Congratulations to Graham on his booksales, I received mine yesterday morning direct from the publisher and read it through while streaming Father Ted on my TV.

Congratulations to Helen Joyce too. You're all doing important work under difficult conditions and I find your courage inspiring.

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Thank you so much, Matthew!

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No, thank you.

Smash the patriarchy!

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It's all just male entitlement isn't it. I said to a friend once that I'd have more sympathy for TIMs if they didn't act like entitled white middle class men. 😂

I can't be the only one who finds the behaviour of the TRA ninnies to be identical to the behaviour of arrogant entitled men. They are literally the embodiment of male entitlement aren't they. The absolute arrogance of these dickwads to believe they make better women than actual women. It is gross.

And this gender bollocks is just regressive sexist bullshit too.

I support natal, biological women, the beautiful creatures that carry us within them, those that have life sustaining qualities, not a bloke who thinks a bit of lippy equates him to the suffragetes!

Sorry to rant, it's my birthday and I've had a few jars.

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Happy birthday, Matthew! Hope you've had a marvellous day! 🥂

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Happy Birthday. Have a few more jars. We love ranting on here! It’s what we do. Helps the blood pressure go down. 😁

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Thanks everyone 😁 it's not about me though, keep your eyes on the prize.

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Happy birthday 🍺

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Happy Happy Birthday and three cheers to hitting nails on their heads :-)

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Agreed. Cock a hoop here! (Can you still say that?!) Absolutely brilliant for Graham and Helen. Great GNS. One thing. “Cis” gender. Makes want to scream but I guess if it keeps the male chancers out of women’s sports I can cope. Concerned Bloke’s video - more brilliance. A dick called Owen Jones couldn’t be more appropriate! Still laughing here.

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Thanks very much JL. Helen Joyce shortlisted for the John Maddox Prize is great news.

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Pleasure! 😊

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I was very pleased to read that Baroness Falkner had been exonerated but this should not be the end of the story. It wasn't just that there were process issues, it looks like there was collusion on the part of those who attacked her and that, in my non-legally qualified view, is a conspiracy. I would like to see the police investigate what went on and, if they find the evidence of a conspiracy, prosecute any offenders.

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Yes. And this is their pattern. There was a calculated, coordinated and concerted campaign against her. It disrupts and turns standard employment complaints and staff protection procedures on their head to attack the actual victims. This is their main tactic - they seed these complainants and multiply grievously offended chancers in our institutions, then they claim persecutions on multiple levels and using any excuse they can, the more the better, which is them persecuting those they detest and want removed. They choose internal activist complainants who then 'leak' to external activists and media. There's a network of these unhinged people who have taken on the mantle and are encouraged to now 'act' themselves. They're in every staff group and network in most professions. They dedicate themselves to this so I don't know how they can be getting any actual work done in their day jobs. It paralyses institutions and organisations while they are distracted running 'investigations' which take months and years and cause their victims unimaginable stress. These are the ones creating new 'policies' in the NHS, government departments, every regulator and charity.

All this public smearing and hitting the papers daily, then things are quietly dropped after months of bullying from these really vicious (yet most vulnerable and weak of course) zealots. Then they try it again. They've gone after Baroness Falkner a few times - this is just the latest attempt. They will try again.

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They are the new mafia. Instead of extorting money they are extorting compliance.

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Aided and abetted by the brainwashed power crazy control freaks in HR departments. Courtesy of our chums over at Stonewall, conspiracy and brainwashing HQ.

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The process is the punishment.

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I finished the audiobook of Tough Crowd a few days ago and hearing Glinner recite the words to “my body is me” honestly had me in tears. There were other sections that got me, but that one was especially powerful because it’s one of my daughter’s favourite books. Lovely book!

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Great to see Graham's book get these well deserved accolades. Finished it only very recently and it was a compelling and very moving read. Bravery comes in different forms, and the stance GL and so many others on this site have taken in this astonishing situation is most certainly one of them.

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Thanks JL. Guaranteed to brighten my day. Lots of progress and lots of recognition for our stalwarts such as Helen and Graham.

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My pleasure!

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Especially glad about Baroness Faulkner which I hadn’t read elsewhere, and fabulous video at the end!

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I loved that video! I replied to the currently only visual comment. Let's see how long it stays up.

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Thanks THS. i didnt really want comments on but i couldnt figure out how to turn them off. my computer looks to be from a similar era to the one on JL’s profile picture (looks like we’re both on xp) so maybe some basic features aren’t available?

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It was all looking so dark and dismal. Thanks Graham

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This is all fantastic good news, all of it. Shame about the ridiculous language the 'grappling' association is grappling with (someone had to!), but bottom line is men compete with men and women with women. So, despite their ludicrous language, they are actually saying that twanswomen are men. As it should be. Thanks JL.

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My pleasure, Miss Jemima! 😊

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Thanks as ever, JL, always a relief.

Well done Reddux - great result!

I agree that the legal cases are going to be absolutely vital. Included in the action taken by the American detransitioner, Isabelle, is Michelle Forcier, famous as the 'do chickens cry?' in the Matt Walsh film 😂

Great song, Concerned Bloke - good follow on to Don't Misgender My Cat 😊

Thanks again


NB I am doing an analysis of the extremely disappointing For Women Scotland lost case. Bad luck to them.

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My pleasure, Dusty! Btw, re the Court of Session judgement in Scotland, Dennis Kavanagh and Michael Foran (both legal experts) have written some interesting & illuminating threads on the site formally known as Twitter...



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Thanks v much JL will look at them


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WOS or Wings over Scotland goes into detail about the legal weakness of that outcome. Well worth a read. Google it.

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Marionq Thanks v much, that is interesting and I have now added that in aa a link to my piece 😎


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Thanks, Woman on the Edge, that is useful.

Here are my sixpennorth:



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Thanks Dusty. You'll be pleased to know that I've already read it! A very good round up. Keep up the good work.

And I'm pleased to say that not even the trans nuttery can ever ruin Some Like it Hot for me - just sublime on every level!

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WomanOnTheEdge Thanks and glad you enjoyed it and, yes, Some Like It Hot - masterpiece!!


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It was a great read Dusty. I like the light relief interspersed with your cutting commentary and relevant links. And it's a fave movie of mine anyway, so any excuse :-)

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Hahaha, love the country song. It's getting better as more and more people are opening their eyes.

Gillian Keegan is doing a great job!

Terrific results for our wonderful authors (Helen J and Graham L).

I really hope that the women martial art participants will inspire other women in sports to boycott any competition involving a male. A few years ago, women wrestlers suffered if they refused to wrestle some 'trans' bastard so I hope all sports women will unite on this.

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Congrats, Graham! I just got my copy all the way from the UK, and ordered the audiobook!

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As always 🌹

Scotland yet again showing what a cesspit it is , lady (pah ) Dorian’s ruling once again pointing out how corrupt our legal system is

Well done to the lady’s ( females , real ones ) for standing up to the grappling bodies and refusing to compete

What if all lesbians asked for a GRC , then made men only sites,groups meetings etc , then the trans Fannie’s wouldn’t be able to attend as they’re not men !! Imagine the weeping wailing and gnashing off teeth

It’s coming to bite them on their arse and not a moment too soon

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Thank you, Petal! 😊

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Petal, read Wings over Scotland on the Lady Dorian nonsense. All is not yet lost.

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Yep, that’s where I got the link for the petition 😊

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We can never accept anything they say at face value even when they declare it legal. Exhausting but if that’s what it takes then that’s what we’ll do. Petition signed.

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Some brilliant pieces of news and well done Concerned Bloke! 😆

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Thanks Ms Terfin, i hope it secures my place as the most immature person on this comments thingy

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That's my place, Concerned Bloke!!

Hmm let me think of something...

Have you seen the new non-binary horror film: They Slash Them 😎


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ok Dusty you can still be the most immature person here but i’m not happy about it one bit.

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Witches have been paddleboarding in Britain forever. The George Thomason Tracts include a note from 28 September 1643: "A most certain, strange, and true Discovery of a Witch, being overtaken as she was standing on a small planck board and as sayling on it over the river of Newbury. Printed by John Hammond."

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This is excellent information! (I do a bit of paddleboarding myself. But not in this weather.)

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I went through an entire volume of the Tracts for my research on the English Civil War. I was struck by how many "weird news" stories there were. Somebody catches a bizarre-looking fish and puts it on display, publishes a newssheet to advertise it. There are fanciful moral tales of Cavaliers struck dead by a comet in the act of ravishing a virgin, or dying after toasting the devil's health. Apparitions and monsters and signs and portents and prophecies -- no wonder they beleived in witches, too.

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I find this sort of thing eminently fascinating. I used to live on the border of Yorkshire and Derbyshire, surrounded by villages full of folk tales and legends etc. (And the true story of the 'plague village,' Eyam, which is both heart-breaking and an amazingly uplifting example of the incredible selflessness and sacrifice of which humans are capable.) Anyway, I really need to know more about this fish...

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The plague village. Break your heart stuff.

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If you're ever in the area, I thoroughly recommend a visit.

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I read a book about witches in the North, Mist over Pendle, when I was about 10. Resonated!

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Thank you! This is right up my alley. I'm going to make a brew and settle down for a good read. Nice one, Matt.

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This weathers the only time a paddle board , mental here again

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I’ll need to get ma big coat on soon 😂

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Give over. It's not December yet.

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I’m feart to put my uggs on , I’ll need to be surgically removed come may !

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No way! That’s a great bit of Intel. I think it must have been my great great great x a lot Grandmother!

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Thanks JL, a ray of sunlight for us after the horrible one yesterday.

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Always my pleasure, CB! (And your video seems to be going down a storm!)

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Thanks JL, its quite fun being an underground secret terf artist, a bit like Banksie but probably less culturally significant. i could be called wanksie! Sorry thats also very immature. Woops!

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Wanksie works for me! Your vids are very clever, entertaining and magnificently lampoon the total Fuck wits that support this madness.

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Goodness what a kind comment thanks Susan. I was typing to JL and said i think Susie green might like a tune. And now thanks to your affirmation of my new identity i can liberally apply the wanksie treatment to my friend and yours….. the mermaids gender scale! The simplest off the shelf ready to go resource freely available to demonstrate the utterly disgusting snd regressive nature of this poisonus bullshit. Sorry i’m one and a bit beers in now.

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