The nauseating thing about Sandy Brindley is that she thinks she's the victim here! J K Rowling and all those other nasty women who keep saying that men can't become women have it in for poor little her. She was even greetin' on the phone when a journalist called her. Resigning is too good for her, someone in the excuse for a government that we have in Scotland needs to grow some and sack her immediately.

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Good piece at Wings Over Scotland about Brindley and her Edinburgh University "academic" partner. It's one thing that the University seems to have taken over the city and made accommodation more expensive and hard to find for ordinary folk, quite another when the University gives a troublemaker with lunatic views a well-paid platform.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs agoLiked by JL

A comment about teaching gender in schools:

Since gender is a synthetic phenomenon rooted in a nihilist strain of philosophy and not biology or human experience, schools have to educate children on the subject. Because gender does not exist in nature, kids would not otherwise develop the correct queer understanding of it on their own. That's why teachers have to be gender evangelists in the classrooms.

As an aside, sexual orientation, like walking and talking, develops naturally in young people without any pedagogical input whatsoever. Nobody had to teach me about gay. It came to me without any involvement on the part of adults while I was enduing extreme social isolation.

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> "Because gender does not exist in nature ..."

Horse crap. You're part of the problem there mate. For one thing, that depends on how one defines "gender" in the first place -- what's yours? How can say "it" doesn't exist if you haven't a clue what "it" is? To say unicorns don't exist you have to define them first.

And for another, a more or less common and scientifically justified definition for "gender" is a set of sexually dimorphic personalities, behaviours, roles, and forms of expression. For which there is massive amounts of quite solid evidence:


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19 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs agoLiked by JL

Is there any evidence that gender in the queer sense existed before Judith Butler and her ilk came up with the concept? When in human history before the advent of queer philosophy has it been accepted that everyone possesses an ineluctable sense of gender identity that exists separately from their biological sex and, what's more, that both gender identity and sex are fluid and changeable? Have any societies ever operated on this belief system?

Of course sex roles exist. They're based on ideas about typically male and female attitudes and behavior. But I do not "identify" as a man. I am a man. Because I am a man living in a time and place where it is not customary for men to wear dresses, I do not wear dresses. However, I do not view wearing pants as a form of "gender expression.' It is male behavior in the culture to which I belong. I deny having a gender identity in the queer sense of the term.

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> "... any evidence that gender in the queer sense existed before Judith Butler ... "

I'm glad you had enough sense to talk about the "queer sense". But I don't think you have enough "sense" to realize that that is not the only possibility. For example you might actually try reading a dictionary -- if that isn't too difficult for you or likely to traumatize you -- this definition from Merriam-Webster in particular:

"gender: 2b) the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex"


Do you agree or not that there are such differences, on average, between men and women? Kind of clueless if you don't.

But if you do, and if you accept that definition, then you're basically agreeing that gender at least "exists separately from [one's] biological sex". What REASON would you have for rejecting that definition?

But you might also try reading and thinking about the standard definitions for the sexes, those from Google/OxfordLanguages in particular:

"male: of or denoting the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes, especially spermatozoa, with which a female may be fertilized or inseminated to produce offspring"


That is ALL that it takes to qualify as a male -- I.e., "produces sperm". Absolutely nothing there about any behaviours, roles, or modes of expression. And certainly nothing about wearing a dress excluding a male from that category.

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Which animals are transgender?

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LoL. But a good question, one which emphasizes and illustrates the difference between sex and gender. To start with, see this post from evolutionary psychologist Paula Wright:

PW: "The males of this species [Ruffs, sandpiper birds] are highly unique as they appear to have three different 'genders' which, unlike other species, do not appear to be triggered by environmental inputs. They are genetic. Lank calls these three morphs: a) the Territorial aka Independent; b) the Wingman aka Satellite; c) the female mimics aka Faeder. ... Crucially, these ‘genders’ are all heterosexual males who use differing strategies to reproduce with females. The female mimics are not trans lesbians. They are small, low status, low testosterone heterosexual males, tricking females to get sex. They are sneaky fuckers (SN’s). The scientific name for the SN reproductive strategy is kleptogamy, meaning stolen mating."


Apparently cuttlefish also include such "sneaky fuckers" (SNs).

But the point is that some male Ruffs exhibit biological forms -- morphs, physical 'genders' -- that are more typical of the females but are clearly not unique to them.

And the further point is that it is not just the physical forms that define an organism's sex -- those "female mimics" are still males BECAUSE they're still producing sperm and not ova.

Y'all might take a close look at that article on sexual dimorphism.

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But none of that is evidence of transgenderism outside the human species.

Try again.

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🙄 But evidence of gender non-conformance. Which is the root of transgenderism, even if that is a more toxic and pathological variation.

None so blind as those who WILL NOT see. "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up", amirite? 🙄

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"Appear to have three different genders", "mimics"....not very scientific.

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Thanks for your hard work as ever bringing us the horror stories, JL.

I noticed the kind of juxtapositions in some news just out this week.

Eva Kurilova has just done an analysis showing that some 50% of trans identifying males in prison are sex offenders.

Andrew Doyle has today done an article showing how trans rights activists have normalised violence in their movement.

My friend was at Sheffield and. was stood near KJK so I managed to get a first hand account😄https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/stand-with-posie

The process for the TRAs seems to be: no debate ( I don't think 'fuck you very much' counts as a debate); throw insults; threaten or carry out violence.

I don't think any of the mainstream media have covered what happened to KJK at Sheffield!!

What a star she is soldiering on! Well done to the women who pursued the man.


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If a woman had been appointed CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre and it had subsequently transpired that she’d lied about her qualifications and work experience, she’d be at real risk of being prosecuted in the criminal courts for fraud and, if convicted, of being imprisoned (potentially jeopardising such an important service would be a seriously aggravating factor that would make it more likely that a prosecution would be in the public interest). Such a prosecution should be considered in this case and any woman affected by this man’s appointment should consider making a criminal complaint.

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🤦🏻😳🫣😬 FFS. I never realised, before the gender wars, just how much mental insanity there was walking the streets around us….and I don’t just mean the trans identified.

Thanks JL.

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Dear God ,when will this end ? Surely everyone,even the "captured" media can see how utterly abhorrent this movement actually is ? THEIR side are the ONLY ones issuing death threats and carrying out an ever increasing number of violent attacks against women and yet the msm still pretends it's not happening at all,or If it is it's " both sides !! Even more outrageous is the fact that politicians and the"justice"system in many countries continues to support the " rights " of these men over women while also ignoring the harms already being done and not even thinking about the consequences for women and girls, now and in the future. Beggars belief !! Thanks,JL. Sterling work as usual 👍👋❤

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you’d think the lib dems would be committed to supporting a secular liberal democracy wouldn’t you. what are they thinking? its just beyond me that they can take this stance. Oh well at least we can enjoy the GNS later. Thanks JL

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Bumper GNS on the way!

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thats exciting JL. I love good news, especially in these subjects. I’ve downloaded your lyrics into my bullshit generator JL for a bit of fun. I’ve done lots of letter writing and i need to balance it by being silly for a few weeks i reckon, especially after the disappointment i had to face when i wasn’t able to change the culture at the bbc.

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also JL, this is the last i’ll say on the matter but i’ll tell you because i think its quite funny. The youtube app tells you how people are finding your video, and my John lewis ad is being found mostly by people searching for it! which i think is quite funny, also probably means it will get flagged quite soon. I briefly tried to ‘share’ a video on tik tok a while ago and it lasted about 20 mins!

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I wonder two things...

1. Whether Ben Lindsay will go to jail

2. Whether the person holding the sign in Scotland reading "decapitate terfs" will go to jail.

I am certain neither will and as a result I am deeply fearful of this two tier society. Anyone who is (usually wrongly) dismissed as far right or a nazi or a bigot or a racist only needs to walk down a street and can get thrown in jail yet here are people either physically attacking women or inciting violence to women and they get off scott free. It is utterly frightening. Authoritarianism is in full swing and under this woke gender-loving government will only get worse.

And remember the guy who called for terfs to be punched in the face in Central London whilst out on license for murder and torture? No, he got nothing, because the judge could understand his frustration. It beggars belief.

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Sadly, I doubt Ben Lindsay will get more than a slap on the wrist. That's even if he's convicted. And as for the person holding the sign at the Scottish rally, I don't think the police put much effort into trying to locate them. And, yes, I remember the Sarah Jane Baker travesty of justice. I wrote all about him at the time!


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and also we’ve had the revelations of al fied fucking can’t be bothered searching thats fuckers name- harrods owner. Its not over, the world being an abusive playground for rich men. Wake up f-ing world, stop protecting predatory men. if sex doesn’t exist neither does misogyny. His estate should be dissolved to compensate the women and girls he abused.

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As an advocate for trans widows, that is, women who left a suddenly 'identifying" man, I found it hard to get through the details here. The fact is, based on my data of trans widows (the only in the world) it is habitual behavior of crossdressing men to sexually assault their wives, especially after a "night out, dressed" as they say. I find the claim that those men are the victims of repeated assaults to be inauthentic and undocumented. Why, do you think, a young woman in Denmark asked me to "private" a video I made of her narrative, in which the repeated sexual assaults by the crossdresser boyfriend, the repeated pushing her down the stairs, the repeated threats to have his 'mob' friends come by, are to be erased? I will tell you, young women in Scandinavia and Canada are the most abused, the most ashamed, and the least protected. Please watch Vaishnavi Sundar's epic documentary on trans widows, and understand, she did not include the worst of it:


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Thank you JL. ❤️

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So many lies and people avoiding the truth. Biology is what should be paramount.

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Zoe Holloway is quoted as saying about Mark Pack's speech at the LibDem conference: " Instead, what we have witnessed is an almost apologetic justification for allowing us a stall based purely on legal advice, this prolongs the inference that our views are not acceptable". Zoe is too kind on Pack. There was no "almost" about it. He explicitly apologized for allowing the women's voice stall, and explicitly complained that equality law prevented him from doing so, and of discriminating against Liberal Voice for Women. It was a bare-faced boast of his illiberal, undemocratic, desire to prevent free speech. It should have caused such outrage that he was howled out of the party on the spot.

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Very good piece on wings over Scotland yesterday ‘a danger to women’ , more info on Bridley and her lunatic gf Cowan

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“I wear the hijab in order to cover my head and ears for modesty purposes, as I am an Islamic practising transwoman.”

Translation: I am a chicken for KFC.

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"ears"? "EARS"? It's women's eyes and mouths that I$l@m wants to blind and silence, not their fecking hearing. FFS. And Muslim men wear head coverings! It's not about hair or ears. It's about face.

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These failed males and anyone that supports them need some serious time in a mental asylum. You’re all sick!

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