Feb 20, 2023Liked by JL, mole at the counter

Horror piled upon horror. Where are all the adults? If everyone stood up and said, no more, we might get somewhere.

The Transgender Trend article on books for very young children is particularly horrifying and we should share it widely. These people are destroying the minds of children too young to understand the difference between truth and lies, children too young to understand that they are being groomed. They are evil. I might just be able to forgive someone who doesn’t understand what’s going on and who just wants to ‘be kind’ but I will never forgive anyone who lies to children in order to groom them into a vile cult.

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Where are the adults?

The 'adults' are the ones in charge that have waved all this insidiously dangerous ideology through with a proud and arrogantly uncaring wink.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by mole at the counter

Quite. And anyone who lies and says that little Jonny is now Jenny, is also coercing children into lying. In other words, distrust the evidence of your own eyes, distrust reality, we the lying adults are the ones you should trust!

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"Publishers are not just getting into this out of the goodness of their hearts". You bet.

Transideology is so obviously a capitalist ideology that it blows my mind that anyone would categorize it as left. It is, indeed, the embodiment of capitalist exploitation.

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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023

THIS!!! 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆

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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023

I dont care what you call it Chris - gross evils have been perpetrated by left and right .... and everything in between. Seems to me the truth is that individuals and groups representing all/many 'sides' are allowing these horrors to continue, through a chaotic combination of 'subversive/queer' ideological delusion, a chance to bully; also ignorance/'kindness' and realistic fear/cowardice, together with associated grifters and corporate virtue signallers - added to plain n simple commercial exploitation of the worst kind.

Not forgetting strategical media persuasion especially as sponsored by global elitists and/or unscrupulous enemies of the West (eg tik tok?).

Despite all that, the more the painful truth comes out the more ppl will protest and encourage others to speak out .... tide is turning - we will win.

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Thanks, Chris! We often disagree, but I am with you on this 1000 percent!

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Every single one of those men in the mugshots I would cross the road to avoid.

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I could gather together all those words that the censors of Roald Dahl books have deleted and apply all of them, and more, to this heap of lardy, vile hideous MEN.

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Jhc the perverts charter thats what self Id is, it's beyond disgraceful and needs to stop now, these perverts need a separate prison for them and other rapists, nonces, murderers.... oh yes a man's prison that's what it's called. No matter how they identify and I don't care if they didn't pay the TV licence, they are men and should only ever be in a man's prison

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by JL, mole at the counter

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." - Martin Luther King]

Thank you, as ever, JL, for never accepting evil, nor turning away from it. Graham too. xx

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Thank you for your kind words, Ellen. Really appreciate your support xx

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The LGFA as well.

Reading through the policy, it says that a trans male will have to apply to a committee, made up of 'volunteers' , but it's anticipated only in exceptional circumstances will they be refused.

What a fucking insult to our girls

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And we all know who the volunteers will be.

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And, I missed it at first there 'committed to the inclusion of transwomen'

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Fuck this fucking shit... are we seriously even having to read & accept this? Where is the outcry against these grotesque fantasies? Are there no sane people left in the US? Their institutions seem to have had a total brain-melt & are in full denial of reality.

Fucking fetishists are coming out of their dark stinking holes & spreading their deranged & twisted sexual depravity everywhere. The world is going to hell & no one seems able to stop it. How long must this utter insanity go on..?

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My feelings exactly, except add the UK to your third sentence…..or even the west in general.

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I've just started reading Whitney Webb's One Nation Under Blackmail, and when you realize just how corrupt and evil the entire power structure is, you lose your surprise at this insanity.

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Thanks, I’ll take a look.

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I don't know if her four articles, the foundation of the two-volume book, are still available online, but she began by explaining what Jeffrey Epstein was actually up to, and the books put him into context. What's the first chapter? The connections between so-called intelligence, corporate America, and organized crime. Guess who's bringing those drugs to YOUR neighborhood?

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by JL, mole at the counter

El sueño de la razón produce monstruos. Goya

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"The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters" Yes, indeed.

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deletedFeb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023Liked by mole at the counter
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Well, I would simply use the faces of the delightful ladies depicted above. That would make the nightmarish Goya original even more disturbing.

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A lot of these people are just mad , though. In previous generations , they would be diagnosed as psychopaths, or sociopaths and removed from society.

Those two beardies, and the bloke in New York….

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Fantastic compilation of horror pieces, Graham. Is it just me, or does anyone else get the impression that the larpers are targeting female sports and other hobbies and interests in order to larp? It seems too much of a coincidence that every legitimate female area of interest is being targeted and infiltrated. We need to petition Westminster, and each of our individual parliaments, to challenge this creep mission by the... er... creeps. That was a round-up of insanity, Graham, and we can see when it is spread out before us that they are quite deliberately looking for ways round every obstacle put in their way. We really need to get the 2004 GRA repealed. A new petition. This stuff needs to be disseminated far and wide. How dare the Scottish parliament have the brass neck to say that there is no evidence anywhere else of wrongdoing by the larpers. It makes me sick. There is a mountain of evidence, and you have placed it before them all, yet they still refuse to acknowledge the obvious.

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It's the "violation thrills" they get. Unless they violate your boundaries, there is no euphoria for them. They love watching you squirm as you decide whether to speak up (so they can be the victim) and silence yourself (in which case they feel even more euphoria).

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Yes, it is a perverted form of misogyny, dominated by lady feelz, i.e. paraphilia/fetish. I think misogyny is actually the defining factor in relations between men and women everywhere, in every situation. The MP with the three names who tried to intimidate a female MP by crossing the floor and sitting beside her, staring at her, showed how prevalent it is at Westminster and no one does anything. Boys and girls start to realise, at a very young age, that they are different, but they accept one another, as children of different colours accept one another. It is when adult prejudice and bias, often at the subliminal level, becomes evident to the children that they start to adopt those biases.

A couple of decades ago, I think it was Cardiff University, with others, although I may be wrong, carried out an experiment: they removed all names from exam papers and replaced them with numbers, especially in the final, degree exams. What emerged was that female students received firsts and higher seconds at a far higher number than had ever been awarded before. I believe similar studies were done with black students. Removal of female names neutralised the bias.

The difference is that few would have the effrontery to try and intimidate black people into silence these days, or the entire country would descend upon them (not saying that there is not still prejudice, of course there is) whereas women are still routinely silenced and given a poor deal. It is as if the differences between men and women are not treated as complementary, but as signalling that men are superior and women inferior. I'm in Scotland, and I have seen just how much even decent blokes were happy to see women treated badly by the 'trans' - until they understood the reality of what was happening. It is a big problem for us still, in the West even though women have made huge strides forward in equality. It is always precarious.

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I'm no wilting violet but just can't bear to read those stories any longer. Just horror upon horror of abusive men being appeased by the state. It's so easy now to see how Rotherham, Telford etc happened (long term gang rapes of girls by men who had a particular oppression card to play, for those who don't know).

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Don’t want to steal your thunder, JL, for tomorrow's good news supplement but “Affirmation Generation” was just released, and TRAs are trying to get it yanked from Vimeo.

By a US filmmaker. Devastating, but factual discussion of US affirmation-only medical treatment of gender-uncomfortable young people. Lisa Littman, Jennifer Bilek, other medical professionals and six or seven young detransitioners.

Great footage, graphics, sound.

Highly, highly recommend. 1hr 25 min

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Steal away, Helena! ;-) (It's a very powerful & excellent documentary - already in this week's GNS! I do hope everyone watches & shares it!)

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Thanks for the link, the documentary is excellent

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“Serenity” choking a young woman. “Lily” making bomb threats. “Shefina” sexually assaulting a young boy. “Tara” raping a baby. “Sophie” strangling a fellow inmate.

“Paris” -- a torturer and murderer . “Melissa” stabbing a neighbour. “Leah” — a paedophilic stalker. “Harryetta” — a violent sexual predator. “Amy” — a kidnapping rapist. “Gretchen” threatening to slit JKR’s throat.

I’m sensing a pattern here.

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Yes, these trans-identifying men don't just share male patterns of violence, they blow it out of the water. Their desire to present as women, seems to magnify the darkness.

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Thanks for a needed guffaw. A long, dark lineup, teed up to one sweet little line!

How else can one take in such a gruesome list.

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"The Department of Health and Social Care commented, “This guide has not been endorsed by the government. We have been clear that removing language around biological sex has the potential for unintended adverse health consequences”.

Perhaps that should have been a consideration before they spent almost £165k of taxpayers’ money on it."

Once again, this government find themselves "shocked and appalled" at the thing they approved and spent taxpayer's money on. Either they have no clue what they approve and spend money on, or they don't disapprove of it but realise that they must be seen to disapprove, and have zero intention of doing anything about it.

In a way I'd prefer a government which fully and openly embraces gender ideology (like Sturgeon's) because that way everybody knows who's responsible when it goes wrong (and gender ideology is going to be one long sequence of things going very publicly wrong). Instead we've got these invertebrates who finance (with our money) the influence of gender ideology over every institution, while making meaningless pronouncements on how much they "disapprove" when it's brought to their attention.

It's particularly galling to read of £160+k being wasted on gender ideology when you look at in the context of the list of perverts and lowlife that comprise the stories in this newsletter. I appreciate you documenting this stuff JL but what a scum-magnet gender ideology has turned out to be.

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Great point, at least Sturgeon and her cabal of ideologues were in such clear sight, that people couldn’t fail to see what’s been going on. The Tories and their’ we’ll deal with wokery’ have done nothing in the face of mounting evidence of the harm that gender ideology is causing. As an ex Labour member, I’m so glad that they aren’t in power at the moment. If they were, Self ID would be a done deal across the UK. But they will be in power soon. Can anything be done to remove the ever tightening tentacles of GI before the next election and confine it to the cess pit where it belongs. I’m not sure.

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Yes, I've been wondering how we keep getting statements rejecting this ideology yet on it rolls. Stopping something and saying you want to stop it is totally different and is wordplay. This all stinks to high heaven. There is no way they were not aware what this was when it was signed off. They know who authorised it and it would have gone through many stages. Unless there are many of these gender zealots at very senior levels (I suspect there are). It's a curious type of blind eye they keep turning. Sometimes guidance and standards take many years to get produced - yet this lot seem to have a parallel process to follow and no one will admit what that is. You can't keep pumping out meaningless 'guidance' and expect any member of the public to trust anything you say.

How can Stonewall still be anywhere near any level of government or seen as any type of authority? It's not just one department or body, it's everywhere.

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I know, I spend every day in a state of shocked incomprehension. I can’t understand how so many people are captured and how, in the face of so much evidence, people in positions of power and influence still sit on their hands.

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Page 7 of that 'guidance'. It uses an example of someone presumably being sorely offended as someone refers to their 'friend' not their partner.

"they kept on calling [my partner] my friend, and they wouldn’t let it go [...] they were like ‘Your friend’s over there’ and I’m like, ‘That’s my partner!’"

That is fairly neutral, they didn't use any slur and yet it still wasn't good enough. Would they have been offended if they'd referred to them as partner not friend? Domestic goddess? Fuckbuddy? Temporary polycule transient member? The further detail states this was a 'A gay genderqueer person, in their 20s, with cancer, with a non-binary partner'.

So did they accidentally not refer to 'they/them' too? This is pandering to playground attention-seeking and is rotting healthcare. It also feels incredibly coercive - with a 'cisgender male' later on quoted as saying "communicating with me is a very holistic thing, you’ve got to use your whole demeanour, you’ve got to smile, you’ve got to nod, you’ve to go look into my eyes and things like that.” A gay cisgender male, in his 50s, with comorbidities.

I am not 'cisgender' and do not wish to be called that. Just WTAF? This is literally tipping everything upside down and insisting those who aren't 'trans identified' are 'other', with everything now in relation to that. They also used afab and amab. This is pure oozing Stonewall. The NHS and healthcare is screwed if we continue with this.

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Exactly right, 100%. I wrote to my doctor to complain about a survey that asked if I was male, female or non binary. If the NHS isn’t based on biological fact and science, then there’s no hope. What I keep saying to my family is that we have to call out every, little thing. We can’t allow anything to get past us without a fight no matter how irritating we make ourselves look.

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Keep at it! I was being helped to walk by a carer once and we saw someone I knew. I introduced them by their names and they made reference to my 'friend' and that it was nice to meet them. Afterwards I apologised to this carer, who said they thought it was a great compliment, and that to be referred to as my friend showed that I was relaxed and happy in their company and we were assumed to be a friend helping another friend. She actually felt flattered.

Interactions in care, healthcare and between us all are incredibly important. And all this isn't helping, it's making people very nervous about putting a foot wrong, then the insistence on or demanded apologies for no offence or intent to when nothing has been done. All the way through that guidance is a direct order to apologise.

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Substack where has 'Edit' gone? I can Reply, Delete or Collapse? I admit I do feel like collapsing.

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I'm on a few consultation lists and have been asked to provide feedback on how one body are producing health guidance or guidelines. I have also been asked to share this with other professional colleagues to get their input. I do keep trying to say the way we are communicating is an utter mess, and as a member of the public I often don't have a clue what I am supposed to be doing. And I definitely do not trust many of the 'authorities' producing this utter bollix. My colleagues and I could never have got away with 'producing' such flaky unevidenced guesswork, at best, and pure propaganda that damages at worst - it doesn't stand up to scrutiny and what is its purpose? No one will admit that. It undermines all of us.

There are very many decent, hardworking professionals doing brilliant work, plugging away for decades and their whole careers. And then there's this. Flashy, empty, very dangerous nonsense that somehow has been given credibility and authority. That a government department let get produced. What else could that money have been spent on? Some of the services and posts cut?

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"Since assaulting the boy in 2016, Samson has begun ‘identifying as a woman’ and calling himself Shefina" - You know what they say: women become trans when going through puberty, but men become trans when going through the criminal justice system.

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I think I made it halfway through this one before I had to stop. It’s a large dose of horror in one go. There’s some ugly bugly ‘women’ committing crimes these days.

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