I’m sending this to Ed Davey, not that it will help. If there’s one thing which unites all the disparate types of trans activist, whether in a dress or a slick suit, it’s the sheer, unadulterated male arrogance and utter misogyny, the inability to listen to another point of view, the complete and utter disdain for women and our concerns, the pig ignorance…with apologies to pigs. I’m beyond caring who I offend now and I know that there are trans identified males on our side, but we can’t go on like this. We’re talking about 50% of the population and that’s without all the young boys being damaged by this mind destroying cult. You only have to look at a few of these posts to see the male sense of entitlement shining through. These are not the most hard done by people as the likes of Ed Davey would have us believe. The entire cult of gender ideology is built on male fantasy, male fetish, arrogance, entitlement, misogyny. And if we don’t bow down before their demands, they threaten violence until we do. Hardly feminine traits.

Thanks JL.

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Thank you, TT! 😊

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Perfectly put TT


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I was asked to leave a hustings tonight because I was booing the candidates for their frankly ignorant answers in response to whether the equality act should be clarified. Every one of them fail led to answer the question and instead banged on about poor trans folks. I refused to leave the hustings and will not stop booing these fuckers.

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Well done

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That White guy sat at a table next to me together with an actual woman. He uses the usual accoutrements of jewellery and handbag as a sign that he thinks he’s a woman. He is big with massive hands but more than anything he talks continuously and the woman barely finished a sentence without him butting in and taking over the conversation. I doubt he’s capable of listening to any information or advice so why would they bring him in as an adviser unless they just wanted a rubber stamp on their misplaced virtue signalling. If ever a guy looked like a guy he’s your man.

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Quite! That's quite some superiority complex he has! The absolute epitome of your garden variety entitled prick of a man.

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Whilst reading these depressing articles, I have to constantly remind myself of the good news articles of the previous week and how they report that although these stories are a kick in the teeth for women, amazing strides are being made in parallel each and every day. It's a difficult read emotionally but important to be aware of and fighting against it nonetheless.

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Yes, the news is grim but I do believe the tanker is turning around. We are winning. Hang in there, stay positive and keep fighting, Jackie!

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You are right Jackie and that is why the good news from JL plus the book Women who wouldn’t wheesht keeps us positive. This is temporary madness. Hang on in there.

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Kay-Jelski is a peach, isn’t he, and typical of the luvvies at the BBC that they would appoint him? Ill-informed, arrogant and dismissive of two of the greatest female athletes - ticks every BBC woke box.

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Just finished ‘ the women who wouldn’t wheesht ‘ brilliant but harrowing at times

Judging by the sales volume and the reviews , there’s a helluva lot of us TERFS and bigots out there !

( dugs loved it too as I parked my fat arse on the couch with them for two days )

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Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL.

I am going through the main manifestos on my site and will provide a link to your excellent analysis of the Labour and Lib Dem ones.

I also note on page 89 of the Labour one that they will ramp up hate crime which, based on previous statements, will probably involve making misgendering a criminal offence.

We will need some serious declaration of incompatibility with the Human Rights Act challenges if this stuff is brought in. In the alternative I would like to share a cell with Mr Menno 😊

The report about Lopez is very appropriate as a perfect example of the madness of self ID!

Cashman is beneath contempt. He and Ruth Hunt should be thrown out of the Lords.

Thanks again


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Indeed they should! (Cashman for his crimes against the theatre, if nothing else. He's more wooden than the New Forest.) But, for now, at least, Cashman has had the Labour whip withdrawn.

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Is he the twat that was in east Enders many moons ago ?

I don’t watch telly anymore so I’m not up with things

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Your starter for ten, Petal 😊

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Really is he an MP , fuck me , we really are poor on talent

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Yes, he is the twat that was in Stenders, no, he's not an MP (thank goddess!). He's a wholly unelected peer (ie member of the House of Lords) and constantly bleating and bellowing about how these nasty terf bitches are trying to kill poor defenceless twans women by excluding them from their spaces and sports etc... Utterly vile misogynist arse. He was a Labour peer but had the whip withdrawn on Sunday (over his Rosie Duffield comment - heehee!) so now he will sit as a crossbench peer without a party affiliation. Hope that clears things up!

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Ah ,well hope his ermine keeps his warm

This whole thing boils my pish

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Right , educate me , I’ve never been wholly political until the tra Fannie’s started , how do you get into the hol , how the fuck did a poor soap star get there , ?

Last time I watched a soap Chesney was about 10 😂

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Hooray 😊

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I remember Cashman making idiotic comments in the Lords during a debate on women's single sex prisons. He'd personally known an early & famous MTF transsexual (name forgotten) and seemed to think all the current MTF poseurs had sex reassignment surgery & were delightful company... Not rapist thugs. Totally out of touch with reality.

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thanks JL, sorry you have to do this every bloody week.

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Thanks, CB. That's kind of you. Hope all is well with you and yours.

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thanks JL, we are all ok here thanks, well my partner has so many stresses at work i don’t know how she copes, i think she copes because she has no choice. But thats nothing new just has to stop for her bless her at some point. Hope you are ok and enjoying some fun times inbetween the research and writing.

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Hey CB. Ah sorry to hear your lady is having a stressful time at work. Send her my best wishes and solidarity. All good here, thanks. Hectic as per but when isn't it?!

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Hey cb , what JL said 🙂

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ok thanks Petal. All the littleuns are doing well and are happy. And very sweet actually. I feel sad for them though, everything seems to be on a downward spiral but maybe its not. I hate being worried about their future. Us adults have to do better, and its easy to blame politicians but to their credit at least they are trying to do something even if what they do is misguided. I hope labour do better than the tories. If children are growing up hungry in the uk i honestly think we are fucked because those kids will never feel any solidarity with their country because it failed them. Sorry Petal, got myself all worked up again. Hope you and beautiful little Petal are well.

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Hey cb , chin up , the wars not lost , the fact that ‘tough crowd’ and ‘ the women who wouldn’t wheesht ‘ are doing so well is proof that folk are waking up

Everything is uphill but we TERFS and bigot will get there

Glad the littlies are happy

Little petal is great

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thanks Petal, glad little Petal is well.

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The dam is bursting cb ( and not just because of all the fucking beavers they’ve released into the wild up here 😡 green arseholes )

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Mm, time and time again these so called 'equility officers' or 'inclusion advisers' (or as any other sane person calls them 'enforcers')are found to be predators, are they exmpt of criminal checks? Or who hires them is too afraid to conduct even basic checks? I mean, there is a pattern here, that can be seen from Mars,😏 we know who these people are, they are not really hiding it, and yet🤔

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It seems that no matter how much evidence emerges about the harm done by trans ideology the police. The BBC and most of our politicians detained to press ahead with the trans agenda.

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This is what drives me bonkers!!! Why doesn't the evidence-- which constitutes a veritable avalanche at this point-- ever seem like enough to convince these people? I don't understand! Is it because the organizations they'd expect to speak out against such a discredited concept are all trans-captured, do you think?

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My neighbour has just been outside in cammo trousers and a high vis vest , make up your mind ffs 🤣

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If the media would just report all of this information, it would be obvious to all and sundry what a terrible fuckfest Transgenderism is.

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Sure I’ve posted this before but deserves another read https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-real-story-behind-drag-queen-story-hour

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