Nov 17, 2022Liked by JL

Being pro women and girls rights is not fucking anti trans, this gaslighting women really pisses me off! It makes me anti trans when I see women being bullied like this.

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I hope Suella does hold all those responsible for turning a blind eye when young girls were raped repeatedly but i bet loads have already resigned/retired on their fat tax payer funded pensions.

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Lots seem to be trying to bring her down- bought a magazine from a Big Issue vendor this morning- read a piece about her being reported for allegedly telling a lie on her CV. Poor woman. Hope she doesn’t buckle

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by JL

When all this madness finally comes to light, the BBC will be in utter disgrace. As disturbing as the Savile case is, this is on a vastly bigger scale and with so many more colluding with what they know to be wrong.

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I am not Trans phobic...nothing I am afraid of. I am not anti trans...Trans away all the hell you want..Trans yourself into oblivion for all I care.. but medicalise kids? No...Make other people feel unsafe (and with proven statistics they are attacked) No. I was on the fence about a lot of it until I saw the TRA's behaviour..and the sheer amount of clear perverts in amongst some very confused kids..

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I for one, am 'transphobic'. Didn't start out that way, but became so when I 'educated' myself. It's normal and healthy to fear a dangerous cult that destroys the very fabric of a civil society, not to mention the bodies and psyches of children and vulnerable people. Be afraid. Very afraid.

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Yes, me too, for the same reasons.

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it maybe just semantics, but i prefer to say im against gender ideology but not against trans id ppl. trans id people are just one more group who are harmed by gender ideology. those practicing gender ideology concider a great number of different people to be "trans". Dysphoria and body disassociation often are caused by trama, abuse or just normal dysphoria due to being gay. ideologues pushing gender ideology are scamming people who have dysphoria that all their problems are due to being "trans". then they sell them pills. instead of receiving evidenced based care for their symptoms, theyre being told gender "care" will solve all their problems. it doesnt because they are treating the wrong problems.

cass found this doesnt help anything for kids. Amsterdam says those on this "care" have 50% less life expectancy. but without these meds kids grow out of dysphoria. thats terrible for these pill pushers who are getting rich from the suffering of dysphoric ppl.

gender ideology erases the rights of women, kids, gays, parents and others. but it also harms dysphoric people who are being used as front line soldiers in a war to increase market share for pill companies.

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'It's a boom time for con men'. God, I love Graham's straight talk always tinged with a bit of comedy. He's a genius communicator. What would we do without him? The searchable 'Archive of Transgression' he's compiled (with your wonderful contributions JL) is invaluable to the world.

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Doh! I'm blushing! (And of course I agree you with you 100% about Graham. A true hero.) Thank you for your kinds words! x

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Thanks JL

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The "good news from the gender beat" is essential for good mental health. Thank you, Graham!

Recently, my brother assured me that trans-ideology is a passing thing and doesn't merit any effort against it.

After all, the fire chief in his town in Alaska wears lipstick and dresses and his wife "doesn't mind." I wonder how many men would mind if their wives took testosterone, grew beards and deep voices, and had a penis fashioned from her forearm skin? But women, we just don't mind. And it doesn't matter if we do.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022Liked by JL

Just to say the thanks are due to JL, who discreetly gathers each week's GOOD NEWS SUPPLEMENT, but yes. Yes about those who think they know better, who handwave and undermine.

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Thank you so much, TJ37! Much appreciated! Though there are worse things than having one's work confused for that of a genius writer like Graham! ;-)

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by JL

Ah yes, I can well imagine that upside! I'm just so grateful for your distillations every week, and so many of us clearly find your Good News absolutely key to keeping spirits going in the fight! Thanks again, JL.

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Ah that's lovely of you to say, TJ37. Thank you so much. It's all the support from you fab people that keeps ME going! xx

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Ah, just when I thought 'I just can't go on with that crap', here comes some good news.

Thank you, as always, JL

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My sturgeons sweatshirts on its way 😀

Let’s see how many I can piss off

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And cares not one jot

My little petal is 6 today , I’m one very happy nannie but sad for her future

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

Here's a little tidbit--the tall woman with hair on her chest, long blond locks, in the triumvirate of cursing, threatening "trans" identified (other 2 are men, posing as women, shaking fists, swearing spitting) at Standing for Women in NYC now walks with a CANE. She thinks she's a strapping, strong bloke, but has demineralized her bones enough to need a cane for walking. She's been seen with another female who takes T to mimic male appearance, Buck Angel. Castille something was the name people are repeating, as she's apparently worked in modeling.

One of the blokes mimicking female appearance and threatening at the barricade on Monday has worked as a Coach handbag model. His name is Anthony Matucci. An actor from Orange is the New Black, a prison show with "trans" characters, is also reported to have been among the screaming, pushing crowd pushing the barricades, spitting and throwing objects at a small group of women simply trying to speak about danger for children and vulnerable women.

It is not hateful to question damaging medical practices and abdication of the entire field of mental health for confused, angry, psychiatrically ill people. For a first step in securing the mind/body connection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az3LE7v3M3E

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Ill believe Suella Braverman through her actions and not words.

The mere fact that there is such a thing being 'enforced' as 'non hate crime incidents' is utterly chilling for me.

These cases are essentially a police state kangaroo court that is utterly captured by those with an agenda.

No due process, no right to appeal or have your day in court.

You have people's lives being affected as these 'non incidents' are showing up on disclosure searches for employers and ruining lifes.

It was always going to be a tool used by the gender ideology cult against those that dont adhere.

Non hate crime incidents should be made illegal and police officers and forces should be sacked and fined for attempting to use a non legal process.

The Tories are far from clean on all this and warm words are no longer going to cut it.

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I know it's word salad but they're non-crime incidents not non-hate. So why are they recording them. Quite a lot of crime happens without hate. The police should be interested in crimes, not non-crime fancy pants anything. Determining what someone subjectively thinks is fuelled by hate has meant all these very unwell, or just plain violent abusive men are being hidden under the protection of calling us all hateful 'bigots'. Being a woman has been redefined which is pure hate, dressed up as inclusion.

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Im sure i have heard them referred to as non hate crime incidents too.

Its utterly reprehensible what the police are able to get away with just now.

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I'm sure you have, not many can understand it as it's being applied randomly, it's a very strange string of words and where the police have decided to create their own special rules and misunderstanding and applications of the Equality Act. The police also get round this by declaring these 'incidents' may lead from non-crime to crime-crime so must be recorded to show the trail of non-evidence to evidence-evidence! They seem to randomly arrest or threaten arrest to those that one or two people have declared hateful.

It involves thresholds and perception which is why this is a notoriously difficult area of law. It's up to policing what some police view as their own special group of most vulnerable victims and we all know they have self-declared that as self-identified 'trans' people at the behest of Stonewall and Mermaids and the rest of the genderologists. 'I felt marginalised and hated' is the tool trans activists have been very successfully using to lead everyone a merry dance.


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theyre recording them to provide "facts on the ground" to deceive the public that trans id people are under threat. official police reports regarding trans id ppl create media stories. these news items are then twisted to con the public that men should be allowed into womens private spaces.

if you ask "trans rights" ppl why bio men who id as trans cant use the mens restroom, they will respond by saying its not safe. as proof of this they will provide a number of online polls by and for activists. but no actual evidence of any time where a trans id person wasnt safe in a mens restroom. police reports citing crimes against trans id people is one step better than online polls. but its the same circular reporting. i recall previous police reports of crimes involving trans id people omitted what types of crimes they were. reports from the US found most the actual crimes involving trans id ppl related to people they knew, for example a romantic partner or customer. problems involving trans id people in restrooms are always in the womens room. but gender propagandists print storys that there are problems in restrooms falsely implying its in the mens.

trans id bio males should be encouraged to use the mens room, in places where there are not three restrooms. where i live i cant imagine anyone having a problem with trans id in restroom of their bolocial gender, even if they "pass" which none of them do.

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thanks JL, i think my partner in this has already sent the schools those resources. Its strange that struggling adolescents are told by the people they trust that its possible to legitimately think their bodies is wrong. I prefer to tell everyone they are just beautiful as they are despite what society/marketing executives tell them. Laters JL. Thanks for all the posts and support

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Hey JL, brutal conversation today on school run, feel well depressed.

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Can you tell us?

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hi Anne, basically i couldn’t convince someone that there wasn’t a moral case for medicalising children. And the person i was chatting to is literally one of the loveliest people and she thinks thats sometimes its ok to use drugs on kids. And cited an interview with Jackie Green as evidence of good practice. Put me on a major downer that a lot of really brilliant decent people just aren’t there with the sort of cognitive journey that we have all been on for ages, like 2 years ago or so i was just, whats the problem, somepeople are simply born into the wrong body, and i just accepted that pre-thought judgement because the tone presented by the powers that be had been pushing this concept softly for ages- you know banding it on the end of gay rights etc, But as we know when you start actually analysing the ideology you quickly realise how dangerous it is. Sorry Anne. Take care.

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Oh CB that IS grim. I often despair of the otherwise decent, intelligent and caring people who uncritically lap up the total horseshit they're spoon fed by the lobbyists who pose as experts... But please keep positive! Remember we don't have to win every battle to win the war. There will always be people who insist the world is flat. And there is an ever-burgeoning tidal wave hurtling towards the sandcastle of gender ideology. It will soon prove impossible to ignore - all the shocking news stories about Mermaids, the Charity Commission investigation, Hannah Barnes' soon to be published book, the class action law suits against the Tavistock and the Sandyford, the Cass Review, the detransitioners whose voices are growing ever louder... people like your friend will have nowhere to hide. And you'll be able to say "I told you so." So do hang in there and keep spreading the word - even if it's sometimes on deaf ears. Take heart! Sending solidarity and very best wishes x

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thanks JL. I don’t think my friend has a bad bone in her body. I can’t for the life of me understand why people don’t get it. I know i’m preaching to the converted but i find it useful to repeat myself and my arguments so to clarify my thoughts but basically….. sex is a concrete real thing. Gender roles are social constructs and change across time. So when women didnt have the vote, the women who got the vote were contesting socially constructed gender roles, and thats called progress and liberalism. Martin Luther King contested social practices and injustices too. He didn’t

say well our country is racist and thats just how it is.

Men are entitled to believe they are women, but their belief must not infringe on women’s rights which are based on concrete reality, just like my religious faith does not empower me to dictate to others how to live their lives. And children’s development no matter what they feel cannot be stunted based on a belief that one can exist in the wrong body. It is a basic right of a child to grow into the adult

that god/nature intended. You can’t transcend one belief system above basic human rights which are seated firmly in the reality of our biological existence. Sorry JL. I’m

tired and had a beer. Best wishes. This needs to be over soon please.

Where are the rebels who stick up two fingers to people that tell them how to

live? When my kids are ‘gender non conforming’ - a phrase i f ing hate because i reject gender stereotypes completely, i’m just so

proud of them for being creative interesting human beings. I don’t think, oh look

they are in the wrong body i better mutilate them

so they fit someone else’s view of what they should be. So sad/angry/frustrated.

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You never need to apologise here, CB - you're amongst friends! I know it's heartbreaking when people we love and respect are blinded by the gender cult. But I always think that truly 'good' people will see the light eventually because they can't ignore all the evidence and will be decent enough to say they're wrong. I see it happening so often these days.

I'll give you an example which I hope will cheer you up. There's a young woman in her 30s that I've known since she was a teenager who works in academia and, until recently, she was totally captured. A few years ago, she said she was disgusted by my opinions on trans people, completely cut me off, called me all sorts of nasty insults (transphobe, bigot, dinosaur etc...) and blocked me on all social media. A few months ago, I got a friend request from her on Facebook. Of course I accepted it. Only an hour later I got a very long message from her apologising profusely and explaining how she's started to see how dangerous gender ideology is and how she realises now that I've only ever been trying to protect women's rights and spaces and safeguard vulnerable children etc. She used the word 'naive' and admitted that she was taken in. She also said that many of her colleagues who were formerly drinking the koolaid have now started to see the light, too. We're the best of friends again and she's now taking the first tentative steps towards TERFhood! My heart near burst with joy! The times they are a-changing.

So please hang in there! We're playing the long game. But we will win. Hope you're feeling better today. Take care x

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thanks JL, thats a nice story. Its just so shit that whilst everyone wakes up to whats happening thousands more kids are getting sucked into it, and vulnerable adults- just because they are adults it doesn’t mean we don’t have a duty of care to them. Me and another parent are off to see the ceo of the academy group next week to chat about whats going on in schools. Trying to contribute from our little corner. Wouldnt it be wonderful if the schools taught facts. One mum told me just the other day that her son had been told there were 15 genders not 2. In a state school. Anyway. Thanks JL. Have a nice Sunday

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