Nov 10, 2022Liked by JL, KFP

Thank you for all your incredible hard work, Glinner. I'm more than happy to tell anyone that my subscription to your substack is absolutely worth it.

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Thanks JL.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Liked by JL

Thank you JL, fantastic work!

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Thank you so much! x

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a moment of peace thanks JL. I’m so grateful to the intelligent committed people dedicating so much to this fight. Great to see Kier poke his head out a bit, although parental consent to medicalise their kids- no thats still way off. Some parents are too far gone to know the right thing in this. Need national policy to out right ban medicalisation of children.

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Although the parental consent does matter as it seems more and more children are being talked into medicalisation against their parents' wishes.

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Thank you JL. Pleased that "Anita Noelle" is not recognized as a 'natural born' female, but have to say -- some part of me wishes a man would win the most famous beauty pageant of all -- just to show the public exactly what the mantra 'trans rights are human rights' means. The right to thieve. The right to intrude. The right to solidify 'gender' stereotype. The right to masquerade. The right to deny reality. The right to trump women in every sphere possible. Looked up this' pretender-to-the-throne of womanhood' -- he has worked as a caregiver to the elderly. Now that's scary for elderly women. Watched a YouTube video of him -- it must be exhausting for him to keep up the phony voice. He admits at one point, he's gay. He's undergone facial feminization surgery. He's ruining his endocrine system with wrong sex hormones. He says he's 'straight' because he's only attracted to men. Another gay man swept up by the 'trans' tsunami.


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He even jokingly admits he makes a better woman than an actual woman does. This said with a flick of his hair and a head tilt and a laugh. So funny.

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Thank you for taking one for the team and watching it so we don't have to. Eurgh urgh bleurgh he can right royally fuck right off. Of course narcissistic men do everything better than women, even and especially wimmining. They must be kicking themselves they only dreamt this misogynist wheeze up so relatively late in our history. But! But! Adam was trans! It's evidence! Eve was trans! It's science! Bigot!

And Portland, Oregon again. What's in the damn water there?

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I don't usually waste my time, but once in a while I feel the need to really listen to these men, but it's always the same.

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They're always marginalized. They're in danger of being assaulted and murdered. They consider themselves to be brave trailblazers, so they run for political office etc. to further the 'trans' cause. They're obsessed with passing because they know it's all a Big Lie, and of course -- they always make better women than actual women. They've sunk so much money and time and energy and their reputations into being 'trans', (especially those who've had facial surgery, and chest implants, and estrogen flooding their previously healthy bodies) -- it's going to be super difficult for them to admit they allowed themselves to be caught up in a homophobic cult.

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In this video, we have two men calling each other 'sister' recounting the life experiences that have made them the 'women' they are today. #transgirlmagic.

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I hope you did that in a sweetly gentle way, whilst doing a kind of wide-eyed wobbly head tilt, squinty cute blink and charming pout. *That's* how to wimmin apparently as all these odd men do it like some freakish moving mask. I guess it's hours and hours lovingly staring into mirrors, taking selfies and imbibing porn. I dread to think what they think they are seeing.

Speaking as a woman who has tried to look intelligent (I know, I know) as my incisive statements are ignored if I get a chance to speak at all in meetings. Someone once asked if the glass in my glasses was 'for real' as apparently I was 'going for that bookish look'. Huh? No, I can't see the board without them. Look alive gals, look alive!

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It’s toe curling. I wonder if they keep the pretence up off camera.

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Thank you JL - there is plenty here to feel hopeful about. The SNP debacle is sweet to hear and I'm hoping it will hurt the Greens. What upsets me most is that the Greens are ruining their cause on the environment because of that gender crap. I used to cheer when they were finally being listened to but now all I think is: why don't they just plant trees and leave women alone?

Could not load the baby clip but really enjoyed the pup patting the cat clip, especially as I'm more of a pet than a baby lover (sorry).

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I try to find something for everyone! ;-)

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by JL

Uplifting news JL, the good fight continues.

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Indeed it does, VN! And I believe we are winning.

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Thanks, Graham! We needed a boost. Please also visit YouTube channel, Daisy Chadra. She may withdraw from social media, after her honest statements about being a new mother with no breasts to nurse your child, because of an earlier decision based on medical malpractice. I've started dedicating my posts on my new channel, Ute Heggen, on youtube to various detransitioners. Ute Heggen channel highlights movements for mind/body connection and healing through nature.


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Hi Ute, was it you who was telling us about the 4-part documentary Dysphoric? I've finished all of it. It is absolutely amazing. Comprehensive, professional, moving. Wonderful, yet heartbreaking.

I'll leave a link for anyone who hasn't managed to watch yet. I highly, highly recommend.


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Yes, Kay E, twas I. This filmmaker, Vaishnavi Sundar, is in the process of editing the feature length documentary on women like me, ex-wives of men who ideate they are female (transwidows, see under, transwidowsvoices.org UK blog, I'm Bertina there) At Lime Soda Films channel, you will find a short trailer for this film, called Behind the Looking Glass. My voice is there, saying, "I'm 65." It's going to be a stunner.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

Ah yes, I've seen the trailer. It looks fantastic. I'm very much looking forward to the full documentary. Well done and thanks for your courage. You are helping so many people.

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Thanks for the link.

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Unlike every trans-identified man who thinks he’s a woman, it’s Sturgeon who stands out as the cunt.

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Hahaha! I know people find the word objectionable but I used it a lot in that context, for me, it's often about Izzard.

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I do find it objectionable but I find Nicola Sturgeon more so!

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Interesting re that 'Miss USA' thing...

Who can we rely upon, which 'Supreme Court', with appropriate 'authority' in the Universe, to sort this shit out...


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Yet another one - this is always coming back to billionaire 'trans identified' men. If it's not nailed down one of them will 'create a market' then sell this thin air and make a profit from it.

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Thanks JL

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My pleasure!

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Thanks. There comes a point when silence will do no longer.

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So good to read these after the evil Welsh Education policy this week which sent me on a downer. Helen Joyce...I watched the Caius video last night. That woman is an absolute phenomenon. She’s bloody amazing! The idiot who tried to say she was anti semitic....pathetic. The children shouting outside like primary school kids. And Pippa the plonker. They don’t attend and make arguments. Why? Because they have none and they know it.

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The 9th Circuit federal appellate court, generally considered the most progressive circuit court, overturned the federal district court in Green v. Miss United States of America (docket No.21-35228). Relying on the Pageant's right to be free from coerced speech, the court said:

“Requiring Miss United States of America to allow Green to compete in its pageants would be to explicitly require Miss United States of America to remove its ‘natural born female’ rule from its entry requirements. This in turn would directly affect the message that is conveyed by every single contestant in a Miss United States of America pageant.

“With the Pageant’s ‘natural born female’ rule, every viewer of a Miss United States of America pageant receives the Pageant’s message that the ‘ideal woman’ is a biological female, because every contestant is a ‘natural born female.’ If the Pageant were no longer able to enforce its ‘natural born female’ rule, even if a given transgender contestant or contestants never openly communicated to anyone outside of the Pageant their transgender status and were otherwise fully indistinguishable from the ‘natural born female’ contestants (at least as presented in the Pageant)—and more fundamentally, even if no transgender contestants were to enter a Miss United States of America pageant—the Pageant’s expression would nonetheless be fundamentally altered.

“Without the ‘natural born female’ rule, viewers would be viewing a fundamentally different pageant from that which presently obtains: one which could contain contestants who are not ‘natural born female[s].’ Thus, the Pageant’s desired expression of who can be an ‘ideal woman’ would be suppressed and thereby transformed by the coercive power of the law if [Oregon's non discrimination law] were to be applied to it. The final say over the content of its message ultimately lies with the Pageant.”


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Great news this week. Looks like Truth and Reason are making a comeback and at last some politicians are realising the implications of self ID with regard to women's rights and safety and the protection of children from serious harm. Hopefully this is the case. Looks like Sir Keir Starmer has woken up to the fact that destroying womens safety and privacy will be a vote loser.🙏🙏🙏. Thanks very much ,JL. Cheered us up yet again.👍❤️

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Kind of ironic that the rights of the Miss USA pageant to let only women participate was supported by the Women's Liberation Front.

That should tell you that transideology is even more sexist than these pageants.

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