Referring to the last item in this bulletin. Somebody called "Dr Panti Bliss Cabrera" took over my Instagram platfform and shut it down. They wanted to silence me because I'd had the temerity to speak out against trans gender ideology.

Have we ever known a movement that claims to be for "human rights" that actively silences and bullies people that try to engage in good faith debate?

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Jun 19, 2023
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There are trans people who are worried about the behaviour of puported trans allies. Imagine being concerned or frightened of your 'allies'

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There are no true 'trans' people, Suzanne. Sorry to disagree. There are only those with delusions that they can keep them under some control and those who cannot. This is nothing like the gay cause in any shape or form. No one is harming them. No one questions what they do or why they do it or how they do it. All we want is for all of them to stop trying to make us believe what we can see is patently untrue. We want them to stay out of female pursuits, rights, opportunities, etc. At no time in the history of humanity has one group of people been less oppressed yet insists on its own persecution and victimization as being beyond question. We will never close this door unless we are prepared to speak the truth. Old-style transsexuals are no physical threat to females, but, psychologically? I have heard too many of them state that they knew they were 'trans' at age two or three to have any trust in them. This type of claim justifies others' 'transitioning' children and young people. Also, any man claiming to be a 'woman' based on what he wears is a cross-dresser/transvestite, call it what you will, and he stereotypes females in pursuit of sexual thrills. They hate anyone pointing that truth out, but there it is. Give one inch and they will take it all, not just a mile.

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Oh yes, being trans means someone is seriously delusional or fetishistic or both. Like you, I find it astonishing that trans types say they knew they were trans when they were still in nappies/diapers and, of course, it's patently untrue. At two or three, you're interested in eating, sleeping and playing with toys. You're certainly not thinking about life, the universe and ecerything, including cross-dressing! I was simply highlighting that some TIMs are becoming twitchy about the antics of their 'allies'. I think that that situation is amusing.

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“ Make sense of the world through logic, reason and evidence.”

That just about sums up what we are all feeling every day…ffs please make it make sense.

That picture of Varadkar with Panty Bliss 🤮 is a perfect depiction of the madness that has infected the world.

Maybe we need to start calling all the women who go along with this crap, Vichy women or non men. If it wasn’t for them things wouldn’t have got so bad.

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They've been called Vichy women, amongst other things, on Mumsnet for some time.

There's a special circle in hell awaiting them.

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Well done mumset.

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Anne, they will grow up and realize how stupid they have been. They will discover the hard way, I think, as life's lessons bear down on them, as they do on all females. As for the silly, daft wee lassies who are mutilating themselves, god help them when they finally realize just what they have done to themselves, and, worse, that they did it at the behest of paraphiliac men. I can still feel heart sorry for them.

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To balance the four billion non-men in the world, where are all the non-women? We never get to hear about them. Seems very unfair!

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Are there non-non-binary people?



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Men are BAD!

Bad! I tell you!!!!!

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Ha, ha. Nah, not all of them, David. Not most of them. Just too many for comfort.

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Jun 19, 2023
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That's non-furry-non-non, you speciest bigot; wonder how "Humanist" UK apply their "logic" to those who identify as non-humans...

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"Handmaidens", "Aunt Lydias" and "pick me girls" are common ones I've heard.

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Ha ha. I can just imagine a pick me girl!

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Another example of the War on Women, in "There is so much more for us to worry about than men masquerading as women to access single-sex spaces" by Kathryn Bromwich in The Guardian, the UK's most woke and inclusiveness-worshipping newspaper. The author's message to women is that we need to be more empathetic towards our 'trans sisters' and stop fretting them being in our spaces. In other words, it is our job to accommodate male desires, fantasies and fetishes. As usual.


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Of course, it’s our job as support humans. Our needs, safety, feelings don’t count 😡

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I miss the support dog TT :)

And the support solicitor :) ( Allison Bailey hearing - 'who's that next to you. Oh it's your solicitor' - while giving evidence ??!!)

Mum was there as well if I remember correctly


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Couldn't access the the article from your link, so here is another (it works for me) that might be worth a try:


The specious argument "we have so much more to worry about" used to dismiss any concern about the invitation to predatory men to access single-sex spaces, would commonly itself be dismissed as "whataboutery" in comments on Comment Is Free (CIF) articles -- which this isn't: I suspect The Guardian's Features or Women's Editor changed their mind about allowing comments on such an inflammatory topic.

Bromwich as a gender cult handmaiden failed to make a far more obvious -- to any feminist -- observation that it's depressing and outraging that allowing men into women's single sex spaces is yet one more example of how badly UK law and law enforcement are failing women.

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Thank you for adding this information.

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This is one of the most dire threats to womanhood and girlhood ever, and they know it. They all know it. They do not care. The one thing that stands out of all this, for me, is the fact that so many are happy to see females being dehumanized.

Have been watching television and films, reading newspaper and mags recently to clock the anti-female rhetoric across the board in every medium. It is astounding. Our horrific deaths, rapes and ill-treatment are served up as entertainment. Reports of female killings are side-by-side with salacious c**p.

I have come to the conclusion that masculinity is a very fragile thing for too many, and it demands ritual sacrifice of females to keep it confident in its own omnipotence. Any group treating another group in this way, in the 21st century, would be too ashamed to lift its head, although I have to say that many, many men, the vast majority, do not hold with this at all.

Much of it is simply ignorance and want of thought, but too much of it is deliberate and cruel to the point of being sadistic. I think there is a vast amount of sadism involved in the 'transgender' movement, and, for reasons that will become clear eventually, we stand in the way of something that the money men backing this movement want.

I would also add that Mother Nature, evolution, whatever, has a way of restoring the balance, and I believe that in no way will the erasure of the female be tolerated. Just recently, I read about women's movements setting up in Japan, home of Anime, in Korea, and in every corner of the world, against this movement.

The women in most of these countries have been kept down, traditionally, but this is such a threat that they are starting to really fight back. This will be the legacy of the 'trans' lobby and movement: women and girls becoming stronger, with far less empathy for rogue males, far less tolerance of male exploitation. In other words, the end result of this bilge will be to strengthen and educate females in their own right to exist as autonomous human beings. They will move evolution forward a notch, but they will not be part of it - at least, not in the way they expect.

For starters, we need to encourage our girls, as well as our boys, to embrace the better parts of the internet. They need to be able to see what is coming down the line and be prepared, work with it, where advantageous, and stay a step ahead of it. One of the problems for us has been our relative lack of savvy around the on-line world which is dominated by seemingly antisocial, Neanderthal males with a sadistic streak and a profound fear of females which manifests, quite often, as hatred.

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Could we all meet outside the Guardian every Monday and all read out aloud A Week In the War on Women?


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But is it correct that there is no definition of sex in the law of E&W?

In 1970 or so, Mr Justice Ormerod gave a definition of gonads, genitals, gametes (I think) in the case of Corbett vs Corbett. One of the Corbetts was better known as April Ashley, called a transsexual in those days. I understood that definition to still stand.

And if there wasn't a definition, it doesn't mean what they think it does. It's not because it's 'ooh, so complicated', it's because everyone thought it absobloodylutely obvious that no definition was needed. Until 5 minutes ago.

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But Lady Haldane managed to ignore the bloody obvious. I wonder how much she got paid for establishing such perversely bad law.

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That is a very interesting case, Anne, but it predates the Equality Act so would not be binding as to what sex means in that Act and, as mentioned below, though everyone thought it was clear, Lady Haldane put the cat amongst the pigeons


NB Damn, I said something serious!!

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These people continue to show the world how evil and perverted they really are ,yet the people with power continue to support them for their own benefit. It's so utterly shameful in every respect and ,considering that there is not one redeeming feature in any of this WOKE ideology ,it makes me wonder where these supporters' humanity has gone. I feel in danger just from sharing a planet with these despicable degenerates. I long to see them punished for the carnage they are causing and I just hope I live long enough to see it. Thanks ,JL ,once again, for exposing the cesspit that this cult.is has wallowing in . 🤮😭

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OMG, a lesbian is now a non-man not a woman. What utter shite. As for Sadiq Khan, can’t see his dad (did you know my dad was a bus driver?) that proud of his son now. As for ‘Panty Bliss’, womanface is as unacceptable as blackface.

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very sad news from australia. australia is such a right wing country filled with immigrant hating gamblers, sorry but its true. i know not all of them. some will be kind. but their state is up for the medicalisation of children and the general population. another win for big pharma, the only winners in this. Oh and team nobhead. That guy covering himself in piss. what a waste of piss

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Depressing news. One step forwards, two steps backwards. Presumably possessing copies of Kathleen's Stock and Helen Joyce's books could result in arrest and a criminal record? Where the hell are the adults in the room?????

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They probably could in Ireland if they pass the new hate speech laws. And if Labour get in the same could happen here.

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Oh yes, if Labour get in then self-id will be with us before you catch your next breath.

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They won’t call it that after seeing what happened in Scotland but something else they’ve already committed to are more hate speech laws. In other words, the policing of our ability to speak the truth.

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I think you're right, but I wouldn't be surprised if they try to introduce it even after the debacle in Scotland. I find it disturbing the lengths captured politicians will go to to force gender ideology on people including curbing what people can say. Free speech has to be sacrificed so we can't call a man a man.

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Oh I agree. I don’t trust them an inch, especially with the help of the Greens and Lib Dems.

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I've been trying to remember if it really was the Tory government's invoking of Section 35 of the Devolution (Scotland) Act to stop the SNP's Gender Recognition Reform legislation for gender self-ID, that Starmer said he wouldn't oppose if/when Labour assumed power. As Starmer is an authoritarian who does not tolerate dissent within his party, that's a pretty big declaration against a Labour government letting gender cult overreach go any further in the UK: legally at least. As GRR wreaks havoc with UK law in a number of ways (including big headaches for computer systems) Starmer is probably viewing it primarily as a lawyer and ex-DPP. This won't undo most of the current madness, but would at least put a lid on it.

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Let's hope that that is the case.

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Very good point, TT

The Irish Bill is possibly the most totalitarian hate crime legislation in the world!!


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And I can recommend your excellent posts on this subject Dusty-update 144 plus there was another recent one …? Can’t remember the number.

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Pronouns. Non he/Non him. Of course if you IDas a cat, me ow/me ow.

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haha like it :)

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A proscribed book list would tend to confirm the religious status of Gender Identitarianism: with ritual book burnings to follow? And heretic burnings not far off. The BDSM element of this cult requires appropriate satisfaction.

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Is there any news about the Scottish Government judicial review of the use of the Scotland Act? Did it even get lodged??


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What is happening in New Zealand is shocking. I can inform you we are fighting back. After the 25th March the New New Zealand women's rights party was formed and we are well on the way to having the 500 members to register and go on the ballot. We have our inaugural AGM coming up. A group of largely former labour and Green women with organising skills are behind it. Open to all people who want to end this gender craziness. If you are eligible to vote in the new zealand elections in October please consider.


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That’s brilliant news, very best wishes to you all.

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Good luck with getting WRP registered & publicised by October elections. Clearly very important for NZ women.

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Brilliant news, well done


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The nuttiness of this guy playing women's rugby and the police letting muggers go in New Zealand so long as they mug elderly women... AGaaaah!

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Dark days like this I almost wish for the bomb ,get rid of all these predators in one fell swoop and finally protect women and girls .

I say almost as there are some good folk out there just wish they’d stick their heads up

However money will always prevail over good

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And money is what it's all about like the Lib Dems and their hundreds of thousands in donations from Big Pharma.

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Gender capitalism will soon be worth an estimated $5billion per year globally, sorry I've forgotten the source for that but it was very recent.

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And yet people don't realise this. Money and fetishes are a powerful mix.

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Yep , and it’s far far more than that in some parties

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Fear will also prevail over good. None of them want to end up being harassed like JKR

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Not an ounce of credibility between the pathetic cowards

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If 'A Week in the War on Women' were required reading for the great 'uneducated' unwashed -- 'gender' ideology would be no more. So many people in my extended family, scientifically trained would you believe, have fallen for the nonsense. That's what truly scary. These are decent intelligent people who believe in 'progressive social justice,' and who just want to be 'kind'. That's because they only read the 'gender' propaganda that is all the time, everyplace, and everywhere, in Canada.

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Utterly depressing, all of it 😩

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That wee scrote with his testicles hanging out of his lady knickers! Deliberately provocative. They shriek: "it's not about sex. It's not a paraphilia or a fetish; it's my inner woman". Aye, and is that a pink, porcine balloon I see overhead? It is all about sex. Most of the older ones are heterosexual men, and a huge threat to women and girls. A smattering are homosexual 'trans' and no threat to females, but, even then, hey might not be allies either. By far, the biggest threat is to children. That is why we have to keep on calling this out for what it is: grown men, in the main, heterosexual, wanting added thrills from dressing as females, and from intimidating females in their own spaces. That is the front-line part of this, and it is in our schools to catch them young. Then come the sadists, psychopaths and misogynists (often, all three together in one bloke) who make up the activists and enablers; then, the top layer of money-men (always men because women are not allowed anywhere in the world to control macro finances, except in very limited circumstances) who bankroll the 'wokerati' in obeisance to Mammon. That is what this man, with his meat and two veg on show to all ages and both sexes, represents. I do so wish that some artist would have the courage to capture that truth. Even degrading artistic spaces has become a fetish for these men and their enablers who must have sanctioned this exhibitionist's appearance. An exhibition of an exhibitionist?

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I've been writing to venues and charities that use "pronoun propaganda" to tell them I no longer will donate/associate with them. Here's the letter I got back from a charity I'd been a generous donor of for 5 years:


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All very depressing. But I feel a change coming on. What with Wickes, screaming TRA teachers, the NW advertisement the issue is moving away from niche GC activists to mainstream. And the mainstream are FED UP. We are sick of woke corporates, tax funded organisations and government departments promoting QT. Note Muslim activists demonstrating against thus LGBTQWTF stuff in Canada. Humza Yusufs constituents are over 50% Muslim Pakistani ethnically. I cannot see them accepting the lovely lady rapist Isla Bryson in the womens' section at the local mosque should she convert to Islam in prison. Perhaps any readers of this site who are constituents of his might like to ask him? I might send an e-mail to his local inmans and ask what they think.

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