"That Furman is unquestioningly fawned over as a ‘mom’ when actual mothers are forced to refer to themselves as ‘chest feeders’ and ‘birthing parents’ couldn’t make it any clearer that gender ideology is a men’s rights movement."

Yes, yes, yes! Thank you for this! You nailed it!

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I've seen so many posts referring to LGB Alliance as an anti-trans hate group. You might as well say that the Heart Foundation hates people with cancer unless they change their name to Heart and Cancer Foundation. It's sickening, I hope LGB Alliance get to sue at some point.

In another item yesterday (26 April), Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2 discussing the Turkish Baths in Harrogate deciding to do away with single sex sessions where nudity was optional. I've been to these baths and I'm quite shy so wore a swimsuit but after about 20 mins decided to strip off because most others were and we were all women, various ages, shapes and sizes, some with scars, some near perfect. It was so liberating to be in that space and not feel at all self-conscious. Now they are going to insist on swimwear at all sessions - the programme was treating it like a joke, inferring it was all to do with prudishness and Brits being hung up. The real reason is that the council know that female only sessions will be invaded by male bodied people claiming to be women and insisting on being allowed to get naked with actual women. Hence the council are talking about making it more inclusive by making everyone cover up. This nonsense has to stop.

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I don't know who Scottish women have left to vote for. My Labour candidate is a man in a dress. Alba are gender critical but I don't want another independence referendum. <sigh> P.S: JL, Grace Lavery is now advertising on his website that he's going to subtitle his memoir 'Diary of a Hung Girl', because apparently now gesturing to holocaust victims with your lady dicque is okay as long as you're 'genderqueer'.

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The Guardian is *that close* to an epiphany!

"Teenage girls face almost double the concussion risk of boys playing football"


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FFS, apologies for swearing, but I used to live in Sidmouth. Tomorrow, I'll be on the phone to The Sidmouth Herald, RANTING at them for doing this. I mean, SIDMOUTH, of ALL places, Land of The Elderly, bless 'em (I'm there now too, elderly, that is), of beautiful manners and elderly folks who have standards above and beyond what most are even aware of these days. They'll have read that and gone "Excuse me? Why is this man being described as a woman?"

Excellent blog, as always, Julia.

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