Monday 1st April - Under His Aye
THE TELEGRAPH: Scotland’s new ‘hate crime’ law, now in effect, will be weaponised by trans activists to silence and punish those who challenge gender ideology.
Scotland’s Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act is now law. This legislation creates a new offence of ‘stirring up hatred’ against those with certain protected characteristics; race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, transgender identity and ‘variations in sex characteristics’. But not sex. A man in a dress is protected from ‘hate’ under this legislation but actual women are not.
The definition of ‘stirring up hatred’ is incredibly vague and the Police Scotland website defines a hate crime as “Any crime which is understood by the victim or any other person as being motivated, wholly or partly by malice or ill will towards a social group”. Consequently, accusations of ‘stirring up hatred’ could be levelled at anyone challenging gender identity ideology or upholding sex realism, making it impossible for women to defend their sex-based rights and protections. Even those discussing gender ideology in private could be deemed guilty of a ‘hate crime’.
As Gordon Rayner writes in The Telegraph, “Imagine living in a world where sitting in your own living room and saying ‘men can’t be women’ could result in the police logging a ‘hate incident’ against your name. Imagine, too, that your legally protected right to express such an opinion counted for nothing because all that mattered was whether the person who heard you perceived it to be offensive… Little wonder that women’s rights campaigners fear that the new law will be used by trans radicals to settle scores and silence anyone who dares to challenge their world view”.
Another Telegraph article published this week accuses Nicola Sturgeon of blocking changes to these hate crime laws which would have protected freedom of speech on gender issues, allowing women to defend their sex-based rights and spaces.
When the bill was in its final parliamentary stages in 2021, then Justice Secretary, Humza Yousaf, was responsible of overseeing its passage through Holyrood. Feminist campaign group, For Women Scotland (FWS), maintains that Nicola Sturgeon, then First Minister, forced Humza Yousaf to withdraw from the legislation amendments which would have provided specific freedom of speech protections for feminists who challenge gender ideology and uphold sex realism. Furthermore, an amendment to add sex to the list of protected characteristics was voted down, despite cross-party MSPs raising concerns that women were excluded.
Susan Smith of FWS told The Telegraph, “Right back at the beginning, during the last stages of the Bill, there was an attempt to put in free speech amendments. There was an outcry on Twitter. Nicola Sturgeon directly intervened and made Humza Yousaf pull them”.
Also Today - Within These Walls
THE DAILY MAIL: Three trans-identified male killers remain incarcerated among vulnerable women in Scotland’s female estate.
Formerly known as Peter Laing, Green began ‘identifying as a woman’ in 2011 when he changed his name and, reportedly, began taking cross-sex hormones. Green has spent the past decade in prison for the murder of 45-year-old Robert Shankland.
Together with two accomplices, Green murdered Robert Shankland in a sadistic and barbaric attack. The three men lured Shankland to Green’s flat where they tied him up and tortured him over several hours, sexually assaulting him with a rolling pin and beating him so brutally they left a footprint on his neck.
A 2018 Daily Mail article quotes a former prisoner who was incarcerated with Green. She told the paper that Green had stopped taking hormones and was growing facial hair. “She [sic] was also sexually active and everyone knew about it. She [sic] had at least one girlfriend”. Another former inmate said that Green was notorious for having sex with the female prisoners. “He didn’t seem to be acting much like a woman to me.”
Formerly known as Alan Baker, 35-year-old Alex Stewart is a convicted murderer. In 2013 he killed a 36-year-old man called John Weir, stabbing him over sixteen times, just hours after the pair met on a dating site.
Following his murder conviction, Stewart began to ‘identify as a woman’ and was moved to the female estate. According to The Daily Record, Stewart had a relationship with another trans-identified male inmate, Sophie Eastwood, when the pair were both being held in the women’s section of HMP Greenock. In 2021 it was reported that Stewart was having a sexual relationship with another Greenock inmate, Nyomi Fee.
Formerly known as Richard McCabe, Melissa Young was convicted of murder in 2014. He killed his neighbour, Alan Williamson, inflicting on his victim 29 injuries from multiple stab wounds.
While on remand at Cornton Vale woman’s prison, Young, who is six feet three inches tall, was convicted of the brutal assault of a female prison officer. He lunged towards the prison officer, seizing her by the hair and pulling her to the floor. He then lay on top of her, kicking her and struggling with her. Finally, he bit the officer on her stomach, inflicting a wound so severe that he drew blood.
These three trans-identified males - all convicted murderers - remain accommodated in the female estate thanks to the new Scottish Prison Service (SPS) code for the ‘management of transgender prisoners’. Even in the wake of the Isla Bryson travesty, this new policy allows trans-identified male criminals with a history of violence to be accommodated in the female estate if there is “Compelling evidence that they do not present an unacceptable risk of harm to those in the women's prison”. (So there’s an acceptable risk of harm?) Because these three males murdered other men, not women, it is assumed they pose female inmates no risk of harm and they are allowed to remain in a women’s prison.
Kate Coleman of campaign group, Keep Prisons Single Sex, told The Daily Mail, “These murderers are free to remain in women's prisons because their victims were men. That three violent male offenders remain in the female estate is shocking. We can only guess how many more may be held with women, as the SPS refuses to disclose this information. This policy is clearly not fit for purpose. It goes against civil society for the safety and well-being of women in prison to be so completely and callously disregarded”.
Tuesday 2nd April - Just Say You Hate Women
REUTERS: Wisconsin Governor, Tony Evers, vetoed legislation which would have guaranteed safety and fairness for girls playing on school sports teams.
On Tuesday 2nd April, Governor Tony Evers, vetoed a bill which would have prevented trans-identified boys from playing on girls’ sports teams in the state’s schools. The bill, which was passed by Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled legislature in March, would have required all public schools and some private schools to designate their sports teams as male, female or mixed. It would have required pupils to play on teams based on their sex, not their ‘gender identity’, ensuring safety and fairness for girls.
Evers, who is a Democrat, had threatened to veto the bill ever since it was introduced. The bill passed the state legislature’s two chambers along party lines. Since the Democrats could not muster the requisite votes to prevent its passage, 72-year-old Evers used his power of veto as Governor to prevent it from becoming law. He signed the veto in the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, flanked by trans activists.
In a statement, Evers commented, “States across this country may give way to radical policies targeting LGBTQ individuals and families and threatening LGBTQ folks' everyday lives and their ability to be safe, valued, supported, and welcome being who they are… As long as I am the governor of this great state, Wisconsin will not be among them”. He clearly doesn’t believe girls deserve to be ‘safe, valued, supported and welcome’.
Wednesday 3rd April - This Unsporting Life #1
THE DAILY MAIL: A trans-identified male student has been competing in the female divisions of five different sports, injuring female players, stealing their medals, records and opportunities and compromising their privacy and dignity.
In February we reported on a girls’ basketball game between two Massachusetts schools. After 16 minutes of play, Collegiate Charter School conceded the game against KIPP Academy with its opponents leading 31-14.
KIPP Academy had a trans-identified male player on its girls’ basketball team.
Social media user, Sidewalk Steve, posted a video excerpt of this game.
The recording shows the male player, reported to be six feet tall, towering over his female teammates and opponents. He wrenches the ball from the hands of a female player and knocks her to the ground.
The girl struggles to stand and writhes on the floor, clutching her lower back and grimacing in pain, as her concerned teammates cluster around her.
The male player then walks away as officials run to the girl’s aid.
Collegiate Charter’s Athletic Director, Kyle Pelczar, said he was aware of ‘the situation’ - ie of there being a trans-identified male player on the opposing team - going into the game and he claimed that the presence of said male player was not the reason for conceding the match. However, he also commented that his team’s players were constantly incurring injuries during the game and that is why the coach, Kevin Ortins, chose to abandon it. “He felt that his girls were getting injured, basically, all game… He didn’t want to have any more of his girls go down.”
This week, several news reports have revealed that this trans-identified male injured three girls during that basketball game in February. (The game which only lasted 16 minutes before being forfeited.) Furthermore, it is reported that the same student, who is aged 17 or 18, competes or has competed in the female divisions of five other sports; rowing, volleyball, hurdles, shot put and tae kwon do.

In May last year, this student competed in the female events at the Lynn All-City Track Championship where he set records in the shot put and the 400 metre hurdles.
Later in the year, he was named a Commonwealth Atlantic Conference All-Star in Volleyball after a season in which he led the school’s girls’ team in most major statistics. He clocked up more 'kills' (un-returnable shots) than the rest of the team combined and boasted the most aces and blocks. Sporting obvious stubble, he was then featured in the promotion for an All-Star volleyball game in November.

This student is a blackbelt in tae kwon do. He took second place in 16-17 year old Black Belt Sparring at the Cervizzi's Spring Invitational Tournament in March 2023 before going on to win at the Autumn tournament in October.
He has trained at the Tiger Institute in Saugus, Massachusetts, since he was a little boy. Last month, the gym promoted a fundraiser to help finance his forthcoming tour of Austria with his opera ensemble. It included a photo of him dressed in typical male attire; a dinner jacket and bow tie.

It is reported that this student competed on the women’s team of a private rowing club in Massachusetts in 2021-22, before an alleged ‘direct case of harassment’ saw him removed from the squad.
A report about his behaviour was made to the US Senate Health, Education, Labour, and Pensions Committee by Republican Senator, Bill Cassidy. It stated the student had ‘caused many issues for the female athletes’ on the team and that they had avoided using the girls’ locker room because of his presence there.
“The male athlete was caught staring openly at one of the female athletes while she changed her clothes in the women’s locker room and remarked, ‘oooh titties!’ When a female athlete nearby asked if it was the first time he had seen female breasts, the male responded, ‘uhh yeah’ with a laugh. The male athlete was suspended for this incident.”
A letter to US Rowing from parents of the club’s 40 female competitors said that the girls on the team had been ‘intimidated’ into silence and prevented from expressing their discomfort at having to share their locker room and even overnight accommodation with a male.
“Our daughters have stayed quiet because they are afraid. We tried to speak up for them, and we were shut down. We tried to speak to leadership at all levels. [But] name-calling and the threat of mental health is being used as emotional blackmail to keep us all quiet while women are harmed and devalued… The rowing team also required the male athlete to room with them on trips. The girls spoke to us about quitting rowing because of the intimidation of being forced to be in a hotel room alone with a male.”

Also Today - “Both Sides”
REDUXX: A trans-identified male has taken a plea deal after threatening to shoot and rape schoolchildren in revenge for ‘transphobia’.
(WARNING: Contains some distressing content.)
We have reported previously on Jason ‘Alexia’ Willie who was indicted on 14 felony counts after threatening mass murder and sexual violence.
In August 2023, the FBI intercepted a live stream on a social media site in which an individual was making violent and sexually violent threats against schools and schoolchildren. Using the IP address associated with the live-stream, the FBI identified the individual as Jason L. Willie, a trans-identified male from Perry County, Illinois, who calls himself Alexia.
The FBI later determined that during the period March - August 2023, Willie had been broadcasting disturbing threats to harm children in the name of ‘transgender rights’. Court records subsequently revealed the extent and nature of Willie’s diatribe, much of involved threatening sexual violence against minors.
“I catch your daughters in them bathrooms alone, I am gonna fuck them. I mean I am gonna fuck them until they're dead… I’m in the bathroom feeling your little girls’ pussies. I love feeling on your little girls’ pussies. You can’t do nothing about it. I don’t care. I’m openly a paedophile. You guys can’t do nothing about us. You can cry. Put me on national television, I don’t care. I’m transgender, I’m in the bathroom raping your fucking daughters and I’m openly letting you guys know this… We will fuck your daughters in that bathroom, I guarantee it.”
Willie also referenced Audrey Elizabeth Hale, the trans-identified murderer who killed three members of staff and three nine-year-old children at The Covenant School in Nashville last year, and he threatened a copy-cat killing. “A person in Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot up a bunch of your Christian daughters. That’s not the last of them if you don’t shut your fucking mouth. There’s a lot of transgenders out here that are tired of being picked on and we’re going to go into the schools and we’re going to kill their fucking children out here.”
Willie was charged with 14 felony counts of Interstate Communication of a Threat to Injure and placed under arrest.
When Newsweek reported on this story - allegations that a violent male has threatened to rape and murder schoolchildren - the publication referred to Willie as a woman and used female pronouns throughout the article.
Willie was initially charged with 14 felony counts of Interstate Communication of a Threat to Injure but a plea agreement, filed on 20th March, reveals that prosecutors have agreed to drop 13 of the counts in exchange for Willie’s guilty plea. He has not yet been sentenced. Of course, he was referred to with female pronouns in court.
Thursday 4th April - Beyond Contempt
THE TIMES: Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre has been accused of ‘illegitimately’ concealing the sex of its counsellors from the rape survivors using its services.
Trans-identified male, Mridul Wadhwa, has been the CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) since May 2021. He has been the subject of numerous articles on this site and we have reported that:
He has no GRC so is still legally male.
He concealed his sex to secure a job at Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre.
He objected to an amendment allowing rape victims to choose the sex of the medical clinician examining them.
Pursuing political ambitions, he took a place on an SNP all-women shortlist.
He is ‘disappointed’ by the single-sex provisions allowed for in the Equality Act 2010 and finds them ‘discriminatory’ against ‘transwomen’.
He sided with serial litigant and period-obsessed paedophile, Jonathan Yaniv, against a group of migrant women.
He deems it appropriate to discuss whether rape victims experience orgasm.
In August 2021, Wadhwa appeared on The Guilty “Feminist” Podcast. (For Women Scotland compiled a transcript of the entire broadcast.) Denying that women who’ve suffered male violence need female-only spaces, he made this shocking statement:
“Sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well… If you bring unacceptable beliefs that are discriminatory in nature, we will begin to work with you on your journey of recovery from trauma. But please also expect to be challenged on your prejudices… You have to reframe your trauma… To me, therapy is political”.
His words were roundly condemned by women's service providers, mental health care professionals and rape survivors. To no avail; Wadhwa issued a brief statement in which he doubled down on his previous comments. “If what we see/hear from someone is clearly prejudiced and we are not responding to their urgent support need it is also part of our role to provide a space to explore and challenge this”, he said.
In September 2021, Just a few weeks after making these appalling comments, Wadhwa took part in an online webinar during which he talked about ‘inclusion and intersectionality’ in sexual violence services. (Full transcript provided by For Women Scotland.) He spoke of ERCC now being ‘trans inclusive’ and having to “Wash and clean its history” of being female-only.
He then went on to talk about the women who may be self-excluding from ERCC’s services because of its trans [ie male] inclusive policy and described them as ‘transphobic’ for requiring a women-only space. Of these survivors, he commented, “We have to learn not to be transphobic”.
Roz Adams, a former support worker at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, brought legal action against the charity, claiming she was forced out due to her gender critical views. Her constructive dismissal case has been heard at the Edinburgh Employment Tribunal this week. (Proceedings have been documented by Tribunal Tweets.) Adams maintains that she was wrongly accused of ‘transphobia’ and endured a nine-month disciplinary process after discussing a rape survivor’s request for same-sex care.
An ERCC ‘service-user’, ie a woman who has suffered male sexual violence, asked if her counsellor would be male or female, explaining that she would feel “Uncomfortable talking to a man”. Adams consulted her colleagues about the case, suggesting that they should put the woman’s mind at rest by providing the information. A ‘non-binary’ staff member copied Mridul Wadhwa into the email chain and Adams subsequently received a letter informing her that she was being investigated for ‘gross misconduct’.
Adams’ barrister, Naomi Cunningham, told the tribunal that the evidence of emails and messages suggested Mridul Wadhwa had influenced the decision to pursue Adams in the nine-month long disciplinary process.
The tribunal had previously heard that the ERCC’s recruitment policies allow male people to be employed in supposedly women-only roles and that Wadhwa wants the staff who object to this to be fired.
Of course, it’s not just the staff affected by ERCC’s policy of being ‘trans’ (ie male) inclusive; the women who have been traumatised by male sexual violence and seek help there suffer tremendously as a result. Adams told the tribunal the heart-breaking story of a woman in her 60s who had been sexually abused as a child and was only now feeling able to talk about her experience. The woman approached the ERCC about its group work and asked to be reassured that is a woman-only group. She was repeatedly told that such meetings were ‘trans-inclusive’. The woman then received an email telling her she was not suitable for ERCC’s service.
The tribunal will release its findings ‘in due course’.
Friday 5th April - First Do No Harm
THE DAILY MAIL: There is yet more medical evidence demonstrating the harm caused to children taking puberty blockers; genital atrophy, infertility and possibly even cancer.
Research conducted at the Mayo Clinic by geneticist, Nagarajan Kannan, and other clinicians looked at one of the largest collections of testicular samples for patients aged 0-17 years. The study included patients with gender dysphoria who both did and did not take puberty blockers. It focused on 87 children, including 16 trans-identified boys aged aged 10-16, nine of whom were already taking puberty blockers.
Among the nine boys prescribed puberty blockers, two had abnormal features on their testicles which could be observed from physical examination. Researchers highlighted the case of one particular 12-year-old boy who had taken puberty blockers for 14 months. Almost 60% of his sex glands had ‘fully atrophied’. There was also an ‘appearance of microlithiasis’, small clusters of calcium linked to testicular cancer.
The 33-page study states, “At the tissue level, we report mild-to-severe sex gland atrophy in puberty blocker-treated children… We provide unprecedented histological evidence revealing detrimental paediatric testicular sex gland responses' to the drugs”.
Also Today - Leave Them Kids Alone #1
THE TELEGRAPH: The UK’s biggest education union has voted in favour of ‘transing’ pupils, even without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
The National Education Union (NEU) is the biggest and most powerful teaching union in the UK. Representing school teachers, further education lecturers, education support staff and teaching assistants, it has well over 450,000 members.
This week the NEU held its annual conference in Bournemouth. On Friday teachers at the conference voted to oppose and campaign against official government guidance which prevents socially transitioning pupils without parental permission.
The NEU members cannot be unaware of the interim Cass Review findings which warn that allowing pupils to use the names and pronouns of the opposite sex can have a ‘significant’ impact on their ‘psychological functioning’. It states unequivocally that the social transition of school children is ‘not a neutral act’.
We have reported previously on the NEU. In February 2022 it funded and hosted an online training event that encouraged schools to dismiss and ignore biological sex in favour of gender identity ideology. The 90-minute webinar training session called ‘Getting the language right for 2022’ was provided by notorious and now defunct LGBTQ+ charity, Educate & Celebrate. One attendee described the session as ‘propaganda for trans activists’.
In September 2022 the NEU withdrew a glowing review about a book on sex and gender following a backlash from trans activists.
The illustrated book, Sex and Gender: An Introductory Guide, was written by a former teacher who is a young lesbian. It was published by My Body is Me Publishing which was set up by Transgender Trend founder, Stephanie Davies Arai.
The NEU initially published a glowing review of the book in its magazine. It said that the book answered questions about sex and gender in an ‘easy to access, non-threatening way’ that was useful to parents and teachers and described it as a ‘fantastic resource’.
But once the connection between the book and Transgender Trend was made, trans activists began attacking the NEU over its recommendation. It didn’t take long for the NEU to be bullied into compliance. A statement from the then Joint General Secretary, Mary Bousted, circulated on social media. It said that staff were unaware of the book’s connection to Transgender Trend when the review was published and that it was being withdrawn as it was not ‘consistent’ with the NEU’s view.
Stephanie Davies Arai told The Telegraph, “The initial review was objective and now the NEU are coming at it from an ideological viewpoint. That should not be the case from our education union.”
Plus ça change, huh?
Saturday 6th April - Leave Them Kids Alone #2
THE TELEGRAPH: Another article published this week demonstrates the extent to which the education system has been ideologically captured with even primary pupils being indoctrinated into gender ideology.
Analysis of 600 schools’ equality and trans policies shows that around three-quarters misrepresent legislation with some allowing trans-identified boys to use female toilets and changing rooms. Some primary school teachers are allowing children to socially transition even without their parents knowledge or consent. One trust has even advised teachers to assist girls using breast binders during on school trips and allow students to choose sleeping accommodation in accordance with their ‘gender identity’ rather than allocate bedrooms according to sex.
Sunday 7th April - An Unsporting Chance #2
A trans-identified male has won an Ultimate Pool Women’s Professional Series event, pocketing almost two grand in prize money and gaining vital ranking points.
Harriet (formerly Christopher) Haynes is a trans-identified male and professional pool player who competes in women’s events and on women’s teams.
This week Haynes ‘won’ the Women's Pro Series 3 title, earning himself £1,200 in prize money and gaining 6000 world ranking points.
We have reported previously on the ever-burgeoning opposition to the presence of Haynes in the women’s game. In November 2023, veteran player, Lynne Pinches, withdrew from the final of the Ladies Champions of Champions event in Wales rather than have to compete against Haynes. She told The Telegraph, “I don’t care about the money or the title or the trophy. I care about fairness”.
A week later, Jo Hobday, a seasoned pool player and England Ladies B1 captain, withdrew from an Ultimate Pool tournament in Blackpool rather than have to compete against Haynes. In March 2024, Irish pool champion, Kim O’Brien, forfeited her place in the European Pool Championships rather than play against Haynes.
Alexandra Cunha, one of the world’s top ranking female pool stars, is also refusing to compete against trans-identified male players. Quoted in The Telegraph, she said, “This isn’t about me, it’s not even about pool. It’s about the way women’s sport is under siege from transgender players who were born male and have all the advantages that enable them to dominate biological women.”
In November 2023, The Daily Mail reported that thirty professional female pool players are suing the World Eightball Pool Federation (WEPF), the sport’s governing body, over its policy of allowing trans-identified males to play in women’s categories.
Haynes is ignoring the wishes, hopes and sacrifices of the female pool players whose sport he is invading and whose opportunities he is stealing. With some considerable brass neck, he continues to play in women’s competitions.
Indeed, he is even taking legal action in an effort to play in yet more women’s events.
In December, the English Blackball Pool Federation (EBPF) replaced its Ladies’ and Men’s Tours with a Female Tour and an Open Tour, with only ‘biological women’ eligible to compete in the former.
As a consequence, Haynes, instigated legal action against the EBPF, claiming the new rules are discriminatory on the grounds of gender reassignment.
He can use whatever pronouns he likes, but we know male entitlement when we see it.
See you next week.
Can I urgently raise something for any readers in Wales - the Welsh government is running a consultation on its Electoral Candidates Lists Bill which closes this Friday at 4pm.
Under the guise of ensuring gender equality in the Senedd, the Bill contains the following (capitals are mine):
"At least half of the candidates on a political party’s list must be women. ...
Where a candidate on the list is not a woman, the next candidate on a political party’s list must be a woman. ...
Women must be placed first on at least half of a political party’s candidate lists. ...
All candidates on a political party’s list would be required to STATE EITHER WHETHER THEY ARE, OR ARE NOT, A WOMAN. "
Like the SNP's attempt with Gender Representation on Public Boards, this is an attempt to put self id into law and to conflate gender identity and sex. It does nothing for equal representation in the Sennedd - quite the reverse as a Sennedd could be 100% male provided at least 50% of Members "stated" they were women.
Please, please can as many as possible complete this. You don't have to answer every question so it needn't take you long. You can request your responses remain anonymous.
Though this move is certain to be ultimately defeated in law as the Welsh government is acting outside its devolved powers, we don't want the possibility of years of taking it to court, not to mention the £100,000s required to fight it, and whilst it is used to further entrench self id.
Welsh Labour need to be sent a message that the Welsh people object to this dismantling of women's rights.
Another fun filled week of its shite being Scottish