
Ah yes, Kerry Lemieux... I am still convinced he wants the school to fire him so he can bring a court case.

Until then, I shall continue to think of him as - and to paraphrase an old rather sexist joke - 'a dead heat in an AGP race.'

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All of this, Moley! Also, how on earth was he allowed to teach 'shop', which involves the use of tools and machinery, sporting those ludicrous tits & that long blond wig a-dangling?? It's a health & safety nightmare!

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So true. I mean, just imagine if he'd got his Ginormous Fake Boobs caught in the blades, and he ended up in tiny pieces all over the classroom. That would have been just AWFUL wouldn't it. (typed with chuckles-a-plenty)

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Imagine the mess!

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Too much plastic poluttion would occur.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by JL, mole at the counter

Yes, you might be right about that, but I don't know how good a case he'd have. Regardless of this, it's unfortunate the school didn't show some courage, take a risk and sack this dickhead. These abusive, arrogant men need to be shown that they're going to have increasingly fewer things going their way.

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It is a thought many of us have had for a while - He is 'just trying it on'. (in more ways than one, clearly!)

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"Titzilla's depravity ever being supported by the Halton School Board, yet alone for so long, is the perfect example of the boondoggling fear 'trans' ideology is able to wield in society. In the future, people will not be able to believe this stuff. God, we can barely believe it now.

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funny how the word 'supported' came to mind. Oh -- the power of the unconscious.

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Clearly he didn’t have a decent bra

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Don't think they're made in size 50 Zsquared.

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in the meantime this dude's comments are pure gold.

- claims to be intersex - just another indication that claims of intersex are a tool to push fetishes on others

- claims theyre real - the gaslighting never ends

- claims to go have condition called gigantomastia. most likely his fetish

-his comments are so bonkers they show hes commpletely lost touch with reality and qualify him for a mandatory 3 day psychiatric hold. except since hes functional in every other sense just proves hes completely sane and is taking the common male privledge of seeing how far his scam will take him.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by JL, mole at the counter

I have now been able to add to my previous pledge. We’ll get there!

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Ah thank you so much, Jess! Much appreciated x

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I bloody love the good news supplement, it cheers me up every time. I’m now waiting for the odious Paisley to drop his case against our Graham, another baseless and stupid case 🙄

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Oh I'm so glad the GNS cheers you up! And, yes, fingers crossed Paisley gives up the ghost. He must know he's on a hiding to nothing. It's pure spite to cause stress for Graham.

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Oh no! poor Mr Tits! he’ll have to float to the isle of man on one of his inflatable boobs if he wants to continue working with children.

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I can just see the expressions on the faces of the RNLI crew...

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oh poor Mr tit, its not easy being a massive tit

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It is just join the snp 🤣

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by JL

'Goodbye, Mr Tits', brilliant!

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This little collection shows, as if further evidence were needed, that trans ideology is the biggest misogynistic act in human history. Not only are we supposed to believe that men can become women, but that they make better women than we do! They’re better at our sports than we are, they’re ‘kinder’ than we are and they have a wonderful and ‘warmer’ rapport with children than we do. FFS!

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I don't trust Twitter. (Still can't get back on after numerous appeals.) Graham's follower count going down, drip drip drip, when we know the opposite to be true. Several followers mentioning that he isn't it their feed, and they have to search him out. I'm not sure I even trust Crowdfunder. It's very strange that the donation number has been nearly frozen for many days now after a vigorous start. Trust no one. Bloody little cult-captured employees are everywhere. We have a desperate need for actual ''trans and non-binary liberation officers". We need them in every company and institution. We need to be liberated from this insidious dangerous ideology.

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Thanks Graham, just pledging. It just never stops, this has just popped up on Substack:


😌 Sigh.

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Hot on the heels of the bad news. Well done the Women's Declaration USA!

I never saw that coming from Edinburgh University. This and the Scottish Police withdrawing from Stonewank. After Sturgeon's resignation, I guess some institutions are actually becoming aware of how unpopular trans activism is in Scotland.

Is this a happy dog or what? As for the cat and fox, I have 26 cats and late at night, 2 foxes (unrelated) come into our garden to eat from one of our a large bowls of cat biscuits. They are not a danger to cats, in fact, they are rather nervous of them, possibly because of the sheer number 😃 Sometimes a cat, out of simple feline meanness, even guards a bowl to stop the fox eating, and it's not because there's not enough for everyone, there is.

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26 cats! So interesting that the foxes are wary of them. I'm so glad the dog is happy because my dogs never get bathed, they just get showers being outdoors in the rain or snow. But I don't live in the city, and bathing is absolutely necessary there.

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You are not the first victim of "lawfare" that I have known. If he persists in coming after you, Graham, then it means he thinks there is something he can squeeze out of you, and it is almost certainly not a financial settlement. Stay strong and don't budge, either the bully will back down or your solicitors will take him apart on the stand.

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If you haven’t already done so please sign and share the UKGov petition - ‘Update the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex’. It closes on 20th April and we still have 14,500 signatures to go to reach 100k.


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Here's a live stream link to a channel deserving some notice, King Critical of KC Streams channel. This young British fellow often streams reaction videos to the nonsense of Jeffrey Marsh and that ilk.


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Thanks as ever JL for an amazing and comprehensive list of horror stories and good news stories.

I have been describing the pupil rebellion as Rapid Onset Terfing :)

Meanwhile today April Morrow, founder of Sovereign Women whose hand was crushed by a violent man at Kellie-Jay's Tacoma Rally is in court today where he is being prosecuted. He has decided ( surprise, surprise) to identify as a woman. See the video on the Known Heretic's You Tube channel where Amy and K Yang interview April before she goes into the courthouse. She said she will be refusing to use his preferred pronouns. She says that , if the defence use his preferred pronouns she will ask for an interpreter :) Please give to April's fund which you will find on the Sovereign Women website.

Keep on terfing


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BTW I have done a post on April's case with useful links


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As always thanks JL

C’mon folks Graham’s fundraiser is almost halfway there , he’s fighting for all of us

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oh no theres a repeat on radio 4 and the program is about waiting for Godot and i know i’m about to hear once again a really irritating load of non binary actors say that instead of waiting for permission to do the show- with some bullshit casting they’d rather just talk about themselves for a bit.

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oh no they’ve just introduced themselves with pronouns. Yuk i feel sick

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