Monday 20th June - Scotland, A Country Without Women
THE SPECTATOR: An advice leaflet about menstruation, backed by the Scottish government, does not mention ‘girls’ or ‘women’.

Young Scot is a publicly funded organisation which received a £975,000 grant from Scottish Government last year for various projects, one of which is the provision of information for young people.
Young Scot has produced advice about menstruation but there is no mention of ‘girls’ or ‘women’ in the text. Instead, it makes vague references to “Those of us that have both our ovaries and a womb” and “Half the world’s population”. It does, however, mention ‘transgender men and non-binary individuals’.
Similar information providing advice for young males about puberty refers to them as ‘men’ and 'boys’. No vague or confusing language here.
Susan Smith of For Women Scotland told The Scottish Sun, “Once again advice for girls is offensively dehumanising: while boys and men get the dignity of a name, girls and women are reduced to body parts”.
A spokesman for Young Scot said, “We’ve worked in partnership with the Scottish Government to ensure we’re as inclusive as possible”. Just not inclusive of women and girls, it would seem.
Tuesday 21st June - This Never Happens
WOMEN ARE HUMAN: A violent cross-dressing male who badly beat a vulnerable woman had his ‘transgender identification’ taken into account when sentenced.

50-year-old Zaid Ahmed violently assaulted a woman with whom he was on a second date. The woman had trusted him enough to visit his home and the pair were engaged in ‘intimate activities’ when she received a video call from her regular boyfriend.
As with their first meeting, Ahmed was wearing a wig and women’s clothing. When the video call from the woman’s boyfriend interrupted them, Ahmed flew into a rage and ripped off his wig.
He assaulted the woman in a ‘persistent and prolonged’ attack, punching her numerous times to the face and head and causing 28 separate injuries as she passed in and out of consciousness.
When the case was heard at Burnley Crown Court in April, Recorder Nicholas Clarke QC described Ahmed as “6ft tall and of muscular build with boxing experience”. He described the victim as being 5’2” and “Vulnerable due to her personal characteristics”.
Following a prolonged wait for the case to be heard, Ahmed was sentenced to 17 months in prison. Recorder Clarke QC told him, “The delay has offered you the opportunity to reflect on your transgender identification and perhaps come to terms and embrace it. I take all of that into account.”
Wednesday 22nd June - First Do No Harm #1
Soren is a detransitioner who now describes herself as a lesbian and a GNC woman. She has spoken out on social media this week about the horrendous treatment she received at the hands of the clinicians who performed her ‘top surgery’. (Please note if reading Soren’s entire thread that it contains some graphic post-surgery images.)

Soren began socially transitioning aged eleven, embarked on medical transition at seventeen and, last year, underwent a bilateral mastectomy shortly after her 19th birthday. The follow up care she received from the clinic was, she says, non-existent. Following her surgery she suffered significant bruising and swelling which continued to worsen. Whenever she tried to contact the clinic, she was dismissed or ignored.
Eventually, desperate for help and with her grafts lifting, Soren sought assistance at the ER department of her local hospital. Her incisions had to be re-opened and drains installed. She was diagnosed with a massive bilateral hematoma (a pooling of blood outside the blood vessels).
She spent the next few weeks seeing a specialist medical team. She had foam blocks bound to her chest for compression and, with a drain leading directly into her chest cavity, she had to drain the blood and pus from her wounds multiple times per day. Of course, being in the US, Soren had to foot the bill for this treatment herself.
Soren tried to contact the clinic which had performed her original surgery on numerous occasions, determined that it should acknowledge and address her situation. She was effectively ghosted. Eventually, the CEO got in touch, asking for the receipts pertaining to her post-operative care. She was offered a settlement amount to cover her ER treatment but she was required to sign a contract that had an ‘anti-disparagement clause’. Soren refused.
“Now that I've taken a critical lens to my gender dysphoria and realised its mishandling by my providers and clinicians, I can't not speak up, though, y'know?”
Thursday 23rd June - ‘Both Sides’ #1
STOKE ON TRENT LIVE: A female politician needed a police escort after she was targeted by trans activists at a local Pride event.
On Saturday Jo Gideon, the Conservative MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central, was attending a Pride event at a local park together with city council leader, Abi Brown. A group of around 20 trans activists, members of the LGBT+ Society at Staffordshire University, surrounded the Conservative tent, chanting slogans and waving placards, to protest the government’s decision not to include those with gender dysphoria in the conversion therapy bill.
Event security and the police were called to attend. Jo Gideon decided to leave the event early and required a police escort. She said that she had been the target of ‘non-stop abuse’ from ‘extremist protestors’, who refused to engage constructively and vandalised her banner.
“I abhor the actions of several dozen extremist protesters, who blocked the path and surrounded the Conservatives’ LBGTQ+ stand, where Councillor Abi Brown and I stood with a member of my staff. These protesters were shouting non-stop abuse. After waiting for the protest to move on for 30 minutes, I decided the only way to diffuse the situation, and putting people’s safety first, was to leave. I was grateful for a police escort to my car.”
Friday 24th June - First Do No Harm #2
THE DAILY MAIL: A young man who underwent sex reassignment surgery is suing the NHS over ‘the biggest mistake of his life’.
Only a few weeks ago we published a Twitter thread by a young gay man who calls himself TullipR. In it he described the trauma and deep regret he feels after undergoing sex reassignment surgery four years ago. In an interview with The Daily Mail, he has since waived his anonymity in order to speak openly about his ordeal.
Ritchie Herron grew up in an environment where homosexuality was vilified and ridiculed. Knowing himself to be gay, he was ‘deeply terrified’ and supressed his sexuality for decades. This caused him severe mental health issues and he suffered with depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
At 23, a very vulnerable Ritchie retreated online and was drawn in to sites about gender identity. He joined a forum called ‘Angels’ where, he says, older trans-identified males convinced him that he must be trans and pushed him into transition. When he sought help from the NHS, aged 25, he was diagnosed almost immediately and prescribed cross-sex hormones.
He says that clinicians never discussed his sexuality with him, nor did they explore his severe and spiralling mental health issues. When he agreed to sex reassignment surgery, he had concerns but was terrified of having his therapy withdrawn if he refused. Alarmingly, his doctors failed to warn him what the drastic consequences of the surgery might be.
Ritchie regretted the surgery almost immediately. It has left him in pain, infertile, incontinent and without any sexual function.
He is now suing the NHS in a historical legal action. It is the first medical negligence case over NHS transgender care in the UK. But it is unlikely to be the last.
Saturday 25th June - Gilead Made Real
BBC NEWS: Abortion clinics across the US have started to close after the Supreme Court removed women’s constitutional right to abortion on Friday.
About half of US states are expected to introduce restrictions or ban abortion outright.
This is what happens when we pretend that pregnancy and birth are not issues which exclusively affect women, when we rob women of the language they need to discuss their female bodies, when we dehumanise women by calling them ‘gestators’, ‘birthing bodies’ and ‘menstruators’ and when we silence and demonise the women fighting for their sex-based rights.
How can you defend what you can’t define?
Also Today - ‘Both Sides’ #2
On Saturday, veteran feminist campaigner and co-founder of Justice for Women, Julie Bindel, was scheduled to speak at an event at a Nottingham Library.

She had been invited by a local feminist group which had hired a private room at the library. She was to talk about ending male violence through activism to an audience of mainly young and working class women.
Only the day before the event, Nottingham City Council informed the organisers that they had cancelled it.

Nottingham City Council posted a statement to it’s social media account.
“Nottingham City Council has cancelled a booking to use a space at Aspley Library for a talk by author Julie Bindel today (Saturday 25 June). This is due to the speaker’s views on trans gender rights being at odds with aspects of the council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy... We did not want the use of one of our library buildings for this event, taking place during Pride month, to be seen as implicit support for views held by the speaker.”
The city council de-platformed a lesbian feminist campaigner ‘during Pride month’ and have tried to hide behind their EDI strategy. Were they not advised that Julie’s views and her rights to express them are protected in law? Probably not…
“We support our LGBT community and have committed to supporting trans rights as human rights through Stonewall.”
Undeterred, the organisers moved the event outside and Julie spoke to attendees from the car park.
Of course, the usual puerile trans activists turned up and tried to derange the event with loud music and a bit of half-hearted flag waving. (Someone should tell these kids that drowning out a lesbian speaker while she talks about protecting women from male violence doesn’t make them the good guys.)

Hilariously, the trans activists thought Julie Bindel was Julie Burchill. They have no idea who or what they’re protesting. Rebels without a clue.

In Barcelona this weekend, a group of feminists gathered to protest male violence against women. Their demonstration was invaded by a group of trans activists who screamed “Kill the TERF” at them.

And if you think you recognise the tall blonde guy, you probably do. He looks very much like a trans-identified male photographed trying to sabotage a feminist demonstration in Spain last year. His t-shirt makes his agenda crystal clear.
Also Today - Board With This Nonsense
A trans-identified male has beaten a 13-year-old girl in a women’s skateboarding competition in New York.
29-year-old Ricci Tres took first place and $500 dollars prize money in the women’s division of The Boardr Open in NYC on Friday. He beat five female competitors, four of them under the age of seventeen, to take the top spot.
Our congratulations to 13-year-old Shiloh Catori, the real winner of the competition.
Sunday 26th June - Auntie’s Groomers
THE TELEGRAPH: A BBC whistleblower has revealed the full extent of the corporation’s ideological capture and spoken of a ‘tight knit cabal’ which censors pro-women and gender critical views.

Last week a BBC journalist wrote about the threat of gender identity ideology to the broadcaster’s impartiality after it was revealed that trans lobby group, Global Butterflies, provided an agenda-driven training course for new recruits.
Now another BBC whistleblower has revealed how deeply embedded gender identity ideology has become within the corporation. The Telegraph has obtained material from training sessions provided by Global Butterflies for BBC staff last year.
The training told attendees that there are more than 150 ‘genders’ and that they should develop their ‘trans brand’ by putting pronouns on email signatures and wearing pronoun badges. Staff were also urged to police each other’s speech and told, “If you overhear a colleague using the incorrect pronouns for someone, take them aside and remind them of the correct pronouns.”
The whistleblower told The Telegraph that the BBC is ‘suppressing stories’ which challenge trans activism and claimed there is a ‘tight-knit cabal at the top of BBC News’ which tacitly approves gender ideology.
“Stories from the ‘gender critical’ – pro-woman, pro-safeguarding – point of view are being pitched by individuals, but they are rejected because the top of news won’t commission them. Any story that doesn’t affirm gender ideology originates from outside the news cabal and when it appears it’s always sent upstairs, heavily scrutinised, triple checked – whilst gender affirmative stories go straight to output.”
Earlier this week, The Times revealed the BBC funded a trans lobby group in 2011.
Both the BBC and Channel 4 provided start-up funding of around £20,000 to All About Trans, a group which describes itself as “Changing the way media tell stories about transgender and non-binary people”. The organisation has promoted the work of Mermaids and Stonewall and, in the past, held discussions with top BBC executives.
Some BBC insiders believe the group’s influence is still felt in the corporation’s reporting on gender. One told the paper, “It might look like ancient history but All About Trans has informed our approach in news and all content. It was embedded nearly a decade ago and it’s not gone away.”
Another article published this week, written by James Kirkup for The Spectator, suggests that we can’t even rely on Ofcom to ensure the BBC’s impartiality.

Ofcom is the the media regulator which oversees the BBC. This week it released its report on the corporation’s complaints procedure and perception of its impartiality.
Kirkup says that the report “Gives a strikingly one-sided view of the sex-gender issue and the BBC’s coverage of it” and that it “Fails entirely to mention women’s legitimate and legally-protected concerns”.
“The BBC gets new orders: back trans rights, ignore women.”
See you next week.
Dear God. How much worse do things need to get for women before the people who are, allegedly, running the country start to acknowledge this obscene war on women and children ? This is worse than ANYTHING I've ever heard of during my 75 years on this planet and it's terrifying as well as appalling !! The people who promote and support this have to be the most evil "people" in the world . They must be barely human to agree with this !! It's getting harder and harder to believe they're getting away with this totally abhorrent agenda !! God help us 🙏🙏🙏 😭💔 Thanks ,JL. Hope you'll have some good news for us soon ♥️x
What an awful week it's been. I feel gutted for women in the US. These men truly do just think of women as incubators and menstruators.
But best of luck to Ritchie Herron - that's a lawsuit to watch, I hope the first of many.