerous demands) tend not to be for other people's rights too.

That we're bigots.


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Ah yes, another one for the TRA bs bingo grid: the guilt-by-association tactic. They use false equivalences to call their opponents racist, and to portray themselves as civil rights campaigners.

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It's very hard to take Nicola seriously when she tacked on homophobia and racism to her accusations of bigotry. Anything is transphobic and that's racist. Huh? She's just chucking lists of 'isms' at us, which is fairly ignorant of why those listed 'isms' are so painful to experience. She's totally indiscriminate in that, which makes me think she doesn't know what definitions of discrimination are. Or 'discrete'. Great, thanks Nicola! Been cast out into Nicola's pit of hell? Well, join everyone else she's decreed are against her made-up accusations. That's everyone subject to those discriminations who are now magically directing that at others. Tch, the damned sexist, misogynist wimminy lesbians are at it again with their sexual racism!

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Why did she tack on homophobia and racism? Do you think she doesn't understand (sometimes I feel like she talks in a haze) or does she think the dopes who still think trans is a human rights movement will believe this completely bonkers narrative? (i.e. vote winner)

NOT thinking effeminate boys and masculine girls are opposite sex and wanting to accept them for who they actually are makes us homophobes?

It's beyond stupid but lots of people will think that us not believing in the right of men in dresses to be seen as women makes us terrible bigots!

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Hard to guess. Why not I suppose. Why not chuck in more illogical fevered slurs. Rationality left the building a while back. Chuck in everything as she thinks she needs to really press her points home. I think she does understand and went all in for political advantage. She's all in with the gender brigade and they've been whipping all this up, with their 'experts' who 'train' organisations in how horribly mean some people are and have done for years. They parked their brains and critical faculties a while ago. It's all good, saintly oppressed and marginalised vs evil, bigoted oppressors based on very dodgy stats and their own confected and skewed 'evidence' so that doesn't help bring out truth or nuance. Or reflect reality. Once you are declared as wrong they can then pile on the hate terms. Ironic really considering their attempts to bring in hate crime laws. And various police forces failing to remember that sex is also one of those protected characteristics. Nicola's latest mumblings are what appear to be 'true' trans vs 'fake' trans. Apparently her trans bullshit detector is the only one of note in the UK.

The way TRAs scream at disabled and ill women wanting single-sex provision and the choice over who provides care then the loud attacks or resounding silence from Nicola and others in Labour, SNP and Greens is foul and very clearly shows clashes of rights that they all deny couldn't possibly happen. And that has been an issue for years, but those needing care, like those in prison tend to be overlooked.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023


Bullshit bingo?? Nice one!

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For their fantasy to be complete..they need women to completely submit..to be in their rape centers,,in their toilets, in their showers...full access...or their fantasy is not completely fulfilled...to me it is the ultimate in male dominance...and it's horrific

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Yes, well said! I think this being brought into focus has peaked a lot of people. I keep repeaking! And people peaking (or to use a much-maligned term, awakened and woke) about a few things and experiences. Men and women, old and young, who did or didn't call themselves specific believers in rights, or feminist, or thought all this was in our past. It turns out this is all alive and well and either a streak in, or a layer underlying and connecting all our lives. I think many of us are also connecting the dots between types of behaviours that are accepted or shrugged at, that shouldn't be. And we can say no, in our own lives and in support of others. It's not something dusty and from the past, we are sadly still living it. And we don't want our daughters and sons living this, just as previous generations felt.

I've had some brilliant conversations and met some wonderful people and from across backgrounds and 'protected characteristics' which has been the strange nugget of gold in all this awful battle for basic rights and respect. It's been very heartening to see how many men are seeing and realising, then saying they too won't accept this.

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Even more good news. The Scottish Prison Service (yes, the group that had its policy on where to house trans prisoners written by a trans-id woman ‘James’ Morton!) has today announced that prisoners and those on remand will be held in prisons according to their birth ‘gender’ - I think they mean birth sex! The only worry is that they say this is initially only so the door is still open for them to be moved. I wonder where the trans-id man ‘Amy’ George will end up? He’s just been charged for abducting an 11-year-old girl in Galashiels and holding her for 24 hours. I wonder how Nicola sleeps at night knowing that under her GRR bill these predators would all have GRCs by now.

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Are TRAs genuinely angry when violent criminals are in the "wrong" jail? i.e. the right jail (in our opinion). It's bizarre to me!

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Yes, because you want to interfere in their RIGHT to have unfettered access to victims.

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What can I say? I'm an awful bigot!

They are truly warped, aren't they!? The TRAs....

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It's almost like "bigot" has become the supreme compliment!

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Yeah I wonder if we can use it as a virtue signal soon!

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I think it depends on whether they can get away with saying that they clearly "aren't really trans". Unfortunately for them, they've now expanded their bandwidth so far that it's getting increasingly difficult to disown the bad actors.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

I never hear them denounce anyone who claims to be like them (in LGBTQIA+ the corporate brand/cult) whereas I would slag off anyone who did wrong! Decapitate TERFs? A few politicans lied about not having seen the signs that day, but I didn't see any keyboard warriors saying this was a step too far... I think bad behaviour is ok as long as it's their own kind doing it. It's so deeply tribal, isn't it?

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A good week all round. Sturgeon never thought she would start such a huge debate on transgender abuse of human rights. Sweet.

Kellie Jay Keen, what a woman!

My god that dog is so funny! Silly cat 😊

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Do you think Sturgeon regrets her stance now? I know I would! Yes, Nicola. We care A LOT about female prisoners.

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I think she regrets suggesting the rapist is not who he says he is and tying herself up in knots over the whole issue. Unlike you and me, she doesn't give a crap about female prisoners.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Yeah I agree with you there. And considering most women are in jail for comparatively minor crimes and overwhelmimgly non-sexual and non-violent crimes, Sturgeon's stance is a particularly sick one.

I sent my friend a link of the woman who spoke at Glasgow on Sunday, the one who had to have a contraceptive coil fitted in prison because she was under threat by men calling themselves women. My friend said it was dark. Not just dark though is it? It's dangerous and unacceptable. I mean, they had the woman's consent but only under duress? She was essentially blackmailed. Disgusting!

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Thank you for another excellent round up!

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My pleasure, SD! ♥️

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by JL

I'll second that, SazzleDazzle. Thank you lovely JL, stay sane, won't you xx

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I'm afraid that ship sailed years ago! 😁 Thank you for your kind words! ♥️ xx

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by JL

Oh same! Haha 😂

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by JL

Once more thanks JL

who knew leggings would help us out !

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Thanks so much, petal! ♥️ Yes, 'Isla' couldn't have done more for the cause, could he?? Those leggings ("You can see what he had for breakfast!") must've peaked thousands!

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Going by what you could see in his leggings it certainly wasn’t a full Scottish 😂

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Unfortunately NOT a good news week in Wales.


To give you a flavour

"the Welsh Government’s position on trans people is clear (Welsh Government 2020c; Senedd Cymru 2022b):

Trans women are women, trans men are men, and non-binary identities are valid.

Through Impact Assessments (see below), engagement with the LGBTQ+ Expert Panel, and the consultation responses, we continue to evaluate potential effects of our LGBTQ+ Action Plan. We have developed an Integrated Impact Assessment, we evaluated the potential effects of the LGBTQ+ Action Plan on women’s rights and, in considering provision set out in Schedule 3 of the Equality Act 2010, we are of the view that support for LGBTQ+ people and publishing this Plan will not result in the erosion of the rights of women, including cisgender and transgender women."


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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Omg... The first line:

"No ground was ever gained for progressive causes without struggle"

So misleading on every level, as if us folks are against fair rights for all.

How woke are the people of Wales? Is there push back or are lots of people still asleep?

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Have they learned NOTHING from the Scottish Government's fall from Grace ? Makes the Welsh Government look equally stupid

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Oh I am fuming. For a country, nation and people so aware of language, language loss and the coercive nature of governments to enforce that I am stunned by this current - whatever this is. I keep seeing the 2050 million speakers goal.

I have spoken and listened to many people who switch between languages and how hard it is to describe some things, feelings, experiences, needs, desires without your mother tongue. It is famously hard to translate some expressions and feelings from and to English and Cymraeg.

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The language is now under attack with the nonsensical "non-binaries" demandinh that Welsh be made "gender neutral"!

I have not heard the Welsh Language supporters pushing back on that... yet they screamed loudly to get compulsory welsh language in schools at GCSE thereby *reducing* the number of GCSE option choices pupils could have. I missed that forced language learning by just 1 yr. My sister was not so lucky and as such it prevented her from doing all three separate sciences at GCSE.

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Men who ideate a female persona for themselves and are married often have an unusually possessive and narcissistically unwell jealousy of all of the wife's bodily functions. Robert Hogge, the "Trans Flag" designer, published his callous observations on his former wife Donna's experiences giving birth, in which his jealousy was sooooo much more important than her childbirth experiences. Hogge now names himself "Monica Helms," a "lesbian." But not with Donna. That's over. I write of this, as I know of one Scottish woman who recently discovered her husband's cross-dressing, and even started giving him her collection of purses. I wish JK Rowling would open a trans widow wing in her refuge.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by JL

Thank you JL - what a week indeed!

The jaw-dropping cynicism of these people who just assumed that Scots wouldn't care about women in prison, has spectacularly back-fired. I particularly enjoyed "We don't have enough information..." (to know if a rapist is a man or woman) when they've literally just passed a bill which states that the only information you need in order to know that, is whatever the rapist tells you. Watching them scrambling to explain the inexplicable - now that they know it's impossible - is very satisfying.

I really hope this is the thread that gets pulled to unravel the whole tissue of lies. Schoolkids are still being told this garbage as if it's factual; in Wales it's officially on the curriculum. Anyway, let's enjoy this victory for now. After the last few years where the cult dominated unopposed, this is a massive breakthrough.

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One of your best, JL! Hope you enjoyed writing it as much as I enjoyed reading it.

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Ah thanks so much, Dulle. Your kind words are much appreciated! ♥️

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Wanna laugh? Talk about flailing and failing and flipping and flopping -- SNP is like a dying fish, ignominiously thrust up out of the 'trans' waters onto the impartial shores of biological reality:

“SNP leadership says gender reform Bill ‘in no way related’ to trans prison row --

Scotland’s blocked gender reforms and the debate over where trans women should be imprisoned are “completely detached”, SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn has said.”

Bwahahahahahahaha -- ya right, whatever you say Stephen.

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ICYMI & hasn't been posted, a recent article in Quillette on "poor" Nicola's travails:


She and most of her odious SNP will be lucky if they aren't tarred and feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail.

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Alf Up A Tree filmed all the speeches in Glasgow, for people who couldn't attend: https://youtu.be/5jfD27NfD5U

Or for people who couldn't hear on the day, like when the first speaker - an autistic and devastatingly gorgeous communist - remembered she's not good with sound tech ;)

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Just watching this now. Thank you Emily - you're great :-)

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Ah cheers, it's Alf who's great, I suck at mic control lmao

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I feel a bit Clem Fandango, but it's hard to do! Maybe it's all that relentlessly being told to shut up or else then being shouted down and so it makes projecting our voices a tad tricky. At most events recently people have been told to lean in closer to the mic. And yes, three cheers for Alf.

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In Canada where female inmates are the most marginalized group in our country, they have no similar public or political support. Adam Laboucan (Tara Desousa) sexually assaulted a 3 month baby so brutally that he required reconstructive surgery. This male inmate is now housed in a "mother and baby unit". Of the almost 100 trans women housed in women's prisons here almost half are guilty of violent sexual crimes. When will Canadian politicians especially those who claim to be feminists (I'm talking to you Trudeau) come forth.

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Raquel Rosario Sanchez Is a heroine of the first water. Such great news.

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