“… while an inpatient at the Center, counselors continued to try and “affirm” Sage’s “gender” despite the fact she said she no longer identified as a boy.” It appears as though misgendering is enough to deprive parents of their children but not enough to deprive public institutions of access to other people’s children.

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Also, ilt seems that the crime of "misgendering" goes in one direction only; counsellors won't "affirm" her decision to identify as a girl again.

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Yes! How do they not see the blatant hypocrisy. My forehead is bruised from smacking it so much.

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Because they aren’t interested in affirming but converting. It’s the same gaslighting they use when saying that conversion therapy is only a therapist talking things through before a teenager decides to sterilise themselves rather than the people who promote trans ideology and the idea that medical intervention is the answer to psychological problems

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Mic 🎤 drop. ✊🏼

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After my experiences with social workers and case workers (almost spelled those words wokers), I am not in the least surprised by this horror. I watched a therapeutic social worker use my foster daughter for her own aggrandizement (she thought my foster daughter was going to make her famous). The social worker who came to the house viewed the other social worker as her substitute mother, so went along with the entire mess. And don't get me started on caseworkers: mentally disabled, emotionally needy, and utterly uncaring about others.

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Friend of mine is getting her MSW. Required coursework includes a two part class on the patriarchy and systems of oppression. You’re right it’s social woke, not social work.

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Appalling. This is a scandal. The state fixates on the imaginary crime of 'Misgendering' while hardly bothering about actual physical and sexual child abuse done by male predators. Where is proper Safeguarding? The only good thing here, is that Sage appears to be coping as well as anybody could hope for, after such trauma

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This is a horror story. Public servants acting on behalf of predators and parents completely disempowered.

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I don't have words for how enraged I feel reading this. So much harm done by systems and people who should know better. How can misgendering be considered the worst thing that can happen to anyone to the point where all other common sense and safeguarding are completely disregarded.

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Because there is NOT an underlying culture of compassion and empathy, but an underlying culture of wokeness. People who moved to Maine in the 1970s as "back-to-the-landers" mostly ended up as social workers and teachers. One near me is an obvious Nazi supporter, because dontcha know? Nazism is woke!

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A friend oh so much more “tolerant” than I with her pronouns badge asked me why I care so much about this issue as if I were deficient somehow. I asked why she doesn’t see the blatant corruption and destruction of young minds and bodies. Why that’s not obvious to these malignant do-gooders is something any critical thinker worth half their salt ought to be wondering. I just can’t believe this story in the sense that it defies all logic that adults would encourage such dangerous thinking in a child. “Accused of misgendering” is SALEM all over again. At least it does appear that people are getting increasingly vocal against it -- finally. I hope Sage didn’t get sucked into any surgeries and will continue to thrive. The pain her parents must have felt -- that’s why I care too.

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I saw Goody Osborn misgendering Tituba in the forest.

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You're not deficient, your friend is. It's called conformism and it's poisoning everything it touches. More important to get woke points than to be a caring, compassionate human being.

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Absolute nightmare. Those poor people, parents and child - heartbreaking and sickening. I hope the three of them can find some peace.

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Gender ideology provides a safekeeping breach wide enough for any number of sexual predators to stroll through.

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It’s almost as if it were designed that way. All the “kind” professionals keeping this child from the people who know and love her best feed her to the wolves instead.

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Replace “sexually abused” with repeatedly raped and trafficked”.

This story is an illustration of the fact that humans can not change sex, and that women and girls need safeguarding. Sage is a girl, and the ones who seduced her into thinking otherwise so they could abuse her knew that full well.

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So horrible it would reduce anyone with feelings to tears. At the same time I'm boiling with anger that practically a whole country and most of its institutions are making this happen and turning a blind eye and pretending it's not happening.

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The “lawyer” needs to be prosecuted. He is as literally helping the traffickers.

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A teenager is abducted and sexually abused and the first people who are put on trial are her per parents who have nothing to do with it on the charge of alleged thought crimes, which provides the frame for the state sending the girl to a facility where she gets abused a second time and can be abducted and sexually abused by yet another adult.

Let's imagine that story playing out in a more familiar context. A priest grooms and abuses a teenager. Prosecutors go not after him but her parents for neglicience in a totally unrelated context. The state puts her in a Church home, where she is harmed again, and then another priest sexually abuses her, and when in therapy after all of this, counsellors extoll on the girl the virtues of the Catholic Church...

Evcen in the 90's, when what priests had done to who knows how many children, and governments were still painfully slow to act, the proescutor who went after the parents would have needed police protection, and the people who sent the girl into the forster institution would have been out of a job quickly.

Making this comparison gives us a good measure how powerful transideology has become.

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This case is so stark, so vile and so obvious. And yes, this range of invented new 'offences' of 'misgendering' and figment 'phobias' are now the most powerful you can accuse anyone of, impossible to deny or defend against and supposedly worse than well-evidenced actual serious crimes. This magical range of protected classes. We have child grooming gangs in the UK. It's not as far back as the 90s, it's been happening all along just to those many see fit to ignore and silence. Constantly undermining testimonies, constant blame directed at the wrong people and the victims. Refusal to look at patterns, refusal to act. It's grooming in yet another form that is escaping censure.

The UK public purse has just been used to defend two men, two perverted child sex abusers to the tune of £500,000 and it's been a many years long fight to get them deported. They show no remorse and demand their human rights are protected. They've been carrying on their lives very happily amongst their victims in the same towns, making their lives a living hell.

None of this would have gained the momentum it has without the arms of States merrily enforcing it and attacking those trying to protect victims and prevent new victims being created. I am becoming much more intolerant of the resolutely 'be kind' brigade who insist on looking away and still 'can't see what all the fuss is about' despite being shown repeatedly.

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This is heartbreaking.

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😡😠🤬🤬🤬🤬 😭💔💔💔 this is a complete scandal, where is msm in this? They should be shouting this from the rooftops....oh I forgot they are captured by the T. Maybe matt Walsh could expose this. That poor girl and her parents went through hell at the hands of the state. Maybe look to get that attorney barred or at least censured

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The system is engaging in the mass sterilization/partial euthanasia of mostly female children and viciously persecuting anyone who gets in the way. It's this generation's witchcraze, which after all was just the power class terrorizing the population in order to increase their own wealth and control.

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This entire sordid, heartbreaking crime needs shared far and wide.

It should be a white paper examination into how the state, education system, social services, law enforcement, judiciary and care system worked together to tear this family apart.

All the while, this visibly, vulnerable and confused child was tortured through the gender ideology meat grinder because she was groomed into a 'trans' identity.

I am so fucking enraged at this one i have been distracted at work all day since reading it.

Just sickening.

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The crimes resulting from 'trans' ideological cult programming have no end. Nothing but destruction can flow from the Big Lie that a human being can change sex. We now have staggering mountains of proof.

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