Yet again, our cup overflows with good news stories from the gender beat this week. Here’s just a selection. Enjoy!
Scotland The Brave
The Scottish Express reported on a ‘hammer blow’ for the SNP’s proposed self-ID legislation with almost 60% of Scots opposed to the new laws.
The SNP Government's proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act has been shunned by a wave of negative submissions to a Holyrood consultation. Of the 10,800 submissions responses submitted, 59 per cent opposed the reforms.
“The overwhelming rejection of the plans from members of the public will make it impossible for the SNP/Green coalition to argue the legislation has popular support.”
No Gender Please, We’re British
The government has overturned an attempt to introduce gender-neutral language in the Ministerial and Other Maternity Allowances Bill.
Before it received royal assent the bill was amended to replace gender-neutral terms, such as ‘expectant people’, to sex-specific ones, such as ‘mother’. Furthermore, new guidance has now been issued by the government to ensure similar female-erasing language is not repeated in future bills.
A government source told The Times: “The government is ensuring that sex-specific language continues to be used in the drafting of legislation where appropriate. This is crucial to ensure that the experiences of women are not erased while drafting legislation and reflects ministers’ concerns that militant Stonewall guidance has crept into the civil service with a political agenda to erase women and the concept of biological sex.”
Schadenfreude Corner
Beta male knicker-sniffer, Jonathan Yaniv (who now calls himself Jessica Simpson), has been found guilty of assault.

Yaniv was convicted in Surrey Provincial Court on Wednesday for assaulting former Rebel News journalist Keean Bexte.
Auntie Rowling With The Punches
BBC has conceded it was wrong for a Radio 4 presenter to claim that JK Rowling held ‘a very unpopular opinion regarding gender identity’.

Presenter, Tom Sutcliffe, made the claim during an episode of Front Row. The BBC received almost 600 complaints about his comments.
The Executive Complaints Unit upheld the complaints, acknowledging that there was ‘no conclusive evidence’ that opponents to JK Rowling’s views on gender ‘represented a majority.’
Yes, Minister
Attorney General, Suella Braverman, has said that schools have no obligation to validate a pupil’s self-declared ‘gender identity’.

In an interview with The Times, Braverman said, “I think protecting single-sex spaces for biological females and biological males is really important, particularly in schools. There’s no duty on schools to compromise on single-sex spaces. From a safeguarding point of view you can argue that there is a duty on schools to preserve single-sex spaces, and ensure spaces are for biological females.”
Brava, Miriam
Miriam Cates, MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge, made a barnstorming speech in the House of Commons during a debate about non-binary identities. She spoke of safeguarding issues and the dangers of promoting gender theory to children.

“Everyone of us has a unique personality but those who see everything through the lens of gender are watching humanity in black & white rather than through the glorious technicolour of the richness and variety of human nature.”
Never Stop Fighting
In April Graham published an open letter from a child psychotherapist/psychologist to Dr Niall Muldoon, the Children’s Ombudsman of Ireland, in response to his call for great access to medicalisation for ‘transgender children’.
He has now acknowledged the validity and importance of this letter. “I believe this is a strong and credible argument against our position… I think it is important we have considered it and have a response available to us.”
Ricky Joins Team Terf
The big news this week has to be Ricky Gervais’ Netflix special, SuperNature, which was released on Tuesday.
One of his routines highlighted the nonsense that is gender identity ideology. “I love the new women, the ones with beards and cocks…”
All hell broke loose! Gervais was denounced in the fiercest terms by all the usual suspects. But this mouth-foaming rage was, I suspect, less to do with Gervais’ material (which was, after all, merely verbatim regurgitation of the TRAs’ own rhetoric) and more because the audience laughed at it...

…And laughed and laughed and laughed.

A most enjoyable read, thanks very much JL. That's a whole heap of good news. No debate!
“Beta male knicker-sniffer, Jonathan Yaniv” —that’s an absolutely bloody brilliant description 😂 Thank you JL for that and for all of this excellent news… The defence of sex-based language and never-ending string of 10* reviews for Gervil are very cheering and encouraging.