They know very well what pronouns are. They have them in their bios on Twitter, etc. It's you who missed the point. It's a death threat. You have to understand beyond the narrow meaning of the word.
Mel Brooks autobiography is great on this point. Made the Producers less than 25 years after serving in WWII and insisted that mockery and humour was essential.
Forgive me if this is a little bit of a tangent, but: has anybody else ever noticed how these stupid Speshul Snowflake pronouns can't actually work, even by gender-woo-ists' own standards? I mean, in English, when someone is being directly addressed, their pronouns are invariably... you/you. Ungendered. The ones that they throw a shitfit about everyone having to use-- she/her, he/him, they/their-- are all THIRD PERSON. That is, mainly to be used WHEN REFERRING TO SOMEONE WHO IS NOT EVEN PRESENT. So how the fuck are they gonna know whether anyone's using 'em or not?
Maybe the thing to do, then, is start using these third-person pronouns to their faces: "hey, how was her weekend?" "when do him need this report by?" "see they on Monday!" Until it drives 'em BATSHIT.
When filling out the intake form for therapy last year, I was asked for MY pronouns... and wrote "you/you". The therapist to whom I was assigned-- a liberal Baby Boomer-- did NOT know what the hell to make of this. Clearly a first for him. As has been dealing with my unrepentently TERF-y ways. But hey, at least he hasn't turned me in to the gender-gestapo yet. :)
I said exactly that, the other day, on Twitter. They want to control all language -- from removing the words 'woman', 'mother', etc. to dictating how we refer to them when they're not there. Anyone can b***** well refer to anyone else in any way they like, with some choice adjectives too.
The bloke in the foreground is very aroused, judging by his flushed cheeks. I would be getting ready for an assault (which has happened), and be worried that any women nearby were at risk of sexual assault.
Of course, this is what happens if you tell a group of men that they are beyond reproach - all the abusers and potential abusers flock to join that group.
I long for the day I am asked my pronouns. I shall pretend I don't know what a pronoun is and put my adjectives instead: shirty/gorgeous/discombobulated
I'm waiting for one of my (university) students to ask me. In which case I'm going to smile brightly and say "Oh I'm an atheist!" and wander off leaving them confused as to whether I'm (a) middle aged lecturer who needs a hearing test, (b) hopelessly out of touch MA lecturer who completely misunderstood the question or (c) gender atheist AKA evil TERF, or probably all three. But in real life I'd probably just freeze and go "Uh." Or maybe "Er/Uh."
Seen that "was/were" thing doing the rounds before. I asked a particularly dim handmaid on Facebook whether she meant to share a death threat; she claimed it wasn't one, but referred to removing someone from one's life (I wasn't convinced).
Doing my nut in , I’m not old by any manner of means but , get a grip and stop pussy footing about because you’re scared of a bunch of freaks who can shout loud
Obviously I don’t mean you personally
I agreed with boris’s statement the other day but then in the cold light of day remembered local elections are coming up ….
Their boys looking out for the most marginalised people, 2 steps away from annihilation and genocide. Any mother would be. Mother probably said “Is that the Ukrainians then?”
The use of the word "darling" reads to me that this is squarely aimed at women
Darling said through gritted teeth, is pure misogyny.
Somebody doesn't know what a pronoun is <misses the point entirely >
So true. Ignorant in so many ways. And they think they're clever, that's the galling part -- along with the femicide threats, of course.
That’s what stood out to me as well, I’m afraid. What on earth do they think pronouns are? They’re going to get them a bad name!
They know very well what pronouns are. They have them in their bios on Twitter, etc. It's you who missed the point. It's a death threat. You have to understand beyond the narrow meaning of the word.
No, we all understand. Some of us are attempting a little humour in these fucking awful times
Yeah, trying to maintain some kind of humour is essential in the light of much exasperating shit. It takes the edge off wanting to punch a wall.
Difficult to tell on the net. There are an awful lot of idiots out there.
Not on this substack ; )
Hmm... just seen one, on another thread. Lol.
Mel Brooks autobiography is great on this point. Made the Producers less than 25 years after serving in WWII and insisted that mockery and humour was essential.
That's good to know, we do a lot of mocking on twitter
Yes, I did actually get it. The <misses point> referred to me.
Forgive me if this is a little bit of a tangent, but: has anybody else ever noticed how these stupid Speshul Snowflake pronouns can't actually work, even by gender-woo-ists' own standards? I mean, in English, when someone is being directly addressed, their pronouns are invariably... you/you. Ungendered. The ones that they throw a shitfit about everyone having to use-- she/her, he/him, they/their-- are all THIRD PERSON. That is, mainly to be used WHEN REFERRING TO SOMEONE WHO IS NOT EVEN PRESENT. So how the fuck are they gonna know whether anyone's using 'em or not?
Maybe the thing to do, then, is start using these third-person pronouns to their faces: "hey, how was her weekend?" "when do him need this report by?" "see they on Monday!" Until it drives 'em BATSHIT.
When filling out the intake form for therapy last year, I was asked for MY pronouns... and wrote "you/you". The therapist to whom I was assigned-- a liberal Baby Boomer-- did NOT know what the hell to make of this. Clearly a first for him. As has been dealing with my unrepentently TERF-y ways. But hey, at least he hasn't turned me in to the gender-gestapo yet. :)
It's all nonsense, isn't it?
I said exactly that, the other day, on Twitter. They want to control all language -- from removing the words 'woman', 'mother', etc. to dictating how we refer to them when they're not there. Anyone can b***** well refer to anyone else in any way they like, with some choice adjectives too.
The bloke in the foreground is very aroused, judging by his flushed cheeks. I would be getting ready for an assault (which has happened), and be worried that any women nearby were at risk of sexual assault.
Of course, this is what happens if you tell a group of men that they are beyond reproach - all the abusers and potential abusers flock to join that group.
He probably asked his mate how long it was going to last, next level of Warcraft was waiting at home, with a celebratory wank!
And why the popularity of Hitler hairdos?
Someone has just tweeted that he was just assaulted for his sign saying ‘Transition is conversion therapy for gay kids.’ Don’t know how bad it was.
I hope it wasn't Chris in Canada; he's already had to deal with a lot of shit.
I got his sign wrong - not gay kids but those with gender dysphoria
Not the first time a male criticising transition for being anti-LGB has been assaulted:
Apologies I misread. I will delete xx
Aahhh - do we have to announce our verbs now as well? 😜
I long for the day I am asked my pronouns. I shall pretend I don't know what a pronoun is and put my adjectives instead: shirty/gorgeous/discombobulated
when my sister was asked, she looked them straight in the eye and said “not … now”.
She’s never been asked again.
Fab. I strongly suspect that, at least in person, those asking would easily back down given an answer like that.
That's a brilliant answer 😊
Mine are She/ra
Mine are ironic/cynic... But the person who insisted really didn't get it! Poor wee lamb!
I'm waiting for one of my (university) students to ask me. In which case I'm going to smile brightly and say "Oh I'm an atheist!" and wander off leaving them confused as to whether I'm (a) middle aged lecturer who needs a hearing test, (b) hopelessly out of touch MA lecturer who completely misunderstood the question or (c) gender atheist AKA evil TERF, or probably all three. But in real life I'd probably just freeze and go "Uh." Or maybe "Er/Uh."
I've never been asked, but if I were, I'd probably give an annoyed smirk and say "GUESS."
I am noting down these suggestions
I would prefer this to someone I don't know and don't want to know announcing their pronouns to me!
Identify them then let’s talk to their mothers.
I was thinking the same. I wonder what their mothers feel about that sign.
Seen that "was/were" thing doing the rounds before. I asked a particularly dim handmaid on Facebook whether she meant to share a death threat; she claimed it wasn't one, but referred to removing someone from one's life (I wasn't convinced).
Demonstrating what they are for all to see.
Who do you think you are kidding Mr Owen Jones et al?
Narcissists and sociopaths with power behind them get ever nastier. The more stupid ones go too far, and actually do damage to their own movements.
They give themselves away. This is not a civil rights movement.
Violent, self-delusional and stupid.
Their glee is hard to take.
Yeah sure love! tell that to the men in my family!
So have got this right , I’m not allowed to say trans women are men and if I do they’re allowed to call for my death !!?
Yes, 'because you asked for it'. Any resemblance to abusive male behaviour is entirely coincidental
I’m only catching up on all this kack , I don’t do any social media ,I thought it was toxic from the get go , truly a dinosaur 🦖
Doing my nut in , I’m not old by any manner of means but , get a grip and stop pussy footing about because you’re scared of a bunch of freaks who can shout loud
Obviously I don’t mean you personally
I agreed with boris’s statement the other day but then in the cold light of day remembered local elections are coming up ….
Their mothers must be so proud.....
Their boys looking out for the most marginalised people, 2 steps away from annihilation and genocide. Any mother would be. Mother probably said “Is that the Ukrainians then?”