Re the Spanish situation (albeit we still await their manifesto) Labour have said they will allow Gender certificates with approval from one doctor ( Helen Webberley perhaps?) which is a fraction away from self ID.
One potential Party of Women candidate could not stand because, when her landlord of 12…
Re the Spanish situation (albeit we still await their manifesto) Labour have said they will allow Gender certificates with approval from one doctor ( Helen Webberley perhaps?) which is a fraction away from self ID.
One potential Party of Women candidate could not stand because, when her landlord of 12 years found out she wanted to stand he terminated her tenancy!!
I’ve finally gotten round to reading ‘the women who wouldn’t wheesht ‘ - life got in the way
Lots I was already aware of but obviously lots I wasn’t
Just finished Joanna cherry’s chapter
But I was particularly amused by JKR’s ( not so ) subtle dig about a handwritten note by a young woman saying ‘ I’m sorry for what you’re going through ‘ while continuing to ensure that she kept going through it
History will not be kind and as my old granny used to say ‘ hell ( fucking) mend them !
Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL.
Re the Spanish situation (albeit we still await their manifesto) Labour have said they will allow Gender certificates with approval from one doctor ( Helen Webberley perhaps?) which is a fraction away from self ID.
One potential Party of Women candidate could not stand because, when her landlord of 12 years found out she wanted to stand he terminated her tenancy!!
Thanks again
BTW I was going to do a separate post about brave Dr Haim but will now simply cross post your excellent piece 😊
Great piece by Emily Yoffe in the FP today, Dusty.
Thanks v much, JL , Dr Haim goes in the heroes' gallery I think!!
Indeed he does. He must have a spine of steel to take on the DoJ. Clearly a man of courage and integrity.
FFS. When is the insanity going to end?
When the world implodes
I offended someone last week so I’m shutting my pus …… won’t last long 😂
Please don't Petal! You have as much right to express your opinions as anyone else. And the way you do it often makes me smile.
Aw thank you 😊
Didn’t last long Dulle , us red headed Scot’s are not known for keeping our gobs shut , even to our own detriment at times !
I’m pretty sure JL wishes I hadn’t found this stack at times 🤣
That was neither confirmation or denial 🤣🤣
😄 You know we're glad to have you here, Petal!
Blushing now , yeve gave me a red neck lol
I’ve finally gotten round to reading ‘the women who wouldn’t wheesht ‘ - life got in the way
Lots I was already aware of but obviously lots I wasn’t
Just finished Joanna cherry’s chapter
But I was particularly amused by JKR’s ( not so ) subtle dig about a handwritten note by a young woman saying ‘ I’m sorry for what you’re going through ‘ while continuing to ensure that she kept going through it
History will not be kind and as my old granny used to say ‘ hell ( fucking) mend them !
Your granny was damn right!