I am amazed at how people are running so scared of this subject … its seems like there are only a few brave enough to put their heads above the parapet.

Perhaps though like Natassia and Kara said they who are used to the brickbats...people need to build up the knowledge and strength to oppose.

This Gender Ideology (political movement) is marching over people. The more it marches on people who don't care about seen being "kind" and don't care if they are call phobes or bigots it will kick off.

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I know for myself I can’t afford it, even though I have quite sympathetic opinions towards trans adults. But even polite dissent on matters of biology (that in fact virtually nobody disputes) or concerns over the medical treatment of kids could be career-limiting right now. I’m afraid of my friends as much as any stranger.

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Sadly, that says everything about your friends. I'm so sorry.

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It’s difficult. They mean well, and it isn’t within my capabilities to (quickly) persuade them otherwise. I agree with (mostly) them on most “social justice” issues. But this one is like a virus that has bypassed their cognitive defenses and turned them to its own purposes. People who would have opposed FGM and been deeply concerned about cutting or anorexia are cheering teenagers on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones talking about surgery. The cognitive dissonance will get to them one day, I think, but it’s not there yet.

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I think women’s perspectives have always been erased and intimidated and bullied out of politics. Men as a class know what they do and have done do not want women’s voice at the table. This infects the media as well and only misogyny enabling women will be allowed to speak. It’s the sad reality of living under a fantastical patriarchy based all on constructs which suit them, the privileged ones at least. EVERY time women speak whataboutism emerges to silence and take up the space so there is none for women’s perspectives to advocate for themselves or their children’s rights and resources. It’s infantilising of course and smears and constructing untruthful narratives about women are the favourite tool. If there was an embodiment of watching literal “evil” at work this would be it. Sadly it is no different everywhere than in this county. Fortunately AGP and gender idealogy and the whistleblowing going on about what is done in secrecy to the vulnerable are so extreme and outrageous, much like covert local Talibans everywhere, that THIS TIME it will hopefully stop being tolerated. The microaggressions become devastating over time but holding fast to knowing there are fair minded people everywhere who aren’t prepared to tolerate or enable this persecution of women is the last great hope. Unfortunately this tide has been held back for many many centuries of irrational misogyny able to be debunked and disproven easily by those brave enough to try. And look what barriers and controls are placed in front of them everywhere. Same old, same old. Bog standard boring sexism.

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I enjoy your commentary, Kath. Well said. The infantilism is unreal. Thanks for having the strength to speak up! ❤️ From a GenX woman in California.

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Amen... but also they don't want to hear strong women who are conservative speak. Women's political voices are elevated if they are progressive and leftist. Strong conservative women who are pro 2a, pro free speech, pro capitalism... they don't want to hear OUR voices.

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Loved that …what ever your politics, religion etc - its biology v ideologue.

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Before I forget, you need to get a job teaching people around the world how to prepare the sound correctly for an online interview. I can always hear these videos and actually have to turn down the sound, whereas so many videos I get sent I have to glue my ear to the screen.

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haha! pure luck! But also, I know so many people who are sought out by smart journalists/vloggers that I guess they all get better equipment. A good mic doesn't cost much

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