Well this was a refreshing read. The tide is definitely turning.

Thank you JL for continuing to wade through the awful shit - which I often read with my jaw on the floor - and collating it for us. It can't be easy and at times it must feel utterly demoralising (it certainly feels like that to read). But lovely to have some positive news.

Vive la resistance <3

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Thanks so much, Winston!

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If the tide is turning let's just hope it doesnt leave a lot of plastic (surgery) on the beach. Britain used to be a lovely place till we indulged every surgery neurosis and psychopathy on the planet

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I do worry what will happen to the vulnerable kids who've been dragged into this once things move on.

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Exactly my point. Once the government has to admit it was wrong on such policies we have to make sure support systems are in place, not just leave people in the lurch like so much plastic on the beach. We care for our environment, we have to care for people who are caught in a reversal of policy change too

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Slowly shuffling forwards, and the push-back seems to be gaining momentum. Which I guess is inevitable. People are becoming more aware, and their common sense has been unaffected by the trans movement as they have not been exposed to it so they inevitably see that not only most of it is not right (in fact that it is wrong/downright bloody crazy), but they are shocked by the extent of the take-over. Most people are terfs, they just don't realise it yet.

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it'was funny watching one of joe rogan's guests ask him if he knew he was a terf, and watching him repeat the words 'trans exclusive radical feminist' slowly, clearly he'd never heard it, but he just shrugged and said 'oh well' (this was from an old interview about Fallon Fox, Rogan loudly called bs on this from the beginning.

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I adore Joe Rogan after watching his interviews on "Fella" "Boy'" (his deadname is Boyd) Fox! "He's a fucking MAN!" I have a particular interest as a terf who does kick-boxing, and a particular hatred of "Boy'" Fox as a result. Saw a great stream of a fight of him vs a woman, where a member of the audience shouts to the female fighter "Kick him in the balls!"

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I think these are substantial gains - I wrote to Baroness Falkner using the 'they work for you' website which is fab and asked after they finally intervened with Maya's case and now the Essex Uni when is she going to instruct all public Govt bodies to throw out the Stonewall guidance on what they want the law to be - ill let you know if i get a reply

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Nice work, Janey. Please keep us posted.

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My heart is singing. Fantastic work and relentless though it is we will prevail. One peak at a time. Thank you JL. Great read.

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Thank you!

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Bar that idiot in Bangor, it has been a great week. It was good to heave a sigh of relief. Next stop, social media?

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God bless all these fearless women. Labour Lesbians, Baroness Faulkner, Tonia Antoniazzi, Rosie Duffield, from JK "too big to cancel" Rowling right down to every mum who called the school to complain about binding advice and unisex toilets. Thank you, ladies, you make my heart happy. And thank you, JL, for keeping us all up to date with developments so that we have the points to hand (for conversations online and offline alike).

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Thanks so much, Chicken. x

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So nice to have hope at last. These men might try and deny biology, but they all had mothers and surely that should have taught them never to mess with an adult human female.

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Too right, Rainy xx

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Hopefully this gives heart to the people who are having to work so hard to maintain their sex-based rights and even their livelihoods in this onslaught. I'm cautious about celebrating, as the tentacles of Stonewall etc are so insidious, but it's good to see some good news as a reward for the hard work of people who have not been cowed.

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Thank God for some good news at last. I was beginning to despair.

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Don't despair, Lucy! We're getting there x

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Excellent news and very well done to you Graham.

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Thanks for this! I needed it.

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Hope it helped! x

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Standing ovation from the back JL 👏🏼. Despite it often being bad news, I find your weekly #WarOnWomen to be vital and (albeit with a tiny following) I post it on Twitter with that hashtag to create an easily accessible record. Today’s piece has put a big spring in my step and I echo all the great comments 😘

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Thank you so much, Issy! I really appreciate your kind words & your sharing my articles. Very grateful & glad to hear you've got a spring in your step today! x

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Fantastic stuff, thank you JL and also Glinner and Substack for providing a space and a voice for sanity. I am envisioning a LOT of backtracking once the tide turns more and the bandwagon jumpers tell everyone they didn't "really" believe TWAW after all, they just wanted everyone to be kind of course (except the TRAs who are strangely exempt from this expectation). I hope all those who've done the hard work of campaigning and holding the line are appreciated and not forgotten. Vive la resistance indeed! ❤️

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Bless you, Loretta. Thanks loads! x

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Everyone who was thrilled to throw women under the bus will lie and minimize every sexist thing they ever did, and they will all collectively pretend they never frothed at 'terfs' or called employers about nasty wimminz who offended the delicate fee-fees of men in wigs. And they will be believed, because they are mostly men and people believe what men say when they talk.

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preach! I have been saying this from day one, all the people that were in on the twitter pogroms and so forth and signed the petitions to have folks fired and stuff will never admit it in a million years. We really need someone to do a Hall of Shame database on the spineless TRA enablers.

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Well that's brightened up my day. Thank you for putting it all together.

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Good to hear! x

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I can't thank you enough for sending this to my email. It was exactly the pick me up I needed and also gave me the push to subscribe to The Glinner Update. Well done!!

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Thank you!

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Hallelujah! The tide is turning, thanks in no small part to your Herculean efforts, JL.

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Thank you so much, Bertie. That's a lovely compliment! x

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