Below is a perfect snapshot of the Culture Wars. It's an article on Fox News by David Marcus about defunding National Public radio in the USA. The two sides of this battle are clearly shown- strange people who want to talk about sexual practices with children and people who do not.

National Public Radio ran a slanderous and frankly disgusting essay by the author of the controversial graphic novel for kids, "Gender Queer

The essay, written by Maia Kobabe, is a woe-is-me tale about her book being taken off the shelves of many school libraries, mixed with self congratulation for her supposed courage.

What's not mentioned? Either in the essay itself or its brief introduction? That would be why the book has been deemed unsuitable for kids. The answer is the multiple extremely graphic drawings of sex acts, including oral sex, that it contains which are never even mentioned.

For any editor to publish this incredibly misleading sack of lies is outrageous. The essay says that, "A video of a parent railing against Gender Queer in a school board meeting in Fairfax, Virginia went viral and sparked an immediate series of copy-cat challenges elsewhere."

The obvious and dastardly implication left by omitting the sex drawings here is that this parent and others are simply anti-LGB&T bigots as opposed to adults legitimately concerned about what amounts to pornography being given to children.

Let me say this in no uncertain terms. If an adult showed this book to my 12-year-old without my knowledge, I’d have an enormous problem with that. To say nothing of his mother!

What is so telling in this absurd screed in which Kobabe compares her own book to "To Kill a Mockingbird," and "Of Mice and Men," is that she makes no defence for showing these images to young kids, none whatsoever.

It’s been a while since I read Harper Lee or John Steinbeck, but I don’t remember any pictures of Scout giving a blowjob or George showing Lenny how to do a reach around.

Parents are furious and they should be. It is not the job of the state to teach our young children the proper way to suck a penis, frankly I can’t believe that this sentence has to be written.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Is Maia a transgender person? AMAB? Just wondering. If so, let's refer to him as male shall we?

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Looked up the name. Maia Kobabe is the author/illustrator of GENDER QUEER: A MEMOIR (May 2019), winner of an Alex Award, Stonewall Book Award, nominated for an Ignatz Award and the Best Graphic Novels for Teens list from YALSA. Eir work has also been published online by The New Yorker, The Nib, The Washington Post and in many print anthologies. Maia is non-binary, queer and uses e/em/eir pronouns. Image - https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs.yimg.com%2Fny%2Fapi%2Fres%2F1.2%2FCNrYc2XXyabq2ZABWloorA--%2FYXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU0MA--%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fmedia.zenfs.com%2Fen%2Fthe_advocate_articles_932%2F6ab114ead96a741147ab9457f66b3e7c&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ab73be5e7976424111a76c14a926cec63ad53afce36d51f65ba1b3d5779cbbb7&ipo=images

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e is for evil?

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“A woman defines herself through her self-determination.”

what a load of f-ing shite from team rebrand misogyny.

And as for welby, i’m going to write to him, i go to church and i’ve struggled with the line sometimes held on homosexuality- but i like to be in the room to tell people when they are talking shit. Seems like welby is so homophobic he’d rather lie to our beloved children and drug them than accept and love them for who they are. Go back to digging up oil justin, at least then you’re only fucking up the planet.

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Aha, that starts to make sense.

So Welby is another Susie Green, better a trans child than a gay one.

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I hope you will write to him, though maybe also to others in the church hierarchy? Welby is an utter wokerypokery-blinded dimwit, not one who shows signs of reasoned, independent thought. Completely taken in by buzzwords and cozy-seeming SJW jargon, who enjoys rather too much hearing himself spout them.

Maybe your best hope might be examples to try to get him/others to see why it really, really ain't what it claims to be. And isn't Christian. "Valuing All God's Children" as a title?? More like a grotesque opposite, maiming and harming as many children as possible, damaging the healthy bodies god/nature gave them, setting them up for damaged lives. “Should be supported to accept their own gender identity” should be changed to an opposite, “Should be supported to accept their own healthy bodies, not groomed to harm themselves.”

I'm not a churchgoer but it makes me want to retch that all Church of England primary schools are being hoodwinked into this 'guidance'.

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yes not just all c of e schools, all schools have a mandatory responsibility to provide these classes. And the schools out source this and buy in programs. there needs to be centralised policy so all schools are teaching evidence based stuff. Its all over the shop at the moment with some schools teaching more or less radical interpretations of this BS.

as for the church its deeply upsetting for us to have the doctrine endorsed by the c of e. I will contest it and i’ll explain in simple terms why the ideology of not accepting yourself and others for who they are is utter poison. And is completely unsupported theologically.

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Good for you, and godspeed, as they say. I am glad of the chance to know of one of ours, as it were, contesting this to him. Thank you.

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See my comment above. I've just recently started attending church again (Episcopal) and I'm PRAYING I don't run into this garbage.

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Yes, isn't it ironic? I read an evangelical pastor writing online about how it is phenomenally blasphemous to tell children they were born in the wrong bodies, citing how important bodies are, reminding readers that Christianity is a religion in which Jesus came to us in a BODY. So here's a presumably less-than-liberal pastor speaking the truth while the "liberal" C of E is spouting utter bullshit. Someone is giving them piles of money.

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Since the most homophobic males are often homosexually inclined (actual studies have been done), can we assume Welby is just another woman-hating closeted gay man? (And are you saying he was an oil executive? How does that qualify one for church leadership? Oh, sorry, a church that thinks Bingo the Pedo is okay thinks oil execs are in close touch with the Almighty.)

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Didn't JESUS say that if anyone harms any of these little ones ( ie children ) it would be better for him to have a millstone tied round his neck and he be thrown into the sea ? I'm sure there's a special place in Hell for these people ,including their supporters and enablers.🙏🙏🙏

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Others have mentioned millstones as regards the transing of the young.

Hell or the deep blue sea? Both deserved for the likes of those doing this to children, in my opinion.

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Thanks, JL, for this smorgasbord of news articles chronicling the current go-to madness of modernity known as gender identity ideology, together with all of its tragicomic - and just tragic - corollaries. The service you are providing us is indeed heroic.

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Hear, hear. JL is a hero.

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"Fake trans" is a tautology surely?

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"They are who they say they are... until one of them brings us into disrepute."!😁 😁 😁

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Well.. when it comes to intimate care being forced on people without their consent by AGPs in healthcare settings .. may it happen asap to the allies and handmaidens, sturgeon & the so-many-other women who still support this …. May it cross their path soon so they may finally realise how especially destructive and violating this bollocks is.

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Sturgeon should undoubtedly have one of the trans sexual offenders she is so fond of, to live with her.

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Many thanks JL.

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Re the Bristol NHS letter. At my hospital a year ago I snapped the following poster in Cardiology (it is still up):

"If you would like to specify the gender of your care provider please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you".

For echocardiograms you have to strip to your waist. The person doing the scan has to sit really close to you on a narrow bed (hips touching) and pass the wand all over your left chest area. ECGs are slightly less invasive of personal space but you still need to strip.

Here they are offering to allow you to request the GENDER (not sex) of that person, and they won't even guarantee it anyway.

In my experience, when it's been a male, there is always a female chaperone which does offer reassurance. Quite possibly that would not be the case with a transwoman.

Not Bristol, and not recent :(

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

The proposal in Scotland toward criminalising parents, teachers, clinicians by misrepresentations around what is or isn't 'conversion therapy'?!? I sincerely hope it isn't as insane and dystopian as it looks. Or if it is, that people are able to expose it before it is waved through?!

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it sounds dystopian doesnt it, labelling concerns for others as conversion therapy. The whole ideology feels like a massive invisible push to turn us all into something we arent and control how we think and talk.

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thank you so much for your research and sharing. it's tough though. the week in the war against women requires self care after reading.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

If I ever am treated by a doctor or nurse I perceive is "trans," I will find an excuse and leave the appointment, taking note of the name. Trans widows do not deserve to be gaslit over and over as they go through life, trying to recover and re-assemble some kind of normalcy.

And my beloved Vaishnavi Sundar here! I hope she has time to edit our interviews for her documentary at Lime Soda Films, Behind the Looking Glass.


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It is interesting that the Scottish Government advisory group doesnt have representation from the Catholic Church or the Jewish faith. Both have active LGB groups. Maybe that is it, no T!

Do you know if Wings over Scotland has any intention to share the list with media in Scotland and beyond. Ordinary folks need to know what the government propose and no longer publicise. The SNP Government is becoming more power hungry and dictatorial as the new tear progresses closely followed by all SNP/Green Councils.

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This world is no longer fit for women and children to live in ,if indeed it ever was,except of course for those totally stupid "feminists " who started this. They obviously "forgot " what some men are like and how eagerly they would use this to their own advantage. I find myself in total despair over humanity's inability to employ reason , logic and truth in decision making and ,if we don't fight against this more vigorously ,I fear we are doomed. Thanks ,JL ,for continuing to be a voice of reason in this increasingly dystopian nightmare.👏👍❤️


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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

Terrible week BUT thx JL - the more the 'Dutch Protocol' misinformation EDIT - ACTUALLY FRAUD - is publicised the better.

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I'd throw in The Lives of Others (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006) for good measure as well.

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