Fantastic. Recently finished reading Graham's outstanding book, which I see is still riding high in the Amazon charts. This update is the icing on the cake.

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This is great thanks JL. We all do love the happy posts! Isn’t it crazy that all these institutions are being called out for discrimination after all these years! what the f were they all thinking!? just looking very serious and nodding at some stonewall rep as they vomited the latest echo chamber conceived bullshit. There’s a program on radio 4 called anti social and the other day it was on wearing political symbols. There were two blokes debating, one held sort of classic liberal beliefs and one more full of well basically shit. And bless him the one with a fairly generous helping of shit seemed to go back to the argument that sometimes you can do what you want because he said we don’t live in a functional democracy. Which may be true, but its a poor argument for breaking the law i think. A bit off subject. I think i’m trying to say that a lot of these people think that that have some sort of moral authority to fight for what they believe in that transcends the need to be lawful. Which i don’t. I would rebel under some circumstances or at least i hope i would be brave enough too.

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Oh I'm sure you'd be brave enough, CB. You are, for sure, one of the good guys.

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thanks JL, i hope so, difficult to know how one would behave in a authoritarian state though. All that grooming and manipulation. People get shaped into monsters without them even knowing it. Bit depressing. I better get on with some more gender affirming activities. Have a nice day!

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I've totally failed at that today as I hoisted my toolkit out from the hall cupboard and have been re-hanging the living room door. I'd better pop on my frilly blouse and bake some fairy cakes before I start developing a five o'clock shadow. All the best, CB. Have a good day!

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very disappointed to hear that JL. If it helps i can shout from the roof tops here…. ‘get back in the kitchen’ and shake my fist at any women wearing trousers. Let me know if you think that will help.

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Many thanks, CB. That is most helpful. I'm taking off my trousers right now, in fact. (Thankfully I'm not in the freezer aisle and this Waitrose has the heating on.)

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what possible reason could you have for taking your trousers off in a waitrose JL! Unbelievable behaviour. JL you provide us with a bench mark of decency to try to acquire. Goodness knows how this revelation will effect the movement. It’ll be all over pink news! 70 hit pieces. Pink news, wow, what a bunch of nobheads

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Hey JL, you know i love a little project and what more motivating than the highly upsetting RSHE content that we read about. I have seen the stuff my own children are exposed to and it motivated me to write to and meet the head and write to my mp - as usual. It wasn’t as extreme as what i’ve heard Miriam Cates talk about. Anyway i was hoping you might be able to point me in the direction of one of the content providers that have attracted criticism for inappropriate content- like talking about specific sexual practice. I’m thinking it would be nice to just literally set their own words to music. Use their own words against them JL. I think sex ed should be firmly about respecting others and how to understand what consent is. And how to empower a partner to exercise this consent. The state or third sector if thats what its called has no place normalising specific practices in my opinion. How awful for a young person to think that certain things are ‘normal’ or ‘expected’. Upsets me JL. Anyway sorry for the long message as usual. I just thought maybe in your vault of horror you had come across the teacher’s notes on what to say to children and how to say it. Bastards they are JL messing with children like this. Have a nice weekend!

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I had an argument with someone online who stated that morality was up to the individual and they had to choose what was right for themselves. No wonder we're neck deep in shite as a society. I argued that morality was a shared set of societal beliefs and what they were referring to were values...apparently I didn't know what I was talking about and was a facsist. The needs of the individual, including morals seem to outweight the needs of the many these days though lord knows how they mean to prioritise those - so far those who shout loudest and are the most vile seems to be the rule of thumb.

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That’s so depressing, the perfect recipe for anarchy. It certainly helps to explain the sheer selfishness and narcissism of the gender ideologues.

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It is certainly one that places the needs of deviants on the same level, nay higher than those of the majority of "normative" members of society. Can you imagine having to prioritise the "rights" of pyschopaths? It's a slippery slope when pedophiles and misogynists can hide their agenda in full sight and claim to be oppressed.

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This is exactly the point we seem to be at. We've veered too close until people have woken up a little. And people say, well why am I not allowed to, for some very basic, very obvious, very dangerous things and risky behaviours. They demand the right to. But I thought it, and want it, so why am I not allowed. Someone online told me it was my right so it is. There will always be that small proportion who aren't capable or choose not think of others as it's convenient for them not to. We've also encouraged this mass narcissism so those previous constraints and social mores have been abandoned. We've thrown the baby out with the bathwater.

I remember sitting in a meeting of professionals as we were producing a set of standards. One of the lead authors was giving the background to the many people who were caught breaking the law in this one area and how they will come out with any and many excuses. He was quoting from judgments and from the ridiculous excuses that some then use to justify changing standards and laws and how we regulate and police them (sometimes literally). Some will push and push. Then gain courage by seeing how others push and push and have no respect for what they choose not to have respect for (who's gonna make me). Then they lie and deny and refuse to accept rules apply to them, or that rules are usually there to protect us all. The general issue was 'I didn't know' then it was 'well nobody told me' then 'there wasn't a sign' then 'well, I didn't see the sign' then 'no, I wasn't, I wasn't driving'. Which is the string of excuses they often offer for someone to get into a car whilst impaired, then drive dangerously, then kill people. Often without insurance or a licence. It's never their actions, never their fault and there is no thought for others.

We rely on a majority to respect laws and to agree shared sets of norms and what is acceptable. And mostly comply. We rely on a shared reality and understanding of consequences and that our actions may or will affect others. Genderologists have attempted and been fairly successful in tipping all of that on its head, then arguing, then denying, then fainting, then as always, claiming victimhood.

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Absolutely. Narcissism is on the rise, empathy is measurably decreasing - this is what happens when people know no hardship and grow up entitled and privileged. They could do with hearing "no" more when they are kids so they learn how to handle disappointment, can cope with negative feelings effectively including anger, and also learn how to consider the needs of others. If they are bought up with parents always making excuses for poor behaviour then small wonder they think laws and the needs of others do not apply to them.

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Well put. It's being magnified by something/some things. I’ve worked in public information and guidance but at times we had to keep going back to reiterate very simple messages and there was debate on how simple and how to keep us all safe. It's as if we devolved much more than our privacy to 'online'. It's like an evolutionary step has been created. We seem to look to it for all answers and the collective tech hive mind senior community sage (with or without AI) to guide us now we don't sit in pews or praying in some former belief system or know our neighbours. And yes, this loss of empathy and the ability to scream and yell or threaten others based on information gleaned from new sources. We're all sloshing about and bombarded with information and suspicion over if we can trust that or other people. And the new and magnified behaviours that seem to spring from very negative places.

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I think people like that should be sat down and asked to watch the movie The Paperboy starring Nicole Kidman. That movie perfectly illustrates the outcome of what they are advocating. Almost everyone ends up dead, harmed or extremely unhappy. Then perhaps they should read The Bible about Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Tbh BlackieKat anyone using ‘logic’ and ‘critic thinking’ should know that those are archaic tools of repression, and to engage in such heretical thought is definitely proof of extremism! ha ha. What a crazy world we are in.

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This is what still catches my breath in its audacity. Weirdly and seriously you are completely right. What many of these numpties have utilised is that deep down within their screaming about rights they do have a point about the construction of knowledge like with the history of 'intelligence' and the measurement of it. There are genuine debates, but they seem to have twisted all learning, all 'education' and all previous ways to do this, like 'logic' or 'thought' or the scientific method back on its head and inside out. Many of them are in medicine, education and psychology. They continue in the fine and horrific traditions of ideological propagandas and eugenics yet also claiming the total opposite.

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To be sure!

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It kind of makes sense they would think like that. Pronouns for example, they are the most narcissistic thing ever. Putting she/her after your name, as if anyone gives half a shit! And identity politics is all about the individual and how they are different to everyone else. Sorry you got into a nasty and unproductive argument. It's bloody exhausting isn't it, arguing with these total morons!

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Thanks Allison. It is. I was utterly flabbergasted by the notion of individual morals though. How would that even work? I think we are seeing quite clearly that it does not.

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Some great progress, thanks Glinner for raising awareness of this to the 'general public', without you I wouldn't have known all of this madness was happening. I'm fully aware now and spreading the word.

A bit disappointed at the number of signatures on the petition but looking at your experience (among many others) I can understand why some people are wary of putting their name out there. A subbed union of supporters may need to be formed to support the inspirational people who have put their heads above the parapet.

We are with you graham.

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Thank goodness for the good news - the rest of it beggars belief. So nice to see Graham getting some well deserved good press and reviews. I'm saving his book for my break over Christmas and have bought copies to send as gifts also. Cheers, JL. Keep fighting the good fight!

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Thank you, BlackieKat!

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You will love the book

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I am fully prepared to do so :)

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Yes, yes, yes. More advances in common sense. Thank you, JL, for compiling and letting us know. So glad Graham is getting out there and being heard and seen.

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Thank you, Miss Jemima!

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Well that was a heartening read!

I'm especially pleased about the removal of the redefinition of 'woman' from legislation as this sets a precedent that I hope can be used to thwart Drakeford and Welsh Labour's attempts to do this in Wales.

I hadn't previously realised that Lady Haldane's ruling drew such a clear distinction between those actually in possession of a GRC and those who, in the words of the Equality Act, have merely "proposed, started or completed a process to change his or her sex."

Thank you JL.

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Thanks as ever for the relief of the GNS, JL!

Have just finished Glinner's book. Loved it! You get a glowing reference in it 😊

Well done, Ms Cunha and shame on the WEPF!

I have signed the Declaration and James E is doing great job promoting it.

So pleased at some signs of a fightback in the universities which have, for so long, been the seedbeds of the gender madness.

Hopefully the Scottish Bill might grind the Welsh Woo Woo to a halt .

Very interesting that the woo woo CPS have disbanded the hate crime advisory group. All we need now is to disband hate crime completely. The Irish Govt still seem intent on forcing through their ( truly awful) hate crime bill.

Thanks again


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Cheers, Dusty!

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As always 🌹

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Great interview, Glinner, and sharp haircut!

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Thanks very much JL. Seeing "reservoir terfs" caused me to spray kefir over ma keyboard :-D

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😂 Love that photograph!

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It is certainly an excellent thing that the law has been clarified, and that non-GRC holding men can just butt out o female spaces. However, there is more to be done: we have to ensure that men who have a GRC must produce it to use female spaces, specifically. It would be unrealistic to expect them to surrender their GRC in all circumstances, but making it obligatory for them to show their GRC before they try to access female spaces would be a huge step forward. Anyone with any other type of documentation has to produce it on request for a while host of reasons. Why are these men so special? Asking them, in law, to produce their GRC before accessing any female-only space will deter them. I am not suggesting that they produce it on every occasion they are in public, only if they try to access female-only spaces that do not include males. If our dignity, privacy and safety are to have any meaning in law, the law must also apply to these men if they try to enter female spaces, where we, and children, are vulnerable.

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Yes- just like you might have to show a driving licence! That is the whole point of a GRC isn't it? Proof (er, so-called), that they have 'transitioned'. You'd think they'd be proud to show it. That is their trumpcard -'well, even tho i don't look remotely like a woman... I got a GRC- so I win, haha!'

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Yes, and I've lost count of the number of times I've had to send off my birth certificate. What if I identify as a 20 year old? There has to be some process of identification before they gain entry to female spaces if the law is differentiating.

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Well, what a week of welcome news. Thank you, as ever, JL.

Love the Dutch video!

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My pleasure, Catherine! (Yes, brilliant isn't it?!)

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Fantastic as always! Some big wins here to dampen my fears after the TWOW ❤️

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Woohoo! Love a good news thread. Thank you JL and Graham for your tireless work! Never apologise for getting angry! 👊🏾👊🏾

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Thank you, Lyndsey!

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It's sad that a woman refusing to compete in a female tournament because of men is seen as good news, I get it is good that she is standing up for the truth but is it heartbreaking, shows we have a long way to go in this fight.

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Thanks, JL, for all your hard work, its clearly very much appreciated. And its so necessary to have some good news to hold onto and be encouraged and strengthened by ❤ 💙

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Thank you so much. That means a lot 💖 xx

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