I can't believe they are teaching breast binding to kids. The world has literally gone insane. People are literally going to be voting fascists into office in every country on earth to get free from the gender freak weirdness. It hearkens back to foot-binding in China, or corset training in fetish.

and regarding the drug-laden breast milk of that predator, that is the most disgusting thing ever and proof positive these creeps are living a fetish cause they I guess could not get erections from porn anymore and had to take their pornsickness about 50 steps further in order to continue to get sexual thrills from it.

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wow Gavin Hubbard just about got away with seriously injuring someone while driving without it being reported on because a judge tried to get his/her (Laurel) name kept out of the papers. Must be nice to be so rich that you can buy judges, and vaginas, and places on Olympic teams. These ruling class transvestites just kill me, there is no end to their use of class and race privilege. Has to be read to be believed, this is the paper that sued for the right to publish info about the wreckless driving charge https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/114163563/weightlifter-laurel-hubbards-dogged-fight-to-keep-her-name-out-of-the-media more of that "he's so courageous for cross-dressing" b.s. and "he has to keep his mind focused on his training so he can steal Olympics medals from female athletes"

Man when you read about this the ruling class privilege of this rich white guy is just typical, class privilege through and through. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/114218682/victims-of-laurel-hubbard-crash-appalled-at-sentence-and-suppression

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How do these people manage to get out the front door of a morning without shattering into a thousand pieces. They really are pathetic narcissistic little crybabies.

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A obscenely wealthy white man stealing medals from underprivileged Samoan women.

Much Brave. So Stunning.

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" Imagine the most electric thing a partner has ever done to you, then multiply it by 10… And yeah, I kind of got off on it. Don't judge." I judged. I also vomited a bit.

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This study out of Australia is really important, I think. The lead researcher, Kasia Kozlowska is a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Westmead Children's Hospital in Sydney and specialises in children with somatic symptoms.


Quote from the study: " It appeared to us that a large subgroup of children equated affirmation with medical intervention and appeared to believe that their distress would be completely alleviated if they pursued the pathway of medical treatment. Very often, we the clinicians felt that our efforts to work from a biopsychosocial perspective, along with our therapeutic efforts to discuss different aspects of the medical situation, fell on deaf ears. Lost were our efforts to highlight the many different pathways in which gender variation could be expressed, to explain potential adverse effects of medical treatment, to explore issues pertaining to future fertility and child rearing, and to highlight the importance of ongoing psychotherapy. With regard to the last item, we had a strong commitment to exploring issues of self and to helping the children both to understand the context in which their own distress (and potential mental health comorbidities) had arisen and to reflect, more generally, on their concerns, expectations, and future prospects. This same overall dynamic also put many parents—who were trying to support their children in a more holistic way but who were aware of potential long-term harms—in a difficult and untenable situation. The drivers of this dynamic appeared to include not simply the gender affirmative model itself but information from peers, previously encountered health workers, and the internet; many children arrived at the clinic with strongly entrenched beliefs and with no interest in further exploring their medical, psychological, social, or familial situation. It also became apparent to us that many children did not have the cognitive, psychological, or emotional capacity to understand the decisions they were making "

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Anyone with better Spanish than mine seen this? As I understand it, Fuerza is a right wing political party in Mexico who are contesting Municipal elections. There's a list system, and their list consisted of 18 men. The electoral commission equivalent told them lists have to be 50-50 male & female, so 9 of the men suddenly self-identified as women. Apparently that's perfectly legal as Mexico has self-ID. (For context, women in Mexico didn't get the vote until 1953, are severely underrepresented at every level of politics & power, and there's one of the worst rates of murder for women on the planet). I realise it will come as a great shock to everyone to realise that the thing that everyone says would never happen is actually happening. https://elcomun.es/2021/05/08/hombres-se-autodeterminan-mujeres-para-cumplir-con-la-paridad-en-elecciones-municipales-mexicanas/

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