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Pardon the length of this comment but whilst perusing your post I couldn’t resist the urge to type up my feelings as I proceeded. Here are the results:

No picture of “Victoria” featured in Chicago Sun Times. Well there’s a surprise. But the Yahoo link is unintentionally hilarious. There’s the picture. And there’s one comment that points out the bloody obvious fact that it’s a man. And there’s a message saying “Commenting on this article has ended”! I’m guessing that that one comment was considered “unacceptably transphobic”.

The “Louise Thomas” incident confirms yet again that this trans operation (knowingly?) encourages psychosis. More precisely, it appeals to dangerous mentally ill misfits and acts as a legitimation for their assaults. Once again I will point out that it’s not these pathetic individuals who are the problem but the fact that there is an obviously deliberate programme coming from above to destabilise and depopulate society. And the reporting of Thomas as “a woman” only highlights this.

The Spanish “la ley trans” i.e. free ticket given to male murderers to “expand their operational base” is a curious local spin on the accelerating destabilisation.

But I shouldn’t be so smug since, in my own Scottish homeland, these infinitely concerned proselytizers for child mutilation are mounting an offence against the Cass Report. And may I say what an interesting T-shirt Dr Pearce is wearing:

“This is the Age of Sin. Reject the order of creation. Revel in the annihilation of Man as the image of God. Destroy. Plots designs of death. Disfigure the face of Man and Woman.”

Trying to locate where this text originates pushes me down a rabbit hole. I thought it was lyrics to a song by someone called “NekoArc” but that name also seems to relate to some Manga character. Wheels within wheels. In any case, there appears to be some kind of ultra-ironic thing going on here:


And this is where I read about “this weird and ignorant Catholic anti-trans propaganda that claims “This is the Age of Sin”.”

Why would Dr Pearce – a trans activist – be wearing “anti-trans propaganda”? Unless – as I have found out so many times arguing with trans folk on Twitter – it is impossible to tell the difference between trans and parodies of trans?

(And I’m sure there are whole volumes to be written on the strange psycho-melange of trans where arrested sexuality, fixation on children, cartoon characters, anal sex, dressing up, misogyny, homophobia etc. all blend into an unholy brew.)

Pearce’s CV ought to be the stuff of Brass Eye parody but it’s (presumably?) not. A lecturer at the University of Glasgow? How? Why? His ambitions here are most enlightening:

“He also said that he wants to help trans people to not only reproduce sexually but also to ‘reproduce socially’. This would be achieved, he said, by altering medical language and policy to promote transition to both children and adults, thereby increasing the numbers of transgender people in society.”

“Altering medical language” is blatantly Orwellian. And “increasing the numbers” of trans people? But I thought trans was meant to be something that happened “naturally”? Oops! Bit of a giveaway there!

Ah but we Scots are so proud of our “progressive” credentials”. At which point it should be bloody obvious what “progressive” currently means. It means open season for paedophile indoctrination programmes.

(And let me note again that the vile Mr Savile must surely be gazing up enviously from his pit in Hell to dearly wish he’d been born a few decades later when his crimes could have been carried out openly and sanctified by the media as a “new norm”!)

And there’s more but I feel burnt out already by this dispiriting descent into the nethermost regions of the pit.

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I loved your post. It made me laugh out loud despite the subject matter. That takes some skill. "Unholy brew" indeed.

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We need the mental equivalent of an apron, or overalls.

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