Accurate collection by JL. Very nice indeed. Shows how terribly pathetic each week in our lives is becoming.

Males entering Women prisons, sports rightfully ofcourse. Labour gone beyond woke (nasty), no redemption there, Blue tick accounts including MP gone mad and behaving in bizarre weird manner, pandering of woke to this level is sickening. And all in all, twitter still has counter set on JK ROWLING'S tweets to set limit for likes and also banning anyone who says man male bodied person cannot be Woman female bodied person.

To top it, this week is turning more nastier by the minute.

Thank You Graham Linehan and team to keep this page going. It's some ray of hope and sunshine from all the distress and absurd madness

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Thank you, Gauri. Really appreciate your kind words.

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You earned it , atta sleuth work and presentation 🧡

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Once you’ve seen the utter contempt for women in trans ideology and (almost more so) in its woke, mostly male supporters, you cannot unsee it. And it’s really bad for my blood pressure. 😬

Did that Valentina Paralympic medal-winner also *identify* as disabled to compete? It’s exactly the same "logic" as allows male bodies to compete against female ones so surely anything goes? 🤷‍♀️ I’ve a feeling the IOC wouldn’t approve though, even though they don’t object to transwomen athletes having ... how many times more? - nanomoles of testosterone than born women... ( there goes my BP spiking again)

Crispin Blunt is an arse....and I do believe the Barbie Kardashian psycho has indeed been sent to a women’s prison. 🤬

But SOME positive news this week 🥳 Great that more high profile people are coming out in support of JKR (at last ... took recent developments though)

Thank you as ever JL, admirable work 👍

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Thank you so much, Kate. Much appreciated. But do take care of that blood pressure! 😊

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No! That "Kardashian" animal has been placed in a women's prison?! That is utterly outrageous. He's an obvious troll, surely (not to mention an obvious psychopath)? I wish there was some kind of a petition against this that one could sign...

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Absolutely, Lida. There's no doubt that "Barbie Kardashian" is a great danger to women and should never be allowed anywhere near them. I read up on his history. He clearly had an horrific and traumatic childhood and is now a deeply troubled individual. I'm no expert but surely pandering to this ridiculous delusion, allowing him to dress like Buffalo Bill and playing along with the fantasy he's a woman called Barbie, is really not going to help him?

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