Why o why did I read this knowing there is no GNS round the corner

I must honestly be as thick as pig shit given that I can’t take any of this as ‘acceptable and normal ‘

Dress how you like call yourself what you like but get your dick out of womens spaces and ffs can lawmakers stop making victims call predatory men women , they know they’re not women but it’s just a fast fashionable buck , shame on them all and the truth will out and history will not be kind in the way they wish it

I’ve used up all my words now so just 🤬

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Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL and for your hard work all this year.

Naomi Long obviously doesn't read your weekly updates, JL! How does a dangerous idiot like this end up as Justice Minister?

Have a great Christmas, JL

To slightly alleviate the horrors, I think that you and your readers may enjoy Liz's endpiece at the end of my update today:



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I hope the new administration in the US makes some headway on stopping men going unto women's spaces, in order that good law trickles back here. It'll be hard, I know, but a few court cases lost, more men getting chucked back to where they should be - and why oh WHY are nearly all of these Marykates sexual /child abusers? Do the authorities not see that the perfecr punishment for a deviant male is a women's prison?? How effin THICK are they??

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These people are repulsive perverts but the people I’m almost more angry about are the supposedly sane people who are enabling all this to happen, who can then see the harm that is being done and still carry on enabling and promoting it.

Thanks JL for all your hard work and have a wonderful Christmas with a complete break from having to think about the insane injustices of our time. I’m going to have a good try. 😁🎄❤️

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Thanks JL. Happy Christmas & wishing you all the best for 2025!

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Why do hardened criminals who commit heinous crimes deserve any consideration?

Have a great Christmas and New Year, JL.

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The answer is to put them all in solitary in tbe female estate so that female prisoners are safe. These men will have their wish granted, but the governors shpuld make it clear their fellings take third /fourth place to the human rights of female prisoners. "Stay in my jail, stay in solitary for everyone's safety". How many would ask for a transfer back to the male estate? These males need to remember that with rights come responsibility and with responsibility, consequences. Their lawyers should be pointing this out when they scream about their rights being abused.

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I’m on a roll , I’m currently reading ‘ the girl with seven names ‘ ( a girl escaping North Korea )

As yet there’s no trans Fannie’s ( I doubt there ever will be ) but plenty of folks starving and freezing while the fat cats get fatter , sound familiar ……

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JL, I have nominated you for a ‘Best Journalist, Sex Realist Award, as you are so deserving of that and your coverage deserves more exposure. If others could vote that might help? https://x.com/fem_mb/status/1872189171403469042?s=46&t=vWpRbH8xB83LB9gavCAdVg

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Helen, that is so very kind of you! I'm up against some very stiff competition (Jill Foster, Jo Bart, Helen Joyce, Janice Turner, Hannah Barnes etc...) but I really do appreciate your nomination. Thank you SO much.

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I’d have to join twatter to vote , a step too far for me , but you’ll always be best JL

OK , my grovelling is done 😂

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Cheers, Petal! Much appreciated x

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I know I must read your posts, and I do. I consider it important to stay informed of all these injustices, but sometimes I become so overwhelmed at the injustice of these stories, that I lose all faith in humanity and the direction we are going in. Especially as I recently had the toilet/changing room debate with a male colleagues who “…can’t see what the problem is…” Jesus!

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Don’t lose heart ‘we’ will win in the end , it’s not actually been broken down to ‘ normal ‘ folk as yet many ,many are unaware of the shite , or don’t think it will involve them

I’m normal -ish - don’t listen to anyone on here that says otherwise(😊) But we will prevail , it’ll take time but we will

Merry Christmas Claire and continue reading 😀

Oo get me !!

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We are winning but it's a long, hard slog.

I cannot even begin to express my loathing of Dodds and Labour. No wonder Stonewall have been suspiciously quiet during and since the election campaign - they were made promises and those are now being kept.

Have a very merry Christmas JL, Graham and all you lovely sane (ish!) people here.

Peak as many people as you can over Christmas dinner!

Here's to fighting back even harder in 2025.

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Hear hear to all that WOTE.

And JL please pass our good wishes to Glinner and have a wonderful Christmas everyone on here.

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Thanks JL. When this horror finally ends this substack and Reduxx will be where we go for the receipts. Your meticulous recording will be invaluable if we ever get to something like a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Let's hope Trump delivers on his promises in 2025 and that the world wakes up to this insanity.

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