Mar 7, 2022Liked by JL

"Her application explained that she wanted to contribute to ‘respectful, evidence-based dialogue’ in the debate around gender reform..."

Well there's the problem; as soon as you introduce evidence-based dialogue, the unicorns don't seem real any more. Besides, you can't keep claiming to be cruelly-marginalised if people are seen to be treating you respectfully.

How much longer can they keep refusing polite offers of civil debate while pretending to be tragic victims?

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From here to eternity. They're natural born sufferers, eternal victims, perpetually not-understood. Also utterly self-centered.

Their mentality was perfectly summed up by that Ukrainian TW, who moaned about how hard it was for "her" to be unable to leave, because "her" passport says "male" and Ukraine has conscription now.

(I saw a pic of three lads of eighteen, going off to fight for Ukraine. They looked about 15 and should be at home with their loved ones. I wanted to hug them.

So many Ukrainian women stand up to the Russians. In uniform like Iryna Tsvila (RIP)! Or unarmed, like the sunflower granny.)

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I have and a sentence like this:

". . .Russian acquiescence to the tragic error of German reunification, paving the

way for an accelerating renaissance of an aggressively militarized and

potentially neo-Nazi European hegemon."

makes the article and its author's credibility/objectivity more than dubious.




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I do not look for evidence from the Guardian or wiki. The author's credibility does not seem in doubt to me. I am currently rereading the last chapter of Queen of Chaos by Diana Johnstone, in which she lays out specifically what happened in Ukraine prior to and after the coup, along with Ukraine's history. The U.S. is aggressively militarizing eastern Europe; to quote Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister who is an actual diplomat, "Sorry for our presence in the middle of your bases." The U.S. has over 1,000 military installations throughout the world and has ringed Russia and China with them. I assume you have seen the many pictures of western Ukrainians in combat gear carrying flags with swastikas on them. Do you interpret swastikas and paramilitary organizations differently from me?

And, yes, Germany should never have been reunified; I believe even Gorbachev came to recognize that. Two years after the fall of the Berlin Wall -- which had a purpose in being built as West Germany and the U.S. were up to all sorts of dirty tricks, including putting soap in milk powder meant for children -- over half of East Germans (obviously not Graham's friends) still preferred life under their previous government. And today a far larger percentage of East Germans have favorable views of socialism or communism compared to West Germans, you know the ones who want to have sex with children in Czech Republic (I think it costs about $15 USD).

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OT - let us agree to disagree on the subject of European history and politics and let it rest.

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And it's fascinating to me to see so many of you buying the media propaganda about Ukraine and basically supporting fascism. I've been reading Diana Johnstone's book about Hillary Clinton -- here comes her paid troll! -- and the last chapter about Ukraine is quite interesting. Russia has spent years trying to get Ukraine to talks, to cease fire; Zelensky wanted to engage in talks, but the U.S. pressured him not to do so. Ukraine is a wholly owned and exploited U.S. puppet.

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Huh; then Ukraine's ex-president Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia once patience with his awesome corruption and insistence on being Putin's lapdog ran out, must have one shit sense of direction!

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And Yanukovych who no one denies was corrupt was replaced by U.S.-picked leaders who are far more corrupt. Diana Johnstone's Queen of Chaos: Meanwhile, according to Ina Kirsch [a German Social Democrat who from 2011 to 2014 was the director of the European Center for a Modern Ukraine], corruption in Ukraine is far worse than under Yanukovych. "I don't know anyone who now wants to invest in Ukraine....the system in Ukraine has become even more corrupt and unreliable." Johnstone adds that Americans don't seem to mind. And, of course, Yanukovych fled to Russia; I suppose you would have stayed to be assassinated.

And huh to you whatever that means.

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Well, THAT makes sense; certainly no one ever gets assassinated in Russia.

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Why would a Russian-sympathizing Ukrainian get assassinated in Russia? And be wary of stories of assassination brought to you by the mainstream press, wholly owned subsidiaries of the U.S. government.

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022Liked by JL

Our mother is our father. Our father is our mother. Ask us how we're doing. Please send help.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by JL

Milli Hill is always very diplomatic in her use of language around transgender people - the idea that she is being called a bigot is laughable. It just shows how fragile Freddy McConnell's sense of reality is, that she is not willing to even share the same billing as Milli. It seems a very insecure and juvenile response.

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Wouldn't have guessed that from anyone with the approach: "The event is called Gender&Birth, so I thought it was solely about yoga:"

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Yes, mixing up language and inverting word meanings is a great game all children play at one time or other. And utterly harmless of course. Unless you keep on doing it right into the age where you ought to be an adult.

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Oh I have the absolute rage this week but I am deep breathing and channelling my energies (and money) into crowdfunders and organisations (particularly those in Scotland) - thanks again JL

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Sorry about inducing rage! But there is a bumper edition of the GNS on the way, take heart!

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I would say to Shona Robison there are plenty of things men have pretended to be in order to perpetrate crimes. I would also say to Shona Robison that there are plenty of things men have pretended to be in order to evade justice, the most prevalent one being that of pretending they’re women and making the distinction that because they’re women they’re incapable of committing the crimes of men.

Who does Shona Robison think she’s kidding?

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Quite right, William. Her statement was an insult to the thousands of women who've been abused and assaulted by devious and deceitful men.

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To me, the most horrifying bit from this Update is the cropped photo of "Lia" Thomas from the Irish Independant. "She's" so happy to have trounced a bunch of girls and "she" has her adoring little handmaiden behind "her", happy as shit for her BFF. Makes me sick to see girls with so little self-respect.

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Yes, fill in the blanks with whiny yet brave, defiant tone:

I just want to ___ (pee)

l just want to ____ (swim)

...I read as

I just want to ___________ (wank in women’s loos and sell photos and vids of me doing it whilst breaking all women’s boundaries while I'm at it at stroking my ego some more in their spaces or expose my obviously male body and male genitals as a two fingers but who cares about them as they are cowed into submission as the nasty mean bigots they are this is about me, me, me and some more me)

Oh Lia? Do all the front covers you like, but as soon as you can manage it, do **** off.

Thank you JL, this is all vomit-inducing and enraging and I hope you have a stack of antacids to hand.

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I have plenty of wine! And do take heart - there's a bumper edition of the GNS on the way! x

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Yes, this will only change with young women saying NO, NO, NO!

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I read that the girls were coerced into "play acting" they were happy.

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He is a bully, taking full advantage of the current climate of misogyny, psuedo liberalism, authoritarianism and cowardice. Some of those who are letting him do this know he's a bully. The women on his team know he's a bully, but they also know they'll be on their own and subjected to more bullying if they do anything about it.

They need to decide what's more important to them, standing up for themselves and not swimming, or swimming under the current conditions. If they all act collectively, Thomas doesn't have a team to dominate. Women swimmers have the choice to assert themselves, they need to take it and stop being the only ones losing. It's not going to change otherwise.

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thank you JL

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Just glad to be of service x

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You can see with the swimming situation other teams will put men on the women's side and say they are women because its the only way they will win!

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On the Sports Illustrated Instagram post about Lia Thomas there were 1000s of comments and I struggled to find any in support. They were mostly calling him a male, a cheat, a joke etc. Sports Illustrated readers do not appear to be buying this shit

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Has Freddie McConnell ever taken time out to consider what her stance might do to her children? Your biological mother insists she is your father even though men cannot get pregnant or give birth. Is she really that insensitive and narcissistic? It would appear that is the case? In other famines, that would be seen as child abuse and social workers would be frequent visitors, but because of the publicity and the wokeness of some social work departments, it would seem that this family will not be getting these weekly visits. Double standards?

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"a newly qualified midwife who wants to specialize in ‘trans and gender queer pregnancies’." Good grief!

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This is something I just read on Mumsnet: Freddy McConnell has a CBBC TV programme coming out soon (target age for CBBC is 6-11). And lo! She refers to it here on her website ("My Life, coming soon on CBBC" :https://freddymcconnell.com/work.

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Bloody hell. That is horrifying. Bad enough Freddy gets to mess with the heads of her own kids. It's abhorrent that the BBC is giving her a platform to gaslight & lie to other people's children.

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Although I find the caption rather simplistic. My experience was that we women were developing a language to describe ourselves in order to define for ourselves, each and together, in terms other than that which had become an uninhabitable linguistic nightmare. Consciousness raising groups developed conversational language to describe our realities at a time when our school text books described human culture in terms of "men and their wives." (USA) I was actually told the term "man" included "women" and I should adjust my thinking to include myself in "All men are created equal."

"Woman" at that time was a bad word, and it is becoming that again. Language is the clothing of thought and women are being stripped of our language and our ability to defend our boundaries. We are being subsumed in our own demographic classification. The analogy of the male Pennsylvania swimmer who has "subsumed" or "consumed" all of the women's swimming trophies. He is about to gobble up trophies from higher levels of participation.

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deletedMar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022
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Thank you for saying this. The appropriation of women’s names really bothers me, but I thought I was being unreasonable because of shared gender names like Ashley, or because something I personally like about being female - the beauty and delicacy of it, and seeing big ugly brutes with names like Lily annoyed me because they’re stealing the beauty of female and twisting it into something ugly and perverted. I accept that’s my own personal take on femininity, so thought I might be unreasonable for objecting to male appropriation of female names, so I’m glad to see it bothers others, perhaps for different reasons to mine.

Something that’s really helped me in this issue is people articulating and clarifying why objectionable behaviours are worthy of condemnation and helped me understand why they make me uncomfortable.

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This is such a good point.

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