The ideological victory in the birth world must be the most prized by the activists. If they can get midwives, nurses, doctors etc. to bend the knee, they have proven they can capture any one. This is the patriarchal ring-kissing that hurts the most. And the pregnant women who think they are men, and the women who think they are men while actually giving birth — these testosterone-addled women are the most captured of all. Refusing to accept biological reality in the face of overwhelming female biological events. I hope the medical community will do long term studies on the unfortunate babies whose endocrine systems were flooded with so much testosterone. Not too impressed with the mothers either — putting their bonkers need for validation ahead of their babies’ health. An ongoing, illogical creepy nightmare. Only horror, nothing good, can flow from the Big Lie — the lie that humans can change sex. I’m with Graham on this — “Gender Ideology” is a mass psychosis produced by the internet. Guess the fix will have to come from the internet too.

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I think the roots of gender ideology go deeper than the internet, the internet simply being a tool to spread the propaganda.

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yes, I bet you're right. The internet is only a tool.

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Apr 25, 2022
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He's done it. They've agreed a deal.

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Great 👍👍👍

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"This underwear is available in seven sizes, the smallest of which fits children as young as four. The products are “Designed to flatten the side profile of the pelvic area”. The website declares, “Carmen Liu Kids is here for trans girls and non-binary children in their journey… Each product is here to provide children with the stepping stones to finding themselves, in a supportive, validating experience”.

Dr Shiban Ahmed, a consultant paediatric surgeon, told The Daily Mail that this ‘tucking’ underwear could be harmful to children and cause sterility in later life."

This ideology is so sick and depraved!

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It's like something that at one stage was an ideology, whatever its merits or lack of, that has become utterly out of control. Bits and pieces are being indiscriminately added making it increasingly bizarre and more dangerous. As has been said, they make it up as they go along, and they really do. The result helps no one and harms many.

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I’m incensed by the idea that women who identify as men can then go on to have a baby. Aren’t they supposed to swear they’re living as the gender they’ve chosen? It’s a fact that taking testosterone leads to smaller placentas in these women with un-researched consequences for the child. But hey, the trans ideologues can insist that ‘men’ can give birth so all good!

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To many of them, the child seems to be another vehicle for self-actualisation. And while I get that trans people are troubled and more often than not find themselves in a social and mental framework that makes them interpret every aspect of their being within the framework of transideoloy, so while they, too, are victims, that doesn't mean that they can not and should not be held responsible for their actions. Here, the real victim is the child a "transman" chose to have for whatever reason and now frequently uses for self-actualisation.

In my opinion, child welfare services tend to be much too soft when it comes to parents who are members of cults, fundamentalist churches or branches of religions. We frequently see how children unfortunate enough to be born into such families have been abused physically and emotionally for decades, willfully deprived of any chance to anything resembling an education, and worse - and predictably so, while child services did nothing about it. I think that all of these cases are the result of neglicience by child services and I think that in each of these cases, severe measures should have been taken against the parents when the first signs of child abuse became obvious - and that, indeed, the parents should have been carefully watched from the day the child was born. I see no reason to think about "transmen" with children any different than I think about, say, Christian fundamentalist parents, even as I keep in mind that "transmen" are in a much more difficult situation than fundamentalists usually find themselves in. But this is about the kids, not the parents.

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What you might be interested in is the experience of foster parents regarding caring for children from authoritarian fundamentalist homes. They are far more reachable, hungry for attention and love, than children such as my foster daughter who came from drugs, violence, and chaos.

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Would be a great thing if they could be encouraged to organize. This is such a blind spot with authorities and the public, it's unbelievable. Much like children of "trans"parents will be, and never mind that the specific kind of damage will be different - for the kids it will be there and it won't go away.

But hey, child services only ever seem to be there for children when they can come down hard on poor parents. (And I'm not saying that they do a great job even there.) Whenever it is middle class families, they just look away. Everywhere.

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We just had an investigation of DHHS here in Maine because three or four small children were murdered in their homes last year, situations people had informed CPS about. They swing between reunification at all costs and removal at all costs, both of which are faulty extremes. It's been shown over and over again that unless children are in serious danger their outcomes are worse if they are removed from their parent(s). My foster daughter's mother was violent and I believe the caseworkers were afraid of her, so they just kept returning the little girl. And on the other extreme, I did respite care for a girl whose mother was only guilty of poor judgment not neglect or abuse. And then there was the DHHS worker who MURDERED a girl put in her care -- totally against policy -- whose mother as well was only guilty of poor judgment.

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Supposing you identify as a Jedi , if you’re pregnant you’re a feckin woman

And the binding underwear for wee boys makes me sick ( as does binding for wee girls obviously

How on earth have we allowed a tiny sick minority to dictate to us ( normal folk )

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Binding, tucking, stuffing, tamping down, blocking. The seemingly endless creation of smaller and smaller, and more specific “identity” boxes to be ticked. The funnelling of human bodies, and potential, into narrower and narrower ways of being. “Gender’ ideology constricts, and damages in every way — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is a Civil Wrongs movement extraordinaire.

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A Civil Wrongs movement indeed. A key player in the Anti-Social Injustice movement.

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Why would a woman who thinks she's a man do the single most womanly, feminine thing a woman can do and get pregnant but insist on midwives etc using neutral language? It's shockingly entitled and narcissistic while being incredibly deluded. Woman give birth, men don't. End of story. Sick and tired of this insanity.

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Yeah, I'm so sensitive I can't stand you calling my vagina a vagina so I want you to call it a front hole, and I want to grow facial hair and have my breasts removed or bound, BUT I'm ok with being pregnant and giving birth - just don't call me a woman or a mother. FFS. How deluded must someone be? (Rhetorical).

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There is a simple answer to that: If the idea of being called a woman and a mother is so intolerable for you, don't get pregnant. Millions over millions of people have avoided pregnancies, so that shouldn't be so difficult for a "transwoman".

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Wierdly the ones that get preggas [hopefully very very few despite the 'gender movement' demanding all these linguistic changes and medics ffs capitulating] self identify as 'transmen' ... ! But yes.

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I'm afraid there'll be many, many more before this is over. The thousands of girls who were talked into "being men" in the past decade were mainly in their early and mid teens. Most of them are in their late teens, maybe very early 20's now. Biologically they of course could get pregnant any time, but I assume that most will wait until the mid to late 20's. Meaning that this trickle will turn into a tsunami about eight to ten years from now, with probably 30, 40 times the number of "men giving birth" we have now.

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Just hope the woke gender ideology bubble will burst soon especially thru the ballot box. And that these girls and women will have all possible support for having to live with being damaged physically and psychologically ..... and sue the arses off all those involved.

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Well, thanks to the Church of T indoctrinating so many young people with its "gender identity trumps biological sex" dogma, I think that a significant number of these women genuinely believe they CAN'T get pregnant. Because they're men now! Their pronouns and binders and name-change to Aidan or Elliott say so! DUH. And since a combination of brainwashing and fear makes it seem like reality bends to their will, why shouldn't physical reality follow suit?

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Its not neutral language though. It incorrect language. Its compelling lies to be stated about the fundamental basis of all human life - that of sex and creating/delivering new life.

The ideology is all lies.

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More horrors ,as if there weren't enough already. I'm particularly enraged by the " guidelines " for midwives and obstetricians! As a midwife ( now thankfully retired ) I am incandescent with rage at the totally degrading and dehumanising language being encouraged here ,so that the few " transmen " who give birth feel better at the expense of everyone else. Only WOMEN give birth and if words like vagina and uterus trigger the wokists , then TOUGH !!. If they want to identify as men or NB ,they should not be performing the most female function there is. This is a HUGE insult to ALL women and I feel deeply offended. I would not comply with this under any circumstances and the staff at this hospital should ALL. refuse ,and ALL female cyclists ,athletes ,swimmers ,footballers etc should refuse to compete against men altogether !!Let the trans identifying men race against each other !! We need to get much tougher and speak out much louder ,defiant and unafraid ,instead of leaving it to the few !! I'm so angry I could scream 🤮😡. You do great work ,JL,bringing this to our attention ,so thank you very much 👍👏❤️

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Thank you for your kind words, Susan. I really appreciate it! x

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Good grief! "The guidance discourages the use of vocabulary which refers to female anatomy where it might offend pregnant women who do not identify as women." And if the avoidance of such vocabulary offends women who have no problem being called women? The vast majority one would suppose . . . . ? No, no heaven and earth must be moved for the one or two per year who might have some weird objection to language which doesn't directly 'validate' them (even if it doesn't directly invalidate them either.) I'm so over this bullshit, lets have a TERF party standing for the next election, bet it would give the smug assholes the scare of their politically introspectively convoluted lives.

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That's exactly what I thought - what about being offensive to the thousands of women who do identify as female, as pregnant women with vaginas and breasts? What about all those women being reduced to holes or bodily functions? What about that offense?

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Isn't it somewhat contradictory that these people insist that literally everone else somehow supernaturally anticipates what the most troubled one of them could potentially find offensive on a bad day and that they at the same time dismiss the idea that anyone who find their choice of language offensive has any say in anything?

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It's not just contradictory, it's obscene.

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Queer/gender ideology religion means 'playing the victim' rights override anyone else's - what they say is real is real. EDIT to add: meantime the religion enables real harms and real victims ...

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Oh gawd JL. Where do I start, JL? If someone had written this as a Twilight Zone episode a few years ago I would have found it unbelieveable and yet here we are. I have to say I really hate the term "front hole" That's a male point of view (as in which hole will I use?). If these women who get pregnant are so offended by the word vagina as it might shatter their self ID house of cards, then surely being pregnant already does that? But no, in their world, men get pregnant and it's the name for the part the baby comes out of that is the real issue. Silly me.

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Oh I agree wholeheartedly. How dare they reduce our glorious, miraculous and beautiful female bodies with the revolting term 'front hole'.

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yep I agree - unless you're say 3 yrs old 'front hole' is the ultimate denier. Maybe the stork did it? Just like 'bottom surgery' - notice they dont say 'front bottom surgery'. And this is supposed to be 'sex positive'??? More like Victorian prissy attitudes at their worst. [Maybe the medics should be ordered to refer to their artificially produced facial hair as 'top beards'?] Whoops going into a rant haha

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Ha Ha! You made me laugh with top beards! :D I get ranty too. The whole thing is so ridiculous if you even gently pull at a thread the whole thing comes apart but here we are all pandering to a deeply flawed and destructive ideology.

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Picture this play headline Graham...The 'Genital Opening' Monologues! 🤣

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The Front Hole Monologues...ugh.

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Sounds like a masturbation video too gross for Pornhub. Don't these people get how openly pornographic their language is? (Actually it makes average porn language sound almost feminist by comparison, and I certainly don't want to downplay how sexist that usually is.)

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You're spot on Chris. It's always struck me how pornographic or sexist the language is. Titties is another one that gets me. Women have many, many terms for their breasts, but "titties" is almost certainly a term exclusively used by men. All these men that class themselves as trans woman seem to be obsessed by their "titties". Women will refer to their breasts - often as a part of their anatomy that is annoying or hurts, but women do not stand in front of mirrors filming themselves fondling their breasts and asking other women if they like their "titties" and would they like to see more. (Not unless they've been sucked into the porn industry that is and even then I doubt they use the word "titties").

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Some women may refer to their breasts as titties when talking to men, but within a very narrow context, i.e. mostly jokingly, perhaps flirting a bit. I have of course no idea how they'd call their breasts to themselves or to other women, but I doubt they'd use the same term. I never thought about that much, because I've never felt all that comfortable using terms for private parts that are more slangy than usual colloquial language.

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On the whole, women do not talk about their breasts, no more than we talk about any other part of our body. We may talk of them as teens when we start developing, we may discuss how much they hurt sometimes due to hormones, we may discuss what a pain they are when you're running for a bus or how we wish men would look at us and not our chests when they talk to us. We are more likely to talk about how hard it can be to find a bra that doesn't feel like wearing a torture device and new mothers will talk about breast feeding. Apologies, I don't mena to make you uncomfortable. It just always strikes me when I see those Tik Tok videos of self ID-ing men dressing up as women, that they are obsessed with their breasts or "titties", use hyper-sexualised language while feeling themselves up and ask others if they'd like to see more. That's the behaviour of porn. Women simply aren't obsessed with our breasts, they are part of us for better or worse.

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Totally get you. Don't worry, we're having an adult conversation, so I can and should be expected to deal with it ;-) . Besides, the only thing that makes be feel uncomfortable is needless hypersexualisation, and I'm by no means prudish.

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More like 'bottom hole monologues' 🤣

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Brighton and Sussex Midwives take courage and speak out because as soon as you forget what the ‘preferred terms’ are for any patient, and get it wrong, you’ll be up before a disciplinary hearing anyway. And the chances of you remembering every patients preferred terms? Yeah….no chance.

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Small boys love playing with their whistle ( as my two called it ) probably still do now but have no need to share it with the world as they’re not misogynistic twisted freaks

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For a moment I thought the first headline was about Driscoll.

Anyway, if Musk buys Twitter I'm dropping a resume. #YouHeardItHereFirst

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Send it in, they've agreed a deal.

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It's really very simple for women who'd rather be men. If you find it intolerable that someone may think of you or call you a woman or a mother - don't get pregnant.

Millions over millions of people avoid pregnancies just fine every year. Shouldn't be that hard to do.

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Looking forward to your return to Twitter!

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"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."

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