
Ugh, did you know Pink News is on Snapchat with (apparently) over 3 Million subscribers?


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Trans activists are fascists. Change my mind!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by KFP

Fascists who identify as anti-fascists!

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"transphobia" - a word created by fascists, and used by cowards to manipulate morons. As Christopher Hitchens might have put it ... 😉

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Can't, you are right

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Thugs and psychotics for the most part.

People do get rather "nasty" when they're disabused of their delusions.

Though I think the crux of the problem is that pretty much everyone has turned "male" and "female" into "immutable identities" based on some "mythic essences" instead of recognizing the terms as labels for those with rather transitory reproductive abilities.

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First Do No Harm.

'Gender' 'affirmation' 'medicine' violates all ten ethical principles of the Nuremberg Code on human experimentation. If you don't believe me, read the principles.

And to think that this experimentation is approved at every level of our 'civil' society.

Even for children.

Millstones anyone?

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That first one negates the right of anyone to experiment on children, therefore all that do are guilty of crimes against humanity

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Won't someone please think of the nonces?!?

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Thanks JL, can’t say i enjoy reading these but we need to know whats going on. The trans carousel of delusion keeps spinning, knocking over children and vulnerable people as it goes,

Nicola Sturgeon watching as as children pay up to have their futures taken from them, parents in tears each night because their kids radicalised by peadophiles on the internet

Does she know that by endorsing this poison children are thinking that it must be true. It must be true if eddie izzard and our leaders say it is, and then they buy into it and who’s there to help them? no one, just a load of f-ing perverts and peadophiles on the internet with f knows what they want and the drug companies counting the millions of pounds of profits.

For what reason is this happening, wear a dress i don’t care, call yourself Brenda, be into what ever you like, i don’t care. I do care if you want to tell my kid that their body is the wrong one. Thats just bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. You can’t have the wrong body, its impossible Nicola, stop lying to children.

She’s got the suffering of kids on her. She needs to come clean or she’ll be consumed by this. The guilt will come for her one day if any part of her is decent. Children, not celebrities or rich people, babies. The only part of our society that isn’t completely f-ed up. And they are damaging them. Jesus forgives. I’m not qualified. Sorry this is a pointless rant. Just so angry.

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Rant away! You're amongst friends. (But take heart - there's a bumper edition of the Good News Supplement on the way!)

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Brilliant! we all love the good news section. Like a beautiful rainbow- not the ones the radicals have ruined. I want my rainbows back. Can we have them back please.

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I was listening to Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart's podcast The Rest is Politics and there was a question from a mother who had never taken any interest in the gender wars until recently finding out that one of her children was trans. Now she fears for her child in this "hate-fuelled environment" and asked how the debate can be made more humane. Unbelievably, Campbell who deeply analyses and researches most political topics, trotted out the hackneyed "most discriminated and abused" and appears to have given it no more than 10 seconds of his attention. He quickly moved on to noting that Conservative MPs were having a go at Eddie Izzard in to attack the Labour Party. But Stewart recognised how many people agree with Rosie Duffield and said that it would be unwise for Labour to be trapped into that position. Campbell sees only his dislike of the Conservative party and is blind to the implications to women and children. He just cannot hear women and his dismissive attitude on this lowers him hugely in my estimation.

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‘The most discriminated and abused’. ….

within the small minority of the population who are ‘trans’, there seems to be quite a large number of men claiming to be women/dressing as women who have both a high profile and level of success. Rachel Levine, Philip Bunce, Caitlin Jenner, India Willoughby, Eddie Izzard, Dylan Mulvaney. I could go through the sports; swimming, mountain biking, cycling, snooker. And then at a less public level, criminals who receive lighter sentences because of their mental struggles. Teenage girls in schools must use gender neutral toilets that are now full of teenage boys in order to prioritise the feelings of boys who wear eyeliner and a skirt. The girls are being told and taught that their feelings don’t matter as much.

These menwomen are hardly abused or discriminated against - rather they are lauded, applauded and rewarded.

Those who point out safeguarding concerns are silenced - TRA’s in balaclavas drowning out free speech. Those asking for care by natal females pilloried and refused treatment.

I don’t have the intellect for or enough interest in the politics of all this. I just know that children need to be protected, women, particularly vulnerable women need spaces that are safe from the male gaze, even when, maybe particularly when, that gaze is adorned with eyeliner and mascara.

How is asking for consideration for our safety a sign of abuse and discrimination? Why is acknowledgement of biology hateful? Why is wanting my daughter to be able to change in a female only space at a gym so dreadful ?

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I feel your pain.

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You’re right. Completely.

Wait for the panorama episode about tavistock, and we’ll all be like… you knew, you all knew. But you sat on it. And we read it first in the bloody daily mail. As a pretty left wing person i can’t say its been great to find that all the media outlets that i usually turn too have been completely shat on by the mail. Bloody mail, doing more for children than bbc guardian combined. Imagine being grateful to the daily mail. Well i am. What the hell is going on.

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The Spanish ‘Trans-Sissy-Bi-Dyke Association’ demand the ability to indulge publicly in their pornographic fetishes, everyone else be damned. Even to point of burning disagreeable women at the stake. Has Spain learned nothing from their sordid Inquisition history?

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by JL

Alan Morgan flashes his penis in the ‘heated gender argument'.

Isn't that the conclusive end of the argument?

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We really are through the looking glass!

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Mad Haters T Party.

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Oh excellent work! I may have to steal that one... ;-)

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Go for it! 😄

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….. and in conclusion me lud, let me call my next witness……

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"Burn feminists at the stake". Ahh, so progressive.

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Tras really are scumbags

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Yep 😁

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by KFP

I despair

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Don't despair, Lois! There's a bumper Good News Supplement on the way. x

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God ,how much worse can this get ?? I'm speechless , especially about the DBS loophole ! What on earth are lawmakers and MPs thinking ? They're setting our CHILDREN up to be abused in the name of " trans rights "" ???. This is way beyond evil now. There are no words to adequately describe how absolutely DEMONIC this death cult really is and there's no level beyond which they will not stoop 💔😭🤮. Thanks ,JL ,for keeping us informed. Your hard work is much appreciated ❤️👍

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Thanks ever so much, Susan. Your kind words are very much appreciated.

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Sadly it's not just children - it's anyone vulnerable. That really can be any of us at any time. That's a doctor, nurse, healthcare assistant or support worker. Teacher, volunteer, driver or caretaker. The range of us affected by this pandering to a tiny proportion of men with identity issues is astonishing. The reason why the illustration of Ian Huntley changing his name to Ian Nixon is still so relevant.

It's those of us who can't fight back and it is vile, truly vile.

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Everything, especially news reports, just make so much more sense when correct pronouns and names are used. Cognitive spin slows down. Ability to see through the horseshit increases. (Worse that horseshit, really— at least manure is useful.)

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by JL

The KPSS report is brilliant by the way. The examples they use for who might need an enhanced check includes taxi drivers. That's often how grooming gangs got their victims trafficked about the UK and many worked as drivers themselves. If the DBS service and process had been functioning properly, how much of that would have been picked up and prevented?

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by JL

Thanks again JL. Interesting the explanation of some parts of the Disclosure and Barring Service checks being over the phone and not in writing, I assume to spare the blushes of these poor marginalised men. Avoiding any written record and any replication of any information on the certificate. No flag as no information that would prompt a flag. This should all be very simple to clear up and I look forward to the explanations/justifications/excuses/risk assessments on why they are not doing certain checks in writing. Are those calls automatically recorded and noted somewhere? Legally when you do anything it's the doing it in writing that seems to make it real and brings it to life, whereas until that point it's not real and just didn't happen. How convenient.

The Home Office is in a state so none of this is any surprise.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by JL

"... Scottish gender clinics are following WPATH’s guidelines which, to say the least, are extremely troubling."

As Genevieve Gluck reported on Reduxx, two senior academics who have been influential in WPATH guidelines are "castration fetishists." As if the story wasn't already unfathomable - performing irreversible experiments on vulnerable kids for no actual medical reason - it turns out that they were following guidelines partly-influenced by fucking weirdos who get off on child-torture porn.

"Speaking, they fear, will provoke accusations of transphobia..."

The story is a brutal warning about what happens when people are scared to speak, so when is the British Press going to speak about it? The story's not going away - it's only going to get worse.

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Yes, I assume they are all fingers crossed following the trans journo guide at the moment as when one of them properly investigates it will all be over. Reduxx has done it all for them as usual and still they uncritically refer to WPATH. They could refer to Liz Truss as World Professional Expert on Cheese with more validity. Like clicking your heels together three times, saying 'transphobia'.

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Exactly. Reduxx has done more than any journalistic outlet that I've seen. The mainstream media has been presented with the biggest medical/sexual scandal in decades and yet they keep referring to the perpetrators of the scandal as "the experts." Utter madness.

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And from experts to where the term 'experts by experience' got itself very lost. It blurred the lines on what constitutes 'expertise'. It makes them above reproach in the strangest of ways and beyond all professional regulation somehow. Some patients are now viewed as 'the' model of every patient and screw everyone else. Centre us! Centre us! Not doing so is literal genocide!

I remember the term drifting in maybe just over a decade back and really pushed in healthcare and mental health. It means listening FFS which is not something novel. But now it seems some 'patient groups' are unchallengeable and even pandered to. One or two are on enough boards to have rewritten all policy on everything (aka Dentons).

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Astounding! Thanks, Graham, for all this news of outrageous behavior on the part of men with psychiatric illnesses!

For help in keeping calm and carrying on, visit new youtube channel, Ute Heggen. I got unbanned from YouTube finally and started posting about healing in nature and using mind/body work to keep the largest nerve in the torso, the vagus nerve, in a state of calm, with a sense of well-being. I see no other way than to suggest the mindful, rational and natural alternative to drugs and surgeries.

Ute Heggen, of the new YouTube channel

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoOuW3ULLDA

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