A Week in the War on Women: Monday 14th November - Sunday 20th November: GOOD NEWS SUPPLEMENT

Our cup runneth over again this week with another bumper edition of good news from the gender beat. Enjoy!
Lib Dem Climb Down
The Liberal Democrats have revised their definition of ‘transphobia’ in light of recent legal precedents and in order to reflect biological reality.

The Lib Dems’ previous definition of ‘transphobia’ included ‘misgendering’, ‘deadnaming’ and even references to biological sex were verboten.
These references have now been removed and the definition has been revised to ensure that it is in keeping with the law and recognises that expressing gender-critical views is legally protected.
Federal Court Says ‘No’ To Joe
In news from the US, a federal district court has rejected an attempt by the Biden administration to rewrite Title IX and force schools, medical centers, and other institutions to comply with gender ideology.

The case, Neese v. Becerra, was brought by two Texas physicians who argued Biden’s mandate would force them to choose between their jobs and their consciences. The US District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Amarillo Division, agreed and determined that Title IX does not include ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’.
In his ruling Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk remarked that “Title IX’s protections center on differences between the two biological sexes… Title IX expressly allows sex distinctions and sometimes even requires them to promote equal opportunity”.
Les Be Having You
Calling all lesbians (the real sort)! Check out this great new organisation and website, Les Be Real. It is a group ‘for lesbians by lesbians’.

“We campaign on issues that concern lesbians as a group, aiming to build lesbian rights and further lesbian political representation. Our initiatives are about supporting lesbian existence as lesbians. Our events will foster real lesbian connections with the purpose of enriching lesbian lives.”
That’s The Way To Do It
The long-awaited sculpture of writer and feminist icon, Virginia Woolf, was finally unveiled in Richmond this week.

The public unveiling took place on 16th November 2022 at Richmond-upon-Thames Riverside Terraces.
Passersby are encouraged to sit down and take a selfie with the bronze Virginia Woolf. Sculptor, Laury Dizengremel, told The Guardian, “I find it quite remarkable that Woolf will be situated where so many people will walk past, where so many women and girls will be inspired.”
This week women in the Scottish Parliament were instructed to remove the scarves they were wearing in suffragette colours. One woman refused and was ejected. This total shambles has backfired tremendously and left those responsible with egg all over their faces.

Presiding Officer, Alison Johnson, had to issue an apology to the women involved and confirmed that they had not breached the Scottish Parliamentary Code of Conduct as had originally been claimed.
Female politicians across the parties nailed their suffragette colours to the mast to demonstrate their disdain. (L-R: SNP MP Joanna Cherry KC, Labour MP, Thangam Debonnaire and Conservative MSP, Rachael Hamilton.)
Even Conservative MP, Penny Mordant, couldn’t help getting involved.
Sales of suffragette scarves have boomed, giving a very welcome boost to some feminist-owned businesses.

And how wonderful is this? We are raising armies of girls who will not wheesht!

Barnes Storming
There is to be an audio version of Hannah Barnes’ forthcoming exposé of the Tavistock & Portman clinic.

Hannah Barnes has spent several years investigating and reporting on the devastating failures of the Tavistock. Her forthcoming book, Time to Think: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock’s Gender Service for Children, will be published in the spring by Swift Press. And there is to be an audible version, too.
NCHIs Are Not A Fair Cop
Brilliant news from Fair Cop this week; as a result of their tireless work, the Policing Minister has confirmed that Chief Constables have been instructed to desist from recording ‘non crime hate incidents’.

Huge congratulations to Harry and everyone at Fair Cop for this victory.
Re. Scarfgate 'apology'.
"The action taken was an error”.
Mealy-mouthed phrase.
Mealy-mouthed apology.
The ‘action taken’ was the inevitable result of the ideological capture of the Scottish government. It was not an 'error'. It was the direct expression of their adherence to the cult of 'gender' and their denial of debate. Regretted only when the public pushback to this egregious 'action' against democracy bit them in their rainbow ass.
Harry Miller....absolute legend! 👏👏👏