The ideological victory in the birth world must be the most prized by the activists. If they can get midwives, nurses, doctors etc. to bend the knee, they have proven they can capture any one. This is the patriarchal ring-kissing that hurts the most. And the pregnant women who think they are men, and the women who think they are men while actually giving birth — these testosterone-addled women are the most captured of all. Refusing to accept biological reality in the face of overwhelming female biological events. I hope the medical community will do long term studies on the unfortunate babies whose endocrine systems were flooded with so much testosterone. Not too impressed with the mothers either — putting their bonkers need for validation ahead of their babies’ health. An ongoing, illogical creepy nightmare. Only horror, nothing good, can flow from the Big Lie — the lie that humans can change sex. I’m with Graham on this — “Gender Ideology” is a mass psychosis produced by the internet. Guess the fix will have to come from the internet too.

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"This underwear is available in seven sizes, the smallest of which fits children as young as four. The products are “Designed to flatten the side profile of the pelvic area”. The website declares, “Carmen Liu Kids is here for trans girls and non-binary children in their journey… Each product is here to provide children with the stepping stones to finding themselves, in a supportive, validating experience”.

Dr Shiban Ahmed, a consultant paediatric surgeon, told The Daily Mail that this ‘tucking’ underwear could be harmful to children and cause sterility in later life."

This ideology is so sick and depraved!

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I’m incensed by the idea that women who identify as men can then go on to have a baby. Aren’t they supposed to swear they’re living as the gender they’ve chosen? It’s a fact that taking testosterone leads to smaller placentas in these women with un-researched consequences for the child. But hey, the trans ideologues can insist that ‘men’ can give birth so all good!

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“The fact that a child is sexualised in this way and their sexual parts are treated according to adult ideas, is abuse of the child."

That - for some - is the entire point of it; sexualising the child. Gender ideology is a cult-like phenomenon and there have been vanishingly-few cults that didn't feature sexual exploitation. As Graham has pointed out numerous times; create a "sacred caste" whom people are scared to criticise, and you create an opportunity for sex offenders.

Savile famously operated "within plain sight" but he was never, ever as upfront as these guys.

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Supposing you identify as a Jedi , if you’re pregnant you’re a feckin woman

And the binding underwear for wee boys makes me sick ( as does binding for wee girls obviously

How on earth have we allowed a tiny sick minority to dictate to us ( normal folk )

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Binding, tucking, stuffing, tamping down, blocking. The seemingly endless creation of smaller and smaller, and more specific “identity” boxes to be ticked. The funnelling of human bodies, and potential, into narrower and narrower ways of being. “Gender’ ideology constricts, and damages in every way — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is a Civil Wrongs movement extraordinaire.

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Why would a woman who thinks she's a man do the single most womanly, feminine thing a woman can do and get pregnant but insist on midwives etc using neutral language? It's shockingly entitled and narcissistic while being incredibly deluded. Woman give birth, men don't. End of story. Sick and tired of this insanity.

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More horrors ,as if there weren't enough already. I'm particularly enraged by the " guidelines " for midwives and obstetricians! As a midwife ( now thankfully retired ) I am incandescent with rage at the totally degrading and dehumanising language being encouraged here ,so that the few " transmen " who give birth feel better at the expense of everyone else. Only WOMEN give birth and if words like vagina and uterus trigger the wokists , then TOUGH !!. If they want to identify as men or NB ,they should not be performing the most female function there is. This is a HUGE insult to ALL women and I feel deeply offended. I would not comply with this under any circumstances and the staff at this hospital should ALL. refuse ,and ALL female cyclists ,athletes ,swimmers ,footballers etc should refuse to compete against men altogether !!Let the trans identifying men race against each other !! We need to get much tougher and speak out much louder ,defiant and unafraid ,instead of leaving it to the few !! I'm so angry I could scream 🤮😡. You do great work ,JL,bringing this to our attention ,so thank you very much 👍👏❤️

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Good grief! "The guidance discourages the use of vocabulary which refers to female anatomy where it might offend pregnant women who do not identify as women." And if the avoidance of such vocabulary offends women who have no problem being called women? The vast majority one would suppose . . . . ? No, no heaven and earth must be moved for the one or two per year who might have some weird objection to language which doesn't directly 'validate' them (even if it doesn't directly invalidate them either.) I'm so over this bullshit, lets have a TERF party standing for the next election, bet it would give the smug assholes the scare of their politically introspectively convoluted lives.

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Oh gawd JL. Where do I start, JL? If someone had written this as a Twilight Zone episode a few years ago I would have found it unbelieveable and yet here we are. I have to say I really hate the term "front hole" That's a male point of view (as in which hole will I use?). If these women who get pregnant are so offended by the word vagina as it might shatter their self ID house of cards, then surely being pregnant already does that? But no, in their world, men get pregnant and it's the name for the part the baby comes out of that is the real issue. Silly me.

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Picture this play headline Graham...The 'Genital Opening' Monologues! 🤣

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Brighton and Sussex Midwives take courage and speak out because as soon as you forget what the ‘preferred terms’ are for any patient, and get it wrong, you’ll be up before a disciplinary hearing anyway. And the chances of you remembering every patients preferred terms? Yeah….no chance.

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Small boys love playing with their whistle ( as my two called it ) probably still do now but have no need to share it with the world as they’re not misogynistic twisted freaks

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For a moment I thought the first headline was about Driscoll.

Anyway, if Musk buys Twitter I'm dropping a resume. #YouHeardItHereFirst

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“It's a policy that relates to very few people and they think in some ways it's ridiculous but because of the climate at the hospital they dare not say anything.”

That's the story of gender ideology in one sentence. Most people think it's nonsense but a small gang of bullies have created an environment where most people are scared to admit that.

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It's really very simple for women who'd rather be men. If you find it intolerable that someone may think of you or call you a woman or a mother - don't get pregnant.

Millions over millions of people avoid pregnancies just fine every year. Shouldn't be that hard to do.

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