Time for a new entry in the Uxbridge Urban Dictionary!



a technique developed by misogynists in the early 21st century to continue oppressing women

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A lone irl protest at the RA on Saturday:


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I want to see Polly Carmichael and her merry band of homophobic transing staff to be in court answering charges of institutional homophobia and using tax payers money to lie to kids and going along with their homophobic parents (Green is the best example)

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Apart from the blatant grooming and "queering the next generation", drag is not for all "young people" - it's for boys only and, as such, exclusionary. No adult women, let alone "young" girls, are allowed to participate (unless it's as observer/handmaid to the performers). And didn't Ru Paul ban TIMs on the grounds that they're real [sic] women [sic]? Prolly caved though because da G menz stick together 🙄

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"They describe being branded ‘transphobic’ for wishing to end their marriage, their spouse becoming a total stranger after starting hormone treatment and the lack of any support available to the women in their unenviable position." Tragic. They get victimized twice.

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Incidentally. Has anyone seen the stonewall ad running on tv. Ian mckellen is doing the voiceover. Absolutely infuriating every time it comes a on my skin crawls.

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I was feeling more optimistic till I read all that.

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The commissioner of the Met Police is less copper more LGBT+ activist. But the newly appointed boss of Greater Manchester Police is my kinda copper. The woke pushback has begun and he's the chief architect 😉


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"Applicants cannot ‘identify’ into any of the other groups mentioned and there is already a LGBTQIA+ category to cover trans people.

But it seems in this brave new world, eight males could be chosen for this programme and we’d call that ‘representation’."

Any actual women should just say they identify as women.

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It's hard to believe Kathleen Lowrey works at the University of Alberta, the most conservative-leaning province in Canada! I read her trenchant and amusing article "Trans Ideology and the New Ptolemaism in the Academy". I'm not sure if it's available outside academic journals, but if you can get it, it's worth a read. I like this bit especially:

"[N]othing looms larger as a threat than a feminist academic woman, in the social sciences and humanities, who says that transwomen are not tender seedlings of change who, once sufficiently nurtured, will turn the world’s injustices all topsy-turvy, but that they are entitled men with regressive notions about femininity and that refusing to indulge them is a necessary undertaking."

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Does Canada not subscribe to the UNDHR?

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

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JL & Glinner, have you seen this?


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Can girls attend drag school? Or is this only for males?

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