I tell a much loved but usually delusional family member that he needs to be careful of what he reads online because it might just be a load of bollocks, but as we read today the mainstream media is literally lying to us on such basic things as the true sex of a terrible criminal. The mainstream media will invalidate itself if it can’t respect basic journalistic values and basic truths. And with the deep fakes coming thick and fast online we need a responsible regulated media more than ever. Their own hidden social agenda is more important than raw basic facts. Sad sad times. At least we have JL to put reality on our radars. Thanks JL!

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The segment on UK military housing contains this statement: “Women need to have secure accommodation where they feel safe.”

Isn’t the main point that women have a right to BE safe? Feelings aside? If we center feelings, then no material conditions need to change, only our feelings about them.

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Feb 26Liked by JL

Thanks JL. It's a freakin' horror show but thanks for documenting it.

I think this place and Reduxx are (AFAIK) the only two outlets that comprehensively report on the waves of psychopathic & perverted criminality that operate under the protective banner of "trans rights."

If the mainstream media picked up on even half of the vile stories that appear on this site, gender ideology would start to fall apart within a week. But it won't - the almost total collapse of journalistic responsibility has been quite incredible. A movement that threatens the safety and rights of women and children - in service to men who are often deeply-disturbed and dangerous - yet most journalists are either able to pretend it's not happening, or go along with the pretence that it's a civil rights movement.

Future generations will ask how on earth it could have happened - it's baffling enough to live through.

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Wow. So much here that melts any sense of sensible into a deeply unsavoury soup.

Obviously not the most disturbing story here by a long way, but it took a while to process this gem:

This Girl Can.

Stated Mission: “[To] celebrate a realistic vision of women and exercise... and to tackle the gender activity gap.”

Reality: "Let's showcase four blokes."

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Here's an idea for getting the word out to women who think they are safe around cross-sex ideating men. Print out these stories, cleverly place them in slick real estate and interior design magazines, leave these for others to find in doctors' waiting rooms, bus stations, lobbies, just, all over. I want to put these articles on the stoop of my ex-husband's building (secret crossdresser since at least 1991, divorced finally in 1999) where he lives with his "lesbian partner" in an apartment worth 3M (Brooklyn, NY) fully paid off during a period when he refused to pay child support. There are so many, it could be a pile of murderers on every step.

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Feb 26Liked by JL

Those news stories about Blake infuriated me. I read one and was thinking, "Hang on, isn't it super rare for a woman to do anything like this?" Then I looked at another story that had a photo of him and thought "Man" (but not as obvious as it is with some). So I checked reduxx and sure enough: MAN. These are not women's crimes. I think it constitutes a miscarriage of justice to refer (and record?) this as a woman's crime. It's certainly a complete distortion of the truth; the antithesis of proper journalism.

Also can't believe, if you were going to name any trans-identified man as an inspiration for This Girl Can, you would choose Hubbard. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel!

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The fact that the first 'transphobic' conviction in Spain is of a 'twanswoman' against another one is delicious beyond description. The schadenfreude I feel is enough for me to dine out on it for months. There is a God, after all.

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JL, by now you must have amassed an encyclopaedia of sickeningly repulsive, narcissistic sports cheats, sex offenders and abusers. There is enough evidence to peak the entire planet. I can only blame a complete lack of journalistic integrity that these stories are not more commonly known along with cowardice and delusion. Well done to you for this work along with so many others. We can only hope that it pays off in the end and that the so called ‘proper’ journalists feel ashamed at what their failure has caused.

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What a catalogue of abuse, entitlement and privilege by and for TRAs and misogynists. Nothing new, but it still makes me want to puke out the rage and put it to better use. As usual, the rights of the abusers doesn't only take precedence over the abused, they are further bullied but left open to criminal proceedings.

Women's sports takes another assault, women's rights, women's safety. As Lauren Levey points out, women have not only the right to 'feel' safe, but be safe, because they clearly aren't the same thing at all. But we end up with a kick in the teeth and assertions of bigotry, hatred etc, etc. Got to protect those poor, beleaguered 'women' with dicks, then give them everything they demand and wait for more demands.

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That was a tough read. They always are, but I've got a cat, so this one got to me on that level too. How is it "criminal damage"? Keying a car is criminal damage; killing someone's pet should be treated as far worse, both in itself, and because it so often escalates; maybe it would even have saved a human life if it had been taken more seriously in this case.. I know it's beside the main point of the article, and it's fucked-up that he's being called a woman too.

Looking forward to the Good News Supplement.

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I'm surprised GUSU didn't include a blow up doll in that list of realistic women.

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Feb 26Liked by JL

God, I'm so sick of this shit.

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Thanks for your hard work as ever, JL, bringing us these gobsmacking horror stories.

How unbelievably awful for the couple who have had their son taken from them!!

I note in the Army story you state:

"Another woman currently serving in the forces, told The Telegraph that she had raised concerns with her superiors after a trans-identified male joined her squadron but that her worries were dismissed. She was told that his presence wasn’t an issue because ‘you can tell who are predators’."

Hmm, do the predators wear signs around their necks then? Ted Bundy was young, handsome and smartly dressed - and killed more than 30 women.

This is, of course, aside from privacy, dignity etc!

Thanks again


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Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by JL

Yet again you are way ahead of the curve with your grip on reality JL. Thank you.

But even as I read things the way I do this has changed. I am wondering what's true, what's being altered and twisted. It's way beyond 'left' or 'right'. Did something actually happen? How should I respond? We have lost a key element of public record and access to factual and informed resources - that long list of publications says it all. We won't be looking back on news reports with any kind of assurance as they'll all have 'content warning: this is all the deluded fantasy of a broken organisation' on them. Almost everything is now steeped in propaganda. The last century or two of news production followed vaguely agreed rules and comparing news reports you could identify the main thread that ran through them all. We all became connected to information and it was beamed around the world and into our homes in seconds. But I am struggling to fathom this new world I live in - it's like AI-generated 'product' being so dangerous because it's similar to what could be true, but how can we verify it. It's got enough elements to be plausible, but could be true or could be totally invented, or a smattering of both, open to debate. Yes, it's dangerous, and how can we counter it?

There are so many disturbing elements to all of these reports. I was misled by the lies that the murderer of Jorge Martin Carreno was a 'she' so it's another nasty surprise today. I was wondering how 'she' with 'her' clear severe mental health issues had been allowed to continue the trajectory until 'she' murdered that man. Then the actual facts start to come out after outrage over the continual fabrication of 'realities'. That man and his multiple alternative names was known to mental health services, which seem to be in such a state no one is safe - no member of the public or service user. He was also known to 'gender services' who obviously oversaw his mental illness and severe delusions as some form of fun gender rights experiment and oversaw giving him hormones. They officially repackaged a male sexual fetish into some created gender freedom to relieve his 'dysphoria'. Those services are taking deluded and deviant people and putting rocket-fuel in them, then sending them out into communities as ticking gender time-bombs. How are they not also responsible for this? He was known to services who rubber-stamped this psychosis and sent him out to live his best life, screw everyone else. Most photos are him smirking. Every institution that has been normalising this gender shite has allowed this. No, that weirdo who is putting others at risk is nice and fluffy and you MUST be nice to him.

It's so hard to pick out truth from the massive web of lies being deliberately spun daily all in service of Genderology. The Gruaniad only edited that story after a huge backlash. For those of you unaware it's now all kicked off again, this time it's yet another Gruaniad journo telling them and Kath Viner to stop lying and misleading readers. She was misled herself:


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It's the women who are complicit in this mind bending bullshit that amaze me! Like Nicola Braganza in last week's newsletter, those female swimmers grouped smiling around "Meghan" Cortez-Fields while he breezes in and steals their medals. Are they scared what will happen if they make a fuss, confused about what to do, or are they actually so stupid that they don't see the self-harm?

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This movement is revealing the dark depths of male loathing, resentment, ignorance and fear of women in all western (and other) societies today, whether these misogynists are the depraved killers and cheats who assume female names and 'identities' or their powerful apologists in the media etc who clearly revel in pinning such depravity on women and in celebrating men beating women in sports and forcing the women and girls who are beaten to smile in the presence of their cheating, frankly psychotic abusers. Masculinity is in VERY bad shape indeed if it has to go to these lengths to abuse and belittle women. Either these are the death throes of the patriarchy or of humanity. I'm fighting for the former, for my sons as much as for my daughter, and all the other sons and daughters, but I am running out of hope.

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