Outrageous that stickering should get any custodial sentence whatsoever! Judge is obviously captured by an ideology which believes that a mental 'offence' is worse than actual bodily harm. But that is what this ideology is: there is no body, only the mind is real. It is truly insane.
Outrageous that stickering should get any custodial sentence whatsoever! Judge is obviously captured by an ideology which believes that a mental 'offence' is worse than actual bodily harm. But that is what this ideology is: there is no body, only the mind is real. It is truly insane.
Outrageous that stickering should get any custodial sentence whatsoever! Judge is obviously captured by an ideology which believes that a mental 'offence' is worse than actual bodily harm. But that is what this ideology is: there is no body, only the mind is real. It is truly insane.