Thank you JL. What a superb record of the insanity of our times. Anyone reading this in the future could only draw the conclusion ( we would hope) that we have collectively lost our minds. Scotland is fast tracking itself to follow the Tranada path…. soon to be happening here I fear, under Labour. As for the Greens, what a disgrace. A commenter on here, is staying in the Greens in order to try and change them from within. Good luck with that MsGabriel. You’ve got a stronger stomach than me. And as for the MPs who talked out a debate on the protection of women and children in order that ferrets and pets could discussed. I love animals but…..🤬 I can only repeat a phrase I keep hearing at the moment, about the times we’re living through- it’s the banality of evil.

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And here’s the evidence of the banality of evil amongst our ‘leaders’.


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Ms Terfin, are there two andrew doyles? this isn’t the gb news guy is it?

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Yes, he's on GB News but he is an absolute star! (A comedian and writer as well as a broadcast journalist.) I thoroughly recommend his books, "Free Speech" and "The New Puritans".

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JL i forgot to say the other day, we all went to see a tedious disney performance at a theatre, it was World Women’s day and after the show the female lead came out and said they wanted to mark the day and we all clapped and wooped. Then she said ‘ so i’d like to invite all the female identifying crew out’. I went from broad smiles of support to angled objectional eyes.

We were conned into affirming gender ideology.

But also JL, i found myself squinting at the crew to see which were blokes! And that made me sad and a bit ashamed.

Before i learnt of gender shite i never questioned anyone and genuinely celebrated people expressing themselves as they wanted.

So there you go. Not very important i suppose.

Have a lovely Easter. We are escaping!

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Happy Easter cb

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thanks Ms Terfin. Happy Easter too

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Andrew Doyle is really great, and probably the best value for money of anyone on Substack, his output is so prolific! With frequent articles, interviews on GB News, and voiced "Afterthoughts".

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Yes, he’s started a substack.

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sorry Ms Terfin, i’m getting him mixed up eith that Dan bloke or Lawerence fox. Just checked AJ’s bio on wiki, he supported Jeremy Corbyn. How on earth did he get a job at GB news!? All the other presents are people like lee anderson and farage.

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He’s been doing an incredible job spreading the word about gender ideology. He’s had all the big GC names on. And in fact, there are other presenters on there who are also anti gender ideology. GB News is the only news outlet which is talking about this issue so don’t believe all the leftie propaganda. It’s very much a free speech news channel although you won’t agree with everyone on there, but at least different views are heard.

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Watch this and then consider where else on uk tv would you see this.

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Hear, hear TT and JL re Andrew Doyle. Patrick Christy is also good on GC issues.

And then there is Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk TV.

and then there is.....nothing!!


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Andrew Doyle is probably unusual as a presenter on GB News, as a lifelong Labour voter. But his show "Free Speech Nation" is a direct challenge to the "No Debate" policy of the gender cult / body dissociation industry, which puts him on the right so far as this issue is politicised. His belief in free speech as a centrally important feature of liberal democracy is explored in his book "Free Speech". The oppressive authoritarian nature of the new Social Justice Warriors is explored in his book "The New Puritans" and satirised in his SJW persona writing as "Titania McGrath" in The Critic magazine:


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GB News is the ONLY channel I watch ,apart from GC Youtube podcasts 👏👍♥️

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Thanks TT. Would just like to say here that the Green Party of England & Wales (GPEW) has no connection with the Scottish Green party, which sounds too far gone to be worth staying & fighting transactivist capture. I hope that violent assault goes to court.

But in GPEW there is organised Terf resistance to transactivist policies, and to election of transactivist party officers. The fightback is led by Green Feminists UK, a non-affiliated group of signed up members of Green Party Women. GPW has (for now at least) got rid of all its troublesome transactivist Committee members.

More about the struggle below.

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That’s good to hear and well done for your efforts.

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Thank you JL. Almost anything I can think of to say will just become a rant so I'm restraining myself.

You're a star for doing this. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you so much, WOTE. A lovely compliment and much appreciated! 😘

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Definitely a star 🌟 and it can't be an easy task. I'm sick of saying the same thing over and again and ranting to people who agree with one another. 🥰

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Thank you so much, Radhwa! 😘

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It's my pleasure xx

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I'm trying to limit my rants and echo chambering!

BUT... I'm noticing a lot of new names appearing on all the comments boards etc. More and more people are becoming aware of what's happening but they are very much at the start of understanding it all and of realising how far it's all gone. I'm finding that I'm back to posting a lot of explanations and very basic information and having to spell things out rather than e.g. glibly say 'GRA' and have the readers understand it.

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There's a wave of peakin' a comin' so batten down the hatches!! :-)

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This is insanity. After seven and a half years of caring for a husband with Alzheimer’s I learned to deal with loss of reason and total unpredictability. Hated every minute of it but I survived and we will survive this. We are better than this.

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My sincere best wishes & big respect to you, Marionq. Being a full-time is incredibly hard but especially so when someone you love has Alzheimer's. Glad to hear you survived. Take good care. Lots of love xxx

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Best wishes to you Marionq.

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Best wishes, Marionq


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I echo the others Marionq. And this is exactly it - there is no point in trying to reason and the loss of reason is this on a mass and governmental scale. We have to endure. Glad you are here :-)

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Pretty dark times when politicians waste time in parliament so as not to hear legitimate concerns over children’s and young people’s health. Anyone who doesn’t want to hear out safeguarding concerns for kids doesn’t belong in public life. Pathetic self serving low life. Shame on them

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Some of them were giggling about it on Twitter. Puerile cowards. As you say, they have no business being in public life.

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No, they don't, I wish everyone who helped them be in the positions they are knew what these people really represent.

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I listened to the Benjamin Boyce/ Srephanie Davies Arai interview again today. It’s on the Transgender Trend front page. It’s from three years ago. I was really struck by how positive she was that the Keira Bell case would change everything and that ‘her work was done’. And yet here we are three years later…….I’m so furious that we are still fighting this insanity. Why aren’t people up in arms about what’s happening to children? I just don’t understand.

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I read somewhere on another stack , a tweet by jkr that basically said ( I’m paraphrasing here ) that if anyone thinks she’s going to delete or stop tweeting that men are men that they are deluded and aprils going to be fun . A pig with lipstick is still a pig

I honestly wish she would do a crowdfund , even if she made a huge disclaimer at the start that she didn’t need the funds and they would be donated to x,y,z charity ( preferably her refuge )

The tra Fannie’s would have a shit fit when they saw just how much support she ( and other GC voices ) would receive

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I had little petal at weekend

We watched Mrs doubtfire , I explained that he was a man pretending to be an old Scottish granny ‘ like you nannie ?’

We are no longer friends 🤣🤣

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Not remotely surprised to hear this - the Tory party is heavily captured too. Truth is we dont have a labour or conservative party any more just captured woke parties. And the Greens need to change their name to the trans party.

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i think this time i will have to spoil my ballot. A pointless thing to do but like in Brewsters millions…. non of the above.

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Party of Women for me if they have a candidate in my constituency 😊


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The Reform Party know what a woman is (I have personally asked Richard Tice at a public meeting) and they have vowed to get gender ideology out of schools and institutions.

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Well as a Reform Party member I will certainly be voting for them but personally I think they need to make it clearer they are anti-Woke. Am attending a meeting on Sunday and if I get a chance to speak I will certainly raise this issue because I think Woke is the biggest threat to our democracy since the Nazis. In fact I've been reading up on the history of Germany in the thirties and the parallels are frankly terrifying. School children brainwashed and encouraged to inform on their parents, hate crime laws passed to discourage free speech, one section of the populations made scapegoats and denied the protection of the law. Voters need to wake up and realise that we are in danger of losing all our ancestors fought for and achieved.

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I agree Angela, any Party that’s anti woke, especially anti gender ideology, should be shouting it loud and clear. The SDP is another one, but Reform is doing much better. Otherwise we’ll sleepwalk into an Orwellian future.

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The Scottish Green party has no connection with the Green Party of England & Wales, where there is organised Terf resistance by (non-affilated) Green Feminists UK members of (affiliated) Green Party Women. GPW has just elected an all-GC Committee. And a former Deputy Leader has won the first of three court cases against GPEW for harassment and discrimination.

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Make it stop, please!

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Try again... The Scottish hate crime act includes belief. Therefore a woman who believes that sex is immutable and transwomen are men presenting as women should be able to report any IW who gives them grief and tries to call them out. Good enuff for the gander, good enuff fir the goose!

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Hi Mandy

I'm afraid that 'belief' does not appear to be included as a protected characteristic:

"Section 1(2): The characteristics are—



(c)race, colour, nationality (including citizenship), or ethnic or national origins,

(d)religion or, in the case of a social or cultural group, perceived religious affiliation,

(e)sexual orientation,

(f)transgender identity,

(g)variations in sex characteristics."

Note that 'sex' is NOT included!!!!

Most bizarrely (g) appears to be aimed at inter sex????? Why????


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It's bizarre. Almost as if they wanted to exclude and silence women.

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Another issue with this non crime hate incident nonsense is that the complainant does not need to identify themselves so you cannot counter complain, defend yourself, or identify a vexatious complainant. So there will be spiteful and nasty accusations just to torment both the police and whoever is on the receiving end. It won’t work and the sooner it all blows up in their stupid faces the better.

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Yes it really does need to get blown out of the water at some stage!!!


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Modelled on the Stasi

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I weep for Scotland.

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Whoa, what a marathon, JL, thanks as ever.

I would hope that the 'transgender identity' protected characteristic ( no 'sex' as a p.c included of course!!)and other appalling bits of the Scottish Act would be open to applications for declarations of incompatibility under article 9 ( freedom of conscience, religion and belief) and article 10 ( freedom of expression) of the Human Rights Act thus perhaps halting any prosecutions for the time being. Just a thought.

Oh Tranada!! If anyone has missed it Arty Morty has done a piece which shows just how bad it is!!!


Appalled at what happened on Friday in the Commons - beneath contempt!

Thanks again


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Yep, my software tells me this week's WoW was over 5000 words long... 🙄 (On the bright side, there's a bumper edition of the GNS this week, too!)

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Relieved to say that the Green Party of England & Wales (GPEW) has no connection with the Scottish Green party -- which sounds too far gone for any hope of dragging it back to sanity or decency.

However, after much trouble within GPEW's affiliated Green Party Women (GPW), with male transactivists fighting to control its Committee, there was a showdown outside last year's Brighton Conference: where the female transactivist co-chair of GPW tore down a Green Women's Declaration display outside the Conference Centre -- so they called the police.

An election of GPW Committee members was then declared invalid on spurious grounds, so all but two of the Committee resigned in protest: leaving two to arrange a further election. The Green Party Executive (GPEx, transactivist dominated) then shut down the GPW Committee completely: denying all former committee members access to GPW membership lists or emailing facilities.

So it looked like the end of GPW.

HOWEVER, Green Feminists UK -- a non-affiliated GC group of GPW members -- kept us all informed by email of what was happening. And, somehow or other, an election of new GPW Committee members was finally held: of all-GC candidates, with no competition between them. All were elected, but only just: by one vote in some instances: where the alternative had been to "Reopen Nominations".

Green Feminists UK instructs all signed-up GPW members how to vote at Conference on EVERY issue involving sex and gender: to try to ensure GC policies and elect GC candidates as party officers. And to exclude the transactivists by voting "Reopen Nominations" wherever there is no GC candidate to vote for.

This is organised resistance.

And the first of three court cases against GPEW for harassment and discrimination has been won, by Dr Shahrar Ali as a former Deputy Party Leader. He was the one who begged GC members to stay and fight back against transactivist capture of the party -- and not to leave (though many had already left).

So currently, Green Party Women's Committee is an all-Terf line-up: and we've won a court case too! With Emma Bateman next.

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Excellent news!

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The "Trans" war seeps into the publishing industry too. The once credible Pluto Press who published John McMurtry, Guido G Preparata and Ted Honderich now serves up this:


“Rebecca Jane Morgan is a transfeminist and evangelical Christian, a historian of modern Britain, popular culture, and queer identities. Her PhD research at the University of Nottingham explores the history of trans politics in the UK since the 1970s.”

Sample the enlightening productivity of this himheritthem:


Grab a load of these reviews:

‘Compellingly explains the anti-trans alliance of radical feminists and conservative evangelicals. Intellectually rich yet accessible’

Pippa Catterall, Professor, University of Westminster and Chair of AIDS Memory UK

‘We live in a time when anti-trans politics is becoming increasingly dehumanising and dangerous. Reading this illuminating book will help the open-minded, open-hearted Christian reader hear, encounter, and love their trans neighbours. I learned much from this book’

David P. Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics, Mercer University

University professors, eh? Extolling the dear vulnerable “trans community” that doesn’t exist for the simple reason that “trans” is a fantastical puff of vapour.

So let’s have a further look at these distinguished alumni:

“David P. Gushee ... is a Christian ethicist, Baptist pastor, author, professor, and public intellectual. ...Gushee is most known for his activism in climate change, Torture, LGBT inclusion, and Post-evangelicalism.” (Wiki)

The usual roll call of phony cover causes. (And let’s not even go near “Post-evangelicalism”, no doubt another plastic gravy train network.)

“Pippa Poppy Catterall (born Peter Paul Catterall in 1961) is a British academic historian who, since 2016, has been Professor of History and Policy at the University of Westminster. Her research has focused on twentieth-century history and politics, the mass media, conflict studies and nationalism.” (Wiki)

Yes – note that “Pippa Poppy” was born “Peter Paul”. “Pippa” is not what “she” appears.

And if you have a look inside the Morgan book you will find a preface that reads like a hippie polymorphous orgy on speed, pushing that “bursting out of the bonds of repression” to an increasingly nebulous terminus whilst excoriating a list of villains listed under “evangelical” that is now pure Pavlovian reflex:

“So often, evangelical means cultural conformity and the suppression of diversity; it means Donald Trump; it means weird televangelists, doomsday preppers, and peddlers of quack medicine; it means vaccine scepticism; it means conspiracy theories;”

Anyone not comatose since 2020 can so easily see the technique and the paltry formula at work: “Vaccine scepticism” and “conspiracy theories”. The tacky political agenda is the true core of this 200+ page tome.

And skipping forward, we see the main text begins with an attack on Kellie Jay Keen who is mocked for “reciting the Golden Oldies” i.e. the perfectly rational objections to this totally fabricated trans ideology phrased as something for “old fuddies duddies”. The nomenclature of zappy “youth speak” passed off in sophomoric pseudo-analysis now embarrassingly pushed by a “prestigious” publisher.

But take heart. The Morgan book is listed as having one rating... which leads to a review that isn’t there! Meanwhile Helen Joyce’s Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality has 2,448 ratings ... which lead to actual reviews.

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Linked below is my video reading of Catherine Robillard's poetic spring elegy, graciously written in comments on my channel. We are on the cusp of the wheels turning back the lies; be sure to take breaks to soak up the miracles of the natural world, the English spring, in Catherine's words:


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To be fair to Willoughby in the CBB clip. He flounced off from the discussion where he was shouting about being a "real woman" in a typical female hissy fit. .. must have been his "time of the month".

Was it something I said, love?

"Yes... you bombarded me with facts and logic. I'm reporting you to the police for a "hate crime".

"Sorry about that, but I've got some tampons here to stick up your backside, because that's the nearest you'll get to menstruating for the past 30 years.".

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Dear God ,JL ,I don't even know where to start !!. This dystopian nightmare just keeps getting worse and there seems to be very few people in authority left who still have intact brains and ANY sense of justice or fair play. I'm a Scottish woman and it breaks my heart to see my country's reputation dragged through the mud by the SNP / Green Party government but I vow to continue to speak the truth at all times. No way will I refer to a man as "she" ,no matter what. The police can't arrest everyone ,so we should ALL speak the Truth. As for " India " Willoughby ,he's a horrible misogynist and is jealous of JKR because she's a real woman ,unlike HIM. I'm beside myself with rage at this point and I can scarcely believe that taxpayers money is STILL funding these child mutilating CHARLATANS !! Thanks ,JL . Keep going 👍👏🙏x

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They can’t jail us all Susan. Bring it on. We have a heritage to be proud of and a current group of politicians who have brought shame and ridicule to Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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Hi Dusty

I need to find the original poster which had the list on it. It listed bief along sude rekigion as it dies in tbe guidance for the Equslity Act, but since gender is not in tbe Equality Act, there needs to ve a looser interoretation of the Equakity Act that is an unintended consequence of the SNP! Audrey Nicoll wrote an interesting letter to the Chief Cobstqble. Cant save the link this am. But it is easy to find on Google. This is going to run and run until Police Scotland give up and go back to the goverment to say it is taking up too many of their resources. Tbe same blowhards will report over and ovee every time someone looks at them out of the corner of their eye or when they blow snot from their nose and someone takes exception. We can but hope there will be many cases of wasting police time built in...

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Google Leo Kerse's take on this on utube. He believes that if this works out in Scotland it will be rolled out to the whole of the UK.

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Mar 18
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If as I believe they are currently planning, the trans activists target JKR or any other public figure, then I hope all sane Scots will bombard Police Scotland with accusations against the lunatic blue hairs of which there are many in certain areas. The sooner we bring this ludicrous Act crashing down the better. It will happen.

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The thing is that it's only certain protected characteristics that can be stirred hatred against, inlcuding gender identity. But not sex.

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Totally , it’s going to be scary up here for a while until an actual grown up realises what a complete clusterfuck this is

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I think you are right . But some poor souls will suffer and be oppressed meantime.

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Indeed. Much as I sort of wish that blokes with a fetish manage to infiltrate ladies' beach volleyball, particularly if they got into the upcoming Paris Olympics.

Whilst it might deprive some female participants of opportunities in that sport, it would be funny watching the blokes trying to squidge their bits into the very prescriptive uniform requirements and show the watching world the absurdity still happening in so many other women's sports.

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