Time for female athletes and sportswomen to go all out and call out their governments on not enforcing CEDAW and the UN Convention on Human Rights which they have all signed up to. Both conventions are clear that with rights come responsibility and with responsibility, consequences. If they do not uphold the conventions, they are all as bad as the countries they criticise. And they should be outed as such. There must be lawyers in Canada, the UK and the USA who know the conventions and can take action in behalf of these women and girls.

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Thanks JL, i can’t believe the BMA. I’ve been listening to the witch trails of jkr and yesterday it was the episode with Noah who is a 17 yr old trans man, who’s had surgery. Noah sounds so lovely and the interview is sensitive and respectful. Noah sounds so mature and i found myself thinking he must be in his late 20’s or 30’s recalling his experiences, he talks at length about how he relied on the guidance he received from medical professionals he respected.

But Noah is only just 17. And had surgery at 16 and a bit. So all he is recalling about a traumatic puberty and the suicidal thoughts, self harm happened over just a few years and now he has a body that has been irreversibly harmed. Its really sad and now we have the BMA turning its back on the cass review and a government that will be quick to endorse their views. And children are again in the firing line. Makes me want to leave

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Oh poor Noah. That is utterly heartbreaking. What sort of scumbag clinician does that to a vulnerable teenager. (Rhetorical question - we know exactly what sort, don't we?) Take care, CB. Best wishes to you and yours x

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thanks JL, you too. Just heard they are going to start trails in blockers on kids. How can they ethically test drugs on kids when they are so obviously damaging. Sacrificial lambs. Poor things

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It's like the 21st century version of Pandora's box being flung wide open. The hideousness of, let's face it, a third gender of "Other" is being created under our noses. Whatever you want to be, Australia, Canada, and soon I suspect under SKS, Britain, will validate and support you under the banner of kindness, diversity and inclusion. The morality of debasing the Judeo-Christian values in such a short space of time is utterly shocking and vile. The suing will begin a few years down the line, I guess - those poor children, for instance , but the harms of allowing deviant men to have their way without someone saying STOP is deeply wrong. I'll be rioting myself over this. Heartsick.

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Khalifa may have believed he was a girl initially but it must have been obvious once he went through puberty that he was not. I dont see any evidence that he identifies as a woman now other when he is stealing women's trophies - he presents as a man and acts as a man. There is a lot of money to be made here - I dont think it's pure coincidence that he decided to take up boxing a sport in which men have a massive advantage over women. Time to bring DNA testing and end this fraud for good.

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Thanks as ever for the hard work, JL.

What is happening in Queensland should be a warning to us about what could be coming here since (virtual) self ID is in the Labour Manifesto albeit not in the current legislative programme.

Well done, April Hutchinson and Deta Hardman.

The BMA are a joke!

I have been covering the Olympic boxing farce for a week now - here is the latest https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/wheres-the-fun-in-that

Really definitive piece by Prof Coleman.


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"Actually I want to apologise to her and everyone else. I was angry because my Olympics had gone up in smoke." Angela Carini, Olympic boxer

"One of the basic human rights he takes away from you is the right to be angry with him." Lundy Bancroft, author of "Why Does He Do That? Inside The Minds Of Angry and Controlling Men"

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Spot on.

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Thanks for reminding me of the name Lundy Bancroft and "Why Does He Do That?"-- as essential re-reading to have any understanding of the current mindbending levels of misogyny

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Spot on.

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Thanks for continuing to create this record of the insanity of our times JL, you, Dusty and all the other heroes. Because I don’t think that anyone in the future will believe what’s been happening if they rely on the BBC and others, it’s too unbelievable.

As regards the boxing, there are simply too many people in the world, who when confronted with evidence, will refuse to see it. The fact that the IOC is doing this is despicable and the fact that Adams was Starmer’s best man is very worrying.


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Your kind words are much appreciated, TT.

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“But then this is the BMA - a trade union of medical professionals, remember - which speaks of different ‘gender identities’ and of being ‘non-binary’ as if these were accepted, valid things.”

And there is the whole problem. You can have as many CASS reports as you want, you can have as many bludgeoned women, as many lives destroyed through “transitioning”, as many abused and terrorised wives – none of this will matter for as long as the BMA and frankly the entire media are ruled by this insane draconian theology ceaselessly applied from above by men who are frankly gangsters.

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But then none of this ludicrous crap would be a problem if it wasn’t for that ocean of useful idiots falling for this utterly misapplied civil rights rhetoric. It isn’t surprising that psychopaths, perverts, predators etc. oportunistically jump on this bandwagon scarcely believing their good luck that a ferociously cynical cell of manipulators have granted them freedom to terrorise, maim and kill. What is surprising and infinitely depressing is that so many self appointed do-gooders, invariably on the Left, have eagerly lapped up this “cause” as a chance to posture with media sanctified sainthood.

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"so many self appointed do-gooders"

They've effectively weaponized normal human compassion to commit atrocities. As is always the case, the human psyche seems to be able to justify abominable acts of cruelty in the name of doing 'good'.

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This is what propaganda does. It weaponises your own values against you.

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Yes, I'e just read a very depressing list of handmaiden Labour MPs fully signed up to this ludicrous crap. It makes you wonder how they could so successfully have escaped exposure to any challenges to their worldview: or have so complacently managed to dismiss any challenges.

Does the magic word "progressive" cancel all doubts, arrest all thought, make one blind to any evidence that fails to fit ideological programming? That preys on the social conditioning of most females to put the wants and needs of others before our own? So that even death theats and rape threats from the "Be-Kinders" become somehow unhearable.

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I was happy to consider myself "left" until the covid thing proved how idiotically gullible they were. They were fed an "end of capitalism" narrative that was so seductive, they gladly fell for it, not even seeing that the ones selling them this were the very ones they never trusted before.

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"The Left" was taken over by cuckoos in the nest- a new generation of GI activists that joined all UK Left political parties 2014-5. This was exactly how LGB groups were taken over at the same time by GI infiltrators. They hoodwinked existing members, into believing that the trans issue was a Human Rights issue. The duped members, then began to support more and more extreme Trans Rights Activist demands- more money for fake charities, compel the use of pronouns, silence any people who resist, etc. This is a clever conspiracy that has taken over, aided by all the privately owned newspapers supporting GI nonsense. And even the publically-funded BBC was taken over too- so, many of the public do not know what is really going on.

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Do these gangster men have skin in the game I wonder ?

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I appreciate the work you do, JL, but I can't stand this anymore. I'm going to stop reading the "Week in the war on women" segment. It's becoming too much and too depressing. I will limit myself to the "Good news" supplement from now on.

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I understand, Glytodon. You must look after yourself. Stick with the GNS (a bumper edition on the way!) & get back in the fight whenever you feel up to it. Take good care xx

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It's strange how, when men "become" women, they only seem to become more aggressive, and while the MSM constantly goes on about "toxic masculinity" they rarely pay any attention to this kind of dangerous toxicity.

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But these are SuperMen! Or rather, SuperWomen! -- because they are MALE women, which is the superior kind. So of course they are aggressive: with so much non-acceptance to put up with, why should they? When they have every excuse to let their misogyny rip!

And DARVO is the name of the game for all true narcissists: Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim and Offender. Another version is Deny, Attack...Reverse Victim and Offender..

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Such a mystery...

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What a good point!

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Travesty upon travesty upon travesty. Words fail me.

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"Of course, the usual gender zealots were out in force to express their solidarity with these two male boxers, not the women whose safety they jeopardise and whose sporting glories they are stealing. They either ignored all of the available evidence that Khelif and Lin are men or they are breath-takingly ill-informed."

Oh, they know.

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I've had to leave X for a bit because the stupid and ignorant comments we not doing my blp any good.

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More news from the Narcissistic Abuse Week beat, seems like.

Good God.

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I simply do not understand this delusional acting out any more than I understand how anyone can adopt the Freedom Rapists Fans Club banner proudly:

"I am NOT Charlie".

"Stab Salman Rushdie Fans".

"I'm voting MAO 2.0!"

Jesus H

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That bloke Parsons is hideous. Gives me the creeps. What a terrible human being.

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A dangerous predator who, thanks to NZ's lunatic self-ID policies, has access to women-only spaces.

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I am 100% against trans ideology, never use "preferred pronouns" and speak out regularly against trans madness. But the Khelif case is different and I think it's unfair to use male pronouns. I think Khelif and family had no clue about the DSD, as they will have seen no penis at birth and assumed female so Khelif will have gone through life assuming being no different to any other female. With an intersex person you have to choose one or the other, and female makes sense in this case. Now that XY chromosomes have been detected Khelif should not be allowed to compete but I don't think it's fair to assume Khelif is purposely barging into women's sports (having always competed in the women's category) in the same way as Lea Thomas and others did who once did compete in the male category.

Meanwhile the corrupt and disgraceful IOC needs a clear cut policy on eligibility for specific categories. I mean why bother weighing people ahead of boxing if you don't even check sex? Not having specific rules after de-recognising the IBA is cowardly and dangerous. Their nonsense excuses are embarrassing. But calling Khelif a man as so many commentators that I follow have, I think is wrong.

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I’m afraid I disagree. Unless we can speak truth to power we will never get our rights back. The two boxers know they have XY chromosomes, they know they are male, nether of them contested the results of the test and yet they’ve chosen to put women in danger and take away women’s chances. I agree that the IOC is at fault and I agree that the boxers shouldn’t be getting abuse, but they have put themselves in the public eye in a manner which is devastating for female boxers so they must take the consequences of their actions.

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I think we mostly agree. I agree with everything except calling an intersex person who was born with a vagina a man, if that child was innocently deemed a woman at birth and was brought up believing she/he was a woman. There are three main ways to determine sex: chromosomes, primary and secondary sex characteristics and gamete size. If someone is born with some female and some male of these properties then it makes absolute sense to choose female for the person if visible sex characteristics match female. I think it would harder to go through life as a man if you were born with a vagina. Moreover, at birth dna tests are not carried out so doctors will have not known about the male chromosomes. I don't think you can definitively call an intersex person male or female. You have to go with what fits best for that person to have the most normal life possible. Now don't get me wrong Khelif should not be boxing against women but given that before any DNA test Khelif probably had no idea about having XY chromosomes and in her/his head he/she has only ever been female, I partly understand why he/she is not withdrawing. If this was a man who had XY chromosomes, small gametes and a was born with a penis I'd be shouting for him to f*** off from the rooftops. I also believe Khelif should absolutely withdraw and not be allowed to compete against women and should be disqualified immediately. XY chromosomes should mean an instant ban from women's sport. But for normal life outside of sport, an intersex person could equally be classified as a man or as a woman depending on which of the three tests you apply and given that Khelif was classified as a woman I think it's harsh to now call her/him a man.

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Aug 5Edited

Hi Tracy. Thanks for your comment. There are lots of misunderstandings and much mis-information around concerning people with differences of sex development (DSDs). (We used to use to the word 'intersex' but it is inaccurate and, as I understand it, most people who have the condition, find it offensive.)

First of all, people with DSDs ARE all definitively male or female. There are DSDs which only affect male people, for example. While the condition may affect the development of genitals, it is a complete misnomer that DSD sufferers have both. They don't! A male with a DSD, for example, will never have a vagina or vulva, it's just that his male genitalia will have developed differently eg his testes may remain internal and his penis will not have developed in the usual way. Consequently, at birth, males with a DSD are often mistaken for female babies and raised as female. But they are definitively male and that usually starts to become clear at puberty. Their bodies will produce the normal amount of testosterone and start to develop accordingly.

Here is a really good explanation of how a DSD affects a male body by developmental biologist, Dr Emma Hilton:


This is another really detailed (if long!) explanation from Tommy Lundberg who is an expert in Clinical Physiology:


There is also a useful and succinct explanation from Professor Doriane Lambelet Coleman (a leading expert on DSDs in sport) in her Quillette article:


So it is absolutely correct to describe Khelif and Lin as men. Because they are.

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Thanks for the info JL and for clarifying. I need to go back to the sources I've read on this and double check. I think I must have got it mixed up with my info which is extremely annoying and I apologise for that. I will also read your sources.

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No need to apologise, Tracy. There is a LOT of mis-information out there about DSD conditions.

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One of my sources was Kathleen Stock's book. Clearly I need to go and reread. If this insane bollocks wasn't going on we wouldn't have to read about any of the nuances of biology to convince deluded perverts what a man and what a woman is. It's utterly preposterous the whole nonsense.

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Brilliant explanation, thanks JL.

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Thanks, TT! Only what I've learned courtesy of the real experts (Like Emma, Tommy, Colin Wright etc) graciously sharing their knowledge on social media!

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Apologies I used the term intersex not knowing it was wrong

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No need to apologise, Petal. You didn't know!

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I use a lot of terms I shouldn’t , today I used ‘fuck’ more than few times in a&e after spending more than 5 hours there

Don’t ask my own stupidity , I’m not 21 anymore unfortunately

But woohoo not a rainbow flag or lanyard in sight

Don’t get me started on everything else that was wrong …..

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Never apologise for using a term that was perfectly acceptable "yesterday" and the thought police deem "offensive" the next. It drives me mad when terms you e used for decades are suddenly classed as inappropriate. Who says?

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Yes. And as for this particular word , I see trans supporters still using the term 'intersex' themselves- and they often claim to be more kind, respectful, well-informed etc.. hey, if they can't evn get their own language correct...!

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I’m sure we do pretty much agree but my point is only about the fact that they are now public figures having put themselves there for their own gain. It was their choice and as such many women are adversely affected by their decisions. People are already confused about the whole subject so I think we need to be clear and factual.

Private life is an entirely different matter.

But thanks for your excellent reply. 😁

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I agree with both the OP and TT. These are two individuals who have a rare condition which will have only been discovered after their younger years during which they will have considered themselves as girls. Sadly for them, that devastating fact that they are not what they always thought themselves to be means they should not be able to compete against xx women due to differential development. A very unfortunate set of circumstances that has been allowed to play out in public glare by the useless IOC to the detriment of all involved.

P.s. as always thanks JL.

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Exactly. The IOC needs to reinstate testing which they stopped in 2020 in order to pursue inclusion over fairness for women. They’ve only got themselves to blame for any controversy.

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I don't care about Khelif's back story- 'he' was correctly banned last time- and should still be kept out of 'Women's' sport, because of the issue of Fair Play. Let's remember that DSD people never show up in Men's sport as an issue, because they will not be strong enough to dominate- but in Women's sports, they do have this opportunity. This is the same as if a woman doped herself with testosterone, which would rightly be called cheating.

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I get where you’re coming from …….but he’s clearly now a male

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This is one situation where that odious phrase "assigned at birth" is functionally useful. If these men were born with ambiguous genitalia, they may well have been registered as female infants, but when normal puberty didn't happen, it would not have taken much investigation to discover that they had been "assigned" incorrectly. Of course, they deserve our sympathy for their unfortunate circumstances (especially the guy from Algeria, which as a Muslim state has such unbending rules around sex appropriate behaviour). But this in no way gives this dude a free pass to cheat his way to victory over the bodies of real women.

And shame on the BMA! Why are they so happy to waste an advanced education and abandon any principles in a quest to deny biological truths? https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/first-do-no-harm

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